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Reflection Journal

Name: Serena Goh

Meeting 0

Each members took turns to introduce and our experiences to help facilitate assignment of the roles in
this project. We also discussed about the projection of this FYP. Some of us have experience with using
JIRA platform. We exchanged our contacts and agreed on the communication channels to use for this

None of us have any experiences in AI/ML and JIRA plugins and the project scope seems too broad, and
the scope and requirements of this project was not clear to us. Scheduled meeting with our project
supervisor Mr Tian in the next week to understand the scope and direction of this project.

Meeting 1

We had a meeting with our project supervisor Mr Tian and he had explained to us the requirement and
we can maybe kickstart the project by researching some of the popular AI/ML sprint planning tools in the

The scope seems too broad, and we don’t exactly understand the scope and requirements of this project.
Clarified with Mr Tian, so now we all have a better understanding. We will do our research on this FYP
topic and do a sharing of our findings and understanding of it in the next meeting.

Meeting 2

We each have planned and done up our own research on the FYP topic and took turns to do the sharing.
This has helped to open more discussion to confirm what are the tools to use for developing the plugin.
We came up with questions to clarify with each other and to our supervisor. Started working on the
project proposal today as well.

Meeting 3

We took this time to finalize the project proposal and started setting up the JIRA platform.
Meeting 4

Discussed about the understanding of the platform after exploring it and updated on the frontend and
backend progress. We talked about the types of training data to be used for this project.

Meeting 5

Discussed on the type of JIRA Plugin ML that is available and updated the progress of the plugin

Meeting 6

Testing done on the JIRA platform to create the frontend HTML page and discussed on what could be
improved. Keith also shared the backend was done with REST API python script. The outstanding issue
currently will be understanding how to link the backend to frontend for the task creation.

Meeting 7

Continued with JIRA platform testing, and we shared updates on the project progression. Glen drafted the
prototype demo slides and we discussed the parts each member take on. The team will follow up and edit
the slides as further improvements are currently being made to the plugin. Keith shared the updates on
AI model testing with MultinominalNB and random forest. It was able to return a number, but accuracy
was low. We agreed that the low accuracy is expected and okay for now, as we will take some time to
refine the model after the first prototype demo presentation.

Meeting 8

Today we continued working on the prototype demo presentation slides and synced up on the
improvements made to the plugin and updated it to the slides.

Meeting 9

Today we synced up and Glenn shared the deliverables for this upcoming week. The coding part and slides
will be updated again in the next week.

Meeting 10

We had a meeting with our supervisor, and he gave us some feedbacks after reviewing our slides. The
html page should include red asterisk to indicate mandatory fields and to increase the textboxes. The
workflow of the plugin, explanation of why the current ML algorithm was chosen and comparison with
the other algorithms in the market and workflow of all the stakeholders should also be included in the
presentation slides. We continued to discuss and add in those details to the slides.

Meeting 11

After we had presented our prototype presentation to our project assessor Mr Japit, we gave us some
feedbacks of features that we could possibly add on to the plugin. We scheduled another session to
update our supervisor on the presentation and it seems like we have enough features and he agreed that
we should work on the feedbacks made by our project assessor.

Meeting 12

Keith updated that the red asterisk and textbox size increase was added to the page. The other feature
implementation remains in progress. Seems like we can start to conclude the project and edit our project
proposal with the timeline and the presentation slides.

Meeting 13

Today we consolidated some of the files and added in the updated screenshots of the plugin page. We
run through the items to be updated before the final rehearsal to our project supervisor. Everything seems
to be on track.

Meeting 14

Today we presented our slides to our project supervisor to get his feedbacks on anything to add on before
the final presentation. We will need to put in the RJ onto the website and create a tutorial video for
showing user how to use the plugin and have another few more practice sessions on WebEx to familiarize
ourselves with the tools and ensure the presentation will be smooth. We are almost done with all the

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