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Meeting Date: 27 Nov 2021

Meeting Time: 7pm - 10pm

Prepared By: Ming Huei
Project Name: CSIT-21-S4-06 Sprint planning JIRA plugin
Project Objective: Develop a Sprint planning JIRA plugin to allow users to manage, update and receive
information of their project

Team Members Roles Attendance

Zhang Cheng Leader / Developer Present
Glen Loi Developer Present
Serena Goh Developer Present
Ong Jian Rui Keith Developer Present
Tay Ming Huei Developer Present


 Jira Plugin Machine Learning (ML)

 User interface


1. The meeting commenced at 7pm via Microsoft Teams.


2. The Jira plugin was presented by Keith and he shared with the team

3. Keith shared with the team that the function of the plugin enabled with Machine Learning. He All members
highlighted that currently the Machine Learning was still in the stage of development and he
currently still in amidst of rectify the issue with the backend team.


4. The team highlighted that in the JIRA application, they were unable to place a “Button
interface” in the built-in function of the application hence a separate page was created to place All members
the button. Meanwhile the team will continue to explore the alternate to place the button.


6. With no other matters, the meeting adjourned at 8pm and the next meeting will be held on 20 All members
December 2021, 7pm to 8pm.

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