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Unit 5: The natural world


Name: Paola Belesac

Level: B1 Group: 4 Period: 59 Date: 10-01-2022

What did you learn in this unit regarding the different topics?

 Environmental issues: You can talk about environmental problems. Also, you can talk about solutions
to these environmental issues.
 It is important to know about environmental problems and their solutions, in this unit I learned
how to express myself better with the environment issue
 The natural world: You can talk about our natural world: animals and plants. You can focus on how
human beings take ideas from nature to build equipment that is useful in our daily lives: robots,
helmets, collecting water in dry environments, etc. Also, you can talk about how animals and plants
have adapted to survive everywhere.
 This topic seemed very interesting to me because we learn about new technologies about the
 Writing an essay: You know the parts of an essay: introduction, body, conclusion. Also, you know
how to use expressions to communicate directly with the reader in the introduction and the conclusion.
In addition, you use signposting language to organize the ideas in the essay.

Pollution of our environment is one of the most worrisome and controversial events. The Earth is a unique
planet in the solar system. The diversity and quality of life that we find here at the moment, has not been
demonstrated that there is a nearby planet
The issue of the pollution of our planet is not something new, but one cloud affirm that today its study requires
a special importance. Why? Simply because now more than ever the man is polluting. Several studies carried
out by experts have shown that the air, soil and sea pollution in the last hundred years has been greater than
that produced in several centuries of history.
Finally, the best way to help your planet is by passing these advices on to other people that you know: your
family, your friends, your mates at school, or anyone you meet at the market. Let them know how to do
something nice for their world too!
How helpful were the online workbook and progress test of Unit 5 on Cambridge Platform to improve
your English skills?
the cambridge platform was a great help in this unit because we were able to reinforce our knowledge

Write from your own and unique experience. (Word count: 100 - 150)
Is there any aspect you didn’t understand? Mention it.
From my only experience I believe that unit 5 is of great help for the student to obtain a better vocabulary to
express himself better for a
I also think that the knowledge of writing an essay is very important to express yourself and improve your
It is also important to reinforce my knowledge through videos and activities
Using the cambirdge platform still seems like a good idea to me because in this way we can reinforce our
knowledge and learn more
In this unit I promise to continue learning and improving my English with vocabulary, especially
the ones in this unit that are of great help to talk about the environment, its problems and solutions

How confident do you feel regarding every aspect?

Not Barely Somewhat Very

confident confident confident confident
Dimensions Unit aspects
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4

- Future forms 0,3
- Zero and first conditional

Cognitive - Environmental issues 0,4
- The natural world

- Talk about the future
- Talk about if and when 0,4
- Write a discussion essay

The work was done without

using translators or information
Procedural 0,4
from the web as it is my own
I have followed all the guidelines
Attitudinal given and worked with honesty 0,4
throughout the assignment.

TOTAL 1,9 /2

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