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World Englishes (Eng506)

Fall 2021
Assignment No. 1
Total Marks: 20
Lectures: 1-10

Q1. In 1999, Modiano presented a model known as ‘Modiano’s Model of English as an

International Language (EIL)’ which is based on features of English common to all
varieties of English. Discuss the Modiano’s Model in detail. Also, enlist three strengths and
three weaknesses of this model. (8+6+6=20 Marks)

Modiano’s Model of English

A core set of elements that are understandable to a large proportion (native and competent non-

native speakers of English) lies at the heart of Modiano's English model, which is composed of

users of English as an International Language (EIL). The second circle is comprised of

characteristics that may become widely recognised or may fade into obscurity in the future.

Finally, the outer area is divided into five groups (American English, British English, other

major varieties, local varieties, and foreign varieties), each of which has features that are unique

to their own speech community and which are unlikely to be understood by the majority of

members of the other four groups.

Strenghts of Modiano’s model

1. Based on features of English common to all varie The centre comprises ‘English as an
International Language’ (EIL)
2. EIL consists of a core of features
3. These features are common to native and competent non-native varieties of English
Create mutual comprehensibility
Weaknesses of Modiano’s model

1. How do we define International English?

2. How do we differentiate between proficient and non-proficient users of International


3. How do we differentiate between strong and not so strong regional accents?

4. Who makes the differentiation?

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