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Name:………………………….. Mrs.

Sayda Abid

class :……………………………. Mid-Semester English test n=2 9th form

March 2021

I-Listening: (8 marks):

1/Listen and circle the right answers:( 2marks)

a- Jack is a : * non-smoker *heavy smoker * casual smoker

b- At home ,he smokes: * in the bedroom *in the bathroom *outside.

2/ How many packs of cigarettes does he smoke? (1mark):


3/ what happened to Jack’s son? Circle the correct answer (1mark):

*started smoking *had bad school results *argued with his father.

4/Listen and complete with words from the text (1mark):

Woman: “okay, what about your kids?.Don’t you……………………..about how your smoking

5/Does Jack listen to the woman’s advice and try to quit smoking? (1mark):


6/What do you think of him? (1mark):


7/Circle the word with the different sound. ( 1mark)

*found yourself about

*saying lying dying

II. Language: (12marks) :
1/ Circle the right words: (3 marks)
For humans to live a good life, we destroy nature. Logging (who-what-which) is
the continuous cutting of trees, is a great threat that (protects- ruins- saves)
rainforests. (However- Because of- As a result) the places where animals live
are getting fewer and fewer. Therefore, many endangered species become without
habitats and (must- may- should) disappear.
Also, the illegal (care- hunting – protecting) of some rare animals damages the biodiversity in
rainforests. That’s why (offenders- smokers- defenders) should be punished severely .

2/ Fill in the blanks with word from the box. There is an extra word (3marks):

give up /for/advertise/ chemicals/ diseases/ addicted/asthma

Cigarette smoke contains about 4,000 different…………………………. which can damage the cells and
systems of the human body...This is why tobacco smoking is a known or probable cause of
many…………………………… cancer, breathing problems and……………………………….. According to WHO (World
Health Organization) figures, smoking is responsible……………………….. five million deaths worldwide every
year. Young people are especially vulnerable because of pressure from their peers and the image that
smoking is clever, cool or 'grown-up'. Just trying a few cigarettes can be enough to
become…………………………. So ,if you are a smoker you should …………………………………….as soon as possible.

3/Put the bracketed verbs in the right tense or form (3marks):

I’m your mother earth and I would like to say a word to you, humans. First, I want to thank you for
trying to take care of my health .But I must (to say)………………. that I’m still very angry because too many
of you (not/respect)……………………………… me enough and are (to pollute) ……………………….. my land, air and seas
in different ways; fumes, chemical wastes and rubbish are everywhere. During the previous years, they
have killed so many animals and cut down so many trees that wild life is now in (dangerous)
………………………………... In the next years if you don’t stop all this, life itself (to be)…………………… at stake. So
please don’t forget that I am ( you ) ……………………..only home and protect me!

4/match sentences in A with sentences in B to get a coherent paragraph (3 marks):

1/The world's seas are polluted by oil a/stop their factories from spilling 1+………
2/ In fact, Chemicals might chemicals into sea.
3/ Also people can't b/sea pollution will gradually decrease.
4/ How can we stop pollution? First , government c/kill fish or make them contaminated. 3+……….
should d/That is global warming. 4+……….
5/ Second, all countries around the world must e/which leaks from tankers and waste
agree to stop ships from water. 5+……….
6/ By following these pieces of advice, f/swim in polluted seas. 6+……….
g/dropping waste water or oil.

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