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I am currently working in a japanese company.

My company has over 100 years of experiences

in the life insurance industry but it has just operated in Vietnam for 14 years.

My position in this company is corporate branding executive. One of my main resposibilities is

to enhance the brand image of our company in the Vietnam market and ensure that good
messages will be delivered to customers.

To be honest, branding or marketing was not my major when I learned at university. But after I
graduated, I have started studying about marketing as well as communication because I believe
this field is more suitable for my personalities and future directions.

Well, you know, morning is always the best time for us to start a new day with a new energy to
work. Especially, I often start my new days with a cup of black coffee to help me more fresh and
ready for the upcoming work.

Honestly, I worked for 3 different companies before my current job.

To be honest, I was born and grew up in a highland province, so when coming to Ho Chi Minh
city to live and work. I chose to live in an aparment for rent and at the moment, I am still living
in this apartment because of its convenience and safety.

Well, I am currently living in a rented apartment with my close friend. Our apartment has two
bed rooms with two attached bath rooms, so it is really convenient for us to have own living

As I mentioned before, I am living with my friend who was my classmate at high school. I would
have to say that we really respect each other and almost everything we buy for common purposes
is shared equally. This’s also the reason why we have been living together for around 8 years.

Describe a family member who you spend most time with

I am going to talk about my mother who took me to this world 25 years ago. When I was a

Well, in this digital world, there are several ways to learn about culture of a particular country.
Firstly, we can find easily almost everything about culture of this country on the Internet because
nowadays many countries have been posting their images as well as videos about their country to
boost their tourism industry. And the next one also the method that I prefer this is travelling to
the country we want to discover to get to know more about its culture.

Generally, I prefer chatting online. I nearly always find that chatting online can be more sociable
as you can speak to more than one person at the same time. Also, chatting online is often much
more fun because you can send smileys, photos and even videos.

I prefer cycling to travelling by bus. Cycling is so much more convenient than taking a bus if
you’re not travelling too far. Actually, it’s often faster to go by bike because you don’t get stuck
in traffic jams. And cycling is aslo better for my healthy than all other means of transport,
including buses.

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