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TEMA: Future perfect


In this document, write an 400 words essay about hybrid learning.

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What is Hybrid Learning?

Hybrid learning is an educational model in which some students attend class in person, while others
join the class virtually from home. Educators teach remote and face-to-face students at the same time
using tools such as videoconferencing hardware and software.
In some cases, hybrid classes include asynchronous learning elements, such as online exercises and
pre-recorded video instructions, to support face-to-face sessions. When planned well, hybrid courses
combine the best aspects of face-to-face and online learning while making education more
affordable for many students. (Boyarsky, 2020)

Hybrid Learning: A new approach

The pandemic has upended the entire face-to-face education system and structure worldwide.
During COVID-19, drastic measures had to be taken and schools, as we knew them, were out. They
had to adopt new (and sometimes already existing, old) methods of teaching and learning in order to
overcome the difficulties faced during these times.
Now that it is back-to-school season once again and the summer is over, parents and caregivers are
trying to understand what these alternative methods to traditional education entail. Hybrid learning or
hybrid education is one of these alternatives that are now in use for remote learning.Hybrid education
can still be considered a new approach. However, many educators and students report the success
they have had with it. There are a couple of reasons why. First off, this type of education offers a
chance for students to be a little more flexible on their education, while also incorporating active
learning, as their responsibilities to catch up with the class and the materials are higher. (Otsimo
Editorial, 2021)

Advantages and disadvantages


● You Can Rewatch Lectures – If you aren't clear about the course materials or come up with
some questions about what's stated in the lecture, you can watch it over again. This makes it easy to
study for quizzes and use the material in papers because everything that the professor discussed is
right there at your full disposal in video form.
● All of the Materials Are at Your Fingertips from Anywhere – Students leading busy lives will
appreciate the flexibility of the online portion of a hybrid course. They can literally read the
embedded course materials and watch the lectures from anywhere with an internet connection, such
as on their lunch breaks from work.


● You Need Good Time Management Skills – Students without good time management skills or
the ability to self-motivate may struggle outside of the classroom. Much of the online portions of the
classes require them to learn the material on their own by watching lectures and staying on top of the
assignment readings. Without the structure of classroom learning, some might fall behind.
● Limited Internet Access Can Be a Problem – In order to complete the online portion of a hybrid
course, students need to have strong internet access. Otherwise, those video lectures will freeze
mid-play, and the embedded materials may take a long time to download. Those without the ability
to access Wi-Fi may find that they can't fully participate in the course. (Of course, they could always
use the Dean College Wi-Fi from anywhere on campus.)
(Dean College, 2021)

This article has described a detailed example of a hybrid approach to TA, and initial codes were
driven by both data per se and theories. Therefore, each unit of analysis allowed the participants to
express themselves but also explicitly drew upon theoretical frameworks which strongly articulated
that part of the data and best facilitated a close-up analysis of the phenomenon. The reported
example does not perfectly adhere to the rules of undertaking analysis, as the research analysis is an
iterative and reflexive process (Braun & Clarke, 2019; Fereday & Muir-Cochrane, 2006) and fraught
with an “interplay among the process of data collection, literature review, and researcher
introspection” (Tuckett, 2005, p. 78). However, the example is flexible enough to provide step-by-step
guidelines on the process of data coding and theme development when considering multiple data
collection tools and the associated analytical stages. It can assist beginning qualitative researchers,
especially teacher-researchers and educational researchers in making active decisions on and
applying their particular form of analysis to practice in their natural classroom-based research. (Wen &
Zammit, 2020)

Create a Natural Classroom Experience Using Logitech MeetUp Presets. (2020,February 12 ).


The Future of learning-myWay Hybrid Learning (2020,October 15).[Video].Youtube.

● Boyarsky, K. (2020, June 12). What is hybrid learning? Here's everything you need to know. Owl
Labs Blog | Supporting remote work and stellar video conferencing.
● Dean College. (2021, July 16). The pros and cons of hybrid learning. Dean College.
● Otsimo Editorial. (2021, September 2). Hybrid learning and hybrid education. Otsimo.
● Applying Thematic Analysis to Education: A Hybrid Approach to Interpreting Data in
Practitioner Research. (2020). International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 19(1–9), 8–9.
● Alexander, M. M., Lynch, J. E., Rabinovich, T., & Knutel, P. G. (2014). Snapshot of a Hybrid
Learning Environment. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 15(1).

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