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Learning Needs Learning Goals Learning Strategies & Resources Evaluation Strategies
What do you need to Number each goal What do you need to learn? How will you demonstrate
learn/review/strengthen? What resources will you use? progression?
What skills do you need to practice?
● Be as specific as ● Make each goal ● What are you going to do? ● How will you know you are meeting
possible to your specific to the related ● When are you going to do it? your goal?
individual practice learning need ● Where and with whom are you going to do it? ● Provide a date for initial evaluation
needs ● Include a date ● How many times are you going to do it, daily, (check to make sure your
● (SMART) weekly, during specific situations? interventions are working)
● For how long each time will you do it? ● Will re-evaluation be required? If so
● How will you record or keep track of the above? when?
● Date of completion.
Over the next 3 ● Initiate a conversation ● I will know when I don’t feel
1. weeks, start a ● During lab days as awkward to join in a
Gain better conversation with a ● At school, with a peer I haven’t talked discussion, and just feel
communication skills peer I have never to yet more comfortable
talked to increase my ● Weekly basis ● Initial evaluation will be
confidence. ● I will have a conversation with them halfway through, assess
during break, which is 15 minutes how I am feeling, etc.
● I will keep track of my progress by ● I will re-evaluate when
using a journal nearing the 3 week mark
The beginning of ● Write down all the readings and ● I will know that I’m meeting
2. every week, I will assignments due the following week my goal, when I see an
Build good study write down all the ● Every Sunday improvement in my grades
habits assigned readings ● At home ● I will evaluate to see if my
and assignments in ● I will be doing this weekly strategies are working after
an agenda to help me ● I will record my progress by comparing the next 2 exams.
stay organize in my my test/assignment marks. ● I will re-evaluate after 2
studies. weeks of doing this
Within 2 months, I will ● Exercise by going for a run, to the ● I will know there is
become healthier by gym, or home workouts. progress when I mentally,
exercising for a ● In the morning prior to class physically and emotionally
minimum of 30 ● I will be doing this at the gym or at feel better about myself
minutes 3 days/week home ● I will evaluate my 1 month
● I will be doing this 3 days/week for 2 in to see if there are any
months results.
● a minimum of 30 minute workouts
● record my progress by taking photos
of myself daily, and writing any
measurements in a journal
Everyday for one ● sleep at 11pm every night and wake ● progress will be known
whole month, I will be up at 7am every morning. when start to feel
4. going to bed at the ● I will be doing this everyday for a energized in the morning
Gain more sleep same time every month ● I will evaluate 2 week in.
night, and get up at ● I will record my progress by using an
the same time every app that tracks how much sleep you’re
morning. Making sure getting
I have 8 hours of

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