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Dates: Jan 31- Title Summary

Feb 4
Monday Horses Even though we don’t use
horses the way people did
long ago, horses are still used a lot. Many people love
horses. They ride them in shows and for fun.

Kym Butler

Tuesday Robert Frost The Road Not Taken

Great American Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I
Poet Could travel both And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could To where it
bent in the undergrowth; Two roads diverged in a
wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And
By Luke that has made all the difference.
Wednesday Mouse needs a Mouse stubborn tail was still stuck to the ice Help
friend Poor mouse learned a sad lesson. When someone tries
to help you, take the help and overlook any faults you
see, or you may end up like poor mouse.

Sami Snyder

Thursday Snakes Snakes suffocate their prey by wrapping their bodies tightly
around them. There are over 3,000 species of snakes in the world.
Most snakes do not have venom. Snakeskin is made of smooth,
dry scales in different sizes. There are still many species of
snakes we can discover and study too.
Don Masters

Friday Craig Plants a Later, the flowers turned into pods! These
Seed Pods looked a lot like pea pods. Next, the
Made beans. After that, he had told his
Mother that plat grew. He said mom my
Plant made beans

William Dunn

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