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Pros and Cons of Owning a Miniature

Written by WagAve ● in BREEDS


Miniature Schnauzers were bred down from Standard Schnauzers. Miniatures have a wiry
coat, long whiskers, and come in a variety of temperaments.

Schnauzers are compact, alert, intelligent, playful, energetic, and social dogs.
They make excellent watchdogs as well. On the flip side, they bark a lot, can be
very overprotective if not well socialized, and are prone to several illnesses.
Read on if you are looking into owning one, for more helpful information.

P ro s o f O w n i n g a M i n i a t u re S c h n a u ze r

M i n i s M a y C h o o s e a Fa vo r i t e p e r s o n
Schnauzers are usually very social creatures, and they want to be involved in every family
activity. They thrive when they have human company throughout the day. They tend to
bond with the person most attuned to them in terms of personality and energy. For that
person, they will quickly become a shadow and go with them everywhere, including the

S c h n a u ze r s a re Ve r y i n t e l l i g e n t
Schnauzers are very smart. They win countless prizes for advanced obedience because
of their high learning capabilities. As they are so smart, they tend to get bored fast and
need activities that exercise their minds constantly.

While that makes for highly intuitive furry friends, without an authoritative owner, they
tend to be dominant. Use your natural sense of leadership consistently, because if they
think that they are more strong-minded than you are, then keeping them disciplined
becomes a challenge.

S c h n a u ze r s a re E n e rg e t i c
They have been farm dogs since their breed began, so they’re very energetic. Help them
exhaust their energy by going for jogs or walks with them regularly. Playing a nice,
spirited game of fetch once or twice a day, coupled with the walk will do the trick.

Ensure that you have the time to play with them, or let them out to exercise because an
energetic dog with no place to play becomes a destructive dog very fast. Fortunately,
their small size means that you can also get lots of exercise in the house.

T h e M i n i S c h n a u ze r I s A C o m p a c t S i ze
There are many advantages to having a small dog. You can keep them in apartments or
smaller houses, and they do not need much space to thrive. Schnauzers add to the fun by
being very cuddly dogs. They are most peaceful when next to you, or the more likely
scenario on your lap.

They are cheaper to feed than bigger dogs and much easier to cuddle. They are also a lot
easier to transport, even on public transportation like subways or buses. You may not run
into as many problems with airlines as you would have with bigger dogs.

M i n i a t u re S c h n a u ze r s A re S o c i a l W i t h t h e i r
Schnauzers come in a variety of temperaments, but they are mostly social with you and
your family. Playing with them creates stronger bonds, and their socialization becomes a
lot easier. Puppies should see one hundred faces in a hundred days to adjust
them to being around humans.

Dogs are pack animals and thrive in situations where they are pack members; in this case,
your family members. Letting them get lonely will lead to the development of behavioral
problems that become difficult to treat as time goes.

If you plan on leaving your pooch alone for more than four hours in a day, then a
schnauzer may not be for you. There are dog breeds that are perfectly suited to being
alone for some time with proper training, but the social nature of these dogs may make
that difficult. It is easy for them to get serious separation anxiety if they’re alone for long
periods of time.

M i n i a t u re S c h n a u ze r s A re E xc e l l e n t Wa t c h d o g s
Since they are bred from farm dogs, they have an instinct to protect you. They are very
good at taking care of children. However, they should not be left unsupervised. Their
unwavering loyalty and willingness to protect you means that they are relatively fearless.

With a personality twice their size, miniature schnauzers are willing to take on dogs much
bigger than them. You must be alert when your doggy is around other dogs.

Since they make excellent watchdogs, they bark a lot. They can sense danger long before
you do, and they tend to bark to show you this. With proper training, you can teach them
to bark less often, and they will not be a nuisance to anybody.

M i n i S c h n a u ze r s D o n’ t S h e d a L o t
Miniature schnauzers have a double coat, with the outer coat being wiry. Their coats may
be high maintenance, but they do not shed as much. You should brush your pooch daily
so that their coat stays healthy.

The lack of shedding makes them easier to live with for people who are allergic to dogs.
But before adopting or buying one, spend time around it so that you are sure your
allergies will not be affected.

C o n s o f O w n i n g a M i n i a t u re S c h n a u ze r
Schnauzers can be overprotective, suspicious, and shy around strangers.

If your doggy is not well socialized, they tend to be overprotective and very suspicious of
strangers. Even if the doggy is not aggressive, improper training will make them bark at
strangers and try to fight much bigger dogs of the same sex.

M i n i S c h n a u ze r M a y N o t B e a Ve r y H e a l t h y
B re e d
In comparison to their larger counterparts, Miniature Schnauzers are not the healthiest.
They are prone to obesity and diabetes when they are inactive or when they overeat
constantly. For a small dog, it is easier to overeat. So a nutritious and healthy diet is

They often suffer from life-threatening kidney stones. When they get older, you should
regularly check for signs of kidney stones and get them treated as soon as possible. Liver
disease is common among this breed as well. One last breed-specific illness is myotonia
congenita. It causes improper muscle contraction and results in dramatically reduced

M i n i S c h n a u ze r s H a v e a H i g h M a i n t e n a n c e C o a t
Their double coat needs a lot of maintenance. For their coats to be healthy, they need
daily brushing. Every four to six months, they should get a professional clipping. If they
are a show pup, then they need professional stripping.

This drives up costs over time. Their toenails need to be cut every four weeks or when
you can hear them clicking on the floor as well. If you do not have the time for daily
brushing, then a Schnauzer may not be the best option.

M i n i a t u re S c h n a u ze r s M a y B e S m e l l y
This breed is predisposed to oily skin, which attracts dirt and causes odor. If the smell is
centralized to a certain location, then there may be a different issue. When your pooch’s
face is smelly, then the issue may be food particles stuck in their beard.

Be sure that you remove food particles after every meal. If the anal region is smelly, then
their anal glands may need expression. If the smell is strong all-around their bodies and
does not disappear after a wash, then take them to the vet.

M i n i a t u re S c h n a u ze r C o n c l u s i o n
There are many factors to consider when looking to own a Miniature Schnauzer. Apart
from the additional responsibility of dog ownership, it’s important to examine the
compatibility between your lifestyle, personality, and the dog’s temperament and general

If you choose your doggy correctly, you two could have a fun and fulfilling life together.

Adopt If You Can



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