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Black Adam

Medium Outsider (Lawful, Proxy)

Wounds: 194 WP, 715 VP (26d8+598)

Initiative: +20
Speed: 420 ft; fly 840 ft. (perfect)
AC: 35 (+5 Dex, +6 natural, +14 speed), touch 29, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +26/+68
Attack: Slam +64 melee (5d6 + 39 /19-20)
Full Attack: 2 slams +64 melee (5d6 + 39 /19-20)
Space/Reach: 5 ft. /5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab, power word Shazam
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 45/epic, immune to electricity and fear, resistance to energy (all) 50,
SHAZAM, spell resistance 30, superspeed level 14, superstrength level 5
Saves: Fort +36, Ref +35, Will +27
Abilities: Str 59, Dex 23, Con 56, Int 15, Wis 26, Cha 20
Skills: Diplomacy +25, Gather Information +20, Intimidate +34, Jump +180, Knowledge (arcane lore) +18,
Knowledge (civics) +30, Knowledge (current events) +20, Knowledge (history) +31, Listen +47, Move Silently
+26, Sense Motive +47, Spot +47, Survival +25
Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Flyby Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (slam), Improved
Sunder, Power Attack
Epic Feats: Epic Toughness, Epic Will
Climate/Terrain: Khandaq
Organization: Solitary (unique)
Challenge Rating: 45
Treasure: None
Alignment: Lawful evil with lawful neutral tendencies

Black Adam's natural weapons count as magic and lawful aligned for the purposes of overcoming damage
reduction or regeneration.

Improved Grab: Adam must hit a Large or smaller creature with his slam attack to use this ability.

Power Word Shazam (Su): By calling out “Shazam!”, Black Adam invokes the magical energy which grants
him his powers. This deals 25d6 magic electricity and divine damage to everyone adjacent to or grappling
with Black Adam. Adam also loses all of his Shazam special qualities in his normal form.

SHAZAM: Adam possesses the following divine powers.

Stamina of Shu: Black Adam receives a +40 enhancement bonus to Constitution, damage reduction 20/-, +6
natural armor and resistance to energy (all) 50.
Swiftness of Heru: Black Adam receives a +10 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and Superspeed level 14.
Strength of Amon: Black Adam receives a +40 enhancement bonus to strength, super strength and a slam
attack dealing 5d6 damage.
Wisdom of Zhuti: Black Adam receives a +10 enhancement bonus to his wisdom. His senses are
supernaturally acute.
Power of Aton: Black Adam possesses damage reduction 45/epic, spell resistance 30 and immunity to
Courage of Mehen: Black Adam is immune to fear.

Superspeed Level 14 (Ex): The following benefits are provided from superspeed level 14:
+14 speed bonus to AC, initiative, and Reflex saves.
+14 speed bonus to attack rolls.
+7 speed bonus to melee damage rolls.
Black Adam may make 14 swift actions in a round.
Adam reduces the amount of time to complete an action by 4 steps, allowing him to take full-round actions
as immediate actions.
Characters with less than superspeed level 7 are considered flat-footed for the purposes of Adam's attacks.
Characters with uncanny dodge have an effective superspeed level equal to their Dexterity modifier for this
While using the run action, Adam moves 40 times his movement rate (16,800 feet; fly 33,600 feet).
Like most non-Speed Force users, Adam does not have access to the Push.

Superstrength Level 5 (Ex):

+8 melee damage bonus
+4 bonus on grapple and bull rush checks.
Lift capacity x16

Skills: Adam has a +10 bonus on Listen, Sense Motive and Spot checks.

Billy Batson, Captain Marvel

Medium Outsider (Good, Proxy)

Wounds: 162 WP, 750 VP (25d8+550)

Initiative: +19
Speed: 420 ft., fly 840 ft. (perfect)
AC: 35 (+5 Dex, +6 natural, +14 speed), touch 29, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +25/+66
Attack: Slam +62 melee (5d6 + 38)
Full Attack: 2 slams +62 melee (5d6 + 38)
Space/Reach: 5 ft. /5 ft.
Special Attacks: Power word Shazam
Special Qualities: Adult body, damage reduction 45/epic, immune to electricity and fear, improved mettle,
resistance to energy (all) 50, SHAZAM, spell resistance 30, superspeed level 14, superstrength level 4
Saves: Fort +40, Ref +33, Will +28
Abilities: Str 56, Dex 20, Con 54, Int 17, Wis 27, Cha 22
Skills: Bluff +8, Climb +51, Craft (writing) +13, Diplomacy +40, Gather Information +16, Intimidate +26,
Investigate +13, Knowledge (arcane lore) +31, Knowledge (current events) +13, Knowledge (history) +31,
Knowledge (popular culture) +13, Listen +46, Perform (oratory) +16, Profession (disk jockey) +18, Research
+31, Sense Motive +46, Spot +46, Swim +51
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Flyby Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder, Iron Will,
Power Attack, Trustworthy
Epic Feats: Epic Fortitude, Epic Will
Climate/Terrain: Fawcett City
Organization: Solitary (Unique)
Challenge Rating: 44
Treasure: None
Alignment: Neutral good

Captain Marvel's natural weapons count as magic and good aligned weapons for penatrating damage
reduction and regeneration.

Power Word Shazam (Su): By calling out “Shazam!” as a standard action, Billy Batson invokes the magical
energy which grants him his powers. This deals 25d6 magic electricity and cosmic damage to everyone
adjacent to or grappling with him. Billy also loses all of his Shazam special qualities in his normal form. In
addition, he loses his adult body and becomes a teenaged boy of 7 HD.

Adult Body: Billy is given the body of a powerful adult male while in Captain Marvel form. His unenhanced
Strength is 20 and unenhanced Constitution is 18.

Improved Mettle (Ex): If Captain Marvel makes his Fortitude save, he suffers no partial or half effects.

SHAZAM: Billy possesses the following divine powers while Captain Marvel.

Wisdom of Solomon: Captain Marvel receives a +9 enhancement bonus to his wisdom. His senses are
supernaturally acute.
Strength of Hercules: Captain Marvel receives a +36 enhancement bonus to strength, super strength and a
slam attack dealing 5d6 damage.
Stanima of Atlas: Captain Marvel receives a +36 enhancement bonus to Constitution, damage reduction
20/-, natural armor +6, and resistance to energy (all) 50.
Power of Zeus: Captain Marvel possesses damage reduction 45/epic, spell resistance 30 and immunity to
Courage of Achilles: Captain Marvel is immune to fear.
Swiftness of Mercury: Captain Marvel receives a +9 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and Superspeed level

Superspeed Level 14 (Ex): The following benefits are provided from superspeed level 14:
+14 speed bonus to AC, initiative, and Reflex saves.
+14 speed bonus to attack rolls.
+7 speed bonus to melee damage rolls.
Captain Marvel may make 14 swift actions in a round.
Marvel reduces the amount of time to complete an action by 4 steps, allowing him to take full-round
actions as immediate actions.
Characters with less than superspeed level 7 are considered flat-footed for the purposes of Marvel's
attacks. Characters with uncanny dodge have an effective superspeed level equal to their Dexterity modifier
for this purpose.
While using the run action, Marvel moves 40 times his movement rate (16,800 feet; fly 33,600 feet).
Like most non-Speed Force users, Marvel does not have access to the Push.

Superstrength Level 4 (Ex):

+8 melee damage bonus.
+4 bonus on grapple and bull rush checks.
Lift capacity x16.

Skills: Captain Marvel has a +10 bonus on Listen, Sense Motive and Spot checks.
Ishamel Gregor, Sabbac
Medium Outsider (Evil, Proxy)

Wounds: 106 WP, 783 VP (27d8+567)

Initiative: +14
Speed: 585 ft., fly 1170 ft. (perfect)
AC: 34 (+5 Dex, +10 natural, +9 speed), touch 24, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +27/+60
Attack: Claw +57 melee (4d6 + 31) ) or fire bolt +42 ranged touch (10d6 fire)
Full Attack: 2 claws +57 melee (4d6 + 31) and horns +57 melee (4d8 + 21) or 2 fire bolts +42 ranged touch
(10d6 fire)
Space/Reach: 5 ft. /5 ft.
Special Attacks: Fire bolts, flame breath
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 50/magic and good, immune to fire, resistance to energy (acid,
disintegration, force) 60, SABBAC, spell resistance 36, superspeed level 9, superstrength level 3
Saves: Fort +40, Ref +29, Will +22
Abilities: Str 52, Dex 20, Con 53, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 19
Skills: Bluff +32, Diplomacy +40, Gather Information +36, Intimidate +42, Knowledge (arcane lore) +37,
Knowledge (current events) +24, Knowledge (history) +17, Knowledge (streetwise) +32, Knowledge
(theology and philosophy) +24, Listen +17, Research +31, Sense Motive +31, Spot +17
Feats: Adroit Flyby Attack, Dash, Flyby Attack, Improved Grapple, Improved Multiattack, Multiattack, Power
Epic Feats: Epic Fortitude, Epic Speed, Epic Will
Climate/Terrain: New York City
Organization: Solitary (unique)
Challenge Rating: 40
Treasure: Triple standard
Alignment: Neutral evil

Sabbac's natural weapons count as evil aligned weapons for penetrating damage reduction and

Fire Bolts Sabbac may fire blasts of magical flame from his palms, dealing 10d6 points of fire damage with a
ranged touch attack. They have a range of 100 feet. This fire deals an additional 50% damage to creatures
with the Good subtype.

Flame Breath: Once every 1d4 rounds as a standard action, Gregor may unleash a 20 foot cone of magical
fire from his mouth, dealing 20d8 points of fire damage. (Reflex DC 44 half) This fire deals an additional 50%
damage to creatures with the Good subtype.

SABBAC: By calling out “Sabbac” as a standard action, Gregor calls upon the dark powers that grant him
their might. Gregor also loses all of his Sabbac special qualities in his normal form. He becomes a normal
human male of 9 HD.

Gregor possesses the following divine powers while Sabbac.

Puissance of Satan: Sabbac possesses a +36 profane bonus to Constitution and damage reduction 50/magic
and good.
Flames of Aym: Sabbac possesses fire bolts and flame breath. He is immune to fire.
Might of Belial: Sabbac possesses resistance to energy (acid, disintegration, force) 60. He may fly twice his
normal movement rate with perfect maneuverability.
Power of Beelzebub: Sabbac possesses a +36 profane bonus to Strength and super strength level 3.
Guile of Asmodeus: Sabbac possesses spell resistance 36 and a +6 profane bonus to Intimidate and
Knowledge (arcane lore) checks.
Beastiality of Createis: Sabbac receives a +6 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and super speed level 9. He
has claw and horn natural attacks.

Superspeed Level 9 (Ex): The following benefits are provided from superspeed level 9:
+9 speed bonus to AC, initiative, and Reflex saves.
+9 speed bonus to attack rolls.
+4 speed bonus to melee damage rolls.

Sabbac may make 9 swift actions in a round.

Sabbac reduces the amount of time to complete an action by 2 steps, allowing him to take full-round
actions as move actions actions and standard actions as swift actions.

Characters with less than superspeed level 3 are considered flat-footed for the purposes of Sabbac's
attacks. Characters with uncanny dodge have an effective superspeed level equal to their Dexterity modifier
for this purpose.

While using the run action, Sabbac moves 20 times his movement rate (11,700 feet; fly 23,400 feet).

Superstrength Level 3: The following benefits are provided from superstrength level 3.
+6 melee damage bonus.
+3 bonus on grapple and bull rush checks.
Lift capacity x8.

Skills: Sabbac has a +6 profane bonus to Intimidate and Knowledge (arcane lore) checks.

Thaddeus Sivana
Medium Humanoid

Wounds: 13 WP, 132 VP (24d6+24)

Initiative: +16
Speed: 15 ft.
AC: 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
Base Attack/Grapple: +12/+11
Attack: Gun +28 ranged (2d6)
Full Attack: Gun +28/+23/+18 ranged (2d6)
Space/Reach: 5 ft. /5 ft.
Special Attacks: Sneak attack +3d6
Special Qualities: Level 9 intellect, intellectual
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +28
Abilities: Str 9, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 25, Wis 17, Cha 19
Skills: Bluff +31, Computer Use +32, Craft (chemical) +43, Craft (electrical) +45, Craft (mechanical) +55, Craft
(pharmaceutical) +29, Demolitions +22, Diplomacy +18, Disable Device +22, Intimidate +35, Investigate +22,
Knowledge (business) +29, Knowledge (civics) +29, Knowledge (current events) +29, Knowledge (earth and
life science) +45, Knowledge (history) +30, Knowledge (physical science) +48, Knowledge (streetwise) +29,
Knowledge (tactics) +22, Knowledge (technology) +46, Knowledge (theology and philosophy) +29, Listen
+10, Research +43, Sense Motive +30, Spot +10, Treat Injury +20
Feats: Builder, Educated, Iron Will, Point Blank Shot, Quick Draw, Skill Focus (Craft – mechanical), Skill Focus
(Knowledge – physical science), Skill Focus (Knowledge – technology)
Epic Feats: Epic Skill Focus (Craft [mechanical]), Extended Lifespan
Climate/Terrain: Fawcett City
Organization: Solitary (unique)
Challenge Rating: 18
Treasure: Quadruple standard
Alignment: Lawful evil with neutral evil tendencies

Level 9 Intellect: Sivana gains a +9 bonus to Intelligence based rolls as well as Will saves.

Intellectual: Relying on his mind more than his might, Sivana uses his Intelligence modifier for attack rolls
and initiative.

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