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Jln. Baru Km.8 Tanjungpinang Timur 29122 Telp/Fax(0771)4440071

NAME : Ipunk Indratirta

NIM :212113013

CLASS : D3 Keperawatan T1

Cancer cerviks
Recently, cancer is a trending topic around the world because it's a deadly disease after
cardiovascular and the rate continues to rise every year. Based on WHO’s data, cancer is the
second most common cause of death after cardiovascular disease. Each year 12 million
people in the world suffer from cancer and 7.6 million die. In 2030 it is estimated that this
number continues to rise by 26 million each year with 17 million dead. According to data
from the hospital information system of 2010, 128% of cancers are listed as cervical cancer.
Cervical cancer incidents increase 3.1 percent every year. The causes of cervical cancer are
HPV (human papillomavirus) sub orogenic 16 and 18. Risk factors for free sexual relations at
a young age, multisexual partners, smoking, many children, low socioeconomic, pill use,
IMS, immune disorders.

HPV infection is 100% transmitted through sexual intercourse. There are generally no
complaints or symptoms at the beginning of an infection. In 10% of the infected women
would show signs of precancer lesions after 2-3 years of HPV infection. If the pre-cancer is
not known and untreated, in 3-17 years it develops into cervical cancer.

In women who are infected and are known to have precancer lesions or cancer, there are
several options of therapies to choose from:

1 Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy is done by damaging pre-cancer cells through freezing forms ice balls on the
cervical surface. The therapy is available in basic Faskes (physician ) like the medical center.

2 Electrocautery

Atomize precancer cells with cauters. The procedure was performed by an

anesthesiologist with an ob-gyn specialist

3 LEEP (Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure)

Removal of tissue containing pre-cancer cells with leep's tools.

4 Connectivity

Removal of tissue containing precancer cells via surgery

5 Hysterectomy

The raising of the cervix to the uterus. It is usually performed when cancer or metastasis is
shown to the person's uterus.

Preventive measures can be made by clever behaviors (regular health checks, regular smoke
removal, diligent physical activity, a healthy diet of balanced calories, rest sufficient,
managing stress) and early detection of screening for cervical cancer. This screening is
advisable for women who are sexually active at the age of 30-50. Here are some screening
that can be done including DNA HPV, pap smear, iva test, cervicography, and colposcopies,

It has often been said that prevention is better than treatment. The precautionary
prevention against cervical cancer is not risky sexual behavior that prevents HPV infection.
For example, by abstaining from sexual intercourse at an early age (less than 18 years of age)
and by exchanging partners. Furthermore, it avoids risk factors that can trigger cancer in
cigarette exposure. Both active and passive smokers have the same risks. HPV and screening
or screening vaccinated to see if the patient had been infected with HPV or not, knowing
whether there were no precancerous lesions in the cervical mouth.

Sumber :

Kemenkes RI, Panduan Penatalaksanaan Kanker Serviks

Kemenkes RI, 2015, Panduan Program Nasional Gerakan Pencegahan dan Deteksi Dini
Kanker Leher Rahim dan Kanker Payudara

Depkes RI, 2009, Buku Saku Pencegahan Kanker Leher Rahim & Kanker Payudara

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