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1 .The artwork I drawn is all about how we, Filipinos, united as one in battling this pandemic.

brought a massive change in our day to day lives. Mostly this pandemic has left our lives in distraught
and has tipped our axis, it has come as a surprise to some of us and has changed the way we live and the
things we did on a daily basis. However, the lockdown has made us realize the importance of actually
appreciating the things and people that we take for granted, but what it has taught us is the spirit of
togetherness and giving a helping to others and helping where one can.

2.It puts me in the interest for the reason that it is timely and more relevant in today’s time. In this time
of uncertainty, it has come to show us that money and material things are not as important as human
life and caring for each other in times of need, it has shown how much greatness can come from
working together and what it can do for a nation and community just by giving a helping where it is
needed and wanted. This artwork tells everyone that today is not about battling with each other but a
time for unity in battling COVID-19.

3. This artwork deflected the way how I’m being affected by this pandemic thinking about the
opportunities that are being lost with just a tick of a time. Uncertainties are way scarier that what we
thought because maybe today you survive but how about tomorrow? Knowing that there is a pandemic
we keep on thinking about the things that might happen on the coming days that will lead us to have
anxieties and even depression. By giving my perspective on this artwork, it is a crystal clear evident of
the how people being unified in order to survive from the disease and even from the different mental
health illness that people might suffer. This artwork is a great represent of how I feel and how it affects

4. Art is your safest place to let your thought to be heard. Art is a way in expressing what you feel, what
you think about and what ideas you want to address to each and every people. Art is not only about
one’s creativity and artistry but also the passion they give in finishing a certain artwork. People uses
different platform in expressing themselves such as writers uses poems, essays, narratives and etc. in
order for them to be perceived by people. Same as artists and artisans, art is the platform they being
used to get experience. Art is universal and in everything we make is a form of art just like this
masterpiece that is a mixture of both feelings and experience.

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