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My Version of Edwin Gray Motor

This is my understanding of how Edwin Gray motor works. Like John Bedini stated, there is
nothing special on Edwin Gray Conversion Tube. I think the tube is just a switch (which is triggered
by high voltage from ignition coil), it works like transistor or relay. Here is my schematic:

Picture 1: Motor schematic

I built my tube using a copper pipe and two bolts (one bolt without head). The high voltage from
ignition coil switch the 300 Volts charge from capacitor to stator coil. High Voltage plasma spark
jumps from copper pipe to the bolt and the to the other bolt without head. This plasma spark create
an electrical path for 300 Volts charge. This 300 Volt electricity then jumps from copper pipe to the
bolt with head. Okki Moeljadi - 22.07.2016

Here are my videos:

Here are some photos of my actual prototype:

Picture 2: Motor from the top

Picture 3: Motor from the side Okki Moeljadi - 22.07.2016

Picture 4: Tube from the top

Picture 5: Tube from the side Okki Moeljadi - 22.07.2016

Picture 6: Tube bolt with head view Okki Moeljadi - 22.07.2016

Picture 7: Tube bolt without head view Okki Moeljadi - 22.07.2016

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