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Topic : Chinese Foot Binding – Should foot binding be

practiced in society?

General Statement Stand/ Thesis Statement

 Foot binding was the Therefore, Chinese foot

Chinese custom of binding should not be
breaking and tightly practiced in society.
binding the feet of young
girls for over 1000 years in
order to change the shape
and size of their feet

 During the time it was

practiced, bound feet were
considered a status symbol
and a mark of beauty

 The process started when

the girl was 4 to 7 years

 However, foot binding will

cause many problems on

Body Paragraph
Body Paragraph 1 Body paragraph 2 Body Paragraph 3
Topic Sentence: Topic Sentence: Opposing Point:
Foot binding will Foot binding Nevertheless, it is
affect women against human argued that food
balance, her ability binding is to keep
to walk and her right women from heavy
posture physical labor but not
Supporting Detail
satisfying society's
Supporting Detail 1:
desire for abnormal
Many of them aesthetics.
As their toes and were forced to
feet becoming bind their feet
crooked and since they are It might be certain
deformed, they are young. amount of validity to
struggling to this claim as
Supporting Detail
balance and walk traditional concept is
properly. different from the
They don’t have a concept nowadays.
Supporting Detail
choice but to
2: Refuting
follow the culture
Girls were forced that limit their
to walk in smaller freedom and right However, women will
step and swaying face a risk of death
side to side motion and various of health
to balance problem due to this
Therefore, when traditional culture.
women are forced They do not have the
Concluding to bind their feet, right to decide their
Sentence: women's rights body and they will
and freedoms are keep suffering from
Hence, women will
restricted only to pain after binding
face some
follow to the their feet.
difficulty in
deformed aesthetic
walking when
of society.
their foot is bound.

It does not seem to be a good This is due to the fact that foot
idea to apply Chinese foot binding will lead to various
binding in society. health problem on women and
women are able to make their
own decisions about their
health and body .

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