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Q:Define culture?Its components and briefly explain cultural uniformities and
variabilities with at least ten examples of each.
 Definition of culture
1.Culture may be a word which refers to the practices, beliefs and social lifetime of a
given society ,it is simply how of live of the society
2.Culture is everything that's made, learned, or shared by the members of a society,
including values, beliefs, behaviors, and material objects.
Two parts of Culture
1.Material culture is that the visible part. it's going to be the food we eat, your cars,
your houses or anything that members of society make, use and share.
2.Non-material culture is intangible but this influences our behavior like our
language, beliefs, values, rules of behavior, family patterns and form of government .

 Five Components of Culture

1.Technology is one component that creates our life easier. we will have volume
production of products which will be employed by us through this component.
2.Symbols are cultural representations of reality. they provide meanings to events and
things sort of a statue, handshake, college ring, flag etc.

3.Language is that the most powerful of all human symbols because it allows us to
speak with each other . It also conveys our beliefs and culture.
4.Values are ideas. They determine our character. they're the standards by which we
assess goodness, acceptability, beauty or desirability.
5.The fifth component is norm. Norm may be a rule that guides our behavior. It
gives concrete terms how we should always always always behave – what we should
do and what we should not do.
Classification of Norms:
1.Mores distinguish right from wrong
2.Folkways distinguish between right and rude. they're referred as customs. they're
measurements of behavior but not approved by society.
3.Laws are written rules of conduct enacted and enforced by government
4.Taboo is an activity that's forbidden or sacred supported religious beliefs or morals.
Breaking a taboo is extremely objectionable in society as an entire . round the world,
an act could also be taboo in one culture and not in another
5. Rituals These are highly scripted ceremonies or strips of interaction that follow a
selected sequence of actions.
Examples are:
1.Mores laws: maltreatment , rape, kidnapping etc.
2.Folkway laws: jaywalking, counter flowing, etc.
3.Law: Driving while drunk, theft, murder, and trespassing are all samples of laws. If
violated, the person violating the law could get reprimanded, pay a fine, or attend jail.
4.Taboos: abortion, addiction, cannibalism, offensive language, slavery, etc.
●Breaking a taboo is extremely objectionable in society as an entire . round the world,
an act could also be taboo in one culture and not in another

 Cultural Uniformity
Its is defined because the motive during which different societies share an
equivalent sort of cultural pattern and believes.
The human societies have their respective cultures. All human societies aren't alike
they vary from one another on the idea of various factors. Similarly, not all cultures
are almost like each other , but among each societies, there are certain traits common
which have their social, biological, and geographical background. On these same
grounds, a similarity among all cultures is found. This similarity among all cultures is
understood because the uniformity of cultures or culture uniformity. thanks to this
uniformity, co-operations among different societies develop within the political,
economic, religious, educational, technological, and industrial fields.

Below are given few samples of culture uniformity.

1)Family Life: altogether present and past cultures of the planet societies, family
living is common. Parents-children relationship and their socialization are among the
foremost common traits of each culture.Human life started from family. From cultural
uniformity point of view, family is that the necessary a part of all the cultures of the
planet . humanity survival and continuity is thanks to family. Since it's a necessary a
part of society, that's why no culture can exist without it.
2)Marriage: marriage may be a universal custom of all living human societies. it's a
bond between two souls, within the times , the pair also can be of two men and of two
women as in most societies gay marriages are allowed.
3)Rituals and Ceremonies :
Every culture arranges festivals and fairs to harmonies with the faith and culture and
to supply mental relaxation to the individuals of a society which not only keep
cultural environment pleasant but also transfer values and traditions subsequent
generation which becomes a source of recognition of harmony and unity during a
thrilling manner with the culture.
4)Inheritance: Inheritance of genetic codes is biological and natural, in societies,
there's also another sort of inheritance which is said to property, material acquisition,
traditions, and legacy. altogether societies of the planet , the concept of is sort of
5)Language: It is one among the components of any culture. it's defined because the
way during which people communicate with each other , it helps in building
relationships and unions among the society, Communication may be a major
component of any society, and language is a crucial component of culture
Language may be a concept own by every single culture of this world. Every society
has its own distinctive language. It separates a nation from other nations and provides
it a particular identity.
6)Housing: Shelter may be a natural aspiration of human existence. Every society of
culture shares this idea of housing and sanctuaries to supply its residents a shelter and
luxury .
7)Socialization :
Socialization is liable for the transmission of culture and its survival because language
and treasure of data not only makes the individual of a society learn values and
tradition but also it does the work of creating culture fine within the minds of the
individual. Thus, socialization transmits cultural pattern to next generation.
8) Clothes:
Every culture share the concept of clothing dresses. citizenry , even of native
tribes, wear some sort of clothes. Most of the cultures have their distinctive dressing
codes, which provides them a particular identity.
9)Recreations :
All cultures arrange recreation for the mental and physical growth and health of the
individual of a society that not only keeps the social environment pleasant but also
provides training for taking responsibilities of social life and social'life remains safe
from boredom and inactivity.
10)Economic Activities :
Economic lifetime of individuals depends upon the fulfillment of their life who need
food, abode and dress as basic must live. All cultural activities control socio-
economic activities and from Hunting and Gathering societies to the Post Industrial
societies, economic activities are a compulsory a part of culture, depending upon the
social physical environment and natural and human resources.
11)Religion uniformity
different communities with different cultures are united within the religion believe,
example different society is believe god but all have different cultures ,this creates a
uniformity within the cultural practice
12)Education uniformity
some diverse cultures can share an equivalent motive of education ,example in todays
times the education sector unites many cultures creating a uniformity
13)Economic activities uniformity
different cultural societies can practice an equivalent economic activities example
like mining, farming etal. , this suggests the various societies are united as they need
an identical economic activity
From a fore mentioned examples, we will conclude that man may be a social animal
therefore, living during a society shapes up his way of living. The uniformity in
cultures is particularly thanks to the similarity of needs and material availability to the
citizenry of a specific culture or society.
Cultural Variabilities
There are variety of differences in cultural life in spite of general uniformity in
cultures.An‘ecological viewpoint is studied to know the truth of those differences.
Ecological view :
Another Anthropologist, Marvin Harris, explains this, “The Ecological view suggests
that climate, food and water supplies; and therefore the presence or absence
threatening enemies influence the evolution of varied cultural practices that help
people adapt to the environment. Marvin Harris says, how people produce food and
other necessaries explains the origin and development of cultural practices."

The cultural differences and their elements are explained below:

in every society they need their unique language which varies from all other
languages from the neighboring cultural groups, this is often a symbol of variability
since the societies cant share an equivalent language example during a society A the
meaning of in given word can mean another thing in community B
Religion is an major component of culture. different societies can have different
believes about their spiritual being and worship ways ,this create a variability since
they need diverse believe creation too, example some cultures believe evolution while
others believe creation
artistic works differ from one community to the opposite the way a cultural society
carries out its activities example the way one society dances to its cultural songs a
rhythms differs from all other societies and its unique
4.Economic practices
different societies have different economic practices creating a variability.
Example one community are often relying in mining as a source of economic
empowerment while its neighboring community depend upon fishing as a source of
economic power
ceremonies are an important source of transmission of culture and it gives relief to the
cultural society because the zeal of participating in them impresses on the minds, the
consequences of culture. There are different rites due to belief about nature and
natural phenomena
Example the way one community carries out a wedding ceremony differ from how the
opposite society caries out an equivalent ceremony and people who are involved
6.Forms of leadership and governance
the way a community is led and governed makes them have given motive which
creates a given culture within the society .the way of leadership is exclusive from one
society to a different . that's why different society have different culture
this is a mixture of beliefs and faith practiced in given society. religion gives them a
way and a believe on their origin and existence, it also answers questions on the
meaning of life within the society .its unique from one society to a different that's why
its a component of culture
8.Traditional customs
this refers to the the ways of life that a given society inherits from the primary
generations and its taught to the new generations creating teaching them their way of
life making it unique and specific for a given culture
9.Economic activities
this are the ways practiced by a given society to supply basic needs for his or her
lifestyle , it also can be mentioned because the method employed by a society to
supply and distribute goods and services
10. Sports and Recreations :
Sports and recreations keep the individuals a society healthy and filled with thrills and
are a neighborhood of culture. However, due to this tendency of the individuals of a
society and difference of environment, different cultures have i different plays, games
and sports. In Pakistan, besides Kabaddi, Football, Volley ball, Cricket and Fairs,
Circus, Cinema, Television and Theater are popular sports. In Arabian culture, race ,
Camel race and Shooting arrows are popular whereas in European culture, there are
Football, Car rallies, Motor sports, Clubs and Cinema are popular sports and

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