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The Brand

- Emerald was founded in 1952 and is recognized as Sri Lanka's #1 Shirt Brand

- Known for superior quality and durability of their formal shirts ( Some stylists have rated it to be 3
times more superior in terms of quality in comparison to other formal shirts sold in Sri Lanka)

- The brand's primary consumer is from the corporate world. This is mainly to do with the fact that
their existing customers include more of the mature TG (30 Upwards).

The Challenge

- With Covid forcing many people to work from home, the demand for formal shirts are on the decline

- Further, having less relevance to the younger generation has had an impact on their casual and
leisurewear collection sales.

- With the intention of creating relevance with the younger audiences and the current context, Emerald
intends on launching 2 products.

The Non-Iron Shirts and T-shirts: Even though many people are forced to work from home, there's
always the requirement to be dressed well for online meetings. However, not everyone likes to be
ironing and spending a lot of time preparing. Emerald Non-Iron shirts and T-shirts are made out of
fabrics that do not require you to iron making it convenient and easy to get ready for those online

Stain Free Shirts and T-shirts: Our homes are our own space, where we are known to be the clumsiest at
times. This also means that the tendency of spilling your coffee, ink from your pen, etc puts your clothes
at risk. This specific collection is designed from a unique fabric that makes removing stains as easy as
wiping it off with a wet cloth.

Job At Hand

1. Come up with a sample video script that will help position the value proposition of the stain-free
shirts and t-shirts

2. Come up with 2 sample social media-friendly content ideas that can create relevance between the
non- iron shirt as well as the younger audience aged between 21-35. (Content Idea, Text on image and
Video Script
Idea 1- Video script- 45 seconds
The video starts with a handsome, sharp looking man, around 32 years old. He’s a top executive
in the senior management.
He’s in front of the mirror, wearing a white shirt; he’s getting ready by buttoning up the shirt.
He looks at himself with confidence
Next shot- he’s taking an online zoom meeting. From the laptop we can see that he’s in a board
meeting with his company’s other colleagues and the CEO. The meeting is taking a long time to
finish; so he checks the time on his phone.
Next shot- he takes a sip of the coffee to keep himself alert and energized. He accidentally
spills coffee on his shirt, leaving a brown stain. The CEO in the meeting (as seen through the
screen) is asking him a question about the progress of his project at work)
The guy is busy trying to get rid of the stain, so he doesn’t hear the question
CEO waits for a response, but the guy is busy trying to wipe the stain off. The people in the
meeting (on the screen) look at him with disappointment. They look at each other with
disapproval of this guy’s clumsiness and unprofessionalism.
Product window- showcasing Emerald’s range of stain –resistant shirts and t-shirts
Tag voice- Afraid that a little clumsiness will hold you back? When you do exceptional work, you
need a shirt that can handle the job.
Emerald’s latest collection of stain-resistant shirts are tailored with the finest of fabrics and
innovative stain repellant technology.
Comeback shot- The previous sequences of events happens again – but this time in fast motion
(he spills the coffee; the CEO asks him a question, everyone in the screen looks at him with
visible disappointment in their faces)
Last shot- He remembers that he’s wearing the Emerald Stain Free Shirt. He takes a small white
cloth and wipes it off in seconds. He looks more relaxed this time. He responds to the CEO’s
question confidently, CEO looks impressively at him
The video ends with the tagline- Show that you mean business
2. Content Ideas for Non –Iron Shirt/T-shirts
Static Post
Post Copy Option 1- Less ironing means more time to do what you love
Visual idea- A younger guy, around 26 years old, playing a video game, watching Netflix or
working out before the morning zoom meeting, and then he’s ready with the non-iron shirt ( to
connect with the younger audience)

Post Copy Option 2- Easy like Monday Morning (play on the song-easy like Sunday Morning)
Visual Idea- A handsome guy, around 35 years of age, with sharp features, working on a laptop
(in a work-from home situation)
Caption- Skip the ironing on Monday morning and take your meetings in style.
Introducing the latest collection of non-iron shirts and t-shirts from Sri Lanka’s number 1 shirt
Made with world-class fabrics and innovative technology, our non-iron shirts and t-shirts are
designed to make you look and feel good, especially when you’re having a busy day

Gif/short animatic with text

Visual idea- (Slide 1,2 and 3 will have the same handsome sharp- looking male model in three
different situations i.e at a meeting, work from situation, in a European looking street. Slide 4
and 5 will have the copy as supers in a black screen)
Slide 1- Be perfectly on time
Slide 2- Be perfectly in style
Slide 3- Be perfectly ready
Slide 4- Introducing the latest collection of non-iron shirts and t-shirts
Slide 5- Sri Lanka’s number 1 shirt brand
Slide 6- Emerald logo
Caption: Perfectly crafted so that you don’t have to spend time making it perfect. Our latest
collection of non-iron shirts and t-shirts are designed and produced with the finest of fabrics to
save you the hassle of ironing whether you’re working from home or going to office.

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