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For immediate release

Timbuktu personal trainer sees 50% increase in female clients taking up Olympic

Timbuktu, Neverland - 28 August 2018 – Avocado Fitness, an independent personal training

company in Timbuktu, has launched a dedicated women’s Olympic weightlifting course, in
response to a 50% increase in women requesting to learn this traditionally male dominated

Mark Smith, owner of Avocado Fitness is hoping to debunk the myth that pumping iron leads
to dramatic muscle gain and help more women increase strength, bone health and overall

He says: “It’s great that more women are realising the benefits of lifting weights. Many worry
that lifting heavy things will make them look like a body builder, but this is a misconception.
Regular load bearing activities, such as Olympic lifting, can actually help you lose weight
more effectively than hours spent pounding the treadmill. Most of my clients drop a dress
size in a matter of weeks.”

Olympic lifting, such as learning how to snatch well with very heavy weights, is regularly
cited as one of the toughest skills among all sports. A combination of technique and
strength, the Olympic weightlifting technique is as hard as the pole vault, gymnastics or
learning how to do a back-flip.

The weightlifting course runs twice a week, at 10am on Tuesday and Saturdays, at Nuts
Health Centre, Timbuktu. Drop-in sessions are priced at $20 and no experience is
necessary. For more information, contact Mark via


For more information or high res images, please contact:

Susan Kryptonite on 07771 987654 or email:

About Avocado Fitness

Avocado Fitness has been offering personal training packages to the residents of Timbuktu
since 2017 and last year won the Timbuktu Enquirer Award for Fitness Excellence.

Notes to editors:

Olympic weightlifting, also called Olympic-style weightlifting, or weightlifting, is an athletic

discipline in the modern Olympic programme in which participants attempt a maximum-
weight single lift of a barbell loaded with weight plates.
EXAMPLE #2: (Source:

Windows Phone 7 Goes on Sale in the United States; Is There Hope for People in
Need of Better Phone Behavior?

New study shows 72 percent of U.S. adults surveyed identified bad mobile phone behavior
as one of their top pet peeves, but only 18 percent admit to engaging in it.

REDMOND, Wash. - Nov. 8, 2010 - As Windows Phone 7 goes on sale in AT&T and T-
Mobile USA stores across the United States, Microsoft Corp. has commissioned and
released the findings of a recent Harris Interactive® survey showing the surprising ways
mobile phones have become a part of the fabric of Americans' lifestyles - a point illustrated
by the fact that 55 percent of all phone owners surveyed age 18-35 have used their phone in
a bathroom. To commemorate the U.S. launch of Windows Phone 7, Microsoft is challenging
consumers to get a grip on their mobile phone habits.

Although consumers love their phones, there is growing annoyance with the distracted
behaviors people exhibit while their heads are buried in their phones. Most U.S. adults
indicate they have witnessed examples of bad mobile phone behavior, yet relatively few
have admitted to engaging in such behavior themselves. Key findings from the study show
the following from the surveyed adults:

Seventy-two percent identified bad mobile phone behavior as one of their top 10 pet peeves,
but only 18 percent of mobile phone owners admit they are guilty of displaying such

Nineteen percent of phone owners between the ages of 18 and 24 have dropped their phone
in a toilet.

Forty-nine percent of adults between the ages of 18 and 24 have tripped or walked into
something while walking and texting or e-mailing on their mobile phone.

Sixty-nine percent of mobile phone users between the ages of 18 and 34 have used their
phone while in bed.

The new Windows Phones offer a different kind of phone experience designed to get users
in, out and back to life. With Windows Phone, Microsoft set out to design a mobile
experience that would bring the things people care about most right to the start screen. In
doing so, Windows Phone combines basic everyday tasks - tasks associated with e-mail or
activities related to taking and sharing pictures - so people can do more in fewer steps.

For immediate release

New fruit-flavoured white tea range from The Vibrant Teapot

Online tea retailer strengthens its flowering tea range as sales blossom

Star Valley, West Hulton – 10 Nov, 2018 - Following a 160% increase in wholesale sales of
its speciality teas over the last year, The Vibrant Teapot has strengthened its range of
premium flowering teas, with a pure white variant boosted with natural fruit flavours.

The online retailer of specialty teas, glass teaware and tea gifts has added a new range of
flowering teas, using hand-picked Mao Feng tea buds from Fujian province, China, in five

 White Peach
 White Mango
 White Strawberry
 White Orange
 White Vanilla.
The flowering teas are available individually to trade customers in a range of sampler tins &
pouches (5 or 10 different blooms), 1kg bags and as part of a new glass teapot Discovery

The hand-tied tea blooms unfurl theatrically when steeped in hot water, adding a unique
sensory experience to the tea making ritual.

Sensory experience that boosts sales

Says Pete Springfield, The Vibrant Teapot founder:

“A flowering tea appeals to all the senses when it blooms and can quickly become the talking
point of a dinner table. People eating out increasingly seek an experience that goes beyond
the ordinary old teabag in a cup ritual and they are happy to pay extra for it. Caterers are
seeing significant uplift in tea sales as a result of our speciality teas.”

The Vibrant Teapot has an updated wholesale catalogue for winter 2013/14 - available on
demand - a new online ordering facility, and can now offer bespoke tea blends to trade

Contact: or telephone: xxxxxx


For more information or high res images, please contact:

Susan Kryptonite on 07771 987654 or email:

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