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The speaker believes that coworking will change the world and all of us will be part of the
movement. He talks about how did coworking begin in Thailand and what is a coworking space.

He, with his brother, tried to start a business at home. However, if you’re working form your homes,
you’ll get the feeling that it’s just not a place to start anything. You become lonely, bored, or
generally demotivated. The place is not really suited to meet investors, teams, clients and your

They searched the best bar of the town, however, also this is not good to start anything because if
you don’t consume anything, the manager starts looking you and become angry.

Coworking space?

Almost all people answer saying that it’s a whole bunch of independent professionals coming
together to share a facility that has all the stuff you find in a really nice office. However, the speaker
said that it’s a way of working composed by 3 words: cooperation, collaboration and community.

The speaker with his brother returned in Padilla and decided to found a coworking space in Thailand.
So, they modernized a terrible house and transformed it in a service office with all stuff.

Community is the lifeblood that makes coworking so addictive. However, people think that it’s
difficult to run an entrepreneur alone for the first time. So, if they have the possibility to work with
someone else, their travelling is funnier and more precious.

So, the speaker and his brother focused on community with events, activities and work shop to
attractive more people.


Coworking spaces are the communities that bring the cooperative and collaborative cultures back to
our cities, our communities, our society to rise the quality of life in our cities.

Summary of the video:

The speaker tried to start a business at home, at first, and then in the best coffee of the town.
However, both places were uncomfortable due to many characteristics that these places don’t offer.
Later, when he returned in Padilla, he decided to found a coworking space. However, many people
didn’t sign up because people think that it’s difficult run an entrepreneur for the first time. So, he
focuses on community with events, activities, and workshop to attractive more people. Moreover,
the speaker believes that coworking will change all the world if all of us will be part of the

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