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Green Chemistry and Synthetic Chemistry

Synthetic chemistry involves finding ways to make new
chemicals and new ways to make known chemicals

• Use existing feedstocks, but make them by more

.....--,environmentally benign processes
• Use other feeHstocks maae by envlnonmental benign
processes Subsitute chemicals made
by envionmentally benign

1. 7. Reduction of Risk: Hazard and Exposure

Risk = F{hazard x exposure}

• Reduced exposure: The hazard remains, but
exposure to it is reduced, such as by wearing safety
·���goggles aroumd an e�e hazard (a command and
corntrol approach)
----· -------
• Reduced hazard: The hazard is diminished or
eliminated at its source; measures still may be taken
to reduce exposure to remaining hazard
• Hazard exposure is less costly because costs of
protective measures may be reduced
1.8. The Risks of No Risks
• Refusal to take any risks can cause scientific and
economic progress to stagnate
• Example: Refusal to take the risks of thermally
treating wastes (hazardous waste incineration) can
lead to waste accumulation, or impor:tant industrial
processes making the waste may be ceased
• Example: Unwillingness to take risks involved with
nuclear ener:gy can lead to greenhouse warming from
using fossil fuels orto economic stagnation from
energy shonages
1.9. Waste Prevention

• Costs of engineering controls, regulatory compliance,

personnel protection, wastewater treatment, and safe
disposal of hazardous solid wastes have become high
costs of doing business

• Waste prevention applying the principies of green

..._--cHemistry and industrial ecology is a much better
1.1 O. Twelve Principies of Green Chemistry (1)
1. lt is better to prevent waste than to treat or clean up
waste after it is formed
2. Synthetic methods should be designed to maximize the
incorporation of all materials used in the process into
the final J¡>roa1:1ct
_3_. Syntbetic processes sliío1:.1lt!i av.oid use and generation of
toxic and environmentally damaging substances
4. Chemical products should be as effective as possible
but with minimum ta�icity
5.Auxiliary substances, such as solvents and separation
agents should be avoided or should be as innocuous as
6. Energy requirements should be low; extreme
temperatures and pressures should be avoided
Twelve Principies of Green Chemistry (2)
7. Raw materials should be from renewable sources
8. Derivatization for blocking groups protection and
property modification should be avoided
9. Catalytic reagents should be used when possible
·�� because of-thelr specificity and minimum amounts
1 O. CHemical products should be clesigned so that at the
end of their lifetime they readily break down to
harmless prodacts
11. The best analytical and monitoring capabilities
should be employed to allow real-time, in-process
monitoring that prevents formation of hazardous
12. Substances and forms of them used should be
chosen to avoid potentially harmful releases, fires,
and explosions

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