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LESSON 1 English in your world

1 Real Use of English

1 Look at the countries, the cities, and the map. Write the countries and capital cities on the map.
Canada Washington
2 Read the paragraphs and put (correct) or
(incorrect) in the boxes ( ). Guatemala Ottawa
Mexico Guatemala City
USA Mexico City
Languages in North America and the
a The principal languages of North America
and the Caribbean are English, Spanish and
Frenc h. For example, English is the national
language of the United States of America
(USA) and Jamaica, Spanish is the national
language of Mexico and Cuba, and French
is the national language of Haiti and one of
the two national languages of Canada.
b Many people in North America and the
Caribbean also speak other languages. Ottawa
For example, approximately 40 million
people of Latin American origin in the
USA speak Spanish and approximately 6
million Mexicans, 6 million Guatemalans Washington
and 1 million Canadians speak indigenous
c The majority of Mexicans speak English.
They graduate f rom secondary school with Mexico City
excellent English. They do not study English Mexico City
at university. The us e of English is especially
common in Durango, Aguascalientes and
Hidalgo, but it is not common in Cancún, Guatemala City
Guatemala City
Acapulco and Mexico City.

3 With your teacher, write a new correct paragraph.

4 Complete the following sentences with phrases from the box.

a The two national languages of Canada are 2 1. communicate ef f ectively in English.
b English is important in Mexico f or 44 2. English and French.
c Only about 5% of Mexicans 11 3. UAEH students and graduates.
d English is important f or the f uture of 3 4. international tourism and business.

Notice: person – people[pп:p l]

1 Person (singular) – a person, one person. People (plural) – two people, 40 million people.
Listen to four people introducing themselves and write their names (François, Xóchitl, Carol,
1 1
Daniel) under the appropriate pictures.

a Carol
Carol Xóchitl c François d Daniel

Listen to the four people again and complete the information in the table. One of the people is a
2 2 musician, one is a tourist guide and two of them are university students.

Name Nationality Hometown Age Occupation

François Canadian Quebec 19 Musician
Xóchitl Mexican Pachuca 18 University student
Carol American San Francisco 21 University student
Daniel Mexican Cancún 24 Tourist guide

1 Present yourself to the student beside you. Look at the example.

Hi. My name’s Juan. I’m f rom Tulancingo, Hidalgo. I’m 20 years old.
Hello, Juan. I’m Elsa. I’m f rom Pachuca. I’m 19.

2 Present yourself to three different students and complete the table.

Name Hometown Age
I´m Mariana I´m f rom Pachuca de Soto I´m 18
years old
I´m 19
I´m Juan Carlos I´m f rom Mexico City years old
I´m Jeremy I´m f rom Tlalpan, Hidalgo I´m 19
years old
I´m 18
I´m Cristopher I´m f rom Pachuca de Soto years old

Write an e-mail or Facebook post with three or four sentences about yourself.
I´m Mariana, I´m from Pachuca de Soto, I´m 18 years old, I´m a student in the Engineer
Computer Science, my e-mail address is tommo9113atgmaildotcom. And my favorite bands
are One Direction, My Chemical Romance in the other.

2 Notice: I’m 19 years old and I’m 19 are correct, but I’m 19 years and I have 19 years old are incorrect.
2 Focus on Language


1 3 Look at the list of countries. Listen to the pronunciation and repeat.

China 1 9 10
France Ottawa 7 Moscow
Germany Berlin
2 6
India 8 5 Rome 13
Washington London 12
Ireland 4 Paris Beijing To kyo
Italy 3 Madrid
Mexico City 11
Japan New Delhi
Great Britain 14
(or UK – the United Canberra
(or the United
States of America)

2 Look at the list of countries again. In pairs, look at the map and name the countries.

Studeflt 1: What’s country number 1?

Studeflt 2: It’s Canada.What’s country number 2?

3 4 Look at the box of nationality words. Listen to the pronunciation and repeat.

Australian > Canadian > Chinese > French > German > British >Indian
Italian > Japanese > Mexican > Russian > Spanish > American

4 Which of the nationality words are also the word for a language?
‘Australian’ is not a language. They speak English in Australia.
‘Chinese’ is a language (but the real name is ‘Mandarin’ or ‘Mandarin Chinese’).

5 Write the numbers in words.

onee two three f our
1 on 2 3 4 5
6 six seven eight nine ten
7 8 9 10

twelve thirteen f ourteen fifteen

11 12 13 14 15

16 sixteen 17 seventeen eighteen nineteen

18 19 20

21 twenty-one 32 thirty-two f orty-three fifty-four sixty-five

43 54 65

76 seventy-six 87 eighty-seven 98 ninety-eight


6 Ask and answer in teams.

Team A: What’s seven and eleven?
Team B: It’s eighteen. What’s … ?

1 Complete the sentences with phrases from the column on the right.
a I am a UAEH student. are my English teacher.

b You are my English teacher. is not American. François is Canadian.

is Carol, an American medical student. am a UAEH student.

c She
is not American. François is Canadian. are not industrial cities. Cancún and
d He Acapulco are vacation centers.
is not an official language, but Spanish is important in the USA. are the champions!
e It

f We
are the champions! is Carol, an American medical student.
are not industrial cities. Cancún and Acapulco are vacation centers. is not an official language, but Spanish
g They is important in the USA.

2 5 Listen and complete the conversation.

Daniel: Excuse me. Is this your purse?

Carol: Yes, it 1 is . Thank you! That little dog!
Daniel: Are those your sunglasses?
Carol: No, 2 they aren’t.
Daniel: Good! Where are you f rom?
Carol: San Francisco. Are 3 you American?
Daniel: No, I’m not. I’m Mexica n.
Carol: What do 4 you do?
Daniel: I’m a tourist guide. Here’s a brochure.
Carol: Ah! Tulum! Fantastic! 5 Is it f ar?
Daniel: No, it isn’t. Just one hour thirty minut e s.
Carol: Excellent – an excursion!

3 Read the complete dialogue (a-h). It is in a classroom at Florida State University in Tallahassee. Then,
in pairs, complete the dialogue with a phrase in each space (I am or I’m, Am I, I’m not; you are or
you’re, Are you, you’re not, etc.).

a I’m David López. Am I on your class list, Mr. Smith? Yes, you are . Sit down, David.
Are you Mr. Smith, the Macroeconomics teacher? Yes, I am . Come in and sit down.

c I’m here f or the Econometrics class. Is it in this classroom? No, it isn’t . It’s in Room B201.

d OK. We’re twenty-nine in this class – twenty-eight students and me, your teacher. We/Are you all here?

No, you/we aren’t . Only twenty-seven.

e Mónica Flores? Is she here? No, she isn’t , Mr. Smith. She’s in Mexico, visiting her f amily.

f Ah! And Samuel Flores? Is he in Mexico too? Yes, he is .

Are they they are
g OK. They’re both Flores. brother and sister? Yes, .

h Where are they f rom in Mexico? They’re f rom Pachuca, Hidalgo.

4 Write the complete forms of the contractions in Exercise 3: I’m – I am, It isn’t – it is not, etc.

4 5 In pairs or groups, ask and answer questions about the students and teacher in your class.
LESSON 2 English-speaking Mexicans

1 Real Use of English

1 Read the sentences. Are they correct or incorrect in your opinion?

a 10% of Mexicans speak English. c 20% of Americans speak Spanish.

b Globally, 1 person in 2 is bilingual. d The number of English-speaking Mexicans is sufficient.

2 Read the interview and check your answers in Exercise 1.


BILINGUALISM IN MEXICO Juana: Yes. About six million Mexicans speak an
indigenous language and Spanish – traditional
bilingualism. That’s 5% of the total population.
At the 9th International Symposium on Bilingualism
And 5 or 6% of Mexicans speak English, or
in Singapore, our reporter, James Dalton, interviews
another global language, like French.
Mexican sociologist, Doctor Juana García, of the
UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). James: Is that normal in dif f erent countries around
the world?
James: Is bilingualism common in Mexico, Juana? Juana: No. Approximately 20% of Americans are
Juana: Well, about 1 in 10 Mexicans is bilingual. bilingual. 10% are English-Spanish bilinguals,
James: Ten per cent. many of Mexican origin. And the global
proportion is about 50%.
James: Half the people in the world are bilingual!
Juana: Yes. Most people in parts of Asia and Af rica. In
Holland and Scandinavia 90% speak English,
60% in Germany…
James: And 5% in Mexico. Is that a problem?
Juana: Definitely, for Mexico nationally, and for
many individual Mexicans, especially in the
prof essions, tourism, business...
James: Thank you, Juana. That was really interesting.
Gracias! Merci! Obrigado!...

3 Connect the words/phrases in the first column (a-d) with those in the second column (1-4) which
have an equivalent meaning (significance).
a one in ten = 4
1 approximately
b most = 3 2 fifty per cent
c half = 2 3 the majority
d about = 1 4 ten per cent

4 Complete the following sentences, with reference to the interview.

a Approximately ten per cent of Mexicans are bilingual.

b About 6 million Mexicans speak an indigenous language, and another 6 million speak English.

c Half / 50% of the population of the world is bilingual (or multilingual).

5 d Bilingualism is especially common in parts of of Asia, Af rica and Europe.

1 6 Listen to Juana García talk about her family and complete the sentences.

a Juana is f rom Huejutla , Hidalgo.

b She speaks Spanish, English and Náhuatl .

c She works in the UNAM .

d Her mother, f ather and sister live in Huejutla .

e Her brother David and his f amily live in Pachuca .

f Her brother Bernardo lives in Miami , Florida.

g Three people in her f amily speak English,

Juana and her brothers.

h Bernardo uses English and Spanish in his


2 Complete the sentences with words or phrases from the box.

a waiter her parents live Language Department works Mexico City Spanish engineer

a Juana is a teacher in the Language Department of the UNAM. She lives in Mexico City .

b Carmen lives with her parents . They live in Huejutla, Hidalgo.

c David is an engineer . He works in a construction company in Pachuca.

d Bernardo is a waiter in a restaurant in Miami, Florida. Many people in Miami .

1 In groups, talk about Juana, members of her family and students in the class. s
Studeflt 1: What about Juana?
Studeflt 2: She’s from Huejutla. She’s twenty-eight years old.
Studeflt 3: She’s a teacher. She works at…
2 Now talk about famous people.

Student 1: What about Shakira?

Write a biographical note (4-6 sentences) about a famous person.

Mexico He ………………..
Javier “Chicharito” Hernández is f rom ……………. Is 32 years old
is a renowned Mexican footballer who from the beginning of his career has shown great
ability to control the ball and has achieved important results in the teams he has been part
of, including the Mexican national team.

Notice: his – her

He is David. His parents live in Huejutla. His sister Juana lives in Mexico City. His brother lives in Miami.
6 She is Juana. Her parents and her sister live in Huejutla. Her brother David lives in Pachuca.
2 Focus on Language


1 In pairs, complete the García’s family tree with the names of two members in letters e and f. Then
complete the family relationships for letters a-h and i-l (husband/wife, mother/father, son/daughter,
brother/sister, etc.)
a wif e husband
Luisa Miguel

mother b f ather (parents)

c son daughter son d daughter (children)

David e Juana f Bernardo Carmen

g brother sister brother h sister (siblings)

Juana, Carmen and Bernardo are single. David is married to Clara. They are i husband and wif e. They have two
j children , a son, Mario, and a k daughter , Ana. Juana and Carmen are their aunts, and Bernardo

is their uncle .

2 In teams, write more occupations on a piece of paper. The team with most correct occupations wins.
teacher He’s a waiter in Miami. He
I’m an engineer. I work at speaks English and Spanish in
student a construction company the restaurant – there are many What does your
Latino customers
engineer brother do?
taxi driver
Chef What do you do?


3 In groups, talk about members of your family.

Studeflt 1: OK, my sister Laura. She lives in Detroit. She speaks Spanish and English. Her husband works in an
automobile f actory. What about you, Paco?
Studeflt 2: (Paco) OK, my aunt and uncle. They live in Apan. He’s a farmer and she’s…

4 Memorize the data for Hidalgo. Check in pairs: What’s the area of Hidalgo State? etc.
Area: 20, 846 square kilometers. Population: 2,665,000 inhabitants. Urban population: 52%. Rural
population: 48%. Number of municipalities: 84. Indigenous population (speakers of indigenous
languages): 360,000 (15% of the total population).

Notice:parents – children – siblings

Your parents are your mother and f ather. Your aunt, uncle, etc., are your relatives.
Children (singular child) are sons and daughters, and boys and girls in general.
7 Siblings are brothers and sisters. It’s a f ormal word; “my brothers and sisters” is the usual expression.

1 Order the words to form two or three correct sentences (negative + correction, question + answer).
a not / teacher / am / the / I / . student / I / a / am / .
I’m not the teacher. I’m a student.
b car / that / not / American / is / . German / is / it / .
That car isn’t American. It’s German.
c English / and / not / nationalities / Náhuatl / are / . languages / are / they / .
English and Náhuatl aren’t nationalities. They’re languages.
d f rom / you / where / are / ? Ixmiquilpan / am / f rom / I / .
Where are you f rom? I’m f rom Ixmiquilpan.
e this / what / is / ? mixiote / is / a / it / .
What’s this? It’s a mixiote.
f you / American / are / ? not / am / no, / I / . am / Canadian / I / .
Are you American? No, I’m not. I’m Canadian.
g these / your / are / glasses / ? are / yes, / they / . you / thank / .
Are these your glasses? Yes, they are. Thank you.
h you / where / are / ? in / supermarket / am / the / I / .
Where are you? I’m in the supermarket.

2 Prepare questions about Mexico (see the box for ideas). Then, in pairs, one student a foreign visitor
and the other student a friendly Mexican, ask and answer questions about Mexico.

San Cristóbal tequila Jarochos population mole the UNAM Chichen Itzá mariachis…

Foreign visitor: Where are chiles en nogada f rom? Foreign visitor: Where is tequila f rom?
Friendly Mexican: They’re f rom Puebla. Friendly Mexican: it´s f rom Mexico.

Foreign visitor: Is Acapulco the capital of Guerrero State? Foreign visitor: When UNAM was f ounded?
Friendly Mexican: No, the capital of Guerrero State is Iguala. Friendly Mexican: In 1910.
Foreign visitor: What f ood is typical in Mexico?
3 Complete the sentences with words from the boxes. Friendly Mexican: Can be the mole.

my your his her its our their live lives speak speaks study studies work works

a Elsa is Mexican, but she lives in New York. Her husband, Grant, is American.

b “Hi. My name’s Grant Brown. I’m American, but I speak Spanish – más o menos.”
c Grant and Elsa Brown live in Brooklyn, New York. Their apartment is on Ocean Avenue.
d Grant works in a bank in Manhattan. His wif e is only 20 and she’s a student.

e Elsa studies at City University (CUNY). Its Communications and Media program is excellent.
f “Hi. We’re Don and Martha. We work at the bank with Grant. He’s our colleague.

4 Write information about you and about a friend.

nameis is…… I’m I’m
Mariana, eighteen
a ….. I….. My friend
My friend ….. isPatya is nineteen years old,
a….. She…..
years old, I’m a student, I’m from she is Russian, she is a student, and
Pachuca de Soto, and I´m Mexican. she is from Russia.

Notice:s u / sus vs. your / his / her / their

Usted y su madre / sus padres You and your mother / your parents
Juan y su madre / sus padres John and his mother / his parents
María y su madre / sus padres Mary and her mother / her parents

8 Juan y María y su madre / sus padres John and Mary and their mother / their parents
LESSON 3 Making it Real

English for your studies and profession

1 Here are the UAEH Institutes and some of their BA and BSc degrees. Find or add your degree course.
Institute of Arts: Dance, Graphic Design, Music, Visual Arts, Dramatic arts

Institute of Agricultural Sciences: Food Engineering, Forestry Management, Veterinary Medicine, Agro industrial engineering
Institute of Basic Sciences and Engineering: Architecture, Biology, Civil Engineering, Computer Science,Mathematics
Institute of Health Sciences: Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Nutrition, Psychology, Medical education
Institute of Economics and Management: Accounting, Foreign Trade, Marketing, Tourism, Culinary
Institute of Social Sciences: Communication, Education, History, Law, Social Work, Social anthropology

2 Look at the following extracts. Read them and, in pairs, relate them to the different UAEH institutes.
Related to
The excessive and inappropriate use of antibiotics has increased antimicrobial the Institute of
A resistance and reduced the effectiveness of drugs for the treatment of common
diseases like tuberculosis, malaria, cholera, dysentery and pneumonia.
Health Sciences

Related to
The Convention on the Rights of the Child, approved in the United Nations in the Institute of
B 1989, is still just a document and not a reality in many countries, where children
are considered the property of their parents with no special human rights.
Social Sciences

Related to
Gestalt theory helps explain the visual and psychological impact of images. the Institute of
C Most effective logos and symbols are based on one or more of the Gestalt
principles of similarity, continuation, closure, proximity and figure and ground.

Related to
Genetically modified plants can be resistant to pests, diseases and conditions the Institute of
D like cold and drought, and they can have an improved nutrient profile. There
are, however, ecological, economic and other arguments against them. Agricultural

Related to
The laboratory is currently equipped with a variety of interconnected high- the Institute of
E end workstations and PC platforms, an NSF-supported cluster of symmetric
multiprocessors and a number of support peripherals. Basic Sciences
and Engineering

Related to
The multidisciplinary nature of this business leadership degree, with its the Institute of
F emphasis on the international hospitality and travel industry, allows students to
develop transferable leadership skills and apply them across any industry. Economics and

3 Very briefly, answer the following questions about your undergraduate degree course.
What is the name of your degree course? Computer Science Are some courses very difficult? None.
Where is the Institute located? ICBI How many students are in your semester? We are nineteen
9 Who teaches the dif f erent subjects? Are all the students Mexican? Yes, we´re Mexicans
L.C.E Abigail Sahagún Villegas, L. C. Verónica Soto Aguilar,
L.C. Magdalena Meza Sanchez, L.C. Cecilia Cruz Cordero, L.C.
Ma. Judith Franco Torres, and L. C. Arturo Curiel Anaya.
English for your life

1 Complete this questionnaire. Check ( ) the appropriate boxes.

1 In my f amily
nobody speaks English ✓ one person speaks English people speak English

2 In my f amily
nobody lives abroad* one person lives abroad* ✓ 13 people live abroad*

3 Af ter university, my ambition is to

✓ work do a Master’s in Mexico do a Master’s abroad* not decided

4 For my f uture, I consider English

✓ definitely important possibly important not important

5 At the moment, I consider my English

virtually non-existent very basic intermediate ✓ advanced
* abroad = in the USA, Canada, Europe, etc.

2 Compare your questionnaire answers in pairs or groups.

Studeflt 1: How many people in your family speak English?
Studeflt 2: One, my aunt – she’s an English teacher! And in your family?
3 In pairs, complete this report of the census.
In this group, many * people in our f amilies speak English. Two * f amily members live abroad. Seven *

students want to work af ter university, ten * want to do a Master´s abroad, f our * want to Do a Master´s in, Mexico

and f ive * are not decided. all def initely important

* consider English……………

*Number (one, two, three…), or “no” (In this group, no people…)

Autonomous learning

1 Organize your vocabulary. Write the words in the box in the correct column. Then write extra words.
uncle British live teacher thousand accountant use aunt hundred German
twelve daughter thirty waiter speak American engineer son Chinese want

Numbers Nationalities Occupations Families Verbs

twelve British teacher uncle live
thirty German accountant aunt use
hundred American waiter daughter speak
thousand Chinese engineer son want

10 2 Write as many English words as possible related to your degree course and future profession.
Organize them.

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