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Conjunctions 2

1)We use yet, the same way we can use but in cases of a contrast between the ideas. The
only difference is the intensity. Yet is more intense.

John works as an accountant, yet he would like to be working as a salesman

They have been working on the furnace repair for some time now, yet there is a lot of
work to be done.
She applied for many jobs last month yet nobody has called her for an interview

1)As a conjunction for is used when you want to emphasize the explanation given.

He’s got a new position at the company, for his father is the general manager
You have to learn how to deal with your life, for you are already an adult
For she traveled abroad last week everybody wants to catch up with her

1)Normally since is used as a conjunction when there is an explanation

Since you are going to the meeting I will talk to you later
Since they are siblings they share the same room
You can’t eat so many candies and chocolate since you are on a diet

Note: For and Since are substitutes for the conjunction Because

As long as
1) When something happens and depends on another that happens at the same time

I don’t care who you are as long as you love me

We have to get down to work as long as there is an internal audit going on
I’ll keep going out with her as long as we do it secretly

As if, As though
1) We are going to use them when we compare facts which we believe are equivalent,
the same

They spoke English as if they were native speakers

She was happy as though she had just won the lottery prize
We argued against each other as if it were a war
Whenever, Wherever, Whatever, Whoever
1)To make reference to: any…

Whenever: at any time

Wherever: at any place
Whatever: any thing
Whoever: anybody

Whenever I see my baby I fill myself with love

I can meet you wherever you want
She would like to have a date with whoever you find for her
When girls have credit card they buy whatever they see

Note whatever is also used as I don’t care, never mind, not interesting, etc…

Do you think they are going to arrive on time this time?

Ah!!! Whatever!!!

Here is the menu. What would you like to drink?


You Mix

Now try to exercise your conjunctions and write some sentences using the cases
presented in this lesson:

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