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“While Radheya looked on, “

This (He was looking on)is what Karna was doing before Arjuna released his
Vayayvstra and anjalika.

Let us see the definition of Looked on.

(from oxford dictionary on google).

To Look on means to watch something without getting himself involved which means
here Karna is not invovled in the fight after releasing his Varuna weapon, and he
was watching somewhere else.

So, Where was he watching? Was he watching at Arjuna’s Vayu weapon or was he
looking at the analika weapon? It’s none of them. He’s looking at his own chariot
wheel without involving in the fight since he’s distracted due to him trying to
take his wheel out. How did I say this that Karna isn’t looking at Arjuna but
looking at his wheel?

It’s because of the direct words of Brahmin’s curse,

“O worst of men! When you clash against your foe and are distracted because the
wheel of your chariot has been devoured by the earth, he will exhibit his valour
and sever your head.”

Duryodhna’s ,

“In the battle, Karna’s wheel was submerged in the ground. He was defeated and
overtaken by a hardship. That foremost among men was trying to extricate it and you
had him killed.”

and also the indirect words of the others like Krishna and others.

It’s as clear as water from Duryodhana’s words and Brahmin’s curse that Karna’s
head was severed when he was distracted and looked on at his wheel i.e chariot
trying to extricate it which also implies that he is without any weapons in his
hands since he is trying to extricate his chariot (as per duryodhana’s words who
observed the battle from distance).

So, when Karna was killed, he was without weapons, without a chariot, without any
heeds, he was distracted and even pleaded to Arjuna for sometime. Yet Arjuna killed

According to Lord Krishna’s own words it is an act of adharma:

“Krishna replied, ‘O Partha! I now know that you have never attended to those who
are old. O tiger among men! You have fallen prey to wrath at the wrong time. O
Dhananjaya! No one who knows about the gradations of dharma acts in this way.
Thinking something to be a duty, you are engaging in a task that is not a duty. O
Partha! It is the worst of men who performs tasks that should not be performed. You
should follow the dharma that wise ones have resorted to. They certainly spoke
about this in detail to those who approached them.595 O Partha! The man who does
not know about these decrees and about the determination of what should be done and
what should not be done, is certainly confounded. You are acting in that foolish
way. It is always difficult to clearly know what should be done and what should not
be done. Everything can be known through the sacred texts, but you are not
acquainted with them. Based on your ignorance, you think that you are following
dharma and that you are acting in accordance with dharma. O Partha! You say that
you are for dharma. But you do not understand that the killing of a living being is
a sin. O son!596 Not killing living beings is the best course of action. That is my
view. One can utter a falsehood, but one should never indulge in violence. The
king, your eldest brother, is knowledgeable about dharma. How can you, like an
ordinary man, kill that best of men? O descendant of the Bharata lineage! It has
been said that one must not kill someone who is not fighting, someone who is
without weapons, someone who is reluctant to fight, someone who is running away,
someone who has sought sanctuary and someone who has joined his hands in
salutation. The learned do not approve of killing such people. O Partha! In earlier
times, you took that vow of yours when you were a child. Because of that, you now
wish to undertake an act that is full of adharma. O Partha! How can you rush to
kill your superior? Remember dharma. The course of dharma needs to be reflected
about. It is subtle and difficult to follow. O bull among the Bharata lineage!”

And That’s why Lord Krishna himself admitted that Karna’s death is an act of

Krishna again mentions again mentions Karna most unfair death according to bori
Shalya Parva, Chapter 1279(60)
On hearing that Bhishma, Drona, Karna and Bhurishrava had been slain through
adharma, they grieved and wept in sorrow. The Pandavas were distressed and immersed
in thought. On seeing this, Krishna spoke these words, in a voice that rumbled like
clouds and drums. ‘All of them were swift in the use of weapons and were
maharathas. In a fair fight, even if we fought bravely, we were incapable of
defeating them in the battle. That is the reason I thought of means to slay those
lords of men. Otherwise, the Pandaveyas would never have obtained victory. Those
four great-souled ones were atirathas on earth. Following dharma, even the
guardians of the world themselves would not have been able to kill them.Here ,The
Pandavas themselves are ashamed of their act of killing Karna by Adharma.

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