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A Timeline of Śrī-Kṛṣṇa-līlā

(Prepared by Hari Pārṣada Dāsa by referring to the commentaries of the Gauḍīya-vaiṣṇava

ācāryas on the Śrīmad-bhāgavatam and to other Gauḍīya-vaiṣṇava sources)

Age Pastime Krishna’s Residence

6 days from birth Killing of Pūtanā. Gokula
3 Months Killing the Cart Demon (Śakaṭa). Gokula
100th day from birth Name-giving ceremony (nāma-karaṇa). Gokula
Completion of 1st Year Killing Tṛṇāvarta. Gokula
3 Years and 2 Months Dāmodara-līlā and deliverance of Yamalārjuna trees. Gokula

3 Years and 3 Months Arrival in Śrī Vṛndāvana.

3 Years and 4 Months Herding the calves and killing Vatsāsura. Vṛndāvana
4 Years and 4 Months Killing of Aghāsura ; The bewilderment of Śrī Brahmā. Vṛndāvana
5 Years and 2 Months Herding the Cows. Vṛndāvana
6 Years and 9 Months Subduing Kāliya and first meeting with the gopīs. Vṛndāvana
7 Years and 2 Months Govardhana-līlā. Vṛndāvana
8 Years Rescue of Nanda Mahārāja from Varuṇa’s abode. Vṛndāvana
9 Years Trip to Ambikā-vana, Killing of Śaṅkhacūḍa, Holī-līlā. Vṛndāvana
10th and 11th Year Dāna-līlā, Various pastimes of love with the gopīs, Vṛndāvana
Killing Keśī, Akrūra’s arrival.

11 Years and 1 Month Going to Mathurā and Killing Kaṁsa Mathurā

11 Years and 5 Months Upanayana-saṁskāra (thread ceremony). Mathurā
11 Years and 7 Months Going to gurukula and staying for 64 days. Ujjain (Avantikā)
14 Years and 2 Months Meeting with Kubjā. Mathurā
15th Year to 32nd Year 18 Consecutive Attacks (1 Attack Per Year) by Mathurā
Jarāsandha on Mathurā.
32 Years Establishment of Dvārakā.

32 Years Marriage to Rukmiṇī. Dvārakā

33 Years Birth of Pradyumna. Dvārakā
34th to 40th Year Killing of Bhaumāsura (Narakāsura) and marriages to Dvārakā
other queens rescued from his captivity.
45 Years Meeting Yadus and Vraja-vāsīs in Kurukṣetra (ācāryas Kurukṣetra
differ over the exact year in which this took place).
51 Years Pradyumna arrives in Dvārakā after 18 years. Dvārakā
52 Yearṣ Śrī Baladeva arrives in Vraja. Dvārakā
53 Years Birth of Aniruddha. Dvārakā
72 Years Rājasūya sacrifice and killing of Śiśupāla. Indraprastha
73 Years Humiliation of Draupadī in the assembly of Kurus. Dvārakā
73 Years Disappearance of Vraja-līlā. Dvārakā
86 Years Pāṇḍavas return from exile. Dvārakā
87 Years Possibility of war between Kauravas and Pāṇḍavas. Dvārakā and
Peace talks begin. Hastināpura
89 Years Peace talks fail and Mahābhārata war takes place. Kurukṣetra
90th Year to 124th Year Residence in Dvārakā. Dvārakā
125 Years Jarā shoots an arrow ; disappearance of Śrī-Krishna. Dvārakā

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