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ृ सेवक वानर: कथा

The King’s monkey servant

एकदा एक: राजा आसीत ् ।

Once upon a time, there lived a King.

त य सेवक: एक: मख
ू : वानर: अ प आसीत ् ।
His servant was a foolish monkey.

एकि मन दने, रा : समये राजा सु त:आसीत ्।

One day, in the night the king was sleeping.

तदा त य श ररे एक: म क: उप व ट:।

At that time, a fly came and sat on his body.

वानर: ोदे न तम म कम ् खड़कम ् आदाय त या उप र हारो

व हत: ।
The monkey got angry and took a sword and stroke the King’s body.

म का नेन गता । क तु राजा मत

ृ : अभवत ्।
The fly went away. However the King died.
​ ामायण कथा
Story of Ramayana

अयो यायाम ् दशरथ: नाम राजा आसीत ् ।

There was a king named Dasharatha in the Kingdom of Ayodhya.

त य च वार: पु ा: आसीत ् ।
He had 4 sons

ते राम:, ल मण:,भरत:,श ु न: इ त ।
They were Rama, Lakshmana,Bharata and Shatrugna.

राम: पत:ु आ या वनम ् अग छत ् ।

Rama went to the forest according to his father’s order.

तेन सह त य भाया सीता, ातर: ल मण: अ प अग छताम।्

Along with him, his wife Sita, brother Lakshmana also went.

लंका नगरे रावण नाम रा स गण

ु े एक: राजा आसीत ् ।​
There was a cruel king named Ravana in the city of Lanka.

स: वने सीताम ् अपहरत ् ।

He abducted Sita in the forest.

स: ताम ् लंका नगरे अ थापयत ् ।

He trapped her in Lanka

राम: क पराजेन सु वेण, हनम

ु ता च स यम ् अकरोत ्।
Rama made friendship with Monkey King Sugriva and Hanuman

राम: तेषाम ् सहायेन लंका ग वा सवान रा सान ् रावणम च

ह वा
सीता सह अयो या आगत :।
Rama with their help, killed all the demons and Ravana and returned
to Ayodhya with Sita.

तत: त ी राम य प टा भषेक: अभवत ् ।

Then Shri Rama was coronated as the King of Ayodhya.
आ म व वास:/Self Confidence

अ हाम ् ​ ल गन ् वय य बा य कालम ् अतीव क ट:

आसीत ् ।
President Sir Abraham Lincoln’s childhood was very difficult.

त य पता एक: त क: आसीत ् ।

His father was a carpenter.
ृ े दा र यम ् आसीत ्।
There was poverty in his house.

माता सौ चका आसीत ् ।

His Mother was aTailor.

त या: धनाजनेन सा पु म ् पाठय त म ।

She used to save money to educate her son.

स: छ नव म् वा व यालयम ् अग छत ् ।
One day, he went to school wearing torn clothes.

तम ् टवा सहपाठ न: प रहसं त म ।

Seeing him, his classmates made fun of him.

तेषाम ् प रहासम ् ु वा स: अतीव द ु खत: अभवत ् ।

Hearing the teasing, he became very sad.

स: मातरम ् अ छत ् - मात: , एकम ् नत

ू नम ् यत
ु कम ्
वा ददा त वा ?
He asked his Mother - Mother, can buy a new shirt and give me?

माता अवदत - पु , अ माकम ् अव था वम ् जानसी ।

इदानीम ् नत
ू नम ् व म ् े तम
ु ् वयम ् अ ता:।
Mom said - Son, you know about our situation. Now we are not
capable of buying new clothes.

अ माकम ् अव था अनस
ु रे न जीवनीयम ् ।
We must live according to our abilities.

तदथम ् आ म व वास: अ या वशक:।

So we need self confidence.

आ म व वास न यज !!
Don't give up Self confidence.

भ व य काले वम ् न चयेन उ नतपदम ् ा यस।

In the future, you will reach higher heights.

एता न वचना न एव अ हाम ् ​ ल गन ् महोदय य जीवन

आधार: अभवत ् ।
These are the words which became the basis of Sir Abraham Lincoln’s

आ म व वसेन जीवने सवम ् ाप यतम

ु ् श यते ।
With Self Confidence, we can achieve everything in Life.

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