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Design elements
in Expressionism

E xpressionist architecture
• Expre ssionism e me rge d in Northe rn Europe in the e arly 20th ce ntury in poe try and painting,
whe re it atte mpte d to distort re ality to e xpre ss subje ctive , e motional e xpe rie nce . It
quickly spre ad through all of the arts and archite cture , pione e re d by a group of archite cts from
G e rmany, Austria and De nmark.
• Expre ssionist archite cts use d mate rials such as brick, concre te and glass to cre ate
nove l sculptural forms and massing, some time s distorte d and fragme nte d to e xpre ss an
e motional pe rspe ctive .

• Ve ry ofte n, e xpre ssionism involve d a re je ction of historical style s, symme trica l forms,
and traditional de signs and inste ad e mbrace d abstraction (base d on structure s not found and
se e n in the world) unusual buildin g forms using innovative construction te chnique s that stood
out from the surroundings.
• De sign e le me nts-
1. Distorte d forms.

2. Symbolic re pre se ntation of re ality.

3. Exte nsive use of G lass and natural mate rial.

4. Influe nce of Moorish, Egyptian, Indian and othe r

e aste rn archite ctural style s.

5. Archite cture as a Art Form.


• Distorte d forms-A distortion of form for an e motional e ffe ct.

• Symbolic re pre se ntation of re ality.

• Exte nsive use of G lass and natural mate rial.

• Influe nce of Moorish, Egyptian, Indian and othe r e aste rn archite ctural style s.

• Archite cture as a Art Form.

Goetheanum in Dornach near Basel Switzerland, 1924–28 Amsterdam School, Het Schip apartment building
in Amsterdam
Sydney Opera House ,Bennelong Point, Sydney NSW Lotus Temple ,Delhi ,India
2000, Australia

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

New Secretariat,Kolkata

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