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Name: Keneth John O.

Candido Date: February 4, 2022

Subject: Anatomy and Physiology (Lecture)

Define the terms anatomy and physiology, and explain their relationship using an
example of a human structure with its corresponding function.

Anatomy is the scientific study of the human body's structures. The function of
each of these structures is studied in physiology. When it comes to their relationship,
some people, for example, have a thinning (weakening) of the arterial wall. An aneurysm
is the medical term for this condition. Blood pressure in arteries is quite high. When we
engage in physical activity, such as exercise, this pressure increases even more. If the
artery's wall is weak and the blood pressure rises too high, the vessel may break (burst
aneurysm) and the patient may bleed to death. The artery's structure (vessel wall) has
changed, and it can no longer perform its function (containing the blood).

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