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Senior High School

First Quarter
AY 2021-2022, Second Semester
Grade 11 – CLE II

Name: Morales, Lawrence Yvez L. Date: Feb. 10, 2022

Teacher: Micha Belle Rivera Year and Section: 11-St.Louise

Activity No. 3: Sacramentals

Activity Title: Beati Esse
Learning Target: 1. To be able to be able to identify the effects of the sacramentals as obtained
through the intersession of the Church. 2. To be able to be able to identify the usage, functions,
and importance of the different sacramentals.

Instructions: Summarize the effects, usage, functions, and importance of the Sacramentals.

The sacramental effects are gained through the prayer of the Church, those are the
graces, forgiveness of sin and temporal punishment, freedom from demonic control, and the
blessing of people and things come through them in their own way. The sacramentals are
certain blessed items that are spiritually beneficial to the faithful. The sacramentals are sacred
signs which have a sacrament-like structures. The Functions of sacramental is to incite
reverence during acts of worship, a sacramental is an object or action that has been ritually
blessed by a priest to signify its association with the Sacraments.

The Catholic Church's Importance of the Sacraments is a book that explores the proper
doctrine that worshippers must follow. The Sacraments are different from the Sacramentals,
which are sacred images, symbols, and things. The Church's acts in giving grace and faith to
the receivers are Christ-centered.
5 4 3 2 1
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