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Heroes of Mountain Top

A hero is defined in many ways; hero can refer to a person who does an act of good deed
without a prize or personal gain. In the novel The Young Warriors by V.S Reid, we can see that
meaning come to life. The novel features the story of how (Tommy, Johnny, Charlie, David and
Uriah) save their village of Mountain Top from the devious Redcoats through countless acts of
heroism. As we (the reader) travel through the book, looking into the lives of the five young
warriors we can see many different versions of the young warrior’s bravery. The five young
warriors showed heroism in many ways, they made a tough decision such as Johnny’s idea to
treat the Redcoats as conies even though there was a rejection. Courage was shown in the act of
Tommy and Johnny risking their lives to take up the task of carrying the chief’s message to the
Mocho Maroons. Last but certainly not least, the four young warriors banded together to rescue
Charlie from the Redcoats captivity.

Johnny made a tough decision and a huge risk advising a plan on how to fight the
Redcoats. While Johnny was in the council house, he knew that the Maroon warriors did not
have an actual plan to save the village and so he spoke. Johnny devised a plan to treat the
Redcoats as they did the conies. In chapter 7, we can see the impact Johnny’s idea made in the
story. In this chapter (chapter 7), Captain Dick starts the plan by firing a gunshot while Tommy
and Johnny make a dashing escape out of the Redcoats camp to try and find their way to the
Mocho Maroons. It was from Johnny’s clever distraction plan that the Mountain Top Maroons
were able to contact and get help from the Mocho Maroons. This action by Johnny made it
possible for the Maroons to unite and fight the Redcoats, ultimately winning the battle for the
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Topic Sentence – Tommy and Johnny made a huge sacrifice, taking up Chief Phillips mission to
go get help from the Mocho Maroons.

Evidence – In chapter 11, Tommy and Johnny finally arrived in the Mocho Mountains and met
with Chief James to discuss the future of Mountain Top.
Evidence – In chapter 11, Tommy and Johnny asked Chief James to help rescue Charlie from the
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Topic Sentence - The four Young Warriors risked their lives trying to rescue Charlie and save
their village from being sold-out.

Evidence 1 – In Chapter 15, Tommy and Charlie devise a plan to let Charlie lure the Redcoats to
Starapple Gully into an ambush.

Evidence 2 – In Chapter 15, Charlie was willing to sacrifice himself and stay with Redcoats to
lead them into the ambush.

In conclusion. The village of Mountain Top will forever remember the five Young Warriors
for they have displayed the true meaning of being a hero. The young warriors showed that being
a hero is not about having superpowers or having special abilities, but exhibit countless acts of
courage. To become a hero you have to make many tough and life-threatening decisions to
protect your loved ones. Finally, they have shown that a hero can be of any age young or old you
just have to have the courage and determination it takes.

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