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The Middle West: Vùng Trung Tây - The northern, central part of America.
Chicago is one of the big industrial cities in the Middle West. People in the Middle
West worked hard and did not like modem ideas.
graduate: tốt nghiệp - to get a degree after studying at a university
settle down: định cư, ở yên một chỗ - to decide to live in one place
the bond business: học cách đầu tư - Nick was going to learn about investments
and insurance.
enormous: hoành tráng, khổng lồ - very large
bay: vịnh - a big curve in the coastline
restless: thích đi đây đó, không chịu ở yên - They did not want to live in one place
or settle down.
porch: hiên nhà - a raised, covered place at the front or sides of a house
riding clothes: đồ cưỡi ngựa - clothes worn when riding a horse
dock: bến tàu - a place where a boat is tied up
couch: ghế bành - a long seat for sitting or lying on
charming: quyến rũ - Daisy had a very pleasant way of talking and behaving.
be in training: đang tập luyện - to be practising for a competition in sport
lead someone: dẫn, dắt - to take someone somewhere
butler: quản gia - the most important male servant in a big house
railroad: đường sắt - an American word for railway, a track for trains to run on
mistress: tình nhân - a woman loved by a man, but not married to him
old man: bạn già, anh bạn - a friendly expression used by one man to another
apartment: căn hộ - several rooms to live in, usually on one floor of a big building
cute: đáng yêu - an American expression meaning attractive
Fifth Avenue: Đại lộ Số 5 - a famous street in New York with many expensive
shops and hotels
sure: dĩ nhiên - an American expression meaning 'of course'
elevator: thang máy - the American word for lift. A machine to take people from
one floor to another in large buildings

elevator boy: người trực thang máy - someone who looks after the elevator
divorce someone: li hôn - to end a marriage by an agreement in law
false: giả tạo - not honest
champagne: sâm panh - an expensive sparkling white wine
guests: khách - people invited to a house
real: thật - Gatsby's library was full of books. Some rich people put only the
covers of many books in their bookshelves, to show they were well educated. But
Gatsby's books were real, they could be read.
smart: thông minh - clever
old sport: bạn già, anh bạn - an expression like old man
host: chủ nhà, gia chủ - a man who invites guests to his home
tanned: rám nắng - to be made brown by the sun.
bootlegger: kẻ bán rượu lậu - At this time, it was against the law to make, buy
or sell alcohol in America. People who broke this law were called bootleggers.
crook: kẻ bịp bợm, kẻ lừ đảo - A crook is someone who makes money
gambler: con bạc, kẻ đánh bạc - A gambler is someone who plays games for
medal: huân chương - a piece of metal, shaped like a coin. It is given for bravery.
Valour Extraordinary: Quả Cảm - unusual bravery
ask someone a favour: xin một ân huệ - to ask someone to do something for you
gas: xăng - gasoline, petrol
perfect gentleman: quý ông hoàn hảo - someone who has good manners and is
very polite
Broadway: Broadway - a street in New York, famous for its many theatres
bridesmaid: phụ dâu - When a girl gets married, her best friend is her
bridesmaid. She stands behind the bride in church.
shy: thẹn thùng - unable to talk or behave easily with people
yacht: thuyền buồm - a sailing boat
elegant: thanh lịch - smartly and fashionably dressed

spoilt: hư hỏng - Daisy is spoilt because she has always had everything she
like hell: nhảm nhí, vớ vẩn - a strong expression meaning that you do not believe
a nobody from nowhere: du thủ du thực, kẻ vô danh tiểu tốt - Tom is being
rude. Gatsby had become rich when he moved East. Before this time, he had
been a poor man from a small town in the Middle West.
Goddamned: khốn nạn, trời đánh - an expression of anger and disgust. Tom
thinks Gatsby is a coward.
to pay a compliment: tán dương, khen - to say something nice about someone
airbed: đệm hơi - a mattress filled with air
inquest: cuộc điều tra - a court which describes the cause of death. People are
asked questions and agree, or swear, to tell the truth.
the case is closed: vụ án khép lại - When a court is decided, nothing more can
be said.
a man made mad with grief: kẻ phát cuồng vì đau khổ - someone so sad and
unhappy that he is driven mad
funeral: tang lễ - the ceremony when a dead person is buried, or put in their
grave in a cemetery
destroy: phá hủy - to break something completely
to clear up the mess: dọn dẹp - to put things right again


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