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Psychometric Tests

 FIRO-B ( Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation Behaviour) introduced in Military

by William Schutz in 1958. Its a theory that mainly identifies Interpersonal Orientation of a
person when put in a group. People look to obtain mainly 3 things , Affection / openness,
Control and Inclusion. It helps to understand behaviour of a person in a group. Its a strong
leadership development tool. The questionnaire asks 6 questions in 9 possible ways.

Inclusion Cotrol Openness/ Affection

(Involvement) (Influence) (Connection)
Expressed I make an effort to I try to exert control I make an effort to get
include others in my and influence over close to people. I am
activities. I try to things. I enjoy comfortable
belong, to join social organising things and expressing personal
groups- to be with direct others. feelings and I try to be
people as much as supportive of others.
Wanted I want other people to I feel most comfortable I want others to act
invite me to belong. I working in well- warmly towards me. I
enjoy it when others defined situations. I try enjoy it when others
notice me. to get clear share their feelings
expectations and with me and when
instructions. they encourage my
Score is received between 1 and 9.... 1 being not at all and 9 being all the time

Low score mean : Low Frequency of will and high Selectivity in terms of who or on what
context you would see such behaviour

Medium score mean : Some Frequency of will and some Selectivity in terms of who or on
what context you would see such behaviour

High score mean : High Frequency of will and Low Selectivity in terms of who or on what
context you would see such behaviour

 16 PF (

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