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Read the text about vampires and then answer the questions below.

Vampires are monsters in stories. One of the most famous

stories about a vampire is Dracula. Not many people believe
that vampires are real, but they are still very popular in
movies, television, and books. Vampires were people but now
they are not normal people anymore. Some vampires have to
drink blood to survive. They do this by biting people or animals.
Sometimes a vampire kills a person. This person may also
become a vampire. In many stories, vampires can change to
animals, usually bats, wolves, cats or rats.

Every story about vampires is different. In some stories

vampires can’t go outside when the sun is shining and they
sleep during the day. Some stories say that vampires can’t
enter a house if they are not invited and that they have no
reflection (they cannot see themselves) in glass or mirrors.

1. Which words are new for you? 3. Why do vampires drink

___________________________________ blood?
___________________________________ __________________________________
___________________________________ __________________________________
___________________________________ __________________________________

2. What is the plural of these words? 4. What happens to a person

story ______________________ if a vampire kills him?
vampire ______________________ __________________________________
mirror ______________________ __________________________________
wolf ______________________ __________________________________

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