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April 22 is a day to pay tribute to our planet and recognize the earth as our home and our mother,

as expressed by different cultures

throughout history, demonstrating the interdependence between its many ecosystems and the living beings that inhabit it.

Point 1 Point 3 Point 4

The first demonstration took place on April Some proposals to Interesting facts:
22, 1970, promoted by senator and help the earth are:
✓ In the North Pole
environmental activist gaylord nelson, for the
✓ Carry out the there are no
creation of an environmental agency. Two
3r rule on a penguins and in the
thousand universities, ten thousand schools
daily basis South Pole there
(primary and secondary) and hundreds of
✓ Respect for are no bears
communities participated in this event. Social
animals ✓ The amazon
pressure had its successes and the us
✓ Caring for rainforest is home
government created the environmental
water to 1 out of 3 wild
protection agency and a series of laws aimed
✓ Save energy animals and plants
at protecting the environment. The first
✓ The earth is
international conference on the environment
approximately 4.5
was held in 1972. The Stockholm earth
billion years old
summit aimed to raise world leaders'
✓ 70% of the earth's
awareness of the scale of environmental
surface is water

Point 2 Point 5
The main environmental problems today are: Let's create awareness all together, change begins at
home, join in celebrating this day by participating in
✓ Climate change
environmental campaigns collecting plastic and
✓ Pollution
inviting more people to join the cause, the faster we
✓ Deforestation
act the damage will be less, don't forget to use gel,
✓ Water scarcity
mouth covers and should have a distance of 1 meter,
✓ Species extinction and biodiversity loss
for a clean future!!

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