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What do you mean by Sexual Reproduction?

Benefits and Demerits of Sexual

Reproduction is a type of life process which helps or enables a human being to
produce offspring of its type. It is further divided into two types: sexual and
asexual. Here, we shall discuss sexual reproduction. A type of reproduction that
involves two different sexes to produce an infant or new ones can be defined as the
process of sexual reproduction.

Sexual reproduction takes place in both human beings and flowering plants along
with some mammals or higher category beings. Some examples of flowering plants are
rose, cactus, orchid, and so on. Some mammals which undergo sexual reproduction are
a dog, cats, tigers, homo sapiens ( human beings ), and many more. With the help of
sexual reproduction, the new offspring produced will inherit the physical
characteristics of its family tree. It is rightly said that nature has produced or
invented the process of reproduction as a mechanism for life to carry on.

Advantages of Sexual Reproduction

Disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction
Comparison Table for Advantages and Disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction
FAQ’s on Advantages And Disadvantages Of Sexual Reproduction
Advantages of Sexual Reproduction
As mentioned above, a type of reproduction that involves two different sexes to
produce an infant or new ones can be defined as the process of sexual reproduction.
There are both merits and demerits of sexual reproduction. In this section, we
shall discuss the advantages or merits of sexual reproduction. The following points
mentioned below analyze the advantages of sexual reproduction:

Encouragement of the Survival of Species:- The primary and most important advantage
of sexual reproduction is to encourage the survival of the living species. In both
the kingdoms, the animal and plant kingdom, the mates are attracted towards a
different body or hormonal superiority.
Prevents Genetic Bottleneck to Occur:- If you study asexual reproduction, you will
find that the new beings that are produced are clones or a copy of their parent
body. This increases the chance of harming the whole species. But, in sexual
production, two different bodies of different sexes mate with each other to produce
offspring. They are genetically and physically identical to their parents. This
prevents the genetic bottleneck to occur.
Increases the Disease resistance:- The offspring produced in the process of sexual
reproduction allows the offspring to be disease resistant in higher levels of
diseases. We know that viruses, bacterias, fungi, and various other things affect
the human body. They are generally unable to adapt to the human body and cause
severe effects. This is due to the genetic inheritances provided by the DNA of the
two bodies (male and female ).
Survival of the Fittest:- The notion of survival of the fittest was coined by
‘Charles Darwin’. Those species which are best suited to the environmental
conditions will survive. The process of sexual reproduction helps the new offspring
to be healthier to survive. This helps the species to have an evolutionary change
in both the micro and macro levels.
A Rewarding Experience:- Sexual reproduction is considered to be a rewarding
experience. It stimulates the cells of the brain. Our brain releases dopamine and
makes us feel enjoyable. This can be addictive as much as cocaine and other drugs.
It is also often regarded as an antidepressant. It helps to relieve pain.
Improves health:- in human beings, the process of sexual reproduction is regarded
to improve health. In males, the rate of sex twice a week lowers the blood pressure
and lowers the heart disease as well. It also lowers the hormone of stress in the
human body.

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