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Cold Start Similar Artists Ranking with

Gravity-Inspired Graph Autoencoders

Guillaume Salha-Galvan∗ Romain Hennequin Benjamin Chapus
Deezer Research & LIX, École Deezer Research Deezer Research
Polytechnique France France

Viet-Anh Tran Michalis Vazirgiannis

Deezer Research LIX, École Polytechnique
France France
ABSTRACT Netherlands. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 10 pages.
On an artist’s profile page, music streaming services frequently rec- 3460231.3474252
ommend a ranked list of "similar artists" that fans also liked. How-
ever, implementing such a feature is challenging for new artists, 1 INTRODUCTION
for which usage data on the service (e.g. streams or likes) is not yet
available. In this paper, we model this cold start similar artists rank- Music streaming services heavily rely on recommender systems to
ing problem as a link prediction task in a directed and attributed help users discover and enjoy new musical content within large
graph, connecting artists to their top-k most similar neighbors and catalogs of millions of songs, artists and albums, with the general
incorporating side musical information. Then, we leverage a graph aim of improving their experience and engagement [4, 6, 42, 55].
autoencoder architecture to learn node embedding representations In particular, these services frequently recommend, on an artist’s
from this graph, and to automatically rank the top-k most similar profile page, a ranked list of related artists that fans also listened to
neighbors of new artists using a gravity-inspired mechanism. We or liked [13, 26, 32]. Referred to as "Fans Also Like" on Spotify and
empirically show the flexibility and the effectiveness of our frame- Soundcloud and as "Related" or "Similar Artists" on Amazon Music,
work, by addressing a real-world cold start similar artists ranking Apple Music and Deezer, such a feature typically leverages learning
problem on a global music streaming service. Along with this paper, to rank models [27, 48, 55]. It retrieves the most relevant artists
we also publicly release our source code and the industrial data according to similarity measures usually computed from usage data,
from our experiments. e.g. from the proportion of shared listeners across artists [13, 26],
or from more complex collaborative filtering models [25, 33, 55]
CCS CONCEPTS that predict similarities from the known preferences of an artist’s
listeners. It has recently been described as "one of the easiest ways"
• Information systems → Recommender systems; • Computing
to let "users discover new music" by Spotify [26].
methodologies → Learning latent representations; Ranking; • Math-
However, filling up such ranked lists is especially challenging
ematics of computing → Graph algorithms.
for new artists. Indeed, while music streaming services might have
access to some general descriptive information on these artists,
listening data will however not be available upon their first release.
Music Recommendation, Music Streaming Services, Cold Start, This prevents computing the aforementioned usage-based similarity
Similar Music Artists, Ranking, Directed Graphs, Autoencoders, measures. As a consequence of this problem, which we refer to as
Variational Autoencoders, Graph Representation Learning, Node cold start similar artists ranking, music streaming services usually
Embedding, Link Prediction do not propose any "Fans Also Like" section for these artists, until
ACM Reference Format: (and if ever) a sufficiently large number of usage interactions, e.g.
Guillaume Salha-Galvan, Romain Hennequin, Benjamin Chapus, Viet-Anh listening sessions, has been reached. Besides new artists, this usage-
Tran, and Michalis Vazirgiannis. 2021. Cold Start Similar Artists Ranking based approach also excludes from recommendations a potentially
with Gravity-Inspired Graph Autoencoders. In Fifteenth ACM Conference on large part of the existing catalog with too few listening data, which
Recommender Systems (RecSys ’21), September 27-October 1, 2021, Amsterdam, raises fairness concerns [9]. Furthermore, while we will focus on
∗ Contact author: music streaming applications, this problem encompasses the more
general cold start similar items ranking issue, which is also crucial
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for media recommending other items such as videos [10].
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation In this paper, we address this problem by exploiting the fact that,
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the as detailed in Section 3, such "Fans Also Like" features can naturally
author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission be summarized as a directed and attributed graph, that connects
and/or a fee. Request permissions from each item node, e.g. each artist, to their most similar neighbors via
RecSys ’21, September 27-October 1, 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands directed links. Such a graph also incorporates additional descrip-
© 2021 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8458-2/21/09. . . $15.00 tive information on nodes and links from the graph, e.g. musical information on artists. In this direction, we model cold start similar

RecSys ’21, September 27-October 1, 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands G. Salha-Galvan et al.

items ranking as a directed link prediction problem [53], for new release. This hinders the computation of usage-based similarity
nodes gradually added into this graph. scores, thus excluding these items from recommendations until
Then, we solve this problem by leveraging recent advances in they become warm - if ever. In this paper, we study the feasibility
graph representation learning [18, 19, 67], and specifically directed of effectively predicting their future similar items ranked lists, from
graph autoencoders [30, 53]. Our proposed framework permits re- the delivery of these items i.e. without any usage data. This would
trieving similar neighbors of items from node embeddings and from enable offering such an important feature quicker and on a larger
a gravity-inspired decoder acting as a ranking mechanism. Our work part of the catalog. More precisely, we answer the following re-
is the first transposition and analysis of gravity-inspired graph au- search question: using only 1) the known similarity scores between
toencoders [53] on recommendation problems. Backed by in-depth warm items, and 2) the available descriptive information, how, and
experiments on industrial data from the global music streaming to which extent, can we predict the future "Fans Also Like" lists that
service Deezer1 , we show the effectiveness of our approach at ad- would ultimately be computed once cold items become warm?
dressing a real-world cold start similar artists ranking problem,
outperforming several popular baselines for cold start recommen-
2.2 Related Work
dation. Last, we publicly release our code and the industrial data
from our experiments. Besides making our results reproducible, While collaborative filtering methods effectively learn item prox-
we hope that such a release of real-world resources will benefit imities, e.g. via the factorization of user-item interaction matrices
future research on this topic. [33, 59], these methods usually become unsuitable for cold items
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce without any interaction data and thus absent from these matri-
the cold start similar items ranking problem more precisely and ces [59]. In such a setting, the simplest strategy for similar items
mention previous works on related topics. In Section 3, we present ranking would consist in relying on popularity metrics [55], e.g. to
our graph-based framework to address this problem. We report recommend the most listened artists. In the presence of descriptive
and discuss our experiments on Deezer data in Section 4, and we information on cold items, one could also recommend items with
conclude in Section 5. the closest descriptions [1]. These heuristics are usually outper-
formed by hybrid models, leveraging both item descriptions and
2 PRELIMINARIES collaborative filtering on warm items [22, 23, 59, 63]. They con-
sist in:
2.1 Problem Formulation
Throughout this paper, we consider a catalog of n recommendable • learning a vector space representation (an embedding) of
items on an online service, such as music artists in our application. warm items, where proximity reflects user preferences;
Each item i is described by some side information summarized • then, projecting cold items into this embedding, typically by
in an f -dimensional vector x i ; for artists, such a vector could for learning a model to map descriptive vectors of warm items
instance capture information related to their country of origin or to their embedding vectors, and then applying this mapping
to their music genres. These n items are assumed to be "warm", to cold items’ descriptive vectors.
meaning that the service considers that a sufficiently large number Albeit under various formulations, this strategy has been trans-
of interactions with users, e.g. likes or streams, has been reached posed to Matrix Factorization [6, 59], Collaborative Metric Learning
for these items to ensure reliable usage data analyses. [23, 36] and Bayesian Personalized Ranking [2, 22]; in practice, a
From these usage data, the service learns an n × n similarity deep neural network often acts as the mapping model. The retrieved
matrix S, where the element Si j ∈ [0, 1] captures the similarity of similar items are then the closest ones in the embedding. Other deep
item j w.r.t. item i. Examples of some possible usage-based simi- learning approaches were also recently proposed for item cold start,
larity scores2 Si j include the percentage of users interacting with with promising performances. DropoutNet [61] processes both us-
item i that also interacted with item j (e.g. users listening to or age and descriptive data, and is explicitly trained for cold start
liking both items [26]), mutual information scores [56], or more through a dropout [57] simulation mechanism. MeLU [35] deploys
complex measures derived from collaborative filtering [25, 33, 55]. a meta-learning paradigm to learn embeddings in the absence of
Throughout this paper, we assume that similarity scores are fixed usage data. CVAE [37] leverages a Bayesian generative process to
over time, which we later discuss. sample cold embedding vectors, via a collaborative variational au-
Leveraging these scores, the service proposes a similar items toencoder.
feature comparable to the "Fans Also Like" described in the intro- While they constitute relevant baselines, these models do not
duction. Specifically, along with the presentation of an item i on rely on graphs, contrary to our work. Graph-based recommendation
the service, this feature recommends a ranked list of k similar items has recently grown at a fast pace (see the surveys of [64, 66]), in-
to users. They correspond to the top-k items j such as j , i and cluding in industrial applications [63, 68]. Existing research widely
with highest similarity scores Si j . focuses on bipartite user-item graphs [64]. Notably, STAR-GCN
On a regular basis, "cold" items will appear in the catalog. While [69] addresses cold start by reconstructing user-item links using
the service might have access to descriptive side information on stacked graph convolutional networks, extending ideas from [5, 30].
these items, no usage data will be available upon their first online Instead, recent efforts [46, 47] emphasized the relevance of lever-
1 aging - as we will - graphs connecting items together, along with
2 Details on the computation of similarities at Deezer are provided in Section 4.1 - their attributes. In this direction, the work closest to ours might
without loss of generality, as our framework is valid for any S i j ∈ [0, 1]. be the recent DEAL [20] who, thanks to an alignment mechanism,

Cold Start Similar Artists Ranking with Gravity-Inspired Graph Autoencoders RecSys ’21, September 27-October 1, 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands

predicts links in such graphs for new nodes having only descrip- predictions with the actual ground-truth edges ultimately revealed,
tive information. We will also compare to DEAL; we nonetheless both in terms of:
point out that their work focused on undirected graphs, and did
• prediction accuracy: do we retrieve the correct locations of
not consider ranking settings.
missing edges in the graph?
• ranking quality: are the retrieved edges correctly ordered, in
3 A GRAPH-BASED FRAMEWORK FOR COLD terms of similarity scores?
In this section, we present our proposed graph-based framework 3.2 From Similar Items Graphs to Directed
to address the cold start similar items ranking problem.
Node Embeddings
3.1 Similar Items Ranking as a Directed Link Locating missing links in graphs has been the objective of signif-
icant research efforts from various fields [38, 40, 53, 54]. While
Prediction Task this problem has been historically addressed via the construction
We argue that "Fans Also Like" features can naturally be summarized of hand-engineered node similarity metrics, such as the popular
as a graph structure with n nodes and n × k edges. Nodes are Adamic-Adar, Jaccard or Katz measures [38], significant improve-
warm recommendable items from the catalog, e.g. music artists ments were recently achieved by methods directly learning node
with enough usage data according to the service’s internal rules. representations summarizing the graph structure [18, 19, 30, 31, 67].
Each item node points to its k most similar neighbors via a link, i.e. These methods represent each node i as a vector zi ∈ Rd (with
an edge. This graph is: d ≪ n) in a node embedding space where structural proximity
• directed: edges have a direction, leading to asymmetric re- should be preserved, and learned by using matrix factorization [7],
lationships. For instance, while most fans of a little known random walks [45], or graph neural networks [31, 67]. Then, they
reggae band might listen to Bob Marley (Marley thus appear- estimate the probability of a missing edge between two nodes by
ing among their similar artists), Bob Marley’s fans will rarely evaluating their proximity in this embedding [19, 30].
listen to this band, which is unlikely to appear back among In this paper, we build upon these advances and thus learn node
Bob Marley’s own similar artists. embeddings to tackle link prediction in our similar items graph.
• weighted: among the k neighbors of node i, some items are Specifically, we propose to leverage gravity-inspired graph (varia-
more similar to i than others (hence the ranking). We capture tional) autoencoders, recently introduced in a previous work from
this aspect by equipping each directed edge (i, j) from the Deezer [53]. As detailed in Section 3.3, these models are doubly
graph with a weight corresponding to the similarity score advantageous for our application:
Si j . More formally, we summarize our graph structure by the
• Foremost, they can effectively process node attribute vectors
n × n adjacency matrix A, where the element Ai j = Si j if j is
in addition to the graph, contrary to some popular alterna-
one of the k most similar items w.r.t. i, and where Ai j = 0
tives such as DeepWalk [45] and standard Laplacian eigen-
otherwise3 . maps [3]. This will help us add some cold nodes, isolated
• attributed: as explained in Section 2.1, each item i is also but equipped with some descriptions, into an existing warm
described by a vector x i ∈ Rf . In the following, we denote node embedding.
by X the n × f matrix stacking up all descriptive vectors • Simultaneously, they were specifically designed to address
from the graph, i.e. the i-th row of X is x i . directed link prediction from embeddings, contrary to the
Then, we model the release of a cold recommendable item in the aforementioned alternatives or to standard graph autoen-
catalog as the addition of a new node in the graph, together with coders [30].
its side descriptive vector. As usage data and similarity scores are
In the following, we first recall key concepts related to gravity-
unavailable for this item, it is observed as isolated, i.e. it does not
inspired graph (variational) autoencoders, in Section 3.3. Then, we
point to k other nodes. In our framework, we assume that these k
transpose them to similar items ranking, in Section 3.4. To the
missing directed edges - and their weights - are actually masked.
best of our knowledge, our work constitutes the first analysis of
They point to the k nodes with highest similarity scores, as would
these models on a recommendation problem and, more broadly,
be identified by the service once it collects enough usage data to
on an industrial application.
consider the item as warm, according to the service’s criteria. These
links and their scores, ultimately revealed, are treated as ground-
truth in the remainder of this work. 3.3 Gravity-Inspired Graph (Variational)
From this perspective, the cold start similar items ranking prob- Autoencoders
lem consists in a directed link prediction task [40, 53, 54]. Specifically, 3.3.1 Overview. To predict the probability of a missing edge - and
we aim at predicting the locations and weights - i.e. estimated simi- its weight - between two nodes i and j from some embedding vectors
larity scores - of these k missing directed edges, and at comparing zi and z j , most existing methods rely on symmetric measures, such
as the Euclidean distance between these vectors ||zi − z j ||2 [19] or
one could consider a dense matrix where Ai j = S i j for all pairs (i, j). their inner-product zTi z j [30]. However, due to this symmetry, pre-
3 Alternatively,
However, besides acting as a data cleaning process on lowest scores, sparsifying A
speeds up computations for the encoder introduced thereafter, whose complexity dictions will be identical for both edge directions i → j and j → i.
evolves linearly w.r.t. the number of edges (see Section 3.4.3). This is undesirable for directed graphs, where Ai j , A ji in general.

RecSys ’21, September 27-October 1, 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands G. Salha-Galvan et al.

Salha et al. [53] addressed this problem by equipping zi vectors vectors are drawn from Gaussian distributions - one for each node
with masses, and then taking inspiration from Newton’s second - that must be learned. Formally, they consider the following infer-
ence model [53], acting as an encoder: q(Z̃ |A, X ) = ni=1 q(z̃i |A, X ),
law of motion [43]. Considering two objects 1 and 2 with posi-
tive masses m 1 and m 2 , and separated by a distance r > 0, the with q(z̃i |A, X ) = N (z̃i |µ i , diag(σi2 )).
physical acceleration a 1→2 (resp. a 2→1 ) of 1 towards 2 (resp. 2 to- Gaussian parameters are learned from two GNNs, i.e.
wards 1) due to gravity [53] is a 1→2 = Gm r2
(resp. a 2→1 = Gm
), µ = GNN µ (A, X ), with µ denoting the n × (d + 1) matrix stack-
where G denotes the gravitational constant [8]. One observes that ing up mean vectors µ i . Similarly, log σ = GNNσ (A, X ). Finally, a
a 1→2 > a 2→1 when m 2 > m 1 , i.e. that the acceleration of the less generative model decodes A using, as above, the acceleration for-
mula: p(A|Z̃ ) = ni=1 nj=1 p(Ai j |z̃i , z̃ j ), with p(Ai j |z̃i , z̃ j ) = Âi j =
massive object towards the more massive one is higher. Transpos-
ing these notions to node embedding vectors zi augmented with σ (m̃ j − log ∥zi − z j ∥22 ).
masses mi for each node i, Salha et al. [53] reconstruct asymmetric During training, weights from the two GNN encoders are tuned
links by using ai→j (resp. a j→i ) as an indicator of the likelihood by maximizing, as a reconstruction quality measure, a tractable
that node i is connected to j (resp. j to i) via a directed edge, setting variational lower bound (ELBO) of the model’s likelihood [30, 53],
r = ∥zi − z j ∥2 . Precisely, they use the logarithm of ai→j , limiting using gradient descent. We refer to [53] for the exact formula of this
accelerations towards very central nodes [53], and add a sigmoid ac- ELBO loss, and to [12, 29] for details on derivations of variational
tivation σ (x) = 1/(1 + e −x ) ∈]0, 1[. Therefore, for weighted graphs, bounds for VAE models.
the output is an estimation Âi j of some true weight Ai j ∈ [0, 1]. Besides constituting generative models with powerful applica-
For unweighted graphs, it corresponds to the probability of a miss- tions to various graph generation problems [39, 41], graph VAE
ing edge: models emerged as competitive alternatives to graph AE on some
Gm link prediction problems [21, 30, 52, 53]. We therefore saw value in
Âi j = σ (log ai→j ) = σ (log ∥z −z j ∥ 2 )
i j 2 considering both gravity-inspired graph AE and gravity-inspired
= σ ( log Gm j − log ∥zi − z j ∥22 ). (1) graph VAE in our work.
| {z }
denoted m̃ j
3.4 Cold Start Similar Items Ranking using
3.3.2 Gravity-Inspired Graph AE. To learn such masses and embed- Gravity-Inspired Graph AE/VAE
ding vectors from an n×n adjacency matrix A, potentially completed
In this subsection, we now explain how we build upon these models
with an n × f node attributes matrix X , Salha et al. [53] introduced
to address cold start similar items ranking.
gravity-inspired graph autoencoders. They build upon the graph
extensions of autoencoders (AE) [30, 58, 62], that recently appeared 3.4.1 Encoding Cold Nodes with GCNs. In this paper, our GNN
among the state-of-the-art approaches for (undirected) link predic- encoders will be graph convolutional networks (GCN) [31]. In a GCN
tion in numerous applications [17, 21, 30, 50, 52, 62]. Graph AE are a with L layers, with input layer H (0) = X corresponding to node
family of models aiming at encoding nodes into an embedding space attributes, and output layer H (L) (with H (L) = Z̃ for AE, and H (L) =
from which decoding i.e. reconstructing the graph should ideally µ or log σ for VAE), we have H (l ) = ReLU(ÃH (l −1)W (l −1) ) for l ∈
be possible, as, intuitively, this would indicate that such representa- {1, ..., L − 1} and H (L) = ÃH (L−1)W (L−1) . Here, Ã denotes the out-
tions preserve important characteristics from the initial graph. degree normalized 5 version of A [53]. Therefore, at each layer, each
In the case of gravity-inspired graph AE, the encoder is a graph node averages the representations from its neighbors (and itself),
neural network (GNN) [19] processing A and X (we discuss archi-
with a ReLU activation: ReLU(x) = max(x, 0). W (0) , ...,W (L−1) are
tecture choices in Section 3.4.1), and returning an n × (d + 1) matrix
the weight matrices to tune. More precisely, we will implement
Z̃ . The i-th row of Z̃ is a (d + 1)-dimensional vector z̃i . The d first
2-layer GCNs, meaning that, for AE:
dimensions of z̃i correspond to the embedding vector zi of node i;
the last dimension corresponds to the mass4 m̃i . Then, a decoder Z̃ = ÃReLU(ÃXW (0) )W (1) . (3)
reconstructs  from the aforementioned acceleration formula:
(0) (1) (0) (1)
Z̃ = GNN(A, X ), then ∀(i, j) ∈ {1, ..., n}2 , Âi j For VAE, µ = ÃReLU(ÃXWµ )Wµ , log σ = ÃReLU(ÃXWσ )Wσ ,
= σ (m̃ j − log ∥zi − z j ∥22 ). and Z̃ is then sampled from µ and log σ . As all outputs are n ×(d +1)
(0) (0)
During training, the GNN’s weights are tuned by minimizing a matrices and X is an n × f matrix, then W (0) (or, Wµ and Wσ )
reconstruction loss capturing the quality of the reconstruction  is an f × d hidden matrix, with d hidden the hidden layer dimension,
(1) (1)
w.r.t. the true A, using gradient descent [16]. In [53], this loss is and W (1) (or, Wµ and Wσ ) is an d hidden × (d + 1) matrix.
formulated as a standard weighted cross entropy [52]. We rely on GCN encoders as they permit incorporating new nodes,
attributed but isolated in the graph, into an existing embedding.
3.3.3 Gravity-Inspired Graph VAE. Introduced as a probabilistic Indeed, let us consider an autoencoder trained from some A and X ,
variant of gravity-inspired graph AE, gravity-inspired graph varia- leading to optimized weights W (0) and W (1) for some GCN. If m ≥
tional autoencoders (VAE) [53] extend the graph VAE model from 1 cold nodes appear, along with their f -dimensional description
Kipf and Welling [30], originally designed for undirected graphs. vectors:
They provide an alternative strategy to learn Z̃ , assuming that z̃i
4 Learning m̃
i , as defined in equation (1), is equivalent to learning m i , but allows to
5 Formally,Ã = D out
−1 (A + I ) where I is the n × n identity matrix and D
n n out is the
get rid of the logarithm and of the constant G in computations. diagonal out-degree matrix [53] of A + I n .

Cold Start Similar Artists Ranking with Gravity-Inspired Graph Autoencoders RecSys ’21, September 27-October 1, 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands

• A becomes A′ , an (n + m) × (n + m) adjacency matrix6 , with 4 EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION

m new rows and columns filled with zeros. We now present the experimental evaluation of our framework on
• X becomes X ′ , an (n +m) × f attribute matrix, concatenating music artists data from the Deezer production system.
X and the f -dim descriptions of the m new nodes.
• We derive embedding vectors and masses of new nodes 4.1 Experimental Setting: Ranking Similar
through a forward pass7 into the GCN previously trained
Artists on a Music Streaming Service
on warm nodes, i.e. by computing the (n + m) × (d + 1) new
embedding matrix Z̃ ′ = Ã′ ReLU(Ã′X ′W (0) )W (1) . 4.1.1 Dataset. We consider a directed graph of 24 270 artists with
various musical characteristics (see below), extracted from the mu-
We emphasize that the choice of GCN encoders is made without sic streaming service Deezer. Each artist points towards k = 20
loss of generality. Our framework remains valid for any encoder other artists. They correspond, up to internal business rules, to the
similarly processing new attributed nodes. In our experiments, top-20 artists from the same graph that would be recommended
2-layer GCNs reached better or comparable results w.r.t. some con- by our production system on top of the "Fans Also Like/Similar
sidered alternatives, namely deeper GCNs, linear encoders [52], Artists" feature illustrated in Figure 1. Each directed edge (i, j) has
and graph attention networks [60]. a weight Ai j normalized in the [0, 1] set; for unconnected pairs,
Ai j = 0. It corresponds to the similarity score of artist j w.r.t. i,
3.4.2 Ranking Similar Items. After projecting cold nodes into the
computed on a weekly basis from usage data of millions of Deezer
warm embedding, we use the gravity-inspired decoder to predict
users. More precisely, weights are based on mutual information
their masked connections. More precisely, in our experiments, we
scores [56] from artist co-occurrences among streams. Roughly, they
add a hyperparameter λ ∈ R+ to equation (1) for flexibility. The esti-
compare the probability that a user listens to the two artists, to their
mated similarity weight Âi j between some cold node i and another
global listening frequencies on the service, and they are normalized
node j is thus:
at the artist level through internal heuristics and business rules
Âi j = σ ( m̃ j −λ × log ∥zi − z j ∥22 ). (4) (some details on exact score computations are voluntarily omitted
|{z} | {z } for confidentiality reasons). In the graph, edges correspond to the
influence of j proximity of i and j 20 highest scores for each node. In general, Ai j , A ji . In particular,
j might be the most similar artist of i while i does not appear among
Then, the predicted top-k most similar items of i will correspond the top-20 of j.
to the k nodes j with highest estimated weights Âi j . We also have access to descriptions of these artists, either ex-
We interpret equation (4) in terms of influence/proximity trade- tracted through the musical content or provided by record labels.
off. The influence part of (4) indicates that, if two nodes j and l are Here, each artist i will be described by an attribute vector x i of
equally close to i in the embedding (i.e. ∥zi − z j ∥2 = ∥zi − zl ∥2 ), dimension f = 56, concatenating:
then i will more likely points towards the node with the largest • A 32-dimensional genre vector. Deezer artists are described
mass (i.e. "influence"; we will compare these masses to popularity by music genres [14], among more than 300. 32-dim em-
metrics in experiments). The proximity part of (4) indicates that, if beddings are learned from these genres, by factorizing a
j and l have the same mass (i.e. m̃ j = m̃l ), then i will more likely co-occurrence matrix based on listening usages with SVD
points towards its closest neighbor, which could e.g. capture a closer [34]. Then, the genre vector of an artist is the average of
musical similarity for artists. As illustrated in Section 4.3.4, tuning embedding vectors of his/her music genres.
λ will help us flexibly balance between these two aspects, and thus • A 20-dimensional country vector. It corresponds to a one-hot
control for popularity biases [55] in our recommendations. encoding vector, indicating the country of origin of an artist,
among the 19 most common countries on Deezer, and with
3.4.3 On Complexity. Training models via full-batch gradient de-
a 20th category gathering all other countries.
scent requires reconstructing the entire Â, which has an O(dn 2 )
• A 4-dimensional mood vector. It indicates the average and
time complexity due to the evaluation of pairwise distances [51, 53].
standard deviations of the valence and arousal scores across
While we will follow this strategy, our released code will also imple-
an artist’s discography. In a nutshell, valence captures whether
ment FastGAE [50], a fast optimization method which approximates
each song has a positive or negative mood, while arousal
losses by decoding random subgraphs of O(n) size. Moreover, pro-
captures whether each song has a calm or energetic mood
jecting cold nodes in an embedding only requires a single forward
[11, 24, 49]. These scores are computed internally, from au-
GCN pass, with linear time complexity w.r.t. the number of edges
dio data and using a deep neural network inspired from the
[31, 52]. This is another advantage of using GCNs w.r.t. more com-
work of Delbouys et al. [11].
plex encoders. Last, retrieving the top-k accelerations boils down
to a nearest neighbors search in a O(ndk) time, which could even While some of these features are quite general, we emphasize that
be improved in future works with approximate search methods [1]. the actual Deezer app also gathers more refined information on
artists, e.g. from audio or textual descriptions. They are undisclosed
and unused in these experiments.

(n + m) × (n + m) out-degree normalized version is Ã′ = D out
6 Its −1 (A′ + I
(n+m) ),
′ −1
where D out is the diagonal out-degree matrix of A′ + I (n+m) .
4.1.2 Problem. We consider the following similar artists ranking
7 We note that such GCN forward pass is possible since dimensions of weight matrices problem. Artists are split into a training set, a validation set and
W (0) and W (1) are independent of the number of nodes. a test set gathering 80%, 10% and 10% of artists respectively. The

RecSys ’21, September 27-October 1, 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands G. Salha-Galvan et al.

Figure 1: Similar artists recommended on the website version of Deezer. The mobile app proposes identical recommendations.

training set corresponds to warm artists. Artists from the validation of (4) and discuss the impact of λ thereafter. Our adaptation of these
and test sets are the cold nodes: their edges are masked, and they are models builds upon the Tensorflow code of Salha et al. [53].
therefore observed as isolated in the graph. Their 56-dimensional
descriptions are available. We evaluate the ability of our models 4.2.2 Other Methods based on the Directed Artist Graph. We com-
at retrieving these edges, with correct weight ordering. As a mea- pare gravity-inspired graph AE/VAE to standard graph AE /VAE
sure of prediction accuracy, we will report Recall@K scores. They models [31], with a similar setting as above. These models use
indicate, for various K, which proportion of the 20 ground-truth symmetric inner-product decoders i.e. Âi j = σ (zTi z j ), therefore
similar artists appear among the top-K artists with largest estimated ignoring directionalities. Moreover, we implement source-target
weights. Moreover, as a measure of ranking quality, we will also graph AE/VAE, used as a baseline in [53]. They are similar to stan-
report the widely used Mean Average Precision at K (MAP@K) and dard graph AE/VAE, except that they decompose the 32-dim vec-
Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain at K (NDCG@K) scores8 . tors zi into a source vector zi = zi[1:16] and a target vector
(t ) (s)T (t )
zi = zi[17:32] , and then decode edges as follows: Âi j = σ (zi zj )
4.1.3 Dataset and Code Release. We publicly release our indus-
(s)T (t )
trial data (i.e. the complete graph, all weights and all descriptive and  ji = σ (z j zi ) (, Âi j in general). They reconstruct directed
vectors) as well as our source code on GitHub9 . Besides making links, as gravity models, and are therefore relevant baselines for our
our results fully reproducible, such a release publicly provides a evaluation. Last, we also test the recent DEAL model [20] mentioned
new benchmark dataset to the research community, permitting in Section 2.2, and designed for inductive link prediction on new
the evaluation of comparable graph-based recommender systems isolated but attributed nodes. We used the authors’ PyTorch imple-
on real-world resources. mentation, with similar attribute and structure encoders, alignment
mechanism, loss and cosine predictions as their original model [20].
4.2 List of Models and Baselines
4.2.3 Other Baselines. In addition, we compare our proposed frame-
We now describe all methods considered in our experiments. All em- work to four popularity-based baselines:
beddings have d = 32, which we will discuss. Also, all hyperparam-
eters mentioned thereafter were tuned by optimizing NDCG@20 • Popularity: recommends the K most popular10 artists on
scores on the validation set. Deezer (with K as in Section 4.1.2).
• Popularity by country: recommends the K most popular
4.2.1 Gravity-Inspired Graph AE/VAE. We follow our framework artists from the country of origin of the cold artist.
from Section 3.4 to embed cold nodes. For both AE and VAE, we use • In-degree: recommends the K artists with highest in-degrees
2-layer GCN encoders with 64-dim hidden layer, and 33-dim output in the graph, i.e. sum of weights pointing to them.
layer (i.e. 32-dim zi vectors, plus the mass), trained for 300 epochs. • In-degree by country: proceeds as In-degree, but on warm
We use Adam optimizer [28], with a learning rate of 0.05, without artists from the country of origin of the cold artist.
dropout, performing full-batch gradient descent, and using the
We also consider three baselines only or mainly based on musical
reparameterization trick [29] for VAE. We set λ = 5 in the decoder
descriptions x i and not on usage data:
8 MAP@K and NDCG@K are computed as in equation (4) of [55] (averaged over all
cold artists) and in equation (2) of [65] respectively. 10 Our dataset includes the popularity rank (from 1st to n th ) of warm artists. It is out of
9 Code and data are available on: x i vectors, as it is usage-based and thus unavailable for cold artists.

Cold Start Similar Artists Ranking with Gravity-Inspired Graph Autoencoders RecSys ’21, September 27-October 1, 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands

• K-NN : recommends the K artists with closest x i vectors, Table 2 shows that, while masses are indeed positively correlated to
from a nearest neighbors search with Euclidean distance. popularity and to various graph-based node importance measures,
• K-NN + Popularity and K-NN + In-degree: retrieve the 200 these correlations are not perfect, which highlights that our models
artists with closest x i vectors, then recommends the K most do not exactly learn any of these metrics. Furthermore, replacing
popular ones among these 200 artists, ranked according to masses m̃i by any of these measures during training (i.e. by optimiz-
popularity and in-degree values respectively. ing zi vectors with the mass of i being fixed, e.g. as its PageRank
We also implement SVD+DNN, which follows the "embedding+mapping" [44] score) diminishes performances (e.g. more than -6 points in
strategy from Section 2.2 by 1) computing an SVD [34] of the warm NDCG@200, in the case of PageRank), which confirms that jointly
artists similarity matrix, learning 32-dim zi vectors, 2) training a learning embeddings and masses is optimal. Last, qualitative inves-
3-layer neural network (with layers of dimension 64, 32 and 32, tigations also tend to reveal that masses, and thus relative node
trained with Adam [28] and a learning rate of 0.01) to map warm attractions, vary across location in the graph. Local influence cor-
x i vectors to zi vectors, and 3) projecting cold artists into the SVD relates with popularity but is also impacted by various culture or
embedding through this mapping. Last, among deep learning ap- music-related factors such as countries and genres. As an illustra-
proaches from Section 2.2 (CVAE, DropoutNet, MeLU, STAR-GCN), tion, the successful samba/pagode Brazilian artist Thiaguinho, out
we report results from the two best methods on our dataset, namely of the top-100 most popular artists from our training set, has a larger
DropoutNet [61] and STAR-GCN [69], using the authors’ imple- mass than American pop star Ariana Grande, appearing among the
mentations with careful fine-tuning on validation artists11 . Similar top-5 most popular ones. While numerous Brazilian pagode artists
artists ranking is done via a nearest neighbors search in the result- point towards Thiaguinho, American pop music is much broader
ing embedding spaces. and all pop artists do not point towards Ariana Grande despite her
4.3 Results 4.3.3 Impact of attributes. So far, all models processed the complete
4.3.1 Performances. Table 1 reports mean performance scores for 56-dimensional attribute vectors x i , concatenating information on
all models, along with standard deviations over 20 runs for models music genres, countries and moods. In Figure 3, we assess the ac-
with randomness due to weights initialization in GCNs or neural tual impact of each of these descriptions on performances, for our
networks. Popularity and In-degree appear as the worst baselines. gravity-inspired graph VAE. Assuming only one attribute (gen-
Their scores significantly improve by focusing on the country of res, countries or moods) is available during training, genres-aware
origin of cold artists (e.g. with a Recall@100 of 12.38% for Popularity models return the best performances. Moreover, adding moods to
by country, v.s. 0.44% for Popularity). Besides, we observe that meth- country vectors leads to larger gains than adding moods to genre
ods based on a direct K-NN search from x i attributes are outper- vectors. This could reflect how some of our music genres, such as
formed by the more elaborated cold start methods leveraging both speed metal, already capture some valence or arousal characteris-
attributes and warm usage data. In particular, DropoutNet, as well tics. Last, Figure 3 confirms that gathering all three descriptions
as the graph-based DEAL, reach stronger results than SVD+DNN provides the best performances, corresponding to those reported
and STAR-GCN. They also surpass standard graph AE and VAE in Table 1.
(e.g. with a +6.46 gain in average NDCG@20 score for DEAL w.r.t.
4.3.4 Popularity/diversity trade-off. Last, besides performances,
graph AE), but not the AE/VAE extensions that explicitly model
the gravity-inspired decoder from equation (4) also enables us to
edges directionalities, i.e. source-target graph AE/VAE and, even
flexibly address popularity biases when ranking similar artists. More
more, gravity-inspired graph AE/VAE, that provide the best rec-
ommendations. It emphasizes the effectiveness of our framework,
both in terms of prediction accuracy (e.g. with a top 67.85% average • Setting λ → 0 increases the relative importance of the influ-
Recall@200 for gravity-inspired graph AE) and of ranking quality ence part of equation (4). Thus, the model will highly rank
(e.g. with a top 41.42% average NDCG@200 for this same method). the most massive nodes. As illustrated in Figure 4, this results
Moreover, while embeddings from Table 1 have d = 32, we point out in recommending more popular music artists.
that gravity-inspired models remained superior on our tests with • On the contrary, increasing λ diminishes the relative impor-
d = 64 and d = 128. Also, VAE methods tend to outperform their tance of masses in predictions, in favor of the actual node
deterministic counterparts for standard and source-target models, proximity. As illustrated in Figure 4, this tends to increase
while the contrary conclusion emerges on gravity-inspired models. the recommendation of less popular content.
This confirms the value of considering both settings when testing Setting λ = 5 leads to optimal scores in our application (e.g. with a
these models on novel applications. 41.42% NDCG@200 for our AE, v.s. 35.91% and 40.31% for the same
model with λ = 1 and λ = 20 respectively). Balancing between
4.3.2 On the mass parameter. In Figure 2, we visualize some artists
popularity and diversity is often desirable for industrial-level rec-
and their estimated masses. At first glance, one might wonder
ommender systems [55]. Gravity-inspired decoders flexibly permit
whether nodes i with largest masses m̃i , as Bob Marley in Fig-
such a balancing.
ure 2, simply correspond to the most popular artists on Deezer.
4.3.5 Possible improvements (on models). Despite promising re-
11 These last models do not process similar artist graphs, but raw user-item usage data, sults, assuming fixed similarity scores over time might sometimes
either as a bipartite user-artist graph or as an interaction matrix. While Deezer can
not release such fine-grained data, we nonetheless provide embedding vectors from be unrealistic, as some user preferences could actually evolve. Cap-
these baselines to reproduce our scores. turing such changes, e.g. through dynamic graph embeddings, might

RecSys ’21, September 27-October 1, 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands G. Salha-Galvan et al.

Table 1: Cold start similar artists ranking: performances on test set.

Methods Recall@K (in %) MAP@K (in %) NDCG@K (in %)

(d = 32) K = 20 K = 100 K = 200 K = 20 K = 100 K = 200 K = 20 K = 100 K = 200

Popularity 0.02 0.44 1.38 <0.01 0.03 0.12 0.01 0.17 0.44
Popularity by country 2.76 12.38 18.98 0.80 3.58 6.14 2.14 6.41 8.76
In-degree 0.91 3.43 6.85 0.15 0.39 0.86 0.67 1.69 2.80
In-degree by country 5.46 16.82 23.52 2.09 5.43 7.73 5.00 10.19 12.64
K-NN on x i 4.41 13.54 19.80 1.14 3.38 5.39 4.29 8.83 11.22
K-NN + Popularity 5.73 15.87 19.83 1.66 4.32 5.74 4.86 10.03 11.76
K-NN + In-degree 7.49 17.29 18.76 2.78 5.60 6.18 7.41 12.48 13.14
SVD + DNN 6.42 ± 0.96 21.83 ± 1.21 35.01 ± 1.41 2.25 ± 0.67 6.36 ± 1.19 11.52 ± 1.98 6.05 ± 0.75 12.91 ± 0.92 17.89 ± 0.95
STAR-GCN 10.03 ± 0.56 31.45 ± 1.09 43.92 ± 1.10 3.10 ± 0.32 10.64 ± 0.54 16.62 ± 0.68 10.07 ± 0.40 21.17 ± 0.69 25.99 ± 0.75
DropoutNet 12.96 ± 0.54 37.59 ± 0.76 49.93 ± 0.82 4.18 ± 0.30 13.61 ± 0.55 20.12 ± 0.67 13.12 ± 0.68 25.61 ± 0.72 30.52 ± 0.78
DEAL 12.80 ± 0.52 37.98 ± 0.59 50.75 ± 0.72 4.15 ± 0.25 14.01 ± 0.44 20.92 ± 0.54 12.78 ± 0.53 25.70 ± 0.62 30.69 ± 0.70
Graph AE 7.30 ± 0.51 25.92 ± 0.95 40.37 ± 1.11 2.81 ± 0.29 7.97 ± 0.47 14.24 ± 0.67 6.32 ± 0.39 15.54 ± 0.66 20.94 ± 0.72
Graph VAE 10.01 ± 0.52 34.00 ± 1.06 49.72 ± 1.14 3.53 ± 0.27 11.68 ± 0.52 19.46 ± 0.70 10.09 ± 0.58 21.37 ± 0.73 27.31 ± 0.75
Sour.-Targ. Graph AE 12.21 ± 1.30 39.52 ± 3.53 56.25 ± 3.57 4.62 ± 0.81 14.67 ± 2.33 23.60 ± 2.85 12.42 ± 1.39 25.45 ± 3.37 31.80 ± 3.38
Sour.-Targ. Graph VAE 13.52 ± 0.64 42.68 ± 0.69 59.51 ± 0.76 5.19 ± 0.31 16.07 ± 0.40 25.48 ± 0.55 13.60 ± 0.73 27.81 ± 0.56 34.19 ± 0.59
Gravity Graph AE 18.33 ± 0.45 52.26 ± 0.90 67.85 ± 0.98 6.64 ± 0.25 21.19 ± 0.55 30.67 ± 0.68 18.64 ± 0.47 35.77 ± 0.66 41.42 ± 0.68
Gravity Graph VAE 16.59 ± 0.50 49.51 ± 0.78 65.70 ± 0.75 5.66 ± 0.35 19.07 ± 0.57 28.66 ± 0.59 16.74 ± 0.55 33.34 ± 0.66 39.29 ± 0.64

Moods NDCG@200


+ Moods

+ Moods

+ Countries

Genres + Moods
+ Countries
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Scores (in %)
Figure 2: Visualization of some music artists from gravity-inspired graph
AE. Nodes are scaled using masses m̃i , and node separation is based on dis- Figure 3: Performances of gravity-inspired graph
tances in the embedding, using multidimensional scaling and with [15]. AE, when only trained from subsets of artist-level
Red nodes correspond to Jamaican reggae artists, appearing in the same attributes, among countries, music genres and
neighborhood. moods.

permit providing even more refined recommendations. Also, during 4.3.6 Possible improvements (on evaluation). Our evaluation fo-
training we kept k = 20 edges for each artist, while one could con- cused on the prediction of ranked lists for cold artists. This permits
sider varying k at the artist level, i.e. adding more (or fewer) edges, filling up their "Fans Also Like/Similar Artists" sections, which was
depending on the actual musical relevance of each link. One could our main goal in this paper. On the other hand, future internal
also compare different metrics, besides mutual information, when investigations could also aim at measuring to which extent the in-
constructing the ground-truth graph. Last, we currently rely on a clusion of new nodes in the embedding space impacts the existing
single GCN forward pass to embed cold artists which, while being ranked lists for warm artists. Such an additional evaluation, e.g. via
fast and simple, might also be limiting. Future studies on more elab- an online A/B test on Deezer, could assess which cold artists actu-
orated approaches, e.g. to incrementally update GCN weights when ally enter these lists, and whether the new recommendations 1) are
new nodes appear, could also improve our current framework. more diverse, according to some music or culture-based criteria,
and 2) improve user engagement on the service.

Cold Start Similar Artists Ranking with Gravity-Inspired Graph Autoencoders RecSys ’21, September 27-October 1, 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Table 2: Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients of 0.00030 = 0.5

masses m̃i from gravity-inspired graph AE, w.r.t. artist-level 0.00025 = 20
reversed popularity ranks (i.e. the higher the more popular)

on Deezer and to three node importance measures: in-degree
(i.e. sum of edges coming into the node), betweenness cen- 0.00015
trality [53] and PageRank [44]. Coefficients computed on
the training set.
Node-level Pearson Spearman 0.00000
measures correlation correlation 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
Popularity Rank
Popularity Rank 0.208 0.206
Popularity Rank by Country 0.290 0.336
In-degree Centrality 0.201 0.118
Figure 4: Popularity rank of the most popular artist recom-
Betweenness Centrality 0.109 0.079 mended to each test artist, among their top-20. Distributions ob-
PageRank Score 0.272 0.153 tained from gravity-inspired graph AE models with varying hy-
perparameters λ.

5 CONCLUSION [11] Rémi Delbouys, Romain Hennequin, Francesco Piccoli, Jimena Royo-Letelier, and
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of industrial resources will benefit future research on graph-based Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning 14, 3 (2020), 1–159.
cold start recommendation. In particular, we already identified [19] William L. Hamilton, Rex Ying, and Jure Leskovec. 2017. Representation Learning
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several directions that, in future works, should lead towards the [20] Yu Hao, Xin Cao, Yixiang Fang, Xike Xie, and Sibo Wang. 2020. Inductive Link
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[21] Arman Hasanzadeh, Ehsan Hajiramezanali, Krishna Narayanan, Nick Duffield,
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