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School Farewell Function

A farewell function of a school is an occasion to bid good bye to its senior most students for their
future life. It usually takes place within the school premises of every school. During the farewell
function an emotionally charged atmosphere surrounds the school because the students feel very
sad and nostalgic to leave the premises to pursue their higher studies elsewhere.

When I arrived at the school at 3 p.m. I saw that all the arrangements had been made by the host
students. The school hall was beautifully decorated with charts, posters, flowers and placards. The
main table on which the principal and the chairman of the school were to be seated, was also
adorned gorgeously with flowerpots.

The party began at 4 p.m. For about one hour, we ate to our heart’s content, chatted and laughed
without restrictions (freely). The party came to an end at 5 p.m. The function started after the
party was over. A student of class XI, made an emotional farewell speech in which he mentioned
our long and deep association with the school as well as with his class. His speech, which was full
of praise and appreciation for our outgoing class, was delivered in a befitting manner (perfectly).
His farewell speech was punctuated with humorous remarks and pleasantries. Finally he prayed
for our successful future. His presentation and theme were very touching.

After that, I, on behalf of my class, thanked the host students and got blessings from my teachers
and the honorable principal. In my speech, I lauded the hosts for their great endeavours and
accepted their good wishes for all of us. During the speech, I was experiencing a mixed feeling.
Feeling happy as I was on the verge of completing my school life successfully and was also sad
because of the separation from the institution in whose lap I had obtained education and training
of my mind and body. For me, my school was an embodiment of knowledge and learning, whose
sacred atmosphere would always be part of my memory. For me, this was not merely a school
that imparted knowledge but a cradle of decent culture and civilization.

In the end, the principal made an impassioned (emotional) speech. In his farewell message, he
gave us some pieces of advice, to be followed by us throughout our lives. He made a fervent
(ardent, passionate, eager) appeal to build mind and character on sound lines. He stressed upon
us to inculcate (train) a spirit of service and sacrifice. After his encouraging speech, the function
came to end.

When the farewell function ended, the juniors mentioned the school’s mission and sang the
school anthem. Then the seniors took a pledge and promise to carry forward the school’s
traditions by making positive contributions to the society in the future. We parted after taking the
blessings of our teachers and the good wishes of our friends. While leaving, we were melancholy.
We shall always be grateful to our institution where we spent the most formative period of our
lives. I miss my school a lot and often try to visit when I feel too nostalgic.

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