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Country: Indonesia

Name: Syifa Khoerunnisa

University: Universitas Islam Bandung

Topic Area: Eliminating Racism

Indonesia, which has a variety of ethnicities, languages, religions, and cultures, especially
which is in the process of transitioning to democracy. A comprehensive approach is needed to
respond to all forms of discrimination in the past, present, and future. Racism, in general, can be
interpreted as an attack on attitudes, tendencies, statements, and actions that favor or oppose
community groups, especially because of racial identity. This racism usually likes to understand
the discrimination of ethnicity, religion, race, custom, class, or a person's physical characteristics.

Indonesia's involvement in this convention is to progressively realize protection and other

positive steps in the context of eliminating all forms of discrimination. With the enactment of
Law Number 40 of 2008 concerning the Elimination of Racial and Ethnic Discrimination, it is
stated that discrimination and ethnicity are all forms of difference, use, or election based on race
and ethnicity, which result in the revocation or reduction, implementation or implementation of
human rights and basic freedoms. in an alignment in the civil, political, economic, social, and
cultural fields.

The regulation regarding the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination practices has a
long history, until now it has been well established in its regulation, especially in the
international human rights law order. The United Nations must take active steps within the
framework of state policy through laws and other technical regulations that are implementable to
provide direction for both state apparatus and civil society in carrying out the mission of
eliminating all forms of racial discrimination. By taking immediate and effective steps,
especially in the fields of teaching, education, culture, and the dissemination of anti-
discrimination values to overcome various practices that lead to discriminatory practices.

One of the steps that the Indonesian delegation must take is to encourage domestic (national)
laws to form laws and general policies within the framework of all forms of racial discrimination.
As an effort to stop the practice of racial discrimination, it is not enough just to pay attention to
the norms set out in laws and regulations and the formation of institutions.

Giving equal attention to other elements in an integrated legal system will not be able to
solve the root cause of this practice of racial discrimination. These efforts must include the
implementation and application of the law, non-discriminatory law enforcement, and law
promotion activities to create a culture that respects and upholds human rights. In improving,
legal protection more effectively to better guarantee the rights of every citizen to achieve an
Indonesia that is orderly, orderly, and cultured, as well as an effort to understand improvement,
general improvement, and world prosperity.

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