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Name : Shafiyyah Ramadhani Arafa

NIM : 205040100111013
Class : E

‘Gunungguruh, Sukabumi’ Agricultural and Rural Sociology Essay

The study of rural sociology has an object of study in the form of rural communities
with subjects in the form of social stratification, community groups, organizations,
institutions, and village changes due to globalization. The object of study that will be
discussed this time is a village in the Sukabumi area of West Java, named Gunungguruh
village. Having a land area of 349,110 Ha, it will be very interesting to discuss with regard
to rural sociology in the village of Gunungguruh.
A village must have several respected figures, educated, have power and authority
and have wealth. This indicates the formation of social layers in the village which is
commonly referred to as social stratification. The layers contained in the social
stratification are divided into 3 parts, namely the upper, middle and lower layers. The
upper layer generally consists of people who have wealth, power and authority, while the
middle layer consists of educated people, while the lower layer consists of the poor.
Social stratification in Gunungguruh village is classified as open, marked by the
majority of the population working as brick makers, furniture makers and some working
as farmers. In addition, the data states that there are as many as 44.4% of the people of
Gunungguruh village who only study up to elementary school. This open stratification
describes a person's social status or position in society which is obtained from changes in
community patterns, so that vertical social mobility often occurs. The social stratification
formed in Gunungguruh village consists of three layers, namely the lower layer, the
middle layer and the upper layer. To facilitate the classification of society into upper,
middle and lower layers, the following is an explanation of each layer in Gunungguruh
1. The upper layers are community members who have the ability to influence the
Gunungguruh community. In the village of Gunungguruh the person who is
considered to have power is Panji Purnama Cahyana as the head of the village of
Gunungguruh which is then followed by several village officials as follows:
Kepala Desa
Panji Purnama Cahyana

Sekretaris Desa
Risa Muarifah. S,Hum

Kasi Pemerintahan Kasi Pelayanan Kasi Kesejahteraan

Aceng Kurnia Maya Elfin, S.Ap Teguh Ramdani, S.Pd

Kaur Perencanaan Kaur Keuangan Kaur Umum & TU

Kiki Ramdani Indirani, S.Ab Ayu Vivi Lispriandini

2. The middle layer is a member of the community who has a position as chairman of
the LPM (Community Empowerment Institution). Gunugguruh village has several
LPMs such as PKK, Farmers Group, and Karang Taruna.
3. The lower layers are community members who have the potential to work as brick,
furniture, and farmers. They have no direct influence in decision making.

Based on the power levels of the three layers above, the pattern of the power layer
system formed in Gunungguruh village is a democratic type. This type shows the facts of
the existence of dividing lines. The democratic type is determined by the ability and luck
of someone in power. The position held by the rulers of each layer does not come from
birth, but is obtained based on their own efforts, for example government figures
occupying the upper layers of the village get elected positions based on democratic
Social institutions are human activities or community activities that must meet
certain conditions such as behavior, as well as norms and customs in written rules. The
characteristics of social institutions consist of habits consisting of behavior from other
cultures that exist in a single function and have a specific purpose.
a. Family Institution
The family institution is a central place where an individual can get attention,
protection, learning, and coaching. Family institutions play a major role in
realizing a prosperous society, because it is from the family that an individual
grows and develops who will then socialize in society. The functions of family
institutions are well-organized in Gunungguruh village, judging from the social
institutions in the hamlet which run dynamically and adhere to a mutual
cooperation system.
b. Educational Institution
In educational institutions, there is a process of guiding a person to become better
in terms of carrying out his life duties, so that he can become independent, and
make him morally responsible. Educational institutions in Gunungguruh village
consist of PAUD, TK, and SDN 1,2,3, and 5 Gunungguruh.

c. Religious Institutions
Religious institutions have a role in overcoming unresolved problems due to
limited capabilities and uncertainty. In Gunungguruh village there are religious
institutions such as recitation groups that function to tie ties of brotherhood and
togetherness, for an example Ansor.
d. Government Institutions
Governemnt Institutions occurs to managing the village area. This institution is
regulated through Government Regulation no. 72 of 2005 concerning village
government which was issued to implement the provisions of Article 216
paragraph (1) of Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning regional government. The
village government leader, as stated in paragraph 2 of article 14 paragraph (1), is
the village head in charge of carrying out government, development and
community affairs.

e. Economic Institutions
Economic institutions are social institutions that play a role in the running of
economic activities in a community group with the aim of meeting the basic needs
of the community in a sustainable manner. In Gunungguruh village there are
Farmers' Groups and Brick also Furniture Groups which have roles as guidelines
for the Gunungguruh village community in determining the price of commodities
to be sold, guidelines for obtaining capital, guidelines for turning the farmer's
economy, etc.
The dimension of cultural change that occurs in Gunungguruh village gives rise to cultural
innovation, there is cultural innovation marked by the emergence of new technology, so
that people's needs are increasingly complex, so that they can change the lifestyle that
exists in society. For example, the change in lifestyle in a village that initially only had
coffee shops, now there are several cafes complete with WiFi facilities. The dimension
of structural change is a change in the shape of the structure of society which involves
changes in roles, the emergence of new roles, changes in social class structures, and
changes in social institutions. For example, there is a change in the addition or reduction
of the role of the community in the field of education, initially in a village there is no high
school so that the average education of the community in the village is only up to junior
high school. However, after the existence of a high school in the village, the village
community was able to attend high school to college. Technological developments have
led to a reduction in the frequency of individuals to meet each other face to face, all needs
to interact can be met with the existence of technology. The development of information
and communication technology has shifted the face-to-face function in a limited or
unlimited interaction process. For example, with mobile phone technology, people don't
waste time and energy, it is enough to use mobile phones to communicate. Not only young
people, but parents also choose to use cellphones rather than face to face interactions
because of the efficiency of time and energy. New era of occupation went at Gunungguruh
village because of technology to, because at this time Gunungguruh village was chosen
to be developed by the Sukabumi city government as a center for the brick, furniture
industry, and one of their youth successed in Creating a Half-finished Vegetable Garden
Excellent Product of Gunungguruh Village.

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