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Pityriasis rubra pilaris: a clinical review.

Article  in  Dermatology nursing / Dermatology Nurses' Association · January 2006

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David J Pincus
University of Miami


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Disease Management

Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris: A Clinical Review

David Jerard Pincus

ityriasis rubra pilaris (PRP) is a reports a frequency of about 1 case

Pityriasis rubra pilaris is a
skin condition with many
different clinical presentations.
History, histology, clinical
P red scaly eruption character-
ized by the association of pal-
moplantar keratoderma, follic-
ular plugging, and erythematous peri-
follicular papules which may progress
in every 500 new pediatric patients
with a dermatologic disease
(Vijayalakshmi & Mallika, 2003).
The causes of PRP remain
unknown. The epidermis is in a
to plaques or erythroderma (White, hyperkinetic state, with a rapid
presentation, its different 2003). Most cases are sporadic and turnover rate of the follicular ker-
classified forms, treatments, acquired but a familial form may exist atinocytes, and may approach the
which is transmitted by an autosomal rate found in psoriasis. There is a
and differential diagnoses are dominant or autosomal recessive resemblance of the histology to that
reviewed. mechanism. found in phrynoderma, a distinctive
This disease was first described form of follicular hyperkeratosis
by Devergie in 1856 who character- associated with nutritional deficien-
ized PRP as a follicular eruption cy with characteristic hyperkeratot-
and noted its association with three ic papules that first appear on the
other cutaneous disorders: psoriasis extensor surfaces of the extremities,
palmaris, pityriasis capitis, and shoulders, buttocks. The finding of
pityriasis rubra. In 1877, Richaud clinical follicular occlusion suggests
recognized that all of the manifesta- that a deficiency or malfunction of
tions were of the same disorder. In vitamin A might be involved
1889, Besner added the epithet (White, 2003). A decrease in retinol
rubra (White, 2003). binding protein is also reported.
Retinol binding protein is the spe-
Onset cific carrier of vitamin A and its
PRP exhibits a bimodal distri- decreased synthesis is a biochemical
bution of age of onset. It first peaks marker for PRP. Although decreased
in early childhood and the second retinol binding protein is a marker
peak comes after the 5th decade. for PRP, it is not proven that
Onset in children frequently follows decreased vitamin A is a cause. It is
trauma or infection such as strepto- more likely due to the decreased
coccal. There is spontaneous resolu- serum level of the carrier of vitamin
tion of PRP in at least 75% of cases A (Evangelou, Murdoch, Pala-
within 3 months to 7 years of onset. maras, & Rhodes, 2005).
Relapses are uncommon, but may
occur. Familial PRP does not Clinical Findings
resolve spontaneously, although The initial clinical findings of
many cases that have been so classi- PRP may be redness and scaling of
fied may represent other ichthyosi- the face and scalp. Skin on the
form disorders. PRP affects both palms and soles may become quite
male and females equally, but it is thickened, painful, and orange in
David Jerard Pincus, MD, is a Surgical
Resident, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, uncommon in the general popula- color. The patient may experience
FL. tion (Arnold & Buechner, 2004). debilitating hyperkeratosis. The
PRP is a rare disease, but one study

448 DERMATOLOGY NURSING/December 2005/Vol. 17/No. 6

Figure 1. Figure 2.
There is psoriasiform hyperplasia A sparse, superficial, perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate is also noted.
of the epidermis with alternating
areas of orthokeratosis and
parakeratosis and plugs of the
follicular infundibulum.

be observed on the buccal mucosa disease, and acute stem cell

(Vijayalakshmi & Mallika, 2003). leukemia.
The histological changes seen Patients with pityriasis rubra
in PRP are consistent but not spe- pilaris can be classified into five types,
cific. There is acanthosis with blunt- according to Griffith’s Classification
ing of rete pegs and suprabasal per- (Griffiths, 1975), which differ from
inuclear vacuolation in isolated each other on the basis of clinical fea-
cells. Liquefactive degeneration of tures, age of onset, and prognosis
skin becomes progressively redder, the basal layer is most likely to be (see Table 1).
and painful fissuring of the palms seen overlying the dermal papillae.
and soles may occur. While an exfo- The granular cell layer is attenuated Type I
liative erythroderma may ensue, in some areas and thickened in oth- Classical adult onset PRP
characteristic “skip” areas of non- ers. Mild superficial vasodilatation accounts for over half of the
involvement are usually seen. of capillaries with a slight to moder- patients. The disease starts out with
Rarely patients may complain of ate lymphohistiocytic perivascular a single erythematous patch on the
fever, chills, and malaise (Arnold & infiltrate is found (White, 2003). upper half of the body and within a
Buechner, 2004). The most com- Examination of a follicular papule is few weeks or months, there are large
mon affected sites are the palmo- most helpful in the diagnosis. zones of follicular hyperkeratosis
plantar surfaces, elbows, and knees Parakeratosis of the follicular ostea each with an erythematous perfollic-
(75%-80%); dorsa of the hands and associated with follicular hyperker- ular halo. Islands of unaffected skin,
feet (60%); and the face (40%) atosis is seen. Hypertrophy of the one to several centimeters in diame-
(Vijayalakshmi & Mallika, 2003). errector pillae is a helpful diagnostic ter remain scattered over the sheet
The most characteristic clinical feature when present. A dermal of erythema. The scaling is fine and
feature is a follicular verrucous perivascular mononuclear cell infil- powdery. On the lower body the
papule about 1 mm in diameter trate is present and there are occa- scaling is coarser (see Figures 3, 4, &
with a central keratotic plug. A yel- sional mononuclear cells (see 5) (Griffiths, 1975).
low-orange ring surrounds the Figures 1 & 2) (Arnold & Buechner, On the face and scalp, oral vita-
lesion (Vijayalakshmi & Mallika, 2004). min A (150,000 to 300,000 IU daily)
2003). The second most important The presence of PRP has occa- has minimal improvement among
diagnostic element is a palmoplan- sionally been associated with patients (White, 2003). Vitamin A
tar keratoderma, which is salmon immunodeficient states, such as storage in the liver has the potential
colored and edematous. The HIV. In the juvenile forms of this side effects of teratogenicity and ele-
Achilles tendon area is frequently disease, PRP may be associated vated triglycerides (Schachner &
involved. As stated previously, with T-helper cell impairment, Hansen, 2003). The retinoids,
there is a cephalic rash. The hair hypogammaglobulinemia, and de- isotretin, etretinate, and acitretin
and teeth are not involved but occa- creased IgA. Underlying diseases appear to be more effective than
sionally psoriasiform nail changes are unusual, but PRP may also be vitamin A with over 80% successful
may occur. White lacy plaques may associated with HIV, hypothy- clearance in 3 years (Schachner &
roidism, myasthenia gravis, celiac Hansen, 2003). It seems that early

DERMATOLOGY NURSING/December 2005/Vol. 17/No. 6 449

Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5.
Fine, powdery scale Large zones of follicular Islands of unaffected skin

Table 1. the legs. Sparseness of the scalp hair

Classifications, Descriptions, and Treatments for is sometimes present. Palmoplantar
hyperkeratosis is coarse and lamel-
Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris
lated (Griffiths, 1975). Patients must
Type Age Clinical Description Treatment be treated on a case by case basis.
Adult Large zones of follicular hyperkeratosis with Retinoids, Type III
onset an erythematous halo. Islands of unaffected isotretinoin,
I skin covering the erythematous sheets. etretinate, Classical juvenile PRP affects
acitretin 10% of patients. It resembles type I
in its mode of onset and appear-
Adult Atypical, long duration, increased scaling. Treated on ance, but it affects children in the
II onset Sparseness of scalp hair. Increased case by case
first year of 2 or life (see Figures 6-
palmoplantar hyperkeratosis. basis
7) (Griffiths, 1975). Sixty percent of
1 - 2 years Resembles Type I PRP. 90% self-limited in 3 Keratolytics, cases self-limit in 1 year, while 90%
years. topical resolve in 3 years. Topical treat-
III steroids, ments with keratolytics, mild topical
steroids, and emollients are pre-
Pre- Sharply demarcated areas of follicular Systemic ferred over systemic treatments in
pubertal hyperkeratosis and erythema on knees and retinoic acids, pediatric patients with PRP
IV children elbows. topical steroids (Schachner & Hansen, 2003).

Type IV
First years Chronic. Follicular hyperkeratosis. Erythema Retinoids,
of life not prominent. Most cases of familial PRP. methotrexate, Circumscribed PRP affects
cyclosporins, approximately 25% of patients. It
V azathioprine, affects prepubertal children and it is
gamma- characterized by sharply demarcated
interferon areas of follicular hyperkeratosis and
erythema on the knees and elbows.
Hyperkeratosis may be found overly-
diagnosis and early treatment with Type II ing bony prominences. Circum-
retinoids leads to the best chance for Atypical adult onset affects scribed PRP shows no tendency
clearing. If there is a lack of about 5% of patients. This disease is towards progression (Griffiths, 1975).
response or contraindications to the atypical because of its long duration Systemic retinoic acid works quite
use of retinoids, methotrexate could of 20 years or more and atypical well with type IV, especially when
be used (Schachner & Hansen, morphologic features. The scaling is alternated with a topical steroid
2003). more ichthyosiform, especially on (Schachner & Hansen, 2004).

450 DERMATOLOGY NURSING/December 2005/Vol. 17/No. 6

Figure 6. of PRP have the capability to trans- and Papillion-Lefevre syndrome).
Multiple pinkish plaques over the form into another form of the dis- PRP appears in different clinical
chest, abdomen, and upper arm ease. In one study in particular, a presentations but there are treat-
patient presented with type III but ments available for all of them.
with areas of normal skin in
then later went on to develop type When treating a patient with PRP, it
between lesions. IV. This may suggest a common eti- is important to identify which type
ological mechanism for all types of is presenting and treat accordingly.
PRP (Gelmetti, Schiuma, Cerri, & Fortunately, the majority of patients
Gianotti, 1986; Shahidullah & presenting with PRP have a favor-
Aldridge, 1994). able prognosis.
The classic adult type I has the
best prognosis with 80% clearing
within 3 years. Most children with References
PRP may be treated with topical Arnold, A.W., & Buechner, S.A. (2004).
therapy alone. Some forms of topi- Circumscribed juvenile pityriasis rubra
pilaris. Journal of the European Academy of
cal therapy include emollients, cal- Dermatology & Venereology, 18(6), 705.
cipotriene, retinoic acid, keratolyt- Cohen, P., & Prystowsky, J. (1989). Pityriasis
ics, topical steroids, and hydrating rubra pilaris: A review of diagnosis and
agents. Systemic therapies include treatment. Journal of the American
Academy of Dermatology, 20, 801-807.
retinoids (acitretin, etretinate, Evangelou, G., Murdoch, S.R., Palamaras, I.,
isotretinoin), methotrexate, cyclo- & Rhodes, L.E. (2005). Photo-
sporin, and psoralen ultraviolet A aggravated pityriasis rubra pilaris.
Figure 7.
(PUVA). Other agents being used, Photodermatology, Photoimmunology, and
Hyperkeratosis of palms but none that can be recommend- Photomedicine, 21(5), 272-272.
Finzi, A.F., Altomare, G.F., Bergamaschini,
ed, include vitamins C and E, L., & Tucci, A. (1981). Pityriasis rubra
stanozolol, arsenic, and pilocarpine pilaris and retinol binding protein.
(Cohen & Prystowsky, 1989; Finzi, British Journal of Dermatology, 104, 253-
Altomare, Bergamaschini, & Tucci, 256.
1981). Gelmetti C., Schiuma, A.A., Cerri, D., &
Gianotti, F. (1986). Pityriasis rubra
Two other classifications sys- pilaris in childhood: A long-term study
tems are also used for PRP. of 29 cases. Pediatric Dermatology, 3(6),
Gelmetti’s Classification (1986) is 446-451.
based on the duration of the dis- Griffiths, W.A.D. (1975). Pityriasis rubra
ease. Piamphogsant’s Classification pilaris: An historical approach I.
Taxonomy and etiology. Transactions of
(1994) is based on physical findings the St. John’s Hospital Dermatologic Society,
and it is divided into four types. 61, 58-63.
Schachner, L.A., & Hansen, R.C. (2003).
Conclusion Pediatric dermatology (3rd ed.). St. Louis,
MO: Mosby
Pityriasis rubra pilaris is an Shahidullah, H., & Aldridge, R.D. (1994).
important disease to be aware of Changing forms of juvenile pityriasis
Type V and understand. The differential rubra pilaris – a case report. Clinical and
diagnosis includes psoriasis, sebor- Experimental Dermatology, 19, 254-256.
Atypical juvenile PRP affects Vijayalakshmi, A.M., & Mallika, A. (2003).
rheic dermatitis, phrynoderma,
only 5% of patients. It appears in Pityriasis rubra pilaris. Indian Pediatrics,
atypical keratosis pilaris, follicular 40(5), 432-433.
the first years of life and runs a
eczema, and erythrokeradermas White, K.L. (2003). Pityriasis rubra pilaris.
chronic course. It is characterized
(for example, Unna-Thost disease Online Journal of Dermatology, 9(4), 6.
by follicular hyperkeratosis. Ery-
thema is a constant but not promi-
nent feature. Most cases of familial
PRP belong to this group. Systemic
therapy is largely utilized because
spontaneous remission is unlikely
Reprints Available
(Griffiths, 1975). The most com- Reprints of Dermatology Nursing articles are available. Reprints are
monly used systemic agents are
retinoids, methotrexate, cyclo-
excellent resources for staff and student education as well as com-
sporins, azathioprine, and gamma- mercial promotion. Minimum order is 100 copies. For more infor-
interferon (Schachner & Hansen, mation and a price quote, please contact the journal’s Reprint
2003). Services Department at (856) 256-2300 or
Studies have shown that
patients who present with one form

DERMATOLOGY NURSING/December 2005/Vol. 17/No. 6 451

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