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The Abundance Program


Steve Beckow
NESARA or The Abundance Program
Copyright refused, 2012 by Steve Beckow
Please distribute freely.
Edited and compiled by Colleen Lockard

For more information on this series, please visit us on the web at:


Ch. 1 What is NESARA? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Ch. 2 What is the "Abundance Program"? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Ch. 3 NESARA: The Financial Side of a World That Works for Everyone . . . . . . . . . . 20

Ch. 4 Nancy B. Detweiler: History of NESARA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Ch. 5 Nancy B. Detweiler: NESARA Rights the Unthinkable Wrongs Perpetuated on

the American People & the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Ch. 6 Some Provisions of the NESARA Act . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

What is NESARA?
Since NESARA has been mentioned several times recently, please allow me to give a
short summary of what NESARA comprises.

The acronym NESARA stands for “National Economic Security and Reformation Act.”
The Act was passed by the American Congress in the year 2000 and never proclaimed,
for reasons we will touch upon shortly.

As a program, NESARA can be viewed from several perspectives.

As a spiritually-directed financial program, it traces back to the work of St.Germain and

three other ascended masters. That work began in the Fifteenth Century and was
designed to provide a new economic system for the world during the present time of
transition. Sheldan Nidle’s Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation describe the
masters’ work and its development over the centuries. I cite that passage at length:

“This time will … be heralded by an infusion of great abundance. This prosperity

will be due largely to the endurance of our Earthly Allies and the brilliant
strategies set in motion, many centuries ago, by the Ascended Masters Count St
Germain, Master Hilarion, Seraphis Bey and Saint Paul
the Venetian.

“These Holy Beings were able to bring to this realm a

financial and monetary plan whose secret purpose is to
enable great abundance to rain down at the appropriate
time. Although St Germain is ultimately responsible for its
success, each of the Ascended Masters we have
mentioned has played a significant role in its present-day

“Briefly, … the Ottoman Turks, the Hapsburgs of Austria, the Bourbons of France
and the Holy See conspired in the past to create a system of banking and trust
that has lasted until this day. …
“The origins of their created Fractional Banking System are revealed in the
ancient treasuries of Rome, Persia, India and China, and in the many empires of
the New World. …

“By Europe’s Middle Ages, control of this system had passed to the Pope and a
series of allied Monarchs. This group was grievously threatened by the rise of the
Ottomans in the Middle East, and by their capture of Constantinople. New
arrangements were needed.

“St Paul the Venetian and Seraphis Bey were leaders in negotiating the new
Secret Treaties, but only to prepare the way for the final phase of their strategy.
St. Germain carried this out beautifully, with help from the Master Hilarion. The
outcome was a World Trust for this realm’s Light Workers.

“Funds were to be disbursed with the advent of Christendom’s Second

Millennium. As that time approached, however, it became increasingly clear that
the Cabals who control your world wished to avoid this payout.

“Therefore, a number of former members who left these groups and secretly
supported Count St Germain’s original intention, devised a way to defeat the
secret manipulations of their former dark Cabals.

“This resulted in the rise of our Earthly Allies and an exceedingly complex
strategy that took decades to bring to fruition. The process began as a way to
ensure that the abundance promised by Count St Germain was actually made
available to Earth’s Light Workers.

“At first, this amounted to a number of Trusts whose true purpose was kept
secret. A few decades later, it concerned the bringing to light of a humanitarian
project approved by the IMF. Over time, this led to the emergence of a number of

governmental, economic and political coalitions, which were protected by the
Ascended Masters.

“They also encouraged Divine intervention by the Galactic Federation of Light.

This First Contact mission would be allied, eventually, with those who so
courageously had encouraged the disclosure of Count St Germain’s World Trust.
In 1998, this measure was officially carried into effect by a series of secret
agreements promising that the UFO cover-up would cease when these funds
were disbursed.

“The outcome of almost a decade of secret conflict waged between this global
coalition and Earth’s many dark Cabals culminated in the latter part of 2000. The
remaining Dark Cabal realized that it was imperative for them to seize the
leadership of Earth’s last superpower.

“Thus, they developed a policy that resembled a scheme they had employed in
Germany during the 1930s [i.e., 9/11, designed to imitate the consequences of
the Reichstag Fire]. They hoped that this policy would enable them to block the
disbursement of funds. They also hungered to engage in a perpetual war that
would allow them to complete the dismantling of this superpower’s Bill of Rights.

“At first, their policy seemed to succeed. However, their spitefulness resulted in a
violent reaction that increased our Earthly Allies’ ability to counterbalance the
power amassed by these last Cabals. Now, this Coalition has used your Planet’s
most recent, illegal war in Iraq as the intolerable, final act that will break this last
Cabal’s hold on the reins of power.” (1)

Viewed as a modern development, the roots of NESARA can be found in the response
by the Supreme Court to banking foreclosures against farm property which the Court
found to be illegal. In the course of reviewing these practices, the Court went further and
ruled that many other contemporary banking, taxation and governance arrangements
were unconstitutional. For that, James Rink’s article appears to be a good source. (2)

As a legislative initiative, it took its name from the National Economic Security and
Reformation Act, passed by Congress in 2000, as implied in Matthew Ward’s

“The NESARA legislation is being processed within the laws of the God-inspired
original US constitution.” (3)

“Because the United States determines to such a large extent what happens in
your world, NESARA was devised in accordance with US laws rather than any
other country’s.” (4)

NESARA was due to be announced on Sept. 11, 2001, but the cabal blew up the World
Trade Center buildings to prevent it, as Matthew briefly alludes to.

“The dark forces are fighting tooth and nail to prevent even the awareness of
NESARA, much less its implementation, and, at this point, delaying the
announcement that must by law precede enactment of the widespread provisions
is the only weapon left to them.

“They have been successful thus far in achieving delays by many means:
assassinations of influential people who favor initiating the provisions without
delay as well as others actively working toward this end; death threats to the
families of light workers and to the workers themselves; double-agents within the
ranks of the light workers; and terrorist assaults. The US internal terrorist act of
September 11, 2001, was the most dramatic of these tactics.” (5)

The gold which backed the new currency was stored in the WTC towers and stolen by
the cabal. Building 7 was the center of operations for 9/11 and was destroyed after the
operation was complete.

Viewed from the widest possible angle, NESARA is a spiritually-inspired and -guided
arrangement, as Matthew indicates.

“NESARA is legislation of the United States government that was designed by
high light beings in conjunction with spiritual beings on the planet as the LEGAL
means to usher in the era of peace, love and harmony on Earth.” (6)

“Some consider NESARA to be political and economic in nature while others

view it as spiritual because of the high-level light beings affiliated with it.
NESARA is both. When people are severely oppressed by political and economic
conditions that foster impoverished living circumstances, lack of health care and
education, monopoly of natural resources, slave labor, unjust laws and courts,
starvation, and tyrannical regimes, offering ‘soul food’ isn’t enough.

“When people are preoccupied with mere survival requirements, giving them only
spiritual messages is not going to bring about the global reforms they need to
rise out of their misery. That is why the provisions of NESARA are monumental in
scope, embodying sweeping reforms for Earth that will begin as soon as the
legislation is officially announced. When people become aware of the reforms,
they will be motivated to participate according to their capabilities.

“As in all other aspects of polarity still existing on Earth, NESARA is at one
extreme and the dark forces that … the members themselves call the Illuminati
are at the other.” (7)

NESARA is designed to erase poverty and all its attendant ills from Earth during a
transitional period preceding Ascension so that the planet’s sovereign citizens can focus
their attention on planetary transformation, as SaLuSa indicates.

“The changes will not be imposed for the sake of it, but are part of our plan to
bring you the comforts and protection, that will lift your experiences to a new level
and bring you joy and happiness. Following that you will be in the right frame of
mind to apply yourselves to the business of preparing for Ascension. That is the
ultimate goal.” (8)

After Ascension, this planet is destined to be weaned from the use of money, as
SaLuSa points out: “Ultimately you [will] reach a stage where money has no place in a

society that is founded upon sharing.” (9) Matthew confirms that the time will come after
Ascension to drop the use of money:

“In Earth’s Golden Age, the trend will be away from money and toward systems
of sharing and bartering—the light intensity in souls will let those means of
remuneration for services and conduct of commerce become as satisfying
between nations as between individuals.” (10)

It was felt that there was no sense in implementing

NESARA before the dark forces had been removed from
power. Otherwise they would use their control of
government to seize people’s funds.

According to Matthew, the dark forces tenaciously held onto control of the top rungs of
all human institutions.

“[The Illuminati's] tentacles reach the highest levels of governments; banking

establishments; all media outlets; churches; multinational corporations; royal
families; educational, medical and drug, law and justice systems – NOTHING of
influential nature on your planet is free of Illuminati control.” (11)

Matthew describes their stake in the matter:

“This powerful cabal has long recognized that to retain their control of Earth’s people,
they must keep them in ignorance and fear and for millennia that has worked well for
those currently in power and their dark predecessors. Now they are realizing that it
cannot work for them much longer, and they are sparing no tactic to hold onto their fast-
ebbing control.

“They rightly see NESARA as their total uprooting, because once the program’s reforms
are implemented, the control of the darkness will crumble totally.” (12)

Many people wonder why the galactic and spirit coalition do not force the cabal to

accept NESARA. They may not appreciate the requirement imposed on the coalition
that it respect free will.

According to God’s laws, the coalition is bound, until the arrival of a divine deadline, to
allow even the Illuminati to exercise their free will, including in respect to NESARA, as
Matthew explains.

“By Creator’s law, souls’ free will must be respected except in the case of nuclear
detonations in space. That includes the free-will choices made by members of
the dark forces to hold up and weaken—preferably doom—NESARA.” (13)

Another source of confusion arises from our belief that the coalition’s plans are
predestined and therefore fixed. But Kryon informs us, “there are things that we call wild
cards. That is to say, potentials that nobody thought about.” (14) Matthew describes the
situation facing the coalition:

“We can tell you what is fomenting behind the scenes regarding the truth about
the global economy, but because Earth’s energy field of potential is in such wild
commotion, we cannot discern what information will emerge first or the order in
which other facts will follow.” (15)

The coalition must allow for free-will choices; therefore their plans must respond to our
actions, which means that they must be changeable, as SaLuSa tells us: “We
continually adjust our plans according to the changes on Earth.”(16) “On a week-to-
week basis so much could happen, and it is why we are unable to be more precise
about the coming months.” (17)

However, SaLuSa does make one prediction regarding timing. On Jan. 1, 2010, he said
that “if we were to anticipate where you might be by the end of this year, we would
expect to have seen governmental changes and the first signs of the abundance
program taking place.” (18)

Prior to 2001, it was planned to announce NESARA before disclosure. But by 2010, the
order had been reversed, as SaLuSa indicates: “Disclosure … must [now] precede the
Abundance programs.” (19) My understanding is that the galactics had underestimated

the degree of the Illuminati’s intransigence. Persuasion has consistently failed and the
galactics have finally determined that they might have to “force the issue.” Says

“[The Illuminati's] capitulation would be welcomed, but they are not of the nature
to admit defeat. In the end we may therefore have to force the issue, as our
mission must soon start in earnest. Force is not a word we like, but it does not
mean the use of physical force but rather like your chess game, it will be
checkmate.” (20)

We have seen that NESARA can be described from several different vantage points
and its exact date of implementation remains unknown. As an economic measure, it is
intended to be temporary and transitional. As a spiritual measure, it is intended to
inspire Earth’s population with what is possible, which Ascension will fully reveal. Once
NESARA comes, it will relieve Earth’s population of poverty and toil and allow them to
devote themselves fully to the ultimate task of planetary transformation.

(1) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, April 15, 2003, Galactic Federation of
Light: Updates Archive 1997-2007, at
SaLuSa also gives a very short version of the same history:
“The changes to ensure your promised future will be the fulfilment of all that has been
planned, and are overseen by St. Germain and a host of heavenly Beings. It has been
brought into place over millennia of time, in anticipation of the end times. It was
foreseen that the low vibrations on Earth would attract the dark Ones, and what would
result from it. Therefore plans were made to remove them as soon as the Light became
the dominant energy and when their power was diminishing.
“That time has arrived and with the levels of human consciousness increasing so
quickly, there is now a higher vibration that is awakening people to the truth. St.
Germain is the Founder of a world trust fund that was set up a long time ago. It will be
able to support a new financial system and enable a fair distribution of wealth. St.
Germain’s message is that you should let Love and Light be your guide as you take
your path to freedom, and know that the heavenly hosts are with you all of the time.”
(SaLuSa, Aug. 30, 2010, at

(2) James Rink, “Partial History of the True National Economic Security and
Reformation Act,” at
(3) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 7, 2003, at
(4) Matthew’s Message, Nov. 10, 2003.
(5) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 7, 2003.
(6) Matthew’s Message, Nov. 10, 2003.
(7) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 7, 2003.
(8) SaLuSa, May 7, 2010.
(9) SaLuSa, June 29, 2009.
(10) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 14, 2010.
(11) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 7, 2003.
(12) Loc. cit.
(13) Loc. cit.
(14) Kryon, “The Shift is Here,” Oct. 20, 2008, at
(15) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 14, 2010.
(16) SaLuSa, May 28, 2010.
(17) SaLuSa, Jan. 27, 2010.
(18) SaLuSa, Jan. 1, 2010.
(19) SaLuSa, Jan. 27, 2010.
(20) SaLuSa, Jan. 27, 2010.

What is the “Abundance Program”?
On every front, we see the financial system so finely crafted by
the global elite coming crashing down.

At the same time we see the elite circling the wagons, trying to
take advantage of events to increase their wealth or, if not, at
least to conserve it. The process is revealing their true colors.

Instead, of seeing to those who are suffering, they are showing themselves solely
concerned with their own fortunes. Within nations, they scale back unemployment
benefits and pensions. Among nations, they show countries in trouble the door.

In the meantime, those at the very top of the economic pyramid are paid outrageous
bonuses. Insider knowledge allows them to sell their stocks before prices fall. Or they
are paid huge sums by insurance companies while leaving people affected by their
actions broke.

Moreover, they show themselves prepared to use taxpayers dollars to bail out banks
and buy needless defence systems (“needless” because they themselves create the
“war on terror”), all of which benefit them, while restricting lending to and spending on
ordinary people.

This is not a sustainable system. SaLuSa tells us that this way of doing things has no
future. An inequitable economic system such as this is doomed to collapse and be
replaced by what he calls the “abundance program.”

In this article, I’d like to restrict my attention to SaLuSa’s

messages on the subject, although I could have consulted
Matthew Ward and Saul as well. But for the sake of simplicity
and comprehensibility, I’d like to remain with just the one.

As of March of this year, SaLuSa told us that the world’s

financial system was teetering on the brink of collapse. But at the same time, he also
revealed that a new financial system was ready to replace the old.

“The financial systems of the world are teetering on the brink of collapse and it
can be expected because they are no longer adequate or sustainable to
overcome your problems. Behind the scenes everything is prepared and in
readiness for a new system, and it will be implemented when it is exactly right to
introduce you to it.

“It will overcome all of the frailties and drawbacks that devalued the [existing]
system in more ways than one. You want stability and what you can
appropriately call ‘value for money,’ and as you know it is to be backed by gold
and other precious metals.

“No longer will it be used to serve the greed of the banking fraternity, who will be
required to observe a fair and honorable code of practice. There will be no place
for the old system, and it will be quickly changed for the good of all.” (1)

One of the features of the old, unsustainable system was that it

allowed the financial cabal to print off paper money, reducing
the value of people’s holdings while shoring up the power of the
financial cabal. This practice will end.

“Our allies in many countries are agreed on a plan for a

metals-backed currency, and the end of the paper currency that has led you into

“These are the essential changes to set up a fair system, that will protect your
earnings and property from unconstitutional laws. The changes will affect the
whole world and that is indeed the intention, so that you are released from unfair
systems that include your tax laws. There is at last a glow on the horizon as the
Light permeates into every corner of your world.” (2)

The new abundance program, together with other measures the galactics and Spiritual
Hierarchy will introduce, will solve all our economic and financial problems. It won’t be

done immediately but in a short space of time. The solution of our problems will be
global in scope.

“When we tell you all of your problems will be solved, we mean that precisely. It
cannot be done overnight, but one of the priorities is to organize abundance so
that eventually no one is without sustenance.

“Since we observe your whole world we know where the worst cases of poverty
and decay exist, where basic needs are not covered and medical services barely
exist. We will deal with those urgent problems very quickly, and what we want to
see is living standards lifted up.

“The Illuminati have persistently ignored these conditions, and have kept people
down deliberately as part of their population cleansing.” (3)

SaLuSa predicts the outcome of the steps that President Obama will take to curb the
financial elite.

“You are seeing a firm response by US President Obama to the banking

proposals to continue paying grossly inflated bonuses. This will have
repercussions across the world, as other countries will be bound to follow suit
when presented with the same problem. It is one of the first steps Obama has
been able to make that show his resolve to change the financial set up, and the
manner in which banks trade. If they try to override his edict, they face the
prospect of even more restrictions.

“These are the type of changes that will eventually speed along the abundance
program, as the old system is totally unacceptable for such changes to work
safely and satisfactorily. It will introduce a fair system that is for everyone’s
benefit, and when completed will have lifted everyone up.

“There cannot be the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ in a society that promotes the aim
of equality, and desires to share with all the benefits of your labors. True souls of
the Light would have no argument with such changes, and indeed are the very
ones that have been promoting them.” (4)

Introduction of the abundance program awaits disclosure: “Disclosure still remains as an
important development that must precede the abundance programs.” (5)

“You will see that our intentions are to lead you as soon as possible out of the
restrictions imposed upon you, and introduce into your lives all that will quickly
improve the quality of it. The abundance program will clearly be a major step
forward, but first disclosure must come about and thus allow our open presence
on Earth.

“With that, all actions withheld and waiting our interaction with you can begin.
You will not have to wait an interminable time to witness these developments,
and any further delays will only mean a revision of our plans to ensure a speedier
conclusion.” (6)

The galactics cannot be exact about timing: “On a week-to-week basis so much could
happen, and it is why we are unable to be more precise about the coming months.” (7)

However, SaLuSa can say that we should see first results before the end of this year:
“This year [2010] will be the beginning of many dramatic events, and you will see the
plan for abundance and other benefits promised to you taking shape. … If we were to
anticipate where you might be by the end of this year, we would expect to have seen
governmental changes and the first signs of the abundance program taking place.” (8)

The new financial system will ease conditions that have led to so much conflict.

“When all are treated fairly and wealth is shared, the need to resort to other
means to acquire it becomes unnecessary. Inequality is something you are
longer prepared to put up with, and your intent that it shall be changed will
manifest the result that will bring it about. Indeed, Dear Ones, with your
awakening and growth in consciousness you have realized that what you seek is
your right.” (9)

The changeover will be rapid: “Already the foundations are in place for a quick change,
where your financial systems are concerned.” (10)

Abundance will dramatically lift the spirits of the population of the world and prepare us
to concentrate on Ascension.

“The mood of the people will change dramatically once they are informed of our
mission. We offer you release from the thralldom of many centuries of
persecution, poverty and wars that have kept you in the control of the dark Ones.
That alone will bring joy and hope to those who are still experiencing such
conditions, and through the prosperity program will address many current issues.
We will be more involved in the bigger ones that have beset your whole world. …

“The lack of basic requirements that have left the poorer people in shanty towns,
without proper facilities or medical care [must be reversed as soon as possible].
We are well aware of the priorities where you are concerned, and regardless of
size our vast fleet and personnel can handle them with ease. …

“You should have been able to advance your standard of living much more than it
is now. …

“The changes will not be imposed for the sake of it, but are part of our plan to
bring you the comforts and protection that will lift your experiences to a new level
and bring you joy and happiness. Following that you will be in the right frame of
mind to apply yourselves to the business of preparing for Ascension. That is the
ultimate goal.” (11)

But before that time, we must endure a complete financial collapse, denying the
Illuminati their source of power; namely, wealth. This may cause us some anxiety.

“As the old falls away it is understandable that you are concerned, because as
yet you cannot see what will take its place. However, the fact that you see the
demise of that which has proved inadequate and responsible for your present
position means that you will not readily accept a resurrection of the same again.
That is clearly desirable, as otherwise there would be a return to the old ways.

“It is planned to advance your civilization so that there is a natural progression to

Ascension. That which has been denied you will quickly come into your lives, and

provide the answers to the problems that confront you now. We can address all
issues so that you take a quantum leap into the New Age.” (12)

SaLuSa assures us that the star nations know and have planned for all eventualities,
including the oil spill, which he may have hinted at prior to its occurrence. Here is his
update of April 10, 2010:

“We share responsibility for your future just as much as you do, and together we
will have no difficulty in getting you prepared for the wonderful and exciting times
just ahead. Already you have had sufficient information to understand the nature
of them. Clearing away the result of years of pollution is high on our list, and
although the size of the task is extremely large, with our technology it will be
dealt with in next to no time.

“The environment has to be restored as first measure to lift everyone’s living

conditions. Then shall the basic needs of the poorer people be provided for in full
measure. Contented people are happy people, and the joys of living will be there
for you all to experience.” (13)

This then is what we will be experiencing in the weeks and months ahead. The old
system will collapse but be replaced by a new and more equitable arrangement.
Everyone’s financial needs will be seen to and the changeover will come quickly once
the program can be introduced.

There’s no need to fear what’s happening. Knowing what we know, we can watch the
process unfold with certain knowledge that what follows it will be to the satisfaction of all
the people of the world.

(1) SaLuSa, March 3, 2010, at
(2) SaLuSa, May 28, 2010, ibid.
(3) SaLuSa, June 18, 2010, ibid.
(4) SaLuSa, Jan. 22, 2010, ibid.
(5) SaLuSa, Jan. 27, 2010, ibid.
(6) SaLuSa, Jan. 22, 2010, ibid.
(7) SaLuSa, Jan. 27, 2010, ibid.
(8) SaLuSa, Jan. 1, 2010, ibid.
(9)SaLuSa, Feb. 12, 2010, ibid.
(10) SaLuSa, May 28, 2010, ibid.
(11) SaLuSa, May 7, 2010, ibid.
(12) SaLuSa, April 10, 2010, ibid.
(13) SaLuSa, April 10, 2010, ibid.

NESARA: The Financial Side of a World
That Works for Everyone

Well, I just had a most pleasurable talk with Tricia, a former Vancouverite now living in
London, who may be joining our staff as a contributor later in the summer. And we
talked a lot about NESARA (“National Economic Security and Reformation Act” – the
global abundance program). Some interesting matters emerged from the back-and-
forth which I’ve asked her permission to share.

I noticed, at least in myself, a tendency to compartmentalize things like NESARA and

consider it only a financial and an economic arrangement. But in fact, as we
discussed, it’s at once more than that and at the same time simply a facet of a greater
whole. How can I describe that? Hmmm….

There are many sides to that discussion. The first one I’d like to mention is that we’re
moving towards unitive consciousness and NESARA is a way of behaving economically
that translates unitive consciousness into financial behavior. Unitive consciousness as a
social matter produces, as Werner Erhard pointed out so many years ago, “a world that
works for everyone, with no one left out.” That’s where we’re headed. That’s what we’re

If we were to consider a world that works for everyone from a spiritual point of view,
we’d be talking about tolerance for other people’s religions, their paths, their disciplines,
and their traditions. If we were to consider a world that works for everyone from a
medical standpoint, we’d be talking about universal accessibility to health care at no
cost. We’d be talking about everyone having what they needed and the entire society
operating in a manner that looked to and ensured that universal accessibility occurred.

If we were to consider a world that works for everyone from the standpoint of finances
and economics, then we’d be talking about NESARA. So NESARA is an arrangement
that captures how unitive consciousness invites us to operate financially. NESARA is an
arrangement that expresses a world that works for everyone in financial terms or the
financial behavior of people who embrace the ideal of a world that works for everyone.

Secondly, we need to consider that the society that enjoys NESARA will not be the
same society that is standing here, now, looking forward. Oh, yes, the same people, but
not the same mindset, mood, or experience. The energies continue to rise on this
planet. By the time we reach NESARA, we’ll be happier, more blissful, more joyful.
Cooperating will be easier and in fact it will seem natural, whereas competition seems
natural now. Peace will probably have been declared so there will be no desire to go to
war, no ability to do so, no temptation to do so.

Therefore, we probably cannot see NESARA through these eyes. We have to imagine
what it will look like as seen through the expanded, peaceful, joyful eyes we’ll be seeing
through then.

Do you get my drift? We cannot understand what life will be like under NESARA
thinking from where we are now. Einstein once said that our social problems cannot be
solved thinking from the level at which the problems were created. More competition will
not make competition disappear and cooperation establish itself on Earth. More
predatory conduct will not see predatory conduct disappear. As I said a while back, if we
want predatory competition to disappear, we have to stop the train and lay new track.

But more to the point we cannot imagine our changed society looking from the
standpoint of our unchanged society. These eyes cannot see or imagine those days.
Fortunately we have a host of ascended beings who are looking through those eyes and
they can imagine it and are creating it for us or we might never have NESARA.

NESARA mandates that borders fall. NESARA presupposes that the current tax
structure be gone, debt disappear, and that government serve significantly different
purposes than it does now. We can’t project our current situation into the era in which

NESARA exists. This current society is falling away and NESARA will see entirely new
social arrangements being nurtured and put in place.

Thirdly, NESARA will be part of a wider program that will see us using replicators, if I’m
correct in my understanding, robots, better computers, anti-gravity vehicles, and so on.
It doesn’t make sense to consider how we’ll use Earth’s resources under NESARA
because, by then, we probably won’t be using Earth’s resources very much compared
to now. It isn’t as useful to consider how we’ll work under NESARA because a lot of
work will disappear. And lest we think we’ll be bored, we need to remember that blissful
people are very seldom bored.

So I just encourage us to understand and acknowledge all the changes that will occur
along with NESARA, how our mood and experience of life will be altered by then, and
how NESARA itself is just a part of a total program that will revolutionize life, and is not
simply a new currency, gold standard, and debt forgiveness. NESARA is a step along
the road to Ascension itself and a “middle-ground” arrangement that is better than this
and not as good as that. And it can’t be imagined coming from or extrapolating from life
as it is now.

So thank you, Tricia, for helping me see that and I look forward to your coming on board
later and helping us to understand things like NESARA.

Nancy B. Detweiler: History of NESARA
Nancy Detweiler has produced a year-by-year history of
NESARA. The amount of work involved must have been
enormous. I don’t expect everyone to read the whole article,
but it can serve as a reference. I’ll create a page for it as well
as this post.

Nancy has asked that the following intro be added to this

NOTE: Writing a history of NESARA requires locating the
separate dots and attempting to put them together to create
truth. The original documents are sequestered and those
individuals directly involved are still under a strict gag order.
I have used as my foundation a history written by James Rink. My research set out to
prove NESARA by locating original documents and articles written by reputable people
that illustrated each of the tenets. I have inserted some of these URLs for these tenets
into Rink’s history. In my 7+ years of research, I have found nothing to disprove the
existence of the NESARA LAW. The internet is loaded with disinformation that can be
easily dismissed by research.

Now that information regarding the government/military cover-up of the extraterrestrial

presence is in the public domain, we can see parallels of the facets regarding NESARA
that many have used to discredit it. Some of these are: deliberate cover-up of
information, government/military gag orders, the suspicious death of persons who
attempted to tell the truth, control of the media, and the ruining of individual lives and

I encourage all to do your own research and add to the pool of documented evidence on
the truth of NESARA.

Now is the perfect time for NESARA to be released to the world!

The National Economic Security & Reformation Act

Compiled by Nancy Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div., Aug. 17, 2011

1892 – Bankers adopted their Bankers’ Manifesto of 1892 in which it was declared: “We
[the bankers] must proceed with caution and guard every move made, for the lower
order of people are already showing signs of restless commotion. Prudence will
therefore show a policy of apparently yielding to the popular will until our plans are so
far consummated that we can declare our designs without fear of any organized
resistance. The Farmers Alliance and Knights of Labor organizations in the United
States should be carefully watched by our trusted men, and we must take immediate
steps to control these organizations in our interest or disrupt them….

The courts must be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages
foreclosed as rapidly as possible.

When through the process of the law, the common people have lost their homes, they
will be more tractable and easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of the
government applied to a central power of imperial wealth under the control of the
leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.”

1907-1917 – In order to warn Americans, the1892 Bankers’ Manifesto was revealed by

US Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. from Minnesota before the US Congress
sometime during his term of office between the years of 1907 and 1917.

1910 – John E. DiNardo, professor of public policy and economics at the University of
Michigan, writes in his article “The Federal Reserve Act”: “On the night of November 22,
1910, a small group of surrogates of the most powerful bankers of the World met …
under the veil of utmost secrecy.

Over the next few weeks these men would perpetrate, under the orders of their masters,
… perhaps the most colossal and devastating fraud ever inflicted upon the American

This ultra-secret fraud is known as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913…. The Federal
Reserve Act of 1913 concocted legislation, to be foisted upon the People’s Congress of
the United States, that empowered and commissioned this secret cabal of World-
dominant bankers to PRINT UNITED STATES CURRENCY, a usurpation of our
Constitution’s explicit edict empowering ONLY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT
to print and coin currency. This world banking empire used their stolen power to
print, out of thin air, paper currency which, in no way represents the gold and
silver reserves that authentic currency is supposed to represent.”

1913 – The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 Complete text of Act may seen at:

1933 – 1934 – Prior to 1933, Federal Reserve Notes were backed by gold. This
changed with the new law: Congressional Record, March 9, 1933 on HR 1491 p. 83.
“Under the new law the money is issued to the banks in return for government
obligations, bills of exchange, drafts, notes, trade acceptances, and bankers
acceptances. The money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed
by the credit of the nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes, and
other property of all the people of the nation.”

The Bankers’ Manifesto ties in with the U.S. Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congress,
1st Session (1934), which states: “The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State;
individual so-called ‘ownership’ is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to
mere ‘user’ and use must be in acceptance with law and subordinate to the necessities
of the State.”

1970s – The Federal Land Bank illegally foreclosed on farmers mortgages all
throughout the Midwest. In each of these cases the farmers were defrauded by the
banks with the approval of the Federal Reserve System. These court cases would
eventually become known as the Farmer Claims Program.

1978 – An elderly ranch farmer in Colorado purchased a farm with loan from the
Federal Land Bank. After he died the property was passed on to his son Roy
Schwasinger, Jr., who was a retired military general. Soon after a Federal Land Bank
officer and Federal Marshall appeared on his property and informed him the bank was
foreclosing on his farm, ordering him to vacate within 30 days. Without his knowledge,
his deceased father had signed a stipulation which reverted the property back to the
Federal Land Bank in the event of the borrower’s death.

Outraged, Roy E. Schwasinger, Jr. filed a class action lawsuit in the Denver Federal
Court system. The suit was dismissed on the basis of incorrect filing. This prompted
Roy Schwasinger’s investigation into the inner workings of the banking system.

1982 – Roy Schwasinger was given a contract by the US senate and later Supreme
Court to investigate banking fraud. But because he was under a strict non-disclosure
order he was not allowed to tell the media what he discovered. In the late 80s he began
sharing his knowledge with others including high ranking military personnel who helped
him bring about a class action lawsuit against the federal government.

The first series of these lawsuits began in the mid 1980’s when William and Shirley
Baskerville of Fort Collins, Colorado were involved in a bankruptcy case with First
Interstate Bank of Fort Collins; who was trying to foreclose on their farm. At a restaurant
their lawyer informed them that he would no longer be able to help them and walked-off.
Overhearing the conversation Roy Schwasinger offered his advice on how to appeal the
case in bankruptcy court. So in 1987 they filed an appeal (Case No. 87-C-716) with the
United States District Court in Colorado.

1988 – On November 3, 1988, the Denver Federal Court system ruled that indeed the
banks had defrauded the Baskervilles and proceeded to reverse its bankruptcy
decision. But when the foreclosed property was not returned they filed a new lawsuit.
Eventually, 23 other farmers, ranchers, and Indians swindled by the banks in the same
manner would join in the case.

In these cases, the banks were foreclosing on the properties using fraudulent methods
such as charging exorbitant interest, illegal foreclosure, or by not crediting mortgage

payments to their account as they should have but instead would steal the mortgage
payments for themselves triggering foreclosure on the property. After running out of
money they continued their fight without the help of lawyers. With some assistance by
the Farmers Union a new lawsuit was filed against the Federal Land Bank and the
Farmers Credit System. Case No. 92-C-1781

The District Court ruled in their favor and ordered the banks to return the stolen
properties with help from either Federal Marshals or the National Guard. But when no
payments were made, the farmers declared involuntary Chapter Seven Bankruptcy
against the Federal Land Bank and the Farmers Credit System. The banks appealed
their case insisting they were not a business but a federal agency therefore they were
not liable to pay the damages.

So the farmer’s legal team adopted a new strategy. According to the Federal Land
Bank’s 1933 charter they are not allowed to make loans directly to applicants, but
instead could only back loans as a guarantor in case of default. Because the Federal
Land Bank had violated this rule the farmer’s legal team was able to successfully sue
the bank for damages.

Word of the lawsuit began to spread; the legal team would teach others how to fight
foreclosure and to help them file lawsuits as well (Case No. 93-1308-M). Celebrities
such as Willie Nelson joined in the cause and helped raise money during his “Farm Aid”

The Baskerville case had now become the Farmer Claims Class Action Lawsuit.
Worried about the legal ramifications the government retaliated against the farmers by
hitting them with either outrageous IRS fees, or by imprisoning the legal team under
frivolous nonrelated charges. When the farmers realized they were being unfairly
targeted, they had military generals such as General Roy Schwasinger sit in the
courtroom to make sure the bribed judges would vote according to constitutional law.

The farmers now with a large team of knowledgeable people of the law behind them
filed a new case to claim additional damages from the fraudulent loaning activities of the
Farmers Credit System.

The government tried to settle but they had already lost many cases and were now
loosing the appeals as well. More and more evidence was collected. According to the
National Banking Act all banks are required to register their charters with the Federal
and State Bureau of Records, but none of the banks complied, allowing the legal team
to sue the Farmers Credit System. Not only was Farmers Credit System not chartered
to do business with the American Banking Association, but so were other quasi
government organizations such as the Federal Housing Administration, The Department
of Housing and Urban Development, and even the Federal Reserve Bank.

The Farmers Claims lawsuit was thrown out of court at each level with the records
purposely destroyed. An example of these court cases may be viewed at:

1990s – In the early 1990’s Roy Schwasinger brought the case before the United States
Supreme Court. Some of the content of this case is sealed from public eyes but most of
it can be viewed today.

The U.S. Supreme Court Justices ruled that the Farmers Union claims were indeed
valid, therefore, all property foreclosed by the Farmers Credit System was illegal and all
those who were foreclosed on would have to receive damages. In addition, they ruled
that the U.S. federal government and banks had defrauded the farmers, and all U.S.
citizens, out of vast sums of money and property.

Furthermore, the court ruled the shocking truth that the IRS was a Puerto Rican Trust.
Read more at:

In addition the court ruled that the Federal Reserve was unlawful:

That the income tax amendment was only ratified by four states and therefore was not a
legal amendment, that the IRS code was not enacted into “Positive Law” within the

Code of Federal Regulations. Positive Law = Laws that have been enacted by a
properly instituted and recognized branch of the government.

That the U.S. government illegally foreclosed on farmer’s homes with help from federal
agencies. Irrefutable proof was presented by a retired CIA agent. He provided testimony
and records of the banks illegal activities as further evidence that the Farmers’ Union
claims were indeed legitimate. The implications of such a decision were profound. All
gold, silver, and property titles, taken by the Federal Reserve and IRS must be returned
to the people.

The legal team sought assistance from a small group of benevolent visionaries,
consisting of politicians, military generals, and business people who have been secretly
working to restore the constitution since the mid 1950’s. Somehow within their ranks, a
four star U.S. army general received “title” and “receiver” of the original 1933 United
States Bankruptcy.

When the case was brought before the U.S. Supreme Court, they ruled in his favor,
giving the Army General title over the United States, Inc. Legal action was then passed
on to the Senate Finance Committee and Senator Sam Nunn, who was working with
Roy Schwasinger.

1991 – With the help of covert congressional and political pressure, President George
H.W. Bush issued an Executive Order on Oct. 23, 1991, which provided a provision
allowing anyone who has a claim against the federal government to receive payment as
long as it’s within the rules of the original format of the case. You may read Executive
Order No. 12778 at the URL below.

Executive Order No. 12778 Principles of Ethical Conduct for Government Officers and
Employees; October 23, 1991

According to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, all present and succeeding debts against
the U.S. Treasury must be assumed by the Federal Reserve. Thus the famer’s claims

legal team was able to use that executive order to not only force the Federal Reserve to
pay out damages in a gold backed currency but also allow them to receive legal
ownership over the bankruptcy of United States, Inc.

To collect damages the farmers legal team used an obscure attachment to the 14th
amendment which most people are not aware of. After the civil war the government
allowed citizens to claim a payment on anyone who suffered damages as a result of the
Federal Government failing to protect its citizens from harm or damages by a foreign
government. President Grant had this attachment sealed from public eyes but
somehow, someone on the farmer’s legal team got a hold of it.

If you read that carefully, it specifies damages by a foreign government. That foreign
government is the corporate federal government which has been masquerading to the
public as the constitutional government. See
news/813840/posts for explanations.

Remember this goes back to the Organic Act of 1871 and the Trading with the Enemies
Act of 1933, which defined all citizens as enemy combatants under the federal system
known as the United States. The Justices and farmer’s legal team recognized how evil
and corrupt our federal government had become and to counteract this they added
some provisions in the settlement to bring the government back under control.

a. First they would have to be paid using a lawful currency, backed by gold and silver as
the constitution dictates. This would eliminate inflation and gyrating economic cycles
created by the Federal Reserve System. See Article 1, Section 10 of the US

b. Second they would be required to go back to common law instead of admiralty law
under the gold fringe flags. Under common law if there is no damage or harm done then
there is no violation of the law. This would eliminate millions of laws which are used to
control the masses and protect corrupt politicians.

c. Lastly the IRS would have to be dismantled and replaced with a national sales tax.
This is the basis of the NESARA Law.

When the legal team finally settled on a figure, each individual would receive an
average of $20 million dollars payout per claim. Multiplied by a total of 336,000 claims
that were filed against the U.S. Federal Government, the total payout would come out to
a staggering $6.6 trillion dollars.

The U.S. Supreme Court placed a gag order on the case, struck all information from the
Federal Registry, and placed all records in the Supreme Court files. Up to that point
Senator Sam Nunn had kept the Baskerville Case records within his office. A settlement
was agreed to out of court and the decision was sealed by Janet Reno. Because the
case was sealed, claimants are not allowed to share court documents to media outlets
without violating the settlement, but they can still tell others about the lawsuit. This is
why you probably have not heard about this.

1991 – Roy Schwasinger went before a senate committee to present evidence of the
banks and governments criminal activity. He informed them how the Corporation of the
United States was tied to the establishment of a New World Order which would bring
about a fascist one world government ruled by the international bankers.

1992 – A task force was put together consisting of over 300 retired and 35 active US
military officers who strongly supported constitutional law.* This task force was
responsible for investigating governmental officials, congressional officers, judges, and
the Federal Reserve.

*Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Jeremy Boorda

*General David McCloud

*Former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby

They uncovered the common practice of bribery and extortion committed by both
senators and judges. The criminal activity was so rampant that only 2 out of 535
members of congress were deemed honest. But more importantly they carried out the
first ever audit of the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve was accustomed to giving orders to politicians and had no
intentions of being audited. However after they were informed their offices would be

raided under military gunpoint if necessary; they complied with the investigation. After
reviewing their files the military officers found $800 trillion dollars sitting in accounts
which should have been applied to the national debt. And contrary to federal
government propaganda they also discovered that most nations had in fact owed
money to the United States instead of the other way around.

These hidden trillions were then confiscated and placed into European bank accounts in
order to generate the enormous funds needed to pay the farmers claims class action
lawsuit. Later this money would become the basis of the prosperity programs.

Despite these death blows President George H.W. Bush and the illuminati continued on
with their plans of global enslavement.

1992 - In August 1992 the military officers confronted President Bush and demanded he
sign agreement that he would return the United States to constitutional law and ordered
him to never use the term New World Order again. Bush pretended to cooperate but
secretly planned to bring about the New World Order anyway by signing an Executive
Order on December 25, 1992, that would have indefinitely closed all banks giving Bush
an excuse to declare martial law.

Under the chaos of martial law, Bush intended to install a new constitution which would
have kept everyone currently in office in their same position for 25 years and it would
have removed all rights to elect new officials. The military intervened and stopped Bush
from signing that Executive order.

1993 – In 1993 members of the Supreme Court, certain members of congress and
representatives from the Clinton government meet with high ranking US military officers
who were demanding a return to constitutional law, reforms of the banking system, and
financial redress. They agreed to create the farm claims process which would allow the
legal team to set up meetings all over the country on a grass roots level to help others
file claims and to educate them about the lawsuit.

A claim of harm could be made on any loan issued by a financial institution for all
interest paid; foreclosures; attorney and court fees; IRS taxes or liens; real estate and

property taxes; mental and emotional stress caused by the loss of property; stress
related illness such as suicide and divorce; and even warrants, incarceration, and
probation could also be claimed.

1994 – But the Clinton government undermined their efforts by requiring the farm claims
to use a specific form designed by the government. This form imposed an administrative
fee of $300 for each claim, which was later used in 1994 as a basis to arrest the leaders
of the legal team including Roy Schwasinger.

The government was so afraid of what they would say during their trial in Michigan that
extra steps were taken to conceal the true nature of the case. County courthouse
employees were not allowed to work between Monday and Thursday during the course
of the trial. And outside the courthouse, FBI agents swarmed the perimeter preventing
the media and visitors from learning what was going on as well.

Harassment and retaliation by the government increased, many where sent prison or
murdered while incarcerated. Despite being protected by his military personnel the army
general who acquired the original 1933 Title of Bankruptcy of the United States; was
imprisoned, killed, and replaced with a clone. This clone was then used as a decoy to
prevent any further claims from being filed. (I am not qualified to speak on the fact of
human clones; however, that they exist is a fairly widely accepted fact among those who
study behind the scenes activities. You may read more at: Don’t
allow the thought of clones running the government cause you to refuse to consider the
veracity of this history. As truth emerges, we will be shocked at much we hear.

During the first Clinton administration the military delayed many of Clinton’s federal
appointments until they were sure these individuals would help restore constitutional
law. One such individual who promised to bring about the necessary changes was
Attorney General Janet Reno.

1993 – In agreement with the Supreme Court ruling on June 3, 1993, Janet Reno
ordered the Delta Force and Navy Seals to Switzerland, England, and Israel to
recapture trillions of dollars of gold stolen by the Federal Reserve System from the

strategic gold reserves. These nations cooperated with the raid because they were
promised their debts owed to the United States would be canceled and because the
people who stole the money from the United States also stole money from their nations
as well.

This bullion is to be used for the new currency backed by precious metals. It’s now
safely stockpiled at the Norad Complex at Colorado Springs, Colorado and four other
repositories. Janet Reno’s action so enraged the powers-that-be, that it resulted in her
death. She was then replaced with a clone and it was this creature that was responsible
for covering-up the various Clinton scandals.

To keep the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Robert Rubin in line, he too was also
cloned. For the remainder of their term in office both Reno and Rubin received their
salaries from the International Monetary Fund as foreign agents and not from the U.S.
Treasury. Despite these actions the legal team continued on with their fight while
managing to avoid bloodshed and a major revolution.

After 1993 the farmer claims process name was changed to Bank Claims. Between
1993 and 1996, the U.S. Supreme Court required U.S. citizens to file “Bank Claims” to
collect damages paid by the U.S. Treasury Department. This process CLOSED in 1996.

During this time the U.S. Supreme Court assigned one or more Justices to monitor the
progress of the rulings. They enlisted help of experts in economics, monetary systems,
banking, constitutional government and law, and many other related areas. These
justices built coalitions of support and assistance with thousands of people worldwide;
known as “White Knights.” The term ‘White Knights’ was borrowed from the world of big
business. It refers to a vulnerable company that is rescued from a hostile takeover by a
corporation or a wealthy person—a White Knight.

To implement the required changes, the five Justices spent years negotiating how the
reformations would occur. Eventually they settled on certain agreements, also known as
Accords, with the U.S. government, the Federal Reserve Bank owners, the International
Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and with numerous other countries including the
United Kingdom and countries of the Euro Zone. Because these U.S. banking

reformations will impact the entire world; the IMF, World Bank, and other countries had
to be involved. The reformations require that the Federal Reserve be absorbed by the
U.S. Treasury Department and the banks’ fraudulent activities must be stopped and
payment must be made for past harm.

1998 – The military generals who originally participated in the famer’s claim process
realized that the US Supreme Court justices had no intentions of implementing the
Accords. So they decided the only way to implement the reformations was through a
law passed by congress.

1999 – A 75 page document known as the National Economic Security and Reformation
Act (NESARA) was submitted to congress where it sat with little action for almost a

2000 – Late one evening on March 9, 2000, a written quorum call was hand-
delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the US Senate and
the US House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. They were
immediately escorted by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective
voting chambers where they passed the National Economic Security and
Reformation Act.

These 15 members of congress were the only people lawfully allowed to hold office in
accordance with the original 13th amendment. Remember British soldiers destroyed
copies of the Titles of Nobility Amendment (TONA) in the war of 1812 because it
prevented anyone who had ties to the crown of England from holding public office.

NESARA is the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only this country but our
planet in its entire history. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS,
the shadow government, and much more.

NESARA implements the following changes:

1. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and
government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a
forgiveness of debt.

2. Abolishes the income tax.

3. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury
national sales tax area.

4. Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the
government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items
such as old homes.

5. Increases benefits to senior citizens.

6. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.

7. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment.

8. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after
NESARA’s announcement. The interim government will cancel all National
Emergencies and return us back to constitutional law.

9. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.
10. Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum
precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin
Roosevelt in 1933.

11. Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by
the US Department of Transportation.

12. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law

13. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal
Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order
to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.

14. Restores financial privacy.

15. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.

16. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.

17. Establishes peace throughout the world.

18. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.

19. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are
being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy
devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.

October 10, 2000 - Because President Clinton’s clone had no interest in signing
NESARA into law on October 10, 2000; under orders from U.S. military generals, the
elite Naval Seals and Delta Force stormed the White House and under gunpoint
forced Bill Clinton to sign NESARA. During this time Secret Service and White House
security personnel were ordered to stand down, disarmed, and allowed to witness this
event under a gag order.

From its very inception Bush Sr., the corporate government, major bank houses, and
the Carlyle group have opposed NESARA. To maintain secrecy, the case details and
the docket number were sealed and revised within the official congressional registry, to
reflect a commemorative coin and then again it was revised even more recently. This is
why there are no public Congressional Records and why a search for this law will not
yield the correct details until after the reformations are made public.

Members of congress will not reveal NESARA because they have been ordered by the
U.S. Supreme Court Justices to deny its existence or face charges of treason
punishable by death. Some members of Congress have actually been charged with
obstruction. When Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone was about to break the gag order,
his small passenger plane crashed killing his wife, daughter, and himself.

If fear isn’t enough to keep Washington in line, money is. Routine bribes are offered to
governmental/military officials by the power elite/secret government.

Not surprisingly, much disinformation about NESARA can be found on the internet.
Wikipedia’s article is total disinformation. Dr. Harvey Francis Barnard’s NESARA bill—
National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act was rejected by congress in the
1990s. Dr. Barnard was a systems philosopher and had tried for years to interest

Congress in his monetary reform suggestions. A testimony by Dr. Barnard’s close
friend, Darrell Anderson, may be read at: You may also read
articles by Darrell Anderson at this site. Both men were interested in monetary reform.

September 11, 2001 – The next step is to announce NESARA to the world, but it’s not
an easy task. Many powerful groups have tried to prevent the implementation of

The NESARA law requires that at least once a year, an effort be made to announce the
law to the public. Three then current US Supreme Court judges control the committee in
charge of NESARA’s announcement. These Judges have used their overall authority to
secretly sabotage NESARA’s announcement.

In 2001 after much negotiation the Supreme Court justices ordered the 107th Congress
to pass resolutions approving‘ NESARA. This took place on September 9, 2001,
eighteen months after NESARA became law. On September 10, 2001, George Bush Sr.
moved into the White house to steer his son on how to block the announcement. The
next day, on September 11, 2001, at 10 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Alan Greenspan
was scheduled to announce the new US Treasury Bank system, debt forgiveness for all
U.S. citizens, and abolishment of the IRS as the first part of the public announcements

Just before the announcement at 9 am, Bush Sr. ordered the demolition of the World
Trade Center’s Twin Towers to stop the international banking computers on Floors 1and
2 in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury Bank system. Explosives in
the World Trade Center were planted by operatives and detonated remotely in Building
7, which was demolished later that day in order to cover-up their crime.

Remote pilot technology was used in a flyover event to deliver a payload of explosives
into the Pentagon at the exact location of the White Knights in their new Naval
Command Center who were coordinating activities supporting NESARA’s
implementation nationwide. With the announcement of NESARA stopped dead in its

tracks, George Bush Sr. decapitated any hopes of returning the government back to the

For the past 10 years, life in the USA, and numerous other countries, has been dictated
by the staged terrorist’ attack and its repercussions. Seldom does a day go by that we
do not hear mention of 9/11.

2005 – Dr. Harvey F. Barnard died on May 18, 2005.

2009 – Roy E. Schwasinger, Jr. died on 8/23/2009 at the age of 75. Verification – Social
Security Death Index at:

2011 – The Debt Ceiling debacle kindled re-newed interest in NESARA. As we watch
the world economy collapse, we can know that the NESARA LAW remains in the
background, ready to be announced.

Nancy B. Detweiler: NESARA Rights the
Unthinkable Wrongs Perpetrated On the
American People & the World
Posted on August 14, 2011 by Nancy Detweiler, M.Ed., M. Div.

NESARA advertising trucks parked in front of the

US Capital Building in Washington, D.C.

The National Economic Security & Reformation Act will right the unthinkable wrongs
perpetrated on Americans. Its ripple effects will greatly improve the lives of all Earth
humans. Though the means to prove this has been denied the people, NESARA is
believed to have been signed into law on October 10, 2000, a few months before
President Clinton left office. Those in power positions throughout our society have
prevented its announcement and implementation.

To those who claim nothing can be kept secret in Washington, I reply: “Only what
Washington wants you to know leaks out.” Anytime a law or individual is viciously
attacked, we can be assured those in power do not want the truth to be known. All
kinds of misinformation are published in an effort to discredit the truth. Gag orders are
instituted and documents removed from public access. In 2011, we have a perfect
example of this—the cover-up of the extraterrestrial presence with us—including
numerous people presently living under gag orders. Many others have spoken out and
revealed truth to those in the public who will listen. You may verify this fact at:

As far as those working on NESARA have been able to learn, the basis for the National
Economic Security & Reformation Act was established by a 1993 United States
Supreme Court Decision ruling that the banks, in collusion with the U.S. government,
were foreclosing fraudulently on farm mortgages. During the court process, additional
frauds on the American people were uncovered. A committee of five Supreme Court
Justices was charged with the Herculean task of developing the means to implement
the required governmental and banking reforms. Experts in economics, monetary
systems, banking, constitutional governments/law, and many other areas were
consulted. Because enormous international changes are also included, an
extremely strict gag order was imposed on everyone directly involved and the
court case records were sealed until the needed reformations could be
thoroughly prepared.

Although the 1993 U.S. Supreme Court decision remains sealed, I site below (under
NESARA FORGIVES MORTGAGE DEBT) a 1968 landmark ruling by the Minnesota
Justice Court that has never been overturned: First National Bank of Montgomery vs
Jerome Daly. This court case gives credence to the fact that foreclosures were being
fraudulently implemented.

The work of Dr. Harvey Francis Barnard has been used by disinformation agents to
claim the National Economic Security & Reformation Act of October 2000 is a fraud. I
see it as a foundation and mysteriously linked.

The only documentary information I can find on Harvey Francis Barnard is the Social
Security record of his death. Research on the internet has become so popular that it is
now very difficult to research without paying a monthly fee at each site for the privilege
of seeing the documents. I learned from the Social Security Death Index
that Harvey Francis Barnard was born on 9/22/1944 and died on May 18, 2005 at the
age of 63. His last recorded home address was in East Feliciana, Louisiana. Darrell
Anderson, Dr. Barnard’s close friend, writes about him at: In his comments,
Anderson reveals that Dr. Barnard tried for years to introduce his ideas through the

traditional political processes, he finally gave up and posted his ideas on the internet,
hoping for grassroots support. Dr. Barnard first published his book Draining the
Swamp: Monetary & Fiscal Reform in 1996 through Allodial Publishing. His book was
re-published in 2005 by his NESARA Institute. A copy of the purposed legislation
purportedly written by Dr. Barnard may be found at: This legislation was prepared for the 107th
Congress (2001-2003).

Since Dr. Barnard was a systems philosophy consultant and made numerous attempts
get his NESARA ideas officially recognized, we cannot discount that he had played a
major role. Whether or not the U.S. Supreme Court Justices consulted Dr. Barnard, we
do not know. Whatever happened, we cannot deny that NESARA (either as the
National Economic Security & Reformation Act believed to have been secretly passed
and signed by President Clinton on October 10, 2000 – or – the National Economic
Stabilization & Recovery Act thought to have been written by Dr. Bernard) has garnered
grassroots support in fulfillment of Dr. Bernard’s dream.

Shaini Goodwin, using the name “Dove of Oneness,” worked tirelessly to get the
National Economic Security & Reformation Act of 2000 announced. She has been
vilified on the internet, which is a valid sign that she was working for an Act/Bill about
which the powerful elite did not want the public to know. Otherwise, there would no
reason to focus such venom on a middle aged woman who had never held a position of
importance beyond a regular middle class job.

Dove was a courageous, very persistent woman. She worked morning, noon, and night
on publicizing NESARA, gathering grassroots support, and making repeated contacts
with government and military officials. Because the grassroots wrote letters/postcards
to the White House, Congress, Supreme Court Justices, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff at
the Pentagon, all in Washington knew that the public was aware of NESARA and
wanted it activated.

Dove has been condemned by disinformation agents for collecting money. Dove quit
her job to work 24/7 on NESARA. It takes money to work on what became an

international project. Dove was not using this money for herself. One of my friends was
a major contributor to Dove’s work. She regularly received an itemized accounting for
every cent contributed. I include the photo of the two NESARA advertising trucks
parked in front of the Capital Building in Washington, D.C. because my friend gave the
money for these trucks. According to my friend, Dove was an extremely thorough
planner. She attended to every little detail ahead of time. If people were involved, like
the truck drivers, who knew nothing of NESARA, Dove spoke personally to each one,
giving them the option not to perform her requested assignment. She let them know
that the resistance to NESARA was strong among government/military officials.

In the end, Dove was worn down by the vehement opposition she endured. She
appeared to move into the ego and became susceptible to interference by dark forces.
She died a couple years later.

Americans and the world owe a hugh debt to Dove. Without her constant work over a
period of years, Americans and the world would not have known about NESARA.
Although I have worked for NESARA for at least seven years, I did not know of Dr.
Barnard’s work until recently. We can be thankful for his work as a part of the original
formation of NESARA; however, it took a woman with the tireless energy and
unwillingness to take “No” for an answer to get knowledge of NESARA out to the world.
It was Dove and her formation of the NTAT groups on an international basis that
publicized NESARA worldwide. (NTAT = NESARA Take Action Team) Photos of
demonstrations in front of the Hague, Netherlands can be seen at:


Increasingly, Americans are waking up to the fact that our nation is crumbling.
Government OF the people, FOR the people, BY the people is a thing of the past—
unless, we wake up to all the crimes being perpetrated upon us. NESARA provides the
peaceful, legal means to restore our nation to its pristine glory and beyond. Education
as to what is truly taking place behooves every true American.

Because the systematic history of the National Economic Security & Reformation Act
(2000) is difficult to compile due to the secrecy surrounding it, I have researched the
main provisions within the Act to determine their validity. Below I list the major
provisions of NESARA, followed by articles that describe the circumstances involved.
Read: “How We Lost Our Common Law Heritacy”
Quote from article: “One of the most important characteristics of common law was its
certainty …. The two fundamental laws remained always in place, a stabilizing force.
The community could expect their legal environment to remain in reasonable order ….
Common law was so logical and sensible that the typical American could study and
understand it! It was regarded as a source of wisdom.”

Read: “Our American Common Law”
Quote from article: “Common law was designed through the centuries to secure the
rights of individuals to property and to make it difficult for property to be taken away
from us by a government … without due process of law …. We are all Masters when we
truly own our property.”


Read: “Human Freedom Rests On Gold Redeemable Money”
Quote from article: [When precious metals backed money is outlawed, as it was in
America in 1933:] “Under such conditions the individual citizen is deprived of freedom of
movement. He is prevented from laying away purchasing power for the future. He
becomes dependent upon the goodwill of the politicians for his daily bread. Unless he
lives on land that will sustain him, freedom for him does not exist.”

Read: “Gold & Economic Freedom”

Quote from article: “Gold and economic freedom are inseparable…. In the absence of
the gold standard [not the gold exchange standard—another trick], there is no way to
protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value ….
Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the hidden confiscation of wealth. Gold stands
in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights.”


Read: “What Does Freedom Really Mean?”
Quote from article: “Without precise meanings behind words, politicians and elites can
obscure reality and condition people to reflexively associate certain words with positive
or negative perceptions [a major way in which Americans are dumbed down]. In other
words, unpleasant facts can be hidden behind purposely meaningless language. As a
result, Americans have been conditioned to accept the word democracy as a synonym
for freedom, and thus to believe that democracy is unquestionably good. The problem is
that democracy is not freedom. Democracy is simply majoritarianism, which is inherently
incompatible with real freedom.”


Read: “Taking Your Power Back: Your Re-Declaration of Independence”

The website once housing this article is now closed.

Quote from article: “Since 1933, Americans have been pledged for the debt of the
[CORPORATION OF THE] UNITED STATES owed to international bankers …. Your
credit, labor, productivity, and property have been used … as collateral by the
incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA without your knowledge or consent.”

Read: “The Two United States & the Law”
Quote from article: “Less than one hundred years after we became a nation, a loophole

was discovered in the Constitution by cunning lawyers in league with the international
bankers. They realized that a separate nation existed, by the same name, that
Congress had created in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17. This United States is a
Legislative Democracy within the Constitutional Republic, and is known as the Federal
United States.”


Read: “First National Bank of Montgomery vs. Jerome Daly”
Quote from Court Decision: “Plaintiff admitted that it, in combination with the federal
Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, which are for all practical purposes, because of their
interlocking activity and practices, and both being Banking Institutions Incorporated
under the Laws of the United States, are in the Law to be treated as one and the same
Bank, did create the entire $14,000 in money or credit upon its own books by
bookkeeping entry. That this was the Consideration used to support the Note dated May
8, 1964 and the Mortgage of the same date. The money and credit first came into
existence when they created it. Mr. Morgan admitted that no United States Law Statue
existed which gave him the right to do this. A lawful consideration must exist and be
tendered to support the Note. See Ansheuser-Busch Brewing Company v. Emma
Mason, 44 Minn. 318, 46 N.W. 558. The Jury found that there was no consideration and
I agree. Only God can create something of value out of nothing.”


Read: “The 16th Amendment Was Not Properly Ratified”
Quote from article: “Whether or not this is true, in the long run it is irrelevant. While the
alleged ratification may have made the public think that Congress had been given the
power to tax everyone’s income, this is not the case…. Congress could not, and did not,
tax the income of most Americans. And this was true before and after the alleged
ratification of the 16th Amendment.”

Read: “The Sad Story of the Privately Owned Federal Reserve Bank”
Quote from article: “The privately owned Federal Reserve Bank (the Fed) is privately
owned by a group of primarily foreign bankers…. America has legislated away this
priceless power of monetary and credit creation to a group of primarily foreign self-
serving bankers…. According to the Supreme Court, this transfer of power is in direct
violation of the law …. The system benefits a few elites at an exorbitant cost to We the
People. The average American contributes one third of his hard earned dollars to
support this corruption.”

The announcement and implementation of NESARA will greatly improve the lives of
every American. It also declares world peace and opens the way for our galactic
brothers and sisters to land and assist Earth humans in re-creating our planet to one of
world peace, prosperity, and familial love for all of humanity.

Planet Earth is scheduled for an immense transformation that will take us into the
Golden Age. NESARA is the first step in this re-creation process!

Some Provisions of the NESARA Act
Here are some excerpts from the version of NESARA
Act that Kat has sent along, as found online at

Remember this version is entitled “The National

Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act,” which differs
from the title used by Hatonn and Matthew, which is
“The National Economic Security and Reformation Act.” (1)

Again I don’t know the exact status of this version of the NESARA Act. My
understanding was that the Act was ready to be proclaimed on Sept. 11, 2001 so what
the status of an Act later introduced into the Congress later than that might be is
unknown to me. So with that cautionary note, here are some extracts from it:

• To provide monetary reform by amending the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
• To provide fiscal reform by amending the Internal Revenue Code of 1939.
• To secure for the American people their unalienable right to Life, Liberty, and

What is wrong with America?

• The income gap between the rich and poor continues to widen
• Earnings for the poorest fifth of American families rose less than 1% between 1988
and 1998
• Earnings for the richest fifth of American families rose more than 15% between 1988
and 1998
• Income tax preparation costs Americans more than $225 billion and more than 5

billion hours per year in nonproductive labor
• Social woes and problems continue to escalate
• Income tax laws continue to erode privacy rights
• Asset forfeitures continue to rise due to inequitable monetary policy and tax laws
• The American Dream is quickly disappearing
• Unsound monetary and fiscal policies encourage waste and graft
• Public and private debt continue to rise
• Current banking practices and policies no longer support the people but special
• Current monetary and fiscal policy provides no mechanism to stop or defeat inflation

Can We Really “Fix” America? Can One Bill Repair

The Damage?
NESARA will:

• Reduce social inequalities and problems by doubling the average standard of living
• Eliminate trillions of dollars of public and private debt
• Return control of the currency to the public
• Reduces the cost of using public currency
• Provide new banking rules that are equitable and fair to all
• Provide $500 billion of new public works projects
• Replace the income tax with a fair tax
• Improve the balance of trade problems
• Rebuild American industry with high-paying, productive jobs
• Eliminate inflation

(1) See for instance Matthew’s Message, Jun 5, 2004, at


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