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Lesson 1

1. Прочитай.
mountain (гора), a mountain — mountains, a big mountain, a small moun­
tain, in the mountains, go to the mountains. There aren’t big mountains in
Belarus. Tom’s uncle is skiing in the mountains now. Do you want to go to
the mountains? You can see snow in summer when you go to the mountain.
camp (лагерь), a summer camp - summer camps, go to summer camp,
at summer camp. My cousins go to summer camp every summer. Is there a
wood near your summer camp? How often do your parents visit you at sum­
mer camp?
sea [si:] (море), seaside (морское побережье), at the seaside, go to the
seaside. In summer many people go to the seaside. Are you going to the sea­
side? Oh, yes! I am going to the seaside in August. I enjoy (наслаждаюсь)
being at the seaside very much.
country (деревня), a country - countries, a nice country, go to the coun­
try, in the country (за городом). In July Mike usually goes to the country.
We like to go to the country for a picnic. Does she like to visit her granny
in the country?
town (город), a town - towns, a small town, in town, out of town. There are
a lot of small towns in Belarus. My granny and grandad live in Bereza. It isn’t
a country, it’s a town. There is a nice river in Bereza town. Borisov is a nice
town near Minsk. Minsk isn’t a town; it’s a city ['siti]. City is a big town.
abroad (за границей), to be abroad, to go abroad. Liz is going abroad, she
is going to Italy. Are you going abroad? - Yes, I am. I want to visit Great
home, at home (дома). Tim is at home now; he is watching TV. Where do
you usually read books? - At home. Mr. Smith has got a new house and likes
to be at home very much.

Present Simple Past Simple

I am at school today. I was at school yesterday.
He is at school today. He was at school yesterday.
She is at school today. She was at school yesterday.
They are at school today. They were at school yesterday.
We are at school today. We were at school yesterday.
You were at school yesterday.
You are at school today.
2. Напиши глагол to be в нужной форме:
Present Simple: am /is / are Past Simple: was / were
1.1 I
2. Sally _____________________ Sally ________________________
3. they______________________ they_________________________
4. Polly’s auntie _____________ Polly’s auntie ________________
5. the boys__________________ the boys ______________________
6. our parents_______________ our parents __________________
7. her mum_________________ her mum _____________________
8. you ______________________ you__________________________
9. their teacher ___ their teacher
3. Обведи правильный вариант.
1. His dad(was)/ were angry yesterday.
2. They was / were in the swimming-pool yesterday.
3. My mum were / was at home yesterday.
4.1 were / was at the country yesterday.
5. We was / were in town yesterday.
6. The pupils was / were at summer camp yesterday.
7. It were / was boring there yesterday.
8. You was / were sad and tired yesterday.
9. The first lesson were / was Reading yesterday.
4. Вставь was или were.
1. The dog was hungry yesterday.
2. We_________________ at the seaside yesterday.
3. It_______________ • cold yesterday.
4. The girls_____________ at school yesterday.
5. The third lesson______________ Maths yesterday.
6. My parents___________ in the mountains yesterday.
7. These boots____________ expensive.
8. The hat_____________ cheap.
9. Helen and Bob____________ in America in 2005.
Present Simple Past Simple
this year last year
Am I in Class 3B this year? Was I in Class 2V last vear?
Is he in Class 6C this year? Was he in Class 5D last vear?
Is she in Class 9A this year? Was she in Class 8A last vear?
Are they in class 4G this year? Were thev in Class 3F last vear?
Are we in Class 3V this year? Were we in Class 2B last vear?
Are vou in Class 7D this vear? Were vou in Class 6C last vear?

1. We____ were_______ at the party yesterday.
Were we______________ at the party yesterday?
2.1________________________ in the country last Sunday.
_______________________________in the country last Sunday?
3. You_________________at the library last week.
_____________ _________________ at the library last week?
4. Tanya__________________ in Class 2A last year.
________________ in Class 2A last year?
5. The second lesson___________________ Technology yesterday.
_____________________________ _____ Technology yesterday?
6. His parents___________________ abroad last winter.
__________________________________ abroad last winter?
7. It___________________ hot last summer.
‘_____________________ hot last summer?
8. He_________________ ill yesterday.
________________________ ill yesterday?
9. We___________________ younger last year.
_________________________ younger last year?
Present Simple Past Simple
I am not in Class 4A this vear. I wasn’t in Class 5A last vear.
He isn’t at school todav. He wasn’t at school vesterdav.
She isn’t at work todav. She wasn’t at the zoo last week.
We aren’t in the park now. We weren’t in the Dark last summer.
You aren’t at the circus now. You weren’t at the circus last Sundav.
Thev aren’t at the Dartv this Thev weren’t at the party vesterdav
evening. evening.

6. Вставь was или were. Напиши отрицания.

1. Mike was____________in town yesterday.
Mike_ __ wasn’t __ in town yesterday.
2. We_________________ abroad last year.
We______________________ abroad last year.
3. Your sister_________________in the swimming-pool yesterday.
Your sister__________________ in the swimming-pool yesterday.
4. The children__________________ at summer camp last August.
The children______________________ at summer camp last August.
5. Our favourite lesson_____________________ Art last year.
Our favourite lesson______________________ Art last year.
6. You________________________in ьгге uuunu у глот;- ЗЯ Ltri uay.
You________________________in the country last Saturday.
7. Her parents__________________ busy yesterday.
Her parents___________________busy yesterday.
8. Their teacher________________ in the gym last P. E. lesson.
Their teacher________________ in the gym last P. E. lesson.
7. Вставь was / were и дай краткий ответ на вопрос.
1. Were_______ you at school yesterday? - Yes, I was______________ .
2. ____________ you at the library last month? - No,_______________ .
3. ____________ your uncle in the gym yesterday? - Yes,____________ .
4. ____________ your parents at work last Saturday? - No,__________ .
5. ____________ your friends tired yesterday? - Yes,_______________ .
6. ____________ your teacher kind yesterday? - Yes,_______________ .
7. ____________ your grandad in America? - No,__________________ .
8. ____________ it hot yesterday? — No,__________________________.
9. ____________ it cold last month? - Yes,_______________________ .
8. Вставь was или were. Поставь отрицание и вопрос.
1. It___was____________ foggy last October.
(-)___ It wasn’t______ foggy last October.
Was it______________ foggy last October?
2. You_____________ abroad last year.
(-)________________________________ abroad last year.
___________________________________ abroad last year?
3. The pupil_______________ in the library last March.
(■)________________________________ in the library last March.
__________________________________ in the library last March?
4. They_____________ at the seaside last April.
(-)________________________________ at the seaside last April.
___________________________________ at the seaside last April?
5. Your friend______________ at the party last July.
(-)________________________________ at the party last July.
___________________________________ at the party last July?
9. Поставь глагол to be в нужной форме (am / is / are или was / were).
Обозначь время (Present Simple или Past Simple).
Подчеркни слово-подсказку.
1. It__is_____________ (to be) sunny today. Pr. S.__________________
2. It__was_____________ (to be) sunny yesterday. Past S.____________
3. This year you______________ (to be) 135 cm tall._________________
4. Last year you______________ (to be) 130 cm tall._________________
5. Yesterday morning he___________ (to be) in the gym. ____________
6. Last week we_________________ (to be) in town. _________________
7. Today I_________________ (to be) tired and sad. _________________
8. Last January his friends______________ (to be) ill. _______________
9. This month she________________ (to be) in Britain. ______________
10. Last Wednesday the children___________ (to be) at the zoo.________
11. Yesterday her uncle___________________ (to be) sad._____________
12. The pupils__________________ (to be) noisy today._______________
13. They__________ (to be) at the library yesterday evening.__________
14. This spring the weather________________ (to be) cold. ____________
10. Напиши нужную форму глагола to be —+ am (am not) / is (isn’t) / are
(aren’t) (Pr. S.) or was (wasn’t) / were (weren’t) (Past S.). Обозначь время.
Подчеркни слово-подсказку.
1. Му parents was_________ (to be) in London yesterday. Past S.___
2. David____________________ (to be) at the airport now.____________
3. The dogs_________________ (not to be) hungry now.______________
4. Polly____________________ (to be) at the circus last Friday. ______
5.1__________________ (not to be) in the country yesterday. _________
6. My friends________________ (to be) at the party today. ___________
7. Willy________________ (not to be) in town today. ________________
8. Yesterday they__________________ (not to be) in Belarus. _________
9. ___________________ (to be) you at school yesterday? _____________
10. ____________ (to be) Peter in the swimming pool today?___________
11. Прочитай текст и выполни задания.
Today is the 8th of September. It is Sunday. It is warm and sunny. Mag­
gie and Steve are at the party. The party is very interesting. The children
are dancing. Now they are singing. They are eating cakes and sweets. But
Steve isn’t happy. His friend Pavel isn’t at the party. He is at home because
he is ill.
Yesterday was the 7th of September. Steve and Pavel were in the coun­
try. They were happy. But it was cold and rainy. In the evening Pavel was
ill. Steve was very sorry.
a) True / False
1. Today is the eighteenth of September._____
2. It is Saturday._____
3. It is warm and sunny today.____
4. Steve and Pavel are at the party today.____
5. Yesterday Steve and Pavel were in the mountains._____ .
6. The party is interesting._____
7. The children are singing and dancing.____
8. Steve is happy today.____
9. Yesterday it was the seventh of September.____
10. It wasn’t cold on the 7th of September.____
b) Дополни предложения (устно).
1. Today is... 2. The children are... 3. They are ... and... 4. They are eating...
5. Steve isn’t... 6. Pavel is... 7. Yesterdav was... 8. Steve and Pavel were...
9. It was... 10. In the evening Pavel... 11. Steve was...
c) Ответь на вопросы к тексту.
1. Is it Sunday today?____________________________ ________________
2. Was it warm yesterday?________________________________________
3. Were Steve and Pavel at the party yesterday?_____________________
4. Were the children in the country yesterday?______________________
5. Where are Maggie and Steve today?______________________________
6. Where is Pavel today?__________________ _______________________
12. Поставь общий, а затем специальный вопрос к подчёркнутым
1. Helen comes to school at 8 o’clock.
Does Helen come_________________ to school at 8 o’clock?
__ Where does Helen come at 8 o’clock?___________________________
2. There are ten candles on the cake.
____________________________ ten candles on the cake?

3. The boys are writing cards at summer camp.

cards at summer camp?

4. Molly is wearing a new skirt now.

a new

5. Mary gets flowers on March 8.

flowers on March, 8?

6. Mary’s brother was at home vesterdav.

at home yesterday?

7. They were at the seaside in July.

at the seaside in July?

13. Вставь местоимения my / your / his / her / our / their.

1.1 have got a brother. Mu_____ brother was born in 1995.
2. My cousin and I send cards to_________ granny.
3. Liz has a party today. Do you always come to________ party?
4. Mrs. Bell’s children make a present for__________ mother.
5. Tom has a birthday party and invites__________ friends.
6. Do you often give flowers to___________teacher?
14. Поставь общие вопросы и дай краткие ответы.
1. Fred was quiet.____ Was Fred quiet?
Yes, he was_____________ .
2. Sally is ten.____________ ___
No, ________________________________________________________ .
3. The boys were tired. ___________________________________________
Yes, _______________________________________________ .
4. Their parents are sad.
No, ________________________________________________________ .
5. We can read well._____________________________________________
6. The pupils like writing tests. ____________________________________
__________________________ No, ________________________________
7. Autumn comes after summer.__________________________________
__________________________ Yes, ___________________________ ___
8. March comes after May._____________________________________ ___
__________________________ No,________________________________
15. Поставь специальные вопросы.
1. Helen is in the canteen at the moment.
Where is Helen at the moment ____________________ _________ ?
2. The boys are thirteen today.
How old_____________________________________________________ ?
3. Tom was at the library yesterday.
When______________________________________________________ ?
4. The children were in the gym last lesson.
Where______________________________________________________ ?
5. Jerry was tired very much last Monday.
How__________________________________ _________________ ?
6. You were happy.
Why ______________________________________________________ 1
7.1 am in the classroom now.
Who______________________________________________ _________?
16. Переведи.
1. Его родители были за границей в прошлом году.

2. Мой дедушка не был на работе вчера. Он был в дома.

3. Том и Аня были в летнем лагере два месяца назад.

4. Мне было 8 лет двенадцатого марта.

5. Эти дети не были в городе неделю назад.

6. Её друг был на морском побережье в прошлом месяце.

7. Было холодно вчера. (It...)

17. Исправь ошибки.

1. We was at the country last week.
2. Yesterday is the fifth of October.
3. My friend parents are abroad now.
4. You were happy at summer camp?
5. Mr Brown like skiing in the mountains.

Lesson 2
18. Прочитай.
mushroom (гриб), a mushroom - mushrooms, pick mushrooms. In Au­
gust children often pick mushrooms in the woods. Last autumn her grand­
mother picked a lot of mushrooms. What a big mushroom!
flower (цветок), a flower - flowers, a nice flower, pick flowers. When
they went for a picnic the girls picked many beautiful flowers. Bob picked
flowers and gave them to his mother as a present.
berry (ягода), a berry - berries, a small berry, a lot of berries, pick ber­
ries. My family likes berries very much, so we pick berries in the woods
every summer. Pick these red berries - yummy! Look! Your little sister is
picking green berries!
There was / There were Указывают на наличие чего-
(ед. ч.) (мн. ч.) либо в прошедшем времени.
1 Переводятся с конца.
There was a box on the table.
На столе была коробка.
There were two pens in the box.
В коробке было два карандаша. С неисчисляемыми существи­
There was some water in the glass. тельными всегда
В стакане было немного воды. There was (ед. ч.)

There was not = there wasn’t

There were note there weren’t

Утверждение Вопрос Отрицание

There was а реп... Was there a pen...? There wasn’t a pen...
There were two Were there two There weren’t pens...
pens... pens...?

Ш Выбор единственного или множественного числа конструкций

There is (was) / There are (were) зависит от числа первого
There is a table and two chairs in the room.
There are two chairs and a table in the room.
There was a pen and six pencils on the table.
There were six pencils and a pen on the table.

19. Вставь There is или There are

1. _____________________ some juice in the glass.
2. _____________________a cup of tea on the table.
3. _____________________ some slides in the park.
4. _____________________ a mountain in the picture.
5. _____________________ a lot of swings on the playground.
Вставь There was или There were
6. _____________________ many berries and a mushroom in the basket.
7. _____________________ a mushroom and a lot of berries in the box.
8. _____________________ seven flowers in the vase.
9. _____________________ some houses in the country.
10._____________________ one berry on the plate.
20. Поставь вопрос.
1. There are a lot of swings near the house.

2. There was some milk in the glass.

Напиши отрицание.
3. There were some mushrooms for soup.

4. There is an apple for juice.

21. Прочитай предложение в Present Simple и напиши его в Past Simple.

Present Simple Past Simple

1. The children visit their 1. The children visited their granny
granny every week. last week.
2. Pavel likes his new room. 2. Pavel__________ his old room.
3. You watch TV every day. 3. You_________ TV last Sunday.
4. This boy walks his puppy in 4. This boy_____________ his pup­
the park every evening. py in the park yesterday evening.
5. Linda dances at the disco 5. Linda____________ at the disco
every Monday. last Monday.
6. My brothers listen to music 6. My brothers________________
every day. to music yesterday.
7. Willy plays with his cat every 7. Willy_________________ with
morning. his cat yesterday morning.
8. My parents enjoy (наслажда­ 8. My parents_________________
ются) these holidays very much. their last holidays very much.
9. Mary usually helps her grand­ 9. Mary____________her grand­
father in the garden. father in the garden two days ago.

22. Напиши вторую форму глагола.

+ ed Х+ ed
1. cook - ____________________ 6. dance -_____________________
2. jump - ___________________ 7. close - _____________________
3. ski -______________________ 8. invite -_____________________
4.look - ____________________ 9. skate - _____________________
5. thank -___________________ 10. love-______________________
23. Допиши столбики.
1 ■ - ■ ■ ■

звонкая глухая
согласная + ed —► [d] согласная + ed —* [t] [d], [t] + ed [id]
played danced visited
1. - . ... r .... . - - .Г .

24. Напиши глагол из скобок в Present Simple и Past Simple.

Present Simple Past Simple
We (to watch) We watch We watched
1.1 (to play) I_________________ I_________________
2. Our friends (to help) Our friends_______ Our friends_______
3. His father (to work) His father________ His father_________
4. Their children (to want) Their children_____ Their children_____
5. The girl (to pick) The girl__________ The girl__________
6. The pupil (to listen) The pupil_________ The pupil_________
25. Прочитай предложение в Present Simple и напиши его в Past Simple.

Present Simple Past Simple

(подчеркни слова-подсказки) | (измени слова-подсказки)
1. We help our parents every day. 1. We_____ our parents______
2. The pupils listen to the teacher 2. The pupils_________ to the
every lesson. teacher_________________ .
3. My mother cooks dinner every 3. My mother__________ dinner
evening. ____________________________.
4. Bob skates every winter. 4. Bob___________________ .
5. The children watch TV every 5. The children____________ TV
Sunday.________________________ ♦
6. The boy visits his granny every 6. The boy________________ his
week. granny_____________________ .
7. Her grandad walks every 7. Her grandad_______________
morning. ____________________________.
8. His friends live in Great 8. His friends_______________ _
Britain now. in Great Britain

Past Simple
Утверждение Вопрос
I played tennis. Did I play tennis?
We played tennis. Did we Play tennis?
You plaved tennis. Did you play tennis?
He played tennis. Did he play tennis?
She plaved tennis. Did she play tennis?
It plaved tennis. Did it play tennis?
They plaved tennis. Did they play tennis?

26. Поставь вопросы.

1. They played hockey last winter.
Did they play_____________ hockey last winter?
2. Our family watched TV yesterday.
________________________________________________TV yesterday?
3. Lisa and Ann cooked dinner last Sunday.
dinner last Sunday?
4. Dave brushed his teeth yesterday morning.
his teeth yesterday morning?
5. She picked mushrooms last autumn.
mushrooms last autumn?
6. Her brother skated a lot last winter.
____________________________________________ a lot last winter?
7. You wanted to eat yesterday evening.
to eat yesterday evening?
8. He washed his hands before breakfast yesterday morning.
his hands before breakfast
yesterday morning?
9. She lived in Britain two years ago.
in Britain two years ago?
10. Nan played on the swings yesterday afternoon.
on the swings yesterday afternoon?
27. Поставь общий и специальные вопросы к предложению.
a) Mary lived in Brest three years ago.
1. Общий.______ Did Mary live in Brest three years ago? _____________
2. Где? Where did Mary live three years ago?____________________
3. Когда? When did Mam live in Brest?___________________________
b) The pupils jumped well in the gym last P. E. lesson.
1. Общий.______________________________________________
2. Где?___________________________________________________
3. Когда?_________________________________________________
4. Как?________________________________________________
c) Liz played with her brother in the garden yesterday.
Г. Общий.______________________________________________
2. С кем? _______________________________________________
3. Где?___________________________________________________
4. Когда? _____________________________________

Past Simple
Утверждение Отрицание
I played tennis. I didn’t play tennis.
We played tennis. We didn’t play tennis.
You played tennis. You didn’t play tennis.
He played tennis. He didn’t play tennis.
She played tennis. She didn’t play tennis.
It played tennis. It didn’t play tennis.
They played tennis. They didn’t play tennis.

28. Напиши отрицания.

1. Nick helped his uncle in the garden.
Nick___ didn't help___________ his uncle in the garden.
2. She closed her interesting book.
She__________________________________ her interesting book.
3. We played snowballs near our school.
We_______________________________ snowballs near our school.
4. They watched animals at the zoo.
They___________________________________ animals at the zoo.
5. Pavel lived in London.
Pavel_________________________________________ in London.
6. Ann liked ice-cream very much.
Ann__________________________________________ ice-cream.
7.1 invited my friends to my birthday party.
I____________________________ my friends to my birthday party.
8. Tom opened the door.
Tom_________________________ the door.
29. Поставь вопросы и отрицания.
1. They visited our friends last Sunday.
Did they visit_______ their friends last Sunday?
(-)__ They didn’t visit_____ their friends last Sunday.
2. He listened to music yesterday evening.
____________________________________ to music yesterday evening?
(-)__________________________________ to music yesterday evening.
3. You enjoyed your last birthday party.
______________________________________ your last birthday party?
(-)____________________________________ your last birthday party.
4. Our cousin watched the cartoon ‘Dinosaurs’ last Monday.
______________________________________ the cartoon last Monday?
(-)____________________________________ the cartoon last Monday.
5. The boy played football with his friends yesterday.
football with his friends yesterday?
(-)____________________________football with his friends yesterday.
6. We cooked tasty breakfast yesterday morning.
tasty breakfast yesterday morning?
(-)_____________________________ tasty breakfast yesterday morning.
7. Dinosaurs lived 150 million years ago.
______________________________________ 150 million years ago?
(-)___________________________________ 150 million years ago.
8. Mary danced a lot at the disco yesterday evening.
_____________________________ a lot at the disco yesterday evening?
(-)___________________________ a lot at the disco yesterday evening.
9. The pupils counted last Maths lesson.
____________________________________________ last Maths lesson?
(-)_________________________________________ last Maths lesson.
1. Прошлой весной моя сестра собирала цветы в этом саду.

2. В лесу много грибов и ягод.

3. В ящике было пять маленьких лимонов.

4. В парке не было яблонь.

5. Ты любишь гулять в лесу?

31. Исправь ошибки.
1. Did Tom in the country last summer?
2.1 were at school yesterday.
3. There was a lot of berries in the basket.
4. Ann’s mum didn’t cooked dinner last Saturday.
5. Do they pick mushrooms two days ago?

Lesson 3
32. Напиши глаголы в Past Simple. Смотри таблицу «Irregular Verbs»
на с. 156.
правильные глаголы неправильные глаголы
(Irregular Verbs)
(to cook)cook - cooked (to be) am, is - was
(to like)______________________ (to be) are - ____________________
(to want)_____________________ (to go)__________________________
(toplay) ____________________ (to take)________________________
(to visit)____________________ (to see)_________________________
(to enjoy)____________________ (to have)________________________
(to dance) ___________________ (to run)________________________
(to invite)___________________ (to eat)_________________________
(to listen) ___________________ (to get) _________________________
33. Поставь глаголы в Past Simple и прочитай текст.
Last week Paul_______ (to have) holidays. He_________ (to enjoy) them
very much.
On Monday the boy_____________ (to visit) his granny. She___________
(to be) happy. Paul_____________ (to help) her in the garden. Then his
granny____________ (to cook) dinner. They___________ (to have) dinner
together. Paul________ (to eat) a lot. The food____________ (to be) tasty.
OnTuesdayPaul______________ (togo)tothemuseum.He_____________
(to see) a lot of dinosaurs there. They_____________ (to live) many years
ago. They____________ (to run) fast and_____________ (to be) very big.
On Wednesday Paul ______________ (to go) to the cinema. He
_______________ (to take) his friend Liz with him. They_______________
(to watch) a cartoon.
On Saturday Paul______________________(to invite) Liz to the disco.
They_________ (to dance) and____________________ (to listen) to music.
On Sunday Paul______________ (to go) to Tom’s birthday party. Tom
_____________ (to get) a lot of presents and birthday cards. The children
_________________ (to play) interesting games and____________ (to have)
fun. Paul______________ (to like) the party very much.
The holidays_______________ (to be) cool!
34. Напиши вторую форму глагола.
a) love — ____________________ g) see —_________________________
b) have - ____________________ h) take -________________________
c) eat - ______________________ i) get - _________________________
<l) brush - ______________ _____ j) walk -________________________
e) run - ______________________ k) go - _________________________
f) jump -____________________ 1) want -________________________

Past Simple
Утверждение Вопрос Отрицание
I went. Did I go? I didn’t go.
We went. Did we go? We didn’t go.
You went. Did you go? You didn’t go.
He went. Did he go? He didn’t go.
She went. Did she go? She didn’t go.
It went. Did it go? It didn’t go.
They went. Did they go? They didn’t go.

35. Напиши отрицания.

1. Bob visited his friends last Friday.
Bob____ didn't visit________________ his friends last Friday.
2. She had lunch at school yesterday.
She didn't have________________ lunch at school yesterday.
3. We saw a monkey at the zoo last Saturday.
We________________________ a monkey at the zoo last Saturday.
4. They watched animals at the zoo last week.
They____________________________ animals at the zoo last week.
5. She was at the circus two days ago.
She______________________________ at the circus two days ago.
6. He ate jam in the kitchen last night.
He______________________________ jam in the kitchen last night.
7.1 invited my friends to my birthday party yesterday.
I________________________ my friends to my birthday party yesterday.
36. Поставь общие вопросы.
1. We went to the zoo last Sunday.
Did we go___________________ to the zoo last Sunday?
2. They ate chocolate at the cinema yesterday evening.
chocolate at the cinema yesterday evening?
3. Mary saw a lion at the zoo last month.
a lion at the zoo last month?
4. Fred got many presents yesterday.
many presents yesterday?
5. He had a computer four years ago.
a computer four years ago?
6. Mum took Nick to the zoo last Wednesday.
Nick to the zoo last Wednesday?
7. Carol was at the disco two weeks ago.
at the disco two weeks ago?
8. The girls were at the History museum yesterday afternoon.
_____________ ._________ at the History museum yesterday afternoon?
37. Напиши вопросы к предложению.
(1. Общий. 2. Когда? 3. Где? 4. Что?)
Ann ate sweets in the canteen yesterday.

38. Напиши вторую форму глаголов.

a) be -_____ ,______ е) see -_____________ i) go -_______________
b) wear -___________ f) look -____________ j) wash -_____________
c) help -____________ g) eat -_____________ k) get up - ___________
d) make -___________ h) drink -___________ l) live -______________
39. Переведи.
1. Ученики посетили художественный музей на прошлой неделе.

2. Их друзья ездили в летний лагерь в августе.

3. Прошлым летом двоюродные сёстры Майка собирали ягоды в


4. Муж моей тёти не ел грибы, когда он был маленьким мальчиком.

5. Ты катался на велосипеде неделю назад?

40. Вставь артикли а (ап) или the, если нужно.
1. When it’s hot____ Tom wears______ shorts and______ T-shirt.
2. Sam and Polly went to_____ park yesterday.
3. There were____ swings and_____ seesaw near______ house.
4. In____ evening they danced at______ disco.
5. Nick’s granny lives in_____ country.
41. Исправь ошибки.
1.1 often ride bike in summer.
2. Did your friends in summer camp in July?
3. Were there a mushroom on the plate?
4. Her granny didn’t watched TV yesterday.
5. Were they pick flowers a month ago?

Lesson 1
42. Прочитай.
a forest (лес) -forests, a big forest, a nice forest, to go to the forest,
to walk in the forest. Last summer her auntie walked in the forest in the
morning. There is a big dark forest near my granny’s house.
wood (= forest), the woods, go to the woods. In summer our families of­
ten go to the woods. There is a wood near my grandfather’s house. Yester­
day we went to the woods. Sam always wears his grey trainers when he goes
to the woods. Is there a wood near your summer camp?
river (река), a river - rivers, a long river, a short river, go to the river,
swim in the river. There is a fast river in the mountains. There is a slow
river in the woods. Where do you like to swim: in the river or in the swim­
ming pool? Bob is swimming in river Neman now.
lake (озеро), a lake - lakes, a big lake, a small lake, go to the lake. There
are many lakes in Belarus. Naroch is the biggest lake in Belarus. Let’s go to
the lake! My friends and I went to the lake last June. We swam in the lake.
It was cool!
a picnic, go for a picnic. My friends and I like to go for a picnic in May.
Last month we went for a picnic to the country. What do you usually take
for a picnic?
fish, go fishing. His uncle lives near the river and goes fishing every day.
Mr. Brown went fishing on a windy autumn day. Tom’s grandad doesn’t go
fishing when it’s foggy.
to swim, swimming, go swimming. In summer I go swimming every sun­
ny day. Let’s go swimming to the lake! Can they go swimming in summer
43. Выбери правильный вариант написания. Подчеркни слова-под­
сказки. Обозначь время.
1. MikeCate/ eats ice-cream yesterday morning. Past S.
2. Your friends went/ go swimming every Sunday.________
3. Their cousin lives/ lived in Brest two years ago.________
4. Every day his dad runs/ ran in the morning.________
5. Our granddad go/ went fishing last week.________
6.1 roller-skate/ roller-skated this spring.________
7. The girl always gets/ got lots of letters._________
8. The man sees/ saw many pictures at the museum yesterday.______
9. Alice usually nicks/ picked a lot of flowers in the woods.________
10. He wears/ wore a red T-shirt three days ago.________
44. Поставь вопрос и отрицание.
1. Cave people had pets.
_Did cave people have_______________ pets?
Cave people didn’t have____ ________ pets.
2. The boy ran fast to the disco.
_________________________________________fast to the disco?
_________________________________________fast to the disco.
3. Steve’s mother listened to an opera at the theatre.
_____________________________________ to an opera at the theatre?
_____________________________________ to an opera at the theatre.
4. His brother ate a lot yesterday evening.
______________________________________ a lot yesterday evening?
_______________________________________ a lot yesterday evening.
5. Our granny visited the museum last week.
_______________________________________ the museum last week?
_______________________________________ the museum last week.
6. Pavel got a letter two days ago.
____________________________________ a letter two days ago?
____________________________________ a letter two days ago.
7. Mike took his sister to the circus last Thursday.
____________________________ his sister to the circus last Thursday?
____________________________ his sister to the circus last Thursday.
8. The children watched a cartoon at the cinema.
______________________________________ a cartoon at the cinema?
______________________________________ a cartoon at the cinema.
9. Willy saw lots of dinosaurs at the museum.
lots of dinosaurs at the museum?
lots of dinosaurs at the museum.
10. Her parents went to the theatre two weeks ago.
to the theatre two weeks ago?
to the theatre two weeks ago.
45. Поставь общие вопросы и запиши краткие ответы на них.
Model. Fred wore jeans. - Did Fred wear jeans? - Yes, he did.
1. Tom lived in London. __________________________________________
-No,_________________________________________________ ,
2. Ann ate sweets._______________________________________________
-Yes, _______________________________________________________
3. The man drove his car. _________________________________________
- Yes,________________________________________________________
4. The boys played tennis. _______________________________________
-No, ________________________________________________________
5. Liz was at the theatre. _________________________________________
- Yes, _______________________________________________________
6. His friends went for a picnic.____________________________________
46. Напиши глагол и его вторую форму в соответствующую колонку:
help, say, see, watch, wear, eat, skate, pick, drink, invite, make, cook, give,
dance, listen, become, can, hunt, think, enjoy

Правильные глаголы Неправильные глаголы

visit - visited соте - сате

47. Переведи.
1. В Минске есть река?

2. Мои друзья и я любим ездить на пикник летом.

3. Вчера дядя Майка ходил на рыбалку.

4. Смотрите! Лиз собирает цветы возле озера.

5. Их родители не ходили в лес прошлой осенью.

6. Наш дед собирается по грибы завтра.

48. Вставь предлоги (on, to, for, at, in), если нужно.
1. Mary goes_______ a picnic every Friday.
2. Her friends went swimming_______ the lake.
3. My little brother played_______ the swings yesterday.
4. The children picked berries_____ the country.
5. Willy played_____ football at summer camp.
6. _____ August his family was_____ the seaside.
49. Исправь ошибки.
1. Sam’s dad go swimming every Sunday.
2. Yesterday Ann picks a lot of flowers in the woods.
3. Did you went to the History Museum last weekend?
4. Our granny didn’t took my sister and me to the cinema two days ago.
5. There were a river and a lake near the country.

Lesson 2
50. Прочитай.
an animal - animals, a domestic animal - domestic animals (домашние
животные). The cow and the horse are domestic animals. The pig and the
sheep are domestic animals, too. What domestic animals can you see on the
a wild animal - wild animals (дикие животные). The lion, the tiger,
the elephant, the hippo, the giraffe are wild animals. The wolf is the wild
animal, too. What wild animals can you see at the zoo? What food do wild
animals eat? Where do wild animals sleep?
to hunt (охотиться), hunt - hunted, to hunt a bear, to hunt a fox, to
hunt in the woods. His grandfather liked to hunt very much. He hunted
every week, when he was young. Her father hunts ducks every autumn.
Cave people hunted in forests. The old man went hunting a wolf in the near­
est forest last winter.
51. Поставь вопрос и отрицание.
1. Cave people wore animal skins.
__________________________________________ animal skins?
__________________________________________ animal skins.
2. The children walked a lot in the forest yesterday.
___________________________________ a lot in the forest yesterday?
___________________________________ a lot in the forest yesterday.
3. The woman gave some meat to the dog.
_________________________________________ any meat to the dog?
_________________________________________ any meat to the dog.
4. The baby became noisy.
______________________________________________ noisy?
______________________________________________ noisy.
5. Alex said us to come to his party.
us to come to his party?
us to come to his party.
6. His grandfather hunted in forests two days ago.
.____________________________________ in forests two days ago?
_______________________________________ in forests two days ago.
7. Mr. Brown came home at 11 o’clock yesterday evening.
home at 11 o’clock yesterday evening?
home at 11 o’clock yesterday evening.
8. Jane drank apple juice in the school canteen yesterday morning.
apple juice in the school canteen yesterday morning?
apple juice in the school canteen yesterday morning.
9. Mary thought a lot about her new friend.
___________________________________ a lot about her new friend?
_____________________________________a lot about her new friend.

специальный вопрос----------------
— общий вопрос--------------------
вопросительное вспомогательный
подлежащее сказуемое члены
слово глагол

What? (Что? Какой?) am

What colour (Какого цвета?) is
When? (Когда?) are
Where? (Где? Куда? Откуда?) was
Why? (Почему?) were
How? (Как?)
How old? (Сколько лет?)
How many? (Сколько?)
How much? (Сколько?) can
Whose? (Чей?) could
Whom? (Кого? Кому?) do
With whom? (С кем?) does
Who with? (С кем?) did

52. Вставь пропущенные вопросительные слова.

Who, When, What, Why, With whom, Where, How, What colour
1. _________________ did Mary play yesterday? — With her brother.
2. _________________ was he at home? - Because he was tired.
3. __________________ present did you give him? - A toy car.
4. __________________ are they going? - To the woods.
5. __________________ did she have a party? - On the 3rd of July.
6. _____________________ jeans does Paul wear? - Blue.
7. __________________ hunted a bear? - My grandad.
8. __________________ can your sister pick mushrooms? - Very well.


Вопросительное слово Сказуемое Второстепенные

вместо подлежащего без изменений,но в члены предло­
Who? (Кто?) настоящем времени жения
What? (Что?) только в ед. числе
Model. Mv grandad goes hunting everv autumn.
Who goes hunting everv autumn?
Mv friends go swimming everv summer.
Who goes swimming every summer?

53. Поставь общие вопросы, а затем вопросы к подчёркнутым словам.

1. Their grandparents live in the country.
________ Do their grandparents live in the country?________________
__ Where do their grandparents live? _____________________________
2. Their grandparents live in the country.
______ Do their grandparents live in the country? _________________
______ Who lives in the country?_________________________________
3. Liz goes for a picnic every month.

4. Ann ran with his brother yesterday.

5. My sister is picking flowers now.

6. His friend was at summer camp last month.

7. Her uncles hunt every summer.

8. There were three berries in the basket.

9. Mr Brown went fishing to the lake.

54. Поставь общие, а затем специальные вопросы.

a) Kate picks flowers in summer.
_ __ _ ______ __
2_____ ________ ♦

When __________________________________________________ ?
What_______________________________________________________ ?
b) He went to the lake with his friend.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
? w

Where ______________________________________________________ ?
Who___________________________________________________ with?
c) They are listening to the birds in the forest.
_ _ 2 ♦

Where ______________________________________________________ ?
Who________________________________________________________ ?
d) There are three houses near the river.
___ __ __ ____________• 2
How many__________________________________________________ ?
55. Поставь вопросы к предложениям.
a) Maggie was at the museum last week.
(1. Общий. 2. Где? 3. Когда? 4. Почему?)

b) They gave Bob nice presents yesterday.

(I. Общий. 2. Когда? 3. Кому? 4. Что? 5. Какие подарки?)

56. Переведи.
1. Том ходил охотиться на медведя прошлой весной?

2. Почему собака стала домашним животным?

3. Кто был в лесу вчера? - Они были.

4. Что было возле реки?

5. Где жили дикие животные?

57. Вставь’s или s’ там, где нужно.

1. This is Mark_____ dog.
2. This is Mark_____ and Frank_____ dog.
3. My cousin_____ birthday is in March. He usually invites me.
4. Tom has got two sisters. His sister______ room is nice.
5.1 like my aunt_____ and uncle_____ baby.
58. Исправь ошибки.
1. The woman did give some meat to the dog a minute ago.
2. Who were at the cinema yesterday?
3. Why his brother came three hours ago?
4. Where did cave people lived?
5. What was weather like yesterday?

Lesson 3
59. Прочитай.
an amusement park (парк развлечений), щ the amusement park. Let’s
go for a walk to the amusement park! You can ride a horse or a pony in the
amusement park. There are three amusement parks in Minsk.
the rides, go on the rides (кататься на аттракционах). Let’s go on
the rides! There are many rides in this amusement park. Do you like to go
on the rides? Mary went on the rides with her cousin last Sunday.
the big wheel (колесо обозрения), go on the big wheel. We can go on the
big wheel in the amusement park. Ted’s mother likes to go on the big wheel
very much. When you go on the big wheel, you can see small trees, small
houses and small people. Her parents went on the big wheel last Saturday.
the merrv-go-round (карусель), go on the merry-go-round. Little chil­
dren like to go on the merry-go-round very much. When did you go on the
merry-go-round? I went on the merry-go-round four years ago, when I
was a little boy. Let’s go on the merry-go-round with your little brother!
It’s fun!
the swings (качели), play on the swings. Let’s play on the swings! Boys
and girls like to play on the swings. Helen is fifteen, but she likes to play
on the swings with her boy-friend. My little sister played on the swings
yesterday morning. Did your cousin play on the swings in the amusement
park yesterday?
the seesaw (качели-доска), play on the seesaw. Do you like to play on the
seesaw? No, I don’t — it’s for little children! I played on the seesaw when I
was younger.
the slides (горка), play on the slides. Little Nick plays on the slides every
day. Does his brother play on the slides? No, he doesn’t - he is a big boy, he
is twelve.
Yesterday Billy went on the rides in the amusement park. He went on the
big wheel. He went on the merry-go-round. He played on the swings. He
played on the seesaw. He played on the slides. It was cool!
a shop, a gift shop (магазин сувениров) - gift shops. You can buy gifts
and presents in the gift shop. What a nice toy she bought in the gift shop!
How much did she pav (заплатила)? She paid two pounds.

60. Вставь go, buy, play, ride, pay

a) on the seesaw g) ______________a bike
b) on the rides h) _____________ on the slides
c) a horse i) ______________on the big wheel
d) a gift j) ______________ a present
e) 20$ k) ______________a pony
f) on the swings l) _________ on the merry-go-round
61. Выбери правильный вариант. Подчеркни слово-подсказку. Обо­
значь время.
1. Sam alwavsdieips)/ is helping / helped his parents. Pr, S,
2. Her little sister watches / is watching / watched TV yesterday.___
3. They drink / are drinking / drank juice now._______
4. Molly buys / is buying / bought a computer at the moment.____
5. The girls go / are going / went to the shop every day._______
6. My friend lives / is living / lived in America last year._______
7. Kate and Polly sometimes wear / are wearing / wore jeans._____
8. His father pays / is paving / paid 15 pounds for the book two days ago.

9. My teacher often thinks / is thinking / thought about this problem.___

10. Last Sunday Liz rides / is riding / rode a pony in the park._____
62. Раскрой скобки. Подчеркни слово-подсказку. Обозначь время.
1. а) Магу_____________________ (ride) a bike every day. ____________
b) Mary_____________________ (ride) a pony now. ________________
c) Mary_____________________ (ride) a horse yesterday. ___________
2. a) We usually_______________ (go) on the big wheel. _____________
b) We____________ (go) on the merry-go-round last Friday. _______
c) We___________________ (go) on the rides at the moment. _______
3. a) Polly often_____________________ (buy) gifts._________________
b) Polly________________________ (buy) a computer now. ________
c) Polly___________________ (buy) a toy bear last week.____________
4. a) Now I________________________ (play) on the slides. ___________
b) I______________________ (play) on the swings 2 days ago._______
c) I sometimes_____________ (play) basketball.___________________
63. Поставь общий, а затем специальный вопрос.
1. Rob plaved on the slides yesterday.
Did Rob play___________ on the slides yesterday?
When____ did Rob plau on the slides________________________ ?
2. Alex and Tom visited the cafe.
_______________________________________________ the cafe?
What_________________________________________________ ?
3. The girls wanted to go on the rides very much.
________________________________ to go on the rides very much?
How____________________________________________________ ?
4. He saw many ponies at the circus.
____________________________________many ponies at the circus?
How many ponies__________________________________________ ?
5. Liz and Ann went on the big wheel in the amusement park.
__________________________ on the big wheel in the amusement park?
W here___________________________________________________ ?
6.1 ate ice-cream at the cafe.
_____________________________ ice-cream at the cafe?
Where____________________________________________________ ?
7. Alf played on the seesaw last Saturday.
on the seesaw last Saturday?
When____________________________________________ _________ ?
8. The boys liked the rides very much.
_______________________________ the rides very much?
How_______________________________________________________ ?
9. The granny took the children to the zoo.
_________________________________ the children to the zoo?
Whom____________________________________________________ ?
64. Вставь предлоги to, at, in, on:
1. go the disco 5. go the rides 9. live the cave
2. be the party 6. be the park 10. go the museum
3. come 1 o’clock 7. go the park 11. get up the morning
4. play the slides 8. eat the cafe 12. get up 7 o’clock
65. Поставь общий, а затем специальный вопрос.
1. Liz was in the amusement park last Saturday.
____________________________ in the amusement park last Saturday?
When______________________________________________________ ?
2. The children liked to ride a pony.
_______________________________________________ to ride a pony?
What______________________________________________________ ?
3. Her cousin went on the merry-go-round in the park yesterday.
______________________ on the merry-go-round in the park yesterday?
Where_____________________________________________________ ?
4. The boys ran to the slides very fast.
_________________________________________ to the slides very fast?
How_______________________________________________________ ?
5. Mary took her brother to play on the swings.
______________________________ her brother to play on the swings?
Whom_____________________________________________________ ?
6. Alice and Dave played on the seesaw yesterday.
______________________________________ on the seesaw yesterday?
When______________________________________________________ ?
7. The girls enjoy playing on the swings very much.
_____________________________ playing on the swings very much?
How_____________________________________________________ ?
8. Lily plays on the seesaw with Rob.
on the seesaw with Rob?
Who___________________________________________ with?
66. Поставь общий, а затем специальный вопрос.
1. Mr. Bell had breakfast at the cafe. (Where?)

2. Jessica rode a pony yesterday. (When?)

3. Alex and Simon bought gifts at the gift shop. (What?)

4. The boy rode a pony very fast. (How?)

5. His sister drinks apple juice at the cafe. (What?)

6. We always come to the amusement park in spring. (When?)

7. Julia was in the park last Thursday. (Where?)

67. Переведи.
1. Я катался на колесе обозрения с моими друзьями неделю назад.

2. Ты купил подарки вчера? - Да, я купил. Я купил их в магазине суве­


3. Сколько дней родители Тома провели в деревне?

4. Я не помог моей маме в прошлое воскресение. Я был в парке развле­


5. Мой дедушка не любил танцевать, когда он был молодой.

68. Исправь ошибки.

1. Yesterday Billy got up on 7 o’clock.
2. Her friends went at the big wheel last Saturday.
3. Does his brother play on the slides yesterday? - No, he didn’t.
4. There is a lot of amusement parks in Belarus.
5. What did she bought in the gift shop?


Lesson 1
69. Прочитай.
the news My father likes the news, he watches it every evening. Sam
doesn’t like the news, he thinks it is boring. Mr Smith always watches the
Six o’clock news. He also buys a newspaper (газета) every day.
cartoon (мультфильм) Her little brother likes to watch cartoons at the
cinema. “What is on TV?” - “Tom and Jerry”, a nice cartoon about a clev­
er mouse and a bad cat. Children like cartoons because they are amusing
(смешные, развлекательные).
a programme - programmes, a nature programme, a sports programme,
a music programme What programmes do you like? How often does your
grandad watch sports programmes? Is this nature programme interesting?
Tim’s favourite music programme is on at 8 o’clock.
a quiz show (викторина) My dad is very clever. He often watches quiz
shows and he always knows all the answers. Sam’s favourite TV programme
is a quiz show for children. It is on at 4 o’clock in the afternoon.
a film — films, a horror film (фильм ужасов), a detective film
(детектив), an action film (боевик), an adventure film (приключенчес­
кий фильм), a romantic film (романтический фильм) Horror films are
usually horrible (ужасные). Mike’s little sister never watches horror films
because they are scarv (страшные). Ann’s brother likes action films very
much but Ann hates them (ненавидит их). She doesn’t think they are ex­
citing (волнующие). But they both like adventure films. Their aunt often
cries (плачет) when she watches romantic films. She thinks they are touch­
ing (трогательные).
a comedy (комедия) - comedies. Do you like comedies? - Oh, yes! They
are fun, but sometimes they are silly (глупые). Comedies are amusing.

~ - --- ---- - — - - — — ■ — — _____ _ —■
Местоимения / Pronouns
Личные Притяжательные Объектные (Object)
(Personal) (Possessive) Косвенный падеж личных
Кто? Что? Чей? Чья? Чьи? Кого? Кому? Кем? О ком?
I я ту МОЙ те меня, мне, мной
You ты your твой you тебя, тебе, тобой
He он his его him его, ему, о нём
She она her её her её, ей, о ней
It он, она, its его, её it его, её, о нём,
оно (не чело­ о ней
(не чело­ век) (не человек)
We МЫ our наш us нас, нам, нами
You вы your ваш you вас, вам, вами
They они their ИХ them их, им, ими, о них
подлежащее употребляется c дополнение

70. Вставь местоимения Mv / Your / His / Her / Its / Our / Their.

1.1 have got a brother._________ brother is tall.
2. My brother and I have got a granny.__________ granny is kind.
3. The cat has got a kitten.__________ kitten is funny.
4. Mrs. Bell has got two children.________ children are clever.
5. Tom and Mike have got a sister._________ sister is lazy.
6. You've got a mother.__________ mother is nice.
7. I’ve got an uncle._________ son is my cousin.
71. Замени выделенные слова местоимениями.
1. Tom likes comedies.

2. Nina hates the news.

3. Mrs. Brown is reading her son a story about animals.

4. The children don’t know this old cartoon.

a. The shop-assistant gave Liz a disk with a new romantic film.

в. My friend and I like to watch adventure films.

It's a quiz show. Let’s answer. Can you help me and my brother?

8. Ann's father buys newspapers every morning.

9. Nick's sister hates horror films.

72. Вставь местоимения me, it. you, him, her, them, us.
1.1 like cartoons. I watch________ every day.
2. Nick works in the library. Do you know_____ ?
3. This romantic film is boring. I don’t like_____ .
4.1 can’t find my rubber. Help_______ , please.
5. Karina can play the piano. She plays______ every day.
6. We are going to the cinema. Do you want with______ ?
7. Did you see Mary? - Yes, I saw_____ yesterday.
8. Kevin, can I help_______ ?
73. Выбери правильный вариант. Обозначь время.
1. Tom spend / spends / spent last holidays in the mountains. _________
2. Rita takes / took/ is taking books from the library every week. ______
3. These pupils is / are / were at the stadium last Friday.______________
4. The children build / built / are building a sandcastle at the moment. ____
5. We usually stay I stayed / are staying at this hotel. ________________
6. He writes / wrote / is writing letters every morning. _______________
7. Nan’s father reads / read / is reading a newspaper yesterday morning. ___
8. Now Mrs. Bell teaches / taught / is teaching her pupils to read fast. ____
74. Раскрой скобки. Подчеркни слово-подсказку. Обозначь время. На­
пиши отрицания.
1. Не eats_______________ (eat) pizza every dav._____ Pr. S,
He doesn't eat______________ pizza every day.
2. Ann________________________(buy) a flat last week.__________
Ann________________________a flat last week.
3. They______________________________ (swim) now.__________
They______________________________ now.
4. We often_______________________ (go) to the circus.__________
We___________________________,_____ to the circus.
5. Sally______________________________ (read) now.___________
Sally__________________________________ now.
6. Last month Bob________________ (pay) 25$ for his pet.________
Last month Bob______________________ 25$ for his pet.

Present Simple Present Continuous Past Simple
I don’t play I am not playing I didn’t play
We don’t play We aren’t playing We didn’t play
You don’t play You aren’t playing You didn’t play
He doesn’t play He isn’t playing He didn’t play
She doesn’t play She isn’t playing She didn’t play
It doesn’t play It isn’t playing It didn’t play
They don’t play They aren’t playing They didn’t play

75. Выбери правильный вариант. Подчеркни слово-подсказку. Обо­

значь время.
1. Sally doesn’t help / isn’t helping / didn’t help her parents every day.

2. Her little sister doesn’t eat / isn’t eating / didn’t eat many sweets yes­
terday. _____________
3. They don’t drink / aren’t drinking / didn’t drink juice now.

4. Polly doesn’t buy / isn’t buying / didn’t buv ice-cream at the moment.

5. The boys don’t go / aren’t going / didn’t go to the gym every Monday.

6. My friend doesn’t come / isn’t coming / didn’t come to my party last

7. Kitty and Abby don’t wear / aren’t wearing / didn’t wear jeans at
8. His father doesn’t pay / isn’t paving / didn’t pav 35 pounds for his bike
two days ago.____________
9. My teacher doesn’t often think / isn’t thinking / didn’t think about this
10. Last Sunday Liz doesn’t ride / isn’t riding / didn’t ride a pony in'the
76. Раскрой скобки. Подчеркни слово-подсказку. Обозначь время.
1. а) Мах_____________________ (not to ride) a bike every day.____
b) Max _ ________________________ (not to ride) a pony now.___
c) Max___________________ (not to ride) a horse yesterday.____
2. a) They usually_________________ (not to play) on the swings.____
b) They____________ (not to play) on the seesaw last Friday.____
c) We________________ (not to play) on the slides at the moment.____
3. a) Pam________ often______________ (not to buy) gifts._____
b) Pam______________________ (not to buy) a skirt now._____
c) Pam__________________ (not to buy) a toy bear last week.____
4. a) Now I_________________________ (not to run) in the gym._____
b) I____________________ (not to run) in the gym 2 days ago.____ .
c) I________________________ (not to run) every P. E. lesson.____
77. Поставь вопросы к предложениям.
a) The boys went to the amusement park.
(1. Общий. 2. Where?)

b) My friend plaved on the swings yesterday.

(1. Общий. 2. When?)

c) My parents were in the gift shop.

(1. Общий. 2. Why?)

78. Переведи.
1. Анна любит комедии, а Боб ненавидит их.

2. Твой папа смотрит новости каждый вечер. А ты любишь смотреть их?

3. Любимая спортивная программа Алекса идёт в 6 часов.

4. С кем его сестра ходила в кино?

5. Наш брат не смог ответить на вопросы викторины.

79. Исправь ошибки.

1. Mr Brown likes the news. He watches them every day.
2. Nina works at the school radio station. Do you know she?
3. We are sad. Please, play with we.
4. Kate doesn’t watching TV now.
5. Do the boys went to the gym yesterday?
Lesson 2
80. Прочитай.
Alex: I’ve got a newspaper. Let’s read the TV guide.
Mary: That’s a good idea. What’s on TV today? I’d like to watch a corned
or a romantic film. I like romantic films. They are touching.
Alex: I don’t think so. Romantic films are boring. I like action films. The
are exciting.
Mary: I hate them.
Alex: Oh! “Terminator”! It is on at three o’clock. What time is it?
Mary: It’s half past five.
Alex: What a pity! The film is over. But a Disney cartoon is on at quarter t<
six. Do you like cartoons?
Mary: Oh, yes! Cartoons are amusing.
Alex: О. K. Let’s watch “Tom and Jerry”. It’s fun.
81. Ответь на вопросы.
1. What films do you like?

2. What programmes do you often watch?

3. When is your favourite programme on?

4. What did you watch yesterday?

5. When did you go to the cinema?

6. Who do you usually go to the cinema with?

82. Прочитай.
quarter (четверть), quarter to seven (без четверти семь), quarter past
four (четверть пятого). It’s quarter to five. It’s quarter to ten. It’s quar­
ter past eight. It’s quarter past three.
What time is it? - It’s quarter to eleven (10.45). What time is it? - It’s
quarter to nine (8.45). What time is it? - It’s quarter past one (1.15). What
time is it? - It’s quarter past six (6.15).
half (половина), half past two (половина третьего), half past twelve
(половина первого). It’s half past seven. It’s half past five.
What time is it? - It’s half past ten (10.30). What time is it? - It’s half
past eight (8.30).
83. Вставь to / past.
1. четверть шестого - quarter________ five
2. без четверти двенадцать - quarter_________ twelve
3. 5 минут первого - five___________ twelve
4. без 20 семь - twenty_________ seven
5. половина четвёртого - half________ three
6. 25 минут пятого - twenty-five_______ four
7. без 10 восемь - ten__________ eight
8. половина десятого - half_________ nine
9. без 5 три - five__________ three
84. Вставь to / past.
I. 9.55 - five__________ ten
2.11.05 - five_________ eleven
3. 8.30 - half___________ eight
4. 7.45 - quarter___________eight
5. 4.15 - quarter___________four
6. 2.50 - ten____________ three
7. 13.30 - half___________ one
8. 10.35 - twenty-five__________ eleven
9. 22.20 - twenty_____________ ten
85. Напиши время цифрами.
1. five to seven - fi : 55
2. quarter to one -_____ :_____
3. five past three -_____ :_____
4. quarter past two -_____ :_____
5. ten to four -_____ :_____
6. half past ten -_____ :_____
7. twenty past nine -_____ :_____
8. twenty-five to twelve -_____ :_____
9. half past two -_____ :_____
10. quarter to six -_____ :_____
II. half past eleven -_____ :_____
86. Выбери правильный вариант. Подчеркни слово-подсказку. Обо*
значь время.
1. Nancy buys / is buying / bought two newspapers yesterday._________
2. His friend read / reads / is reading an adventure story now. ________
3. Nora go / goes / went to the library every week. ___________________
4. Rudyard Kipling writes / wrote / is writing stories about animals. ___
5. The pupils often learn / learnt / are learning poems by heart. _______
6. At this moment her little brother watches / watched / is watching a car­
toon. _______
7. Bob’s father buys / is buying / bought newspapers every morning.______
8. Kate knows / knew the poem very well last lesson. ________________
87. Раскрой скобки. Подчеркни слово-подсказку. Обозначь время.
1. The Bells______________________(to watch) the news now. ______
2. Mrs. Bell____________ (to watch) quiz shows every Sunday. ______
3. Mr Bell_______ (to watch) the Eight o’clock news yesterday. ______
4. Bob rarely________________________(to read) newspapers. ______
5. Bob______________________ (to read) that book last week. ______
6. Bob__________________________ (to read) a fairy-tale now. ______
7. The children_______ (to play) on the swings ten minutes ago.______
8. We never______________ (to play) the guitar at the library. ______
9. Look! Sam_________________ (to play) football in the yard. ______
10. Tom’s brother sometimes________ (to learn) poems by heart.______
11. At the moment he_______________ (to learn) English words.______
12. Last month the pupils____________ (to learn) twenty words.______
88. Поставь вопросы к предложениям.
a) Tom visits his friend at summer camp.
(Общий. Почему?)

b) Linda bought flowers. (Общий. Что?)

c) The girls go to the seaside every summer.

(Общий. Куда?)

d) Jim was in the country last week.

(Общий. Когда?)

e) They are making a fire near the lake.

(Общий. Где?)

89. Переведи.
1. Эта комедия идёт в половину седьмого.

2. Ты смотрел фильм ужасов без четверти двенадцать вчера?

3. Наша любимая программа о природе идёт в четверть третьего в воскре­


4. Я думаю, этот приключенческий фильм - интересный и волнующий.

5. Смотри! Мэгги плачет! - Она смотрит трогательный романтический


90. Исправь ошибки.

1.1 think the news are boring.
2. A Disney cartoon is on at quarter of two.
3. Do you know my brother? Can you help he?
4. At the moment Tim’s father isn’t read a newspaper.
5. When did her granny watched the detective film?

Lesson 3
91. Поставь глаголы в Past Simple и прочитай текст.
Alex and Kate__________ (1. to become) friends three years ago. They
_________ (2. to spend) a lot of time together. The children________(3. to
ride) bikes in the park. They__________ (4. to play) on the swings. They
also_________ (5. to go) on the big wheel in the amusement park. In sum­
mer they________ (6. to swim) in the river and_________ (7. to go) for
a picnic. In autumn the children_________ (8. to pick) mushrooms and
berries in the wood. In winter Alex and Kate________ (9. to skate) and
__________ (10. to ski) every weekend. They also__________ (11. to read)
books and_________ (12. to draw) at home. They___________(13. to have)
a lot of fun.
One day Alex__________ (14. to want) to watch an action film at the
cinema. He_________ (15. to come) to Kate’s and_________ (16. to say):
“Let’s go to the cinema! I’d like to watch a new film. It’s very interest­
ing! It’s exciting!” - “That’s a good idea!” -_______ (17. to say) Kate.
She__________ (18. to think) about a new romantic film. So the friends
______ (19. to wear) coats, boots and hats,__________ (20. to take) some
money and________ (21. to go) to the cinema. They__________ (22. to see)
a lot of people at the cinema. Alex and Kate________ (23. to buy) tick­
ets. After that they_______ ( 24. to drink) juice and________ (25. to eat)
ice-cream. Then they_________ (26. to come) into a dark room. The film
________ (27. to begin). But it_________ (28. not to be) an action film.
And it________ (29. not to be) a romantic film. It________(30. to be) a
new comedy. At first the children_________ (31. to be) surprised and even
sad. But the comedy______ (32. to be) amusing. Alex and Kate_________
(33. to watch) it with great pleasure.
92. Ответь на вопросы.
1. When did Alex and Kate become friends?
2. What did they do together?
3. Where did.thev-oie^ .mnshmoros.and-herries jjxau+avron2..*.
4. Who wanted to watch an action film at the cinema?
5. Did Kate want to watch an action film?
6. What film did Kate think about?
7. Were there many people at the cinema?
8. What did the children drink at the cinema?
9. What did they eat at the cinema?
10. What film was on that day?
11. Was the comedy fun?
93. Выбери правильный вариант. Подчеркни слова-подсказки. Обо­
значь время.
1. Alf сап / could go to the mountains last winter. ___________________
2. The children go / went/ are going to summer camp now. ___________
3. Alex swam/ swims / is swimming in the river last summer._________
4. His granddad often walks / walked / is walking in the woods. _______
5. Look! His sister runs / is running / ran to the lake. _______________
6. Their friends went / are going / go to the seaside every July. _______
7. Rob’s granny lives / is living / lived in the country two years ago. ____
94. Напиши пропущенные формы неправильных глаголов. (См. с. 56)
1. run -___________ 5. wear -____________ 9. swim -__________
2. ___________ - saw 6.____________ - made 10.___________- could
3. ___________ - took 7. give -_____________ 11.___________ - did
4. become -________ 8. think -___________ 12. pay -____________
95. Открой скобки. Подчеркни слова-подсказки. Обозначь время. >
1. We___________ (to read) a lot in the summer camp last summer.____
2. Our family always___________ (to go) to the seaside in summer. ____
3. The boys_________________________ (to swim) in the lake now. ____
4. Their parents___________ (to like) to go to summer camp when they
were young.________
5. Tim__________ (to do) his homework in the kitchen yesterday. _____
6. Kate and Polly sometimes___________(to go) to the mountains. ____
7. Dave__________ (to visit) his granny in the country last week. ____
8. Look! Ann’s cat___________________________ (to drink) water. ____
9. Alex usually______________ (to wear) his old jeans for a picnic. ____
10. Yesterday Bob’s parents________________ (to pay) 57 pounds for his
new bike._______
96. Поставь общий вопрос и отрицание.
Г. Mr. Grey walks in the woods every morning.
(?)_________________________________ in the woods every morning?
(•)_________________________________ in the woods every morning.
2. His son is swimming in the lake now.
(?)___________________________________________ in the lake now?
(-)___________________________________________ in the lake now.
3. The dog became a domestic animal many years ago.
(?)____________________________ a domestic animal many years ago?
(-)_____________________________ a domestic animal many years ago.
4. There are many clouds in the sky.
(?)__________________________________ many clouds in the sky?
(-)____________________________________many clouds in the sky.

Наречия частотности. Adverbs of Frequency

Отвечают на вопрос «как часто?»
always всегда
sometimes иногда
usually обычно
never никогда
often часто
rarely редко
seldom редко
В предложении наречия частотности обычно стоят между подлежа­
щим и сказуемым.
She often watches TV.

97. Прочитай и переведи.

1. Children often watch cartoons.
2. Does your dad always watch the news?
3. Little Sam rarely watches horror films because they are scary.
4. Our granny never watches action films.
5. Mrs Smith sometimes watches detective films and read detective books.
98. Составь предложения из слов.
1. watch / We / in / TV / the evening / often.
2. comedy / yesterday / I / funny/ saw/ a.
3. at / dad / always / the news / My / six / watches / o’clock
4. watch / romantic / Boys / never / films.
5. with / sports / you / watch / Do / your / programmes / usually / dad?
6. teacher / sometimes / Their / quiz / watches / shows/.
99. Поставь и запиши вопросы к предложениям.
a) Kate saw a fox in the woods.
(I. Общий. 2. Когда? 3. Что?)

b) He went to the lake with his friend.

(1. Общий. 2. Куда? 3. С кем?)

с) They were in the country last month.

(/. Общий. 2. Когда? 3. Где?)

d) My little brother is watching a cartoon in the living-room now.

(/. Общий. 2. Что? 3. Где?)

e) There are many questions in the quiz show.

(1. Общий. 2. Сколько? 3. Где?)

100. Перепиши предложения, заменяя выделенные слова местоиме­

1. Steve likes cartoons.

2. Му sister doesn’t like the film.

3. My friends didn’t see Kate.

4. Bob and I read newspapers.

5. Can the children find Bob?

6. The cat caught the mice.

101. Напиши словами. Используй half и quarter, где можно.

1. 6.25._________________________________________________
2. 16.45_______________________________________________
3. 10.15._______________________________________________
4. 20.30._______________________________________________
5. 11.10.______________________________________________
6. 5.30.________________________________________________
102. Переведи.
1. Моя мама ненавидит фильмы ужасов и никогда не смотрит их.

2. Тётя Лизы редко читает газеты, но она всегда смотрит шестичасовые


3. Уолт Дисней нарисовал забавного мышонка в 1928.

4. В кинотеатре было много детей.

5. Он собирается смотреть викторину в половину первого?

103. Исправь ошибки.

1. Andy watches rarely horror films.
2. ’’Harry Potter” is my favourite adventure films.
3. He is sometimes watches cartoons.
4.1 have got a dog and a parrot. A parrot is blue.
5. Her favourite music programme is on five to three.


Lesson 1
104. Прочитай.
celebrate (праздновать), celebrate - celebrated, to celebrate a holiday
(праздник) British people celebrate Christmas on the twenty-fifth of De­
cember. What special day do they celebrate on the thirty-first of October? -
decorate (украшать), decorate - decorated, to decorate a tree, to deco­
rate a room. Children like to decorate a Christmas tree. Mike’s mum deco­
rated his room with balloons on his birthday last year. Are the children
decorating their classroom with flowers now? - Yes, they are. - Can I help
fireworks (фейерверк), to watch fireworks. Did you watch fireworks last
Independent Day in Minsk? - Yes, I did. It was cool! My grandparents like
watching fireworks on Victory Day.
relative (родственник) - relatives (родственники), my relatives, her
relatives, our relatives, their relatives. How many relatives have you
got? Ann has got relatives in America. In Belarus people celebrate New
Year’s Day. They invite friends and relatives. Do you like to invite guests
(гостей)? - Oh, yes, I do. I usually invite my relatives.
105. Прочитай и переведи.
1. We have a day out on the first of May.
2. Christmas is on the twenty-fifth of December.
3. We have a holiday on the third of July.
4. New Year’s Day is on the first of January.
5. Valentine’s Day is on the fourteenth of February.
6. Victory Day is on the ninth of May.
7. The Women’s Day is on the eighth of March.
8. Their teacher’s birthday is on the twenty-eighth of December.
9. Halloween is on the thirty-first of October.
106. Прочитай и переведи.
1. The Women’s Day is on March 8th.
2. We have a day out on May 1st.
3. Victory Day is on May 9th.
4. We have a holiday on July 3rd.
5. Halloween is on October 31st.
6. Christmas is on December 25th.
7. Their teacher’s birthday is on December 28th.
8. New Year’s Day is on January 1st.
9. Valentine’s Day is on February 14th.
107. Вставь пропущенные предлоги on / of / in.
1. Today is the 16th________ March.
2. My mum’s birthday is_______ the 10th_______August.
3. Children go to school______ the 1st______ September.
4. Helen’s birthday is_______ the 23rd________ June.
5. What day is the thirtieth________ October?
6. What’s the weather like________ April?
7. We have English________ Monday.
8. Do children have holidays_________ spring?
9. They usually have a party______ the 31st__________ May.
108. Напиши даты.
March 19th - the nineteenth of March
a) October 12th -____________________________________
b) March 21st -______________________________________
c) July 15th-_________________________________________
d) January 30th -_____________________________________
e) February 23rd -___________________________________
109. Переведи.
a) 1 мая -__________________________________________
b) 22 апреля -______________________________________
c) 130 ноября -____________________________________
d) 15 июня -________________________________________
e) 3 августа -______________________________________
110. Вставь was born (родился) I were born (родились).
1. Queen Elizabeth II_________________________ on the 21st of April.
2. His children______________________________________ in autumn.
3. David__________________________________ on the third of May.
4. Sam and Bob_____________________________ ____ on October, 16.
5. You_____________________________________ _________ in 2005.
6. This little girl_______________________________________ last year.
7. Her baby sister____________________________ _______ last month.
5. Mr. Brown’s sons___________________________ on the 24th of July.
9. Mv teacher________________________________ in December.
111. Измени глаголы по временам.
Present Simple Present Continuous Past Simple
V V+s is / am/ are V-ing V-2 / V-ed
1. go I SO I am going I went
2. play he he he
3. take Ann Ann Ann
4. write we we we
5. eat Steve Steve Steve
6. drink cats cats cats
7. build Nick Nick Nick
8.catch you YOU you
9. ride Tom Tom Tom
10. swim boys boys boys
112. Укажи время глаголов (Present Simple Tense, Past Simple Tense,
Present Continuous Tense).
1. We usually celebrate Easter in April or in May._____________________
2. His granny is painting eggs._____________________________________
3.1 celebrated the New Year with my relatives._______________________
4. Is your sister watching fireworks with them?______________________
5. Does Bob’s mum always cook a birthday cake for him? ______________
6. Did they watch a parade in Minsk?________________________________
7. Pupils have the longest holidays in summer._______________________
8. They aren’t decorating their flat with flowers. _____________________
9. Tom didn’t send a card to Santa Claus.______________ _____________
113. Выбери правильный вариант. Подчеркни слова-подсказки. Обо­
значь время.
1. Bob writes I wrote / is writing a book about his country two years ago.

2. The children enjoy I enjoyed holidays every summer.

3. Ann and Mary want / wanted to play jokes on each other last year.

4. Look! Their brother goes / went / is going to the woods.

5. His grandad went / go /goes / is going to the river every morning.

6. The boys watch / watched / are watching a parade in 2012.

7. We always watch / watched / are watching fireworks on Victory Day.

8. At the moment Nina gives / gave / is giving presents to her relatives.

114. Переведи.
1. Дети любят летние каникулы.

2. Том получил открытку от своей тёти вчера?

3. Сейчас Эн и Пэм украшают свою комнату цветами.

4. Люди раскрашивают яйца в яркие цвета на Пасху.

а. Мой брат пригласил всех своих друзей и всех наших родственников

на свой день рождения.

115. Исправь ошибки.

1 Valentine’s Day is at the fourteenth of February.
2. Sam is sad. Bob didn’t invite he to the party.
3. There was a lot of Christmas cards in the box.
4. Did your mum painted eggs last Easter?
5. At the moment Liz decorating her room with candles.

Lesson 2

I like to do = I like doing

116. Скажи это по-другому.

Model. I like to get presents = I like setting presents
i. My granny likes to watch TV = My granny likes_________ ing TV
2 You like to make a cake = You ___________________________________
3. He likes to sing carols = He_____________________________________
4. She likes to send cards = She ____________________________________
-5. They like to paint eggs = They___________________________________
5. Tom likes to watch a parade = Tom _______________________________
7. My parents like to invite our relatives — My parents________________

S. Sam likes to play jokes on his friends = Sam _______________________

9. The pupils like to decorate their classroom = The pupils _____________

117. Раскрой скобки, используя структуру like doing.
Model. Liz_________ (not / like to write) cards.
Liz doesn't like writins cards.
1. Helen_______________________________ (like to speak) English.
2. My friends_____________________________ (like to watch) fireworks.
3. Jimmy_________________________ (not / like to paint) eggs.
4. Alex and Ann________________________ (not / like to wash) the floor.
5.1________________________________(like to play) jokes on my friends.
6. Their parents__________________________ (like to tidy) the house.
7. Nick’s mum_____________________________ (like to sing) songs.
8. You___________________________ (not / like to cook) a birthday cake.
9. Bob’s cousin____________________________ (not I like to send) cards.
118. Поставь вопросы и дай краткие ответы.
Model. Your grandad likes giving presents.
Does your grandad like giving presents?
Yes, he does.
1. Nick likes decorating a Christmas tree.

2. Mike’s grandparents like inviting their friends.

No, __________________________________________________________
3. Willy’s father likes hiding chocolate eggs for him.

Yes,_________________________________________________________ .
4. Girls like watching a parade.

119. Допиши названия праздников.
1.1 like playing jokes on my friends. My favourite holiday is April Fool’s Dau
2. My aunt likes painting eggs. Her favourite holiday is______________
3. We like decorating a Christmas tree. Our favourite holiday is ______
4. Nina likes wearing funny costumes. Her favourite holiday is _______
5. Sam likes watching a parade in Minsk. His favourite holiday is _____
6. Liz and Ann like getting romantic cards. Their favourite holiday is ____
120. Переведи, используя структуру like doing.
1. Я люблю разыгрывать шутки над моими друзьями.

2. Брат Тома любит получать подарки.

3. Его сестра любит петь и танцевать.

4. Мэри не любит помогать своей маме.

5 Эти ученики любят писать тесты?

1'21. Открой скобки. Подчеркни слова-подсказки. Обозначь время.

1. Tim_____________________________ (to go) fishing last Sunday. ___
2. The children_____________ (to pick) mushrooms and berries now. ___
3. Alex and Dave_________ (to enjoy) watching a parade every year. ___
4. Look! Peter_________________________ (to hide) a chocolate egg. ___
5. Her sister______________ (to get) a letter from Britain last week. ___
6. Mary rarely_______________ (to decorate) her house with candles.___
“. Look! The boys________________ (to give) flowers to the veterans.___
8. Mike and Sam______________ (to invite) Mary yesterday evening. ___
9. Their parents______ (to pack) a basket for a picnic at the moment.___

122. Напиши отрицания.

1. Liz is picking flowers at the moment.
Liz_________________________ flowers at the moment.
2. His grandfather lives near the forest.
His grandfather_______________________________ near the forest.
3. They visited a cafe yesterday evening.
They__________________________________ a cafe yesterday evening.
4. Her dad goes fishing every morning.
Her dad_________________________________ fishing every morning.
5. Helen’s parents paid 100 $ for her summer camp.
Helen’s parents______________________100 $ for her summer camp.
6. You were at the seaside last July.
You____________________________________ at the seaside last July.
7. Maggie has got a big mushroom in her basket.
Maggie___________________________ a big mushroom in her basket.
8.1 can ride a horse in the woods.
I________________________________________ a horse in the woods.
9. Bob and Nick are skiing in the mountains now.
Bob and Nick____________________________ in the mountains now.
10. Her cousins usually take their dog for a picnic.
Her cousins______________________________ their dog for a picnic.
123. Открой скобки. Подчеркни слова-подсказки. Обозначь время.
1. Tim__________________ (not to see) many mushrooms in the woods yes­
terday morning.____
2. Kate and Polly________ (not to watch) romantic films every day. ___
3. The girls__________________ (not to pick) flowers at the moment.___
4. Her costume__________________ (not to be) scary last Halloween.___
5. Look! Mike________________ (not to make) a fire near the woods. ___
6. My brother_______________ (not to like) painting eggs at Easter. ___
7. The boys_________________ (not to write) Valentine’s cards now. ___
8. Liz was in the country. But she____________________ (not to ride) a
horse there._______
124. Вставь is / are / was / were (2} / do / does / did / have / has,
1. Where________ he go last summer?
2. What________ they doing at the moment?
3. How many Valentine’s cards__________ you got?
4. When_______ they in Spain?
5. What language_______ people speak in Germany?
6. Where________ Mary live?
7. When________ Steve born?
8. Why_________ Maggie crying now?
9. How many eggs________ there on our table last Easter?
10. What pet________ Ted got?
125. Поставь вопросы к подчёркнутым словам.
1.1 decorate a Christmas tree every year.

2. His brother got four presents last New Year’s Day.

3. The children are decorating their flat beautifully at the moment.

4. Kate’s friends played jokes on the 1st of April.

5. We celebrate Victory Day at home.

6. Mv mum is painting eggs now.


7. Tom likes watching parades on TV with his father.

8. Nancy wore a funny costume last Halloween.

9.1 like holidays because mv friends come to me.

126. Вставь предлоги (in, on, at, of, to), если нужно.
1. The New Year is____ winter.
2. Ted was born____ the 2nd_______ December.
3. Nick’s favourite sports programme is on_____ quarter to 3.
4. Tm going____ the party_______ Sunday.
5. She gets up____ 7 o’clock_______ the morning.
6. They celebrate Halloween____ October.
7. We celebrate Victory Day______ the 9th________ May.
8. My cousin was_____ the theatre_______ last week.
127. Исправь ошибки.
1. My mother likes invite guests.
2.1 watching my favourite music programme now.
3. Ann decorated her room of flowers yesterday.
4. At the moment Liz’s aunts making a birthday cake for her.
5. His cousin like painting eggs.

Lesson 3
128. Прочитай.
an angel (ангел) — angels, to put an angel, to see an angel. There is an
angel on the top of the Christmas tree. English people always put an angel
on the top of the tree at Christmas. We often put a star on the top of the
New Year tree.
We decorate the Christmas tree with ornaments (ёлочными игрушка­
ми), lights (огоньками) and tinsel (мишурой). There were twenty-three
ornaments on Bill’s Christmas tree. Do you like decorating the Christmas
tree? - Yes, I do. But I rarely put tinsel on the tree.
a fireplace (камин) - fireplaces, a big fireplace, a nice fireplace. English
people often have fireplaces in their houses. Do you like sitting near
the fireplace?
hang (вешать), to hang - hung, to hang ornaments, to hang lights, to
tinsel, to hang stockings (чулки). Liz hung a blue ornament on the
tree a minute ago. Is she hanging a red ornament now? Did they hang any
tinsel on the tree last Christmas? English children always hang their stockings
by the fireplace and Santa Claus puts presents into them. Children like
getting presents very much.
pull (тянуть, тащить, дёргать), to pull - pulled, to pull the door, to
pull a bell, to pull crackers (хлопушку). My friends and I pulled crackers
and sang carols (рождественские песни) last Christmas. Andrew’s gran­
ny likes singing carols very much.
129. Употреби глаголы в нужном времени.
1. People______________ - Halloween in October.
2. They__________________ this holiday a week ago.
3. Jerry always__________________ Christmas at home.
not to make
1. Mum__________________________ a birthday cake at the moment.
2. Nick__________________________ cakes. He can’t do it.
3. This woman__________________________ a nice cake last Easter,
1. ___________ you____________________your relatives every week?
2. ___________ Helen___________________ her friends yesterday?
3. ___________ Freddy__________________ Mary to the disco now?
130. Выбери нужный глагол.
1. Did / Was / Were the children in at the cinema last Friday?
2. Are / Is / Was Kevin watching a parade now?
3. Do / Does / Did Nick invite guests every weekend?
4. Do / Does / Did Belarusian people celebrate Halloween?
5. Is / Are / Am you from Minsk or from Brest?
6. How many public holidays do / does / are you know?
7. Listen! Is / Are / Am David singing carols?
8. Why is / are / am you sad, Mary?
9. Where do / does / did Helen go last week?
10. How often do / does / did Carol send cards?
11. Who do / does / did they spend their last holiday with?
12. What colour costumes do / does / did they usually wear?
13. How many candles do / does / did George light 10 minutes ago?
14. What is / are / am / do Helen decorating a Christmas tree with?
15. Where do / does I did she celebrate her last birthday?
16. Why is / are / was / were Jim in the garden last night?
131. Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. Nick wants to invite us»

2. Thev could play jokes on their parents.

3. She likes watching fireworks.

4. Bob got three Christmas cards last year.

5. There were red flags in the streets.

6. Anna decorates her house in winter.

7. People celebrate Easter in April.

8. They are hanging lights now.

9. Betty took her coat because it was cold.

132. Раскрой скобки и прочитай текст.

In Britain people usually_____________________ (1. celebrate) Christmas.
They________________ (2. buy) Christmas trees and ___________ (3. dec­
orate) them with tinsel, ornaments and lights. Then they_____________________
(4. hang) angels on the tops of the trees. In the evening they_________________
(5. sing) carols and____________ (6. have) Christmas dinner.
Peter___________________________ (7. not to celebrate) the New Year.
He always____________________ (8. celebrate) Christmas.
Last week he___ (9. write) some Christmas cards and
_______ (10. send) them to his friends. Yesterday evening he
_________ (11. decorate) the Christmas tree and the flat. He
(12. buy) some crackers. Then he_________________
(13. hang) a stocking by the fireplace. Peter’s mum_______________________
(14. make) Christmas dinner. She_________________ (15. cook) some salad,
roast turkey and vegetables. Peter’s dad____________ __ (16. go) shopping.
Now it’s quarter to eight. Peter’s family______________ (17. be) at the table.
They________ (18. have) Christmas dinner. They_________________________
(19. eat) many tasty things. They__________________________ (20. drink) juice
and lemonade. They____________ (21. be) happy.

133. Дай краткие ответы на общие вопросы по тексту 132.

1. Do people in Britain celebrate Christmas?_________________
2. Do they have Christmas lunch?__________________________
3. Does Peter celebrate the New Year?_______________________
4. Did Peter’s dad go shopping?____________________________
5. Is it half past seven now?_______________________________
6. Are they eating at the moment?___________________________
134. Дай полные ответы на специальные вопросы по тексту 132.
1. What does Peter celebrate?

2. When did he write cards?

3. What did Peter buy?

4. Where did Peter hang his stocking?

5. Who cooked Christmas dinner?

6. What time is it?

7. Where is Peter’s family?

8. What are they drinking?

135. Вставь предлоги с помощью таблицы.

in on at
in the morning on Christmas Day at Christmas
in the evening on Easter Day at Easter
in the afternoon on New Year’s Day at Halloween
in summer on Valentine’s Day at the New Year
in November on April Fool’s Day at night
in 2005 on Sunday at 7 o’clock
on Sunday evening at weekends
on the 17th at the end
of November
on my birthday
on a day off
on holyday

1.1 usually come home_____ quarter past three.

2. Our family goes_____ church______ Easter.
3. They went_____ the country_______ the weekend.
4. Children go______ school_______ the 1st_______ September.
5. Belarusian people celebrate Victory Day_____ the 9th______ May.
6. Last year Easter was_____ April.
7. What did you do_____ Easter Day?
8. He was born_______ 1995.
9. It often snowed______ December last winter.
10. You get up______ 6 o’clock_______ the morning.
11. The week starts______ Monday.
12. They are going______ bed_______the evening.
13. Helen wrote Christmas cards______ Sunday evening.
14. People invite guests______ Christmas Day.
15. Do you like playing jokes_____ April Fool’s Day?
136. Переведи.
1. Белорусы редко празднуют Хэллоуин.

2. Мы всегда празднуем Новый год с нашими родственниками.

3. Ты смотрел фейерверк вчера?

4. Смотри! Мэри раскрашивает второе яйцо! Оно красивое!

5. Английские дети вешают рождественские чулочки на камин.

137. Исправь ошибки.

1. Andy doesn’t sent a card to Santa Claus.
2. What do you do at Christmas Day?
3. People celebrate Valentine’s Day in the 14th of February.
4. Fred didn’t put a angel on the top of the tree.
5. Are your brother watching a parade now?

Lesson 1

Неопределённый артикль
а ап
Следующее слово начинается Следующее слово начинается
с согласной: с гласной:
a dog, a driver an uncle, an angry lion
перед исчисляемыми существительными в ед. числе
a lemon
ад apple
- water (неисчисляемое существительное)

Местоимения some, any

немного, несколько, С исчисляемыми существительными во мн. числе

сколько-нибудь some sweets
С неисчисляемыми существительными
some jam

Утверждение (+) Отрицание (-), вопрос (?)

some any


Mum has got some jam. There are some books on the table.
У мамы есть немного варенья. На столе несколько книг.
Mu hasn’t got any jam. Are there any books on the table?
У мамы нет (никакого) На столе есть сколько-нибудь
варенья. книг?

!!! some в вопросительных предложениях

при выражении просьбы или когда что-нибудь предлагается
Would you like some juice? - He хотите ли (немного) сока?
Can I have some sweets? - Можно мне немного конфет?

138. Напиши а/an /some.
A. a) water f)/ toasts k) cake
b) apple g) sandwich D
c) oranges h) milk m) bananas
d) iuice n7 glass of milk n) cocoa
e) cup of juice 4)------- chocolate o) bacon
В 1. I want tea and sandwich.
2. There is________ butter in the fridge.
3. Liz bought_________ tomatoes and__________ bottle of milk.
4. There is_________ cup of tea and____________cakes on the table.
5. We had__________ pasta for dinner.
6. I would like_________ apple and_________ jelly.
139. Вставь
There is / There are

There was / There were

6 . many sweets and a cake in the box.

140. Вставь is / are и поставь вопрос.

1. There____is____ some mineral water in the glass.
______ Is there any mineral water in the glass?
2. There_________ some soup in the plate.

3. There________some sausages in the fridge.

4. There________ some bread on the table.

5. There______ some rolls in the box.

6. There________some sugar in the cupboard.

Вставь was / were и поставь вопрос^
7. There u>ere(|om^)sweets in the vase.
Were therefanyjsweets in the vase?
8. There_______ some juice in the glass.

9. There_______ some coffee in the cup.

10. There________ some bottles in the kitchen.

11. There_______ some pasta in the bag.

12. There_______ some vegetables in the shop.

141. Напиши отрицание двумя способами.

Model. There is some butter in the fridge.
There isn’t any butter in the fridge.
There is no butter in the fridge.
1. There is some cereal on the plate.

2. There are some biscuits in the box.

3. There was some rice in the cupboard.

4. There were some rolls in the bag.

5. There is some pasta on the plate.

6. There are some vegetables in the bag.

7. There was some sugar in the tea.

8. There were some crisps in the box.

142. Раскрой скобки.
1. Jerry often_____________________(have) porridge for breakfast. Now he
____________________(to have) some bacon and eggs.
2. My mum_______________ (cook) fish at the moment. She_______________
(cook) every day. Last Christmas she_____________ (to cook) roast turkey.
3. Little Andy_______________ (not to eat) ice-cream every day. Yesterday
be_______________ (to eat) a lot of ice-cream and____________(to be) happy.
4. Look! The cat_____________________ (drink) milk. It___________________
(like) milk and fish.
5. It’s half past eleven. Tom and Mary____________________(not to eat) now.
They___________________________ (not to eat) at night.
143. Выбери правильный вариант.
1. His dad didn’t buy a / an / any / some potatoes.
2. Are there a / an / any / some sandwiches on the plate?
3. There is a / an / any / some apple on the plate.
4. Kitty usually buys a / an / any / some sweets.
5. There wasn’t / weren’t any cucumbers in the fridge.
6. Was / Were there any salt in the soup?
7. There isn’t no / any sugar in the coffee.
8. There is no / any honey in the bowl.
144. Вставь some / any.
1. There are pupils in the classroom.
2. Tim ate potatoes for lunch.
3. Can you see children in the garden?
4. There aren’t monsters in the park.
5. Does he usually buy fruit?
6. Mike has got sweets in his pocket,
7. We haven’t got crisps.
8.1 saw animals yesterday.
9. Tom gave me water.
10. Are there biscuits in the cupboard?
11. David likes cucumbers for dinner.
12. He didn’t find apples yesterday.
145. Поставь вопрос.
Model. There was some juice in the glass.
Was there any juice in the glass?
His grandfather ate some meat for dinner.
Did his grandfather eat any meat for dinner?
1. His father drank some coffee yesterday morning.

2. There is some pasta on the plate.

3. Nick buys some sweets every Sunday.

4. Her children ate some sandwiches yesterday evening.

5. There was some soup for lunch.

6. His cousins drank some tea yesterday morning.

7. Liz’s parents buy some cornflakes every Monday.

8. There were some ornaments on the Christmas tree.

9. There are some eggs in the fridge.

146. Напиши отрицание. Если возможно, то пиши оба способа.

Model. There were some plates of soup on the table.
There weren’t any plates of soup on the table.
There were no plates of soup on the table.
My mum drinks some coffee in the morning.
My mum doesn’t drink any coffee in the morning.
1. We bought some fruit last week.

2. There were some cups of juice on the table.

3. My granny drinks some tea in the afternoon.

4. There is some milk in the glass.

5. They bought some vegetables last Friday.

6. Her children drink some tea every morning.

7. There was some honey in the jar.

8. There are some stockings by the fireplace.

9. Her sons ate some biscuits yesterday evening.

147. Переведи.
1. В холодильнике было масло.

2. В буфете нет никаких конфет.

3. Есть тёплое молоко в чашке?

4. Вчера наша мама купила немного овощей и фруктов.

5. Тим обычно ест немного каши на завтрак.

1 <8. Исправь ошибки.

1. Mrs Brown bought some meat every week.
2. There were some apple juice in the glass.
3. Does Mike drink some tea in the afternoon?
4. There isn’t no milk in the bottle.
5. There are any vegetables in the fridge.

Lesson 2
149. Вспомни названия частей тела.

a head

a f* a finger
an ea
a a hand
ai - an arm
a should an elbow

a stomach

a leg

a knee

a foot

150. Вставь пропущенные слова и прочитай текст.

eyes long arm best beautiful left nose fingers feet

mouth ten right foot

Helen has got a doll. The doll’s name is Betsy. She is very___________ .
She has got big blue____________ , little ears, a short_____________ and
a little red_______________. Her blond hair is very______________ .
Betsy has got two arms: this is her right__________ and this is her
___________ arm. She has got ten____________ : five on her left hand
and five on her_______ hand. She has got long legs, little__________ and
___________ toes: five on her left____________ and five on her right foot.
Helen thinks her doll is the____________ and the nicest in the world.
151. Ответь на вопросы.
1. What colour is Betsy’s hair?___________________________________
2. What colour are Betsy’s eyes?__________________________________
3. Is Betsy’s nose short?_____________________________ ____________
4. How many hands have you got? _________________________________
5. How many toes has your friend got? _____________________________
6. Are your eyes black?__________________________________________
7. Is your hair short or long?_____________________________________
8. Do you write with your left or right hand? _______________________
152. Прочитай.
ache (боль), a headache (головная боль), toothache (зубная боль), a
stomach-ache (боль в желудке, в животе), earache (ушная боль) Yes­
terday Alex watched a horror film at night. Now he has got a headache.
Yesterday Emma ate thirty-eight sweets. Now she has got a stomach-ache.
Yesterday Steve swam in the cold river. Now he has got earache. Yesterday
Kerry ate twenty nuts (орехов). Now she has got toothache.
to hurt (болеть, причинять боль), hurt-hurt. His leg hurts today. Her
hand hurt yesterday. What’s the matter? (Что случилось?) - My knees
hurt. I can’t play football. What a pity! (Как жаль!) Let’s go to the doctor.
I’ve got a temperature (У меня температура). I’ve got a runny nose
(У меня насморк). I’ve got a sore throat (У меня болит горло)., I’ve
got a cough (У меня кашель). I’ve got a cold (Я простудился). I am Щ.
(Я болен).
153. Вставь hurt / hurts.
1. Her arms_________ yesterday.
2. Tom likes watching TV and his eyes______ .
3. My foot__________ every evening.
4. My granny’s feet________ after walking.
5. Did your toes__________ ? - No, they didn’t.
6. Tina is ill. Her neck________ .
7.1 can’t help you. My elbow________ .
8. Mary didn’t work in the garden because her knee__________.
154. Вставь have (got) / has (got) / had.
1. Liz stayed at home yesterday. She___________ a headache.
2. Fred often______________ toothache.
3. My friends are ill. They_______________ earache.
4. Does he___________ a stomach-ache?
5. Why did you__________ a backache?
6. Steve__________ earache every evening.
7. Mary was ill last week. She_______ a temperature.
8. Nick’s father didn’t____________ a cold last winter.
155. Напиши глаголы в Past Simple и прочитай текст. Придумай

Kate__________________ (not to go) to school last week. On Mon­

day evening she__________ (to have) a terrible headache. Her mother
___________ (to take) the temperature. It_____________ (to be) very
high (высокая).
Kate_______________ (to drink) some pills and__________________
(to get) better soon.
On Tuesday Kate______________ (to stay) at home. She_________ (to
drink) a lot of hot tea,_____________ (to take) pills and vitamins. She
_______________ (not to want) to be in bed. But she_______________ _
(to be) very weak (слабая) and___________________ (can / not) go to
On Wednesday Kate’s friends________________ (to visit) her. They
__________________ (to give) the girl a new book. They____________ _
(to tell) her about their school and their teacher.
On Friday the girl___________ (to go) to the hospital. The doctor
____________ (to say) she__________________ (can) go to school. Kate
_____________ (to be) happy because she___________________ (to like)
her school very much.
156. Ответь на общие вопросы по тексту 155.
1. Did the girl go to school last week? ____________________________
2. Did Kate have a terrible headache?__________________________ _
3. Was Kate’s temperature high on Monday?______________________
4. Could Kate go to school on Tuesday? _____________________________
5. Did the friends visit Kate?______________________________________
157. Ответь на специальные вопросы по тексту 155.
1. When did Kate have a headache?

2. Why was Kate happy on Friday?

3. Who visited her on Wednesday?

4. What did they give Kate?

5. Where did the girl go on Friday?

Модальный глагол
should You should take these pills. совет
shouldn’t Тебе следует принять эти таблетки. указание
You shouldn’t watch TV a lot.
Тебе не следует много смотреть

The verb should should not = shouldn’t

Утверждение Вопрос Отрицание

I should do it Should I do it? I shouldn’t do it
We should do it Should we do it? We shouldn’t do it
You should do it Should you do it? You shouldn’t do it
They should do it Should they do it? They shouldn’t do it
He should do it Should he do it? He shouldn't do it
She should do it Should she do it? She shouldn’t do it
It should do it Should it do it? It shouldn’t do it

после must частица \o не употребляется

158. Вставь should / shouldn’t.

1. You______________________ eat many sweets.
2. Children____________________ go for a walk.
3. People___________________ wash their hands before meals.
4. You___________________ look after (ухаживать, присматривать)
your little brother or sister.
5. Boys_____________________ fight (драться).
6. Pupils_______________________ write and read well.
7. Girls___________________ wear ugly clothes.
8. Children_________________ help their parents.
159. Вставь пропущенные слова.
1.1 have got a sore throat. - You should drink____________________ .
2. Denis watched TV at night, so he has a___________________ .
3. Tom’s________________ hurt. - He shouldn’t play computer games!
4. Sue has got_____________________ . - She should go to the dentist.
5. I’ve got a cough. - You should take some______________________ .
6. These children have a cold. - They should go to the________________.
7. Ken has got_____________________ . He should take nose drops.
8. Ann’s sister has got_____________ . She shouldn’t eat so many sweets.
160. Выбери правильный вариант. Подчеркни слова*подсказки. Обо*
значь время.
1. They usually tidv / tidies / are tidying their room. _________________
2. Alex drinks / drank / is drinking cold milk yesterday.
3. He have / has / had a headache every week._______________________
4. Little Tommy is / are / was / were ill last Friday.
5.1 rarely watch / is watching / watched TV at night. _______________
6. Tom doesn’t / don’t / isn’t go to school on Sundays. ________________
7. My eyes don’t / doesn’t / didn’t hurt yesterday.
8. Kevin doesn’t / don’t / isn’t playing at the moment. _______________
9. Her sister and brother doesn’t / don’t / aren’t like butter. __________
161. Напиши отрицание.
1. He’s got a runny nose.
He______________________________ a runny nose.
2. Mary has a sore throat.
Mary____________________________ a sore throat.
3. I’ve got a backache.
I________________________________ a backache.
4. They have toothache.
5. His leg hurts.
His leg______________________________________ .
6. Ann’s hair is long.
Ann’s hair_____________________________ long.
7. He took some medicine.
He__________________________ ___medicine.
8. You should drink “Sprite”.
You____________________ ________ drink “Sprite”.
162. Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. The boys were ill last week.

2. Tom was in the hospital yesterday.

3. Nick ate much ice-cream.

4. Mary is wearing a warm scarf because she has got a sore throat.

5. They have got five apples.

6. Ann should go to the dentist.

7. You should wash your hair every week.

8. Mike’s leg hurt an hour ago.

163. Выбери правильный вариант.

1. Jerry didn’t buy a / an / anv / some potatoes.
2. Are there a / an / anv / some hamburgers on the plate?
3. There is a / an / any / some elephant under the Christmas tree.
4. Mary usually buys a / an / anv / some vegetables.
5. There isn’t no / anv sugar in these pills.
6. There is no / anv warm milk in the cup.
7. There weren’t a / an / anv / some cucumbers in the fridge.
8. Was there a / an /anv / some butter in the porridge?
164. Переведи.
1. Что случилось?

2. У меня болит голова.

3. Моя шея болит.

4. Вам следует капать капли в нос.

5. Вчера у Тома был кашель, и он остался в постели.

165. Исправь ошибки.

1. They don’t should eat much jam.
2. Sam wants to go for a walk but his feet hurts.
«3. Dp we should brush teeth in the afternoon?
4. There was some pills in the box.
5. My grandad didn’t has a headache yesterday.

Lesson 3
Местоимения a lot of, much, many
a lot of
much много

С исчисляемыми существитель­ С неисчисляемыми существи­

ными во мн. числе тельными
a lot of (+)
many (-) much (-)
How many? (Сколько?) How much? (Сколько?)

166. Вставь How much или How many

1. ________________ water do they drink?
2. ________________ balls are there in the gym?
3. ________________ chocolate can you eat?
4. ________________ spaghetti is there on the plate?
5. ________________ fridges are there in the kitchen?
6. ________________ milk can you drink?
7. ________________ cups of milk are there?
8. ________________ sugar do we need?
167. Выбери правильный вариант.
1. There is / are some tomatoes in the bag.
2. There was / were some cereal on the floor.
3.1s / Are there an apple on the plate?
4. How many / much cocoa did he drink?
5. How many / much children are there?
6. Ted’s friend didn’t drink some / any / an orange juice yesterday.
7. There is some I any / a water in the bottle.
8. There is many / much water in the glass.
9. David drank many / much apple juice.
10. Betty ate many / much rolls yesterday.
11. We aren’t eating some / any I a jam.
12. Would you like some / any / an / a orange?
13. Mum always gives me some / any I a honey.
14. She didn’t find some / any / a / an presents in her stocking.
168. Напиши отрицание.
Model. There is a lot of milk in the glass.
There isn’t much milk in the glass.
1. There is a lot of tea in the cup.

2. There were a lot of eggs in the fridge.

3. Billy drank a lot of orange juice.

4. You should eat a lot of sweets.

5. There are a lot of cups in the cupboard.

6. Betty ate a lot of honey yesterday.

7. We should drink a lot of cold milk.

8. There was a lot of coffee in the pot.

169. Раскрой скобки. Подчеркни слова-подсказки. Обозначь время.

1. Vitamins_______________________ (to be) usually good for health.
2. The doctors___________________ (to be) in the hospital yesterday. '
3. Alex______________________________________ (not to be) ill now.
4. My granddad’s back often___________________________ (to hurt).
5. They_______________________________________ (not to like) pills.
6. Nina__________________________________ (to wash) her hair now.
7. This little girl_______ (not to wash) hands before dinner yesterday.
8. His mum____________________________ (not to work) on Sundays.
9. Mrs Bell’s son___________________ (to take) nose drops last week.
170. Поставь общие вопросы.
1. The children take vitamins.

2. Paul eats healthy food.

3. Ted was ill last week.

4. Kelly has got a headache.


5. There is some soup in the plate.

6. They went to the hospital yesterday.

7. His cousin is having breakfast now.

8. We should read books every day.

171. Поставь вопросы, начиная c How much или How many.

Model. He drinks some juice every day.
How much juice does he drink every day?
1. She ate three tomatoes.

2. Helen buys some mineral water.

3. Maggie found seven pebbles.

4. There are five cucumbers in the fridge.

5. There was some coffee in the cup.

6. Daniel has got two sisters.

7. Fred can see twelve birds.

172. Поставь вопросы к ответам.

1. ______________________________________ ? - Kate’s neck hurts.
2. _____________________________ ? They can do exercises at school.
3. ________________________________ ? - Yes, they stayed at home.
4. ________________________________ ? - No, she doesn’t take pills.
5. _____________________________ ? - He is playing with his friends.
6. __________________________________ ? - She bought healthy food.
7. ______________________________________ ? - They like comedies.
173. Прочитай текст.
Once upon a time there lived two sisters, Monica and Jessica. Jessica was
a very beautiful and clever girl. She usually got up at half past six. Then
she took a shower and did morning exercises. She always ate healthy food:
fruit, vegetables, fish and cottage cheese (творог). Jessica didn’t drink
much coffee. She drank juice. Jessica liked sports very much. On Saturdays
and Sundays she went to the swimming-pool. She rode a bike in summer and
skated in winter.
Monica never did morning exercises and she didn’t like sports. She usu­
ally watched TV at night and then she got up at ten or eleven o’clock. She
played computer games all day long. Most of all (больше всего) Monica liked
cakes and chocolate sweets. She often ate crisps and drank much lemonade.
One day Monica became ill. She had a high temperature. She had a runny
nose. She had a sore throat and couldn’t speak. Monica’s mother gave her
some pills and nose drops. Then she gave her some warm milk with honey.
When Monica got better her mother said: “It’s a pity you don’t have any
healthy habits (привычки)!”
174. He согласись и исправь ошибки.
Model. The text is about two boys.
The text isn’t about two boys. It is about two girls.
1. Jessica and Monica were friends.

2. Jessica got up at ten o’clock.

3. Jessica goes to the swimming pool on Wednesday and Thursday.

4. Monica ate healthy food.

5. Monica liked sports.

6. One day Monica became strong (сильной).

175. Ответь на вопросы.

1. When did Monica get up?______________________________________
2. What did Jessica eat?__________________________________________
3. Who liked watching TV?______________________________________
4. Did Jessica drink juice?_______________________________________
5. Was Monica a healthy girl?____________________________________
176. Дай советы Монике.
You should... You shouldn’t...

177. Переведи.
1. Вчера Сэм смотрел ТВ ночью. Сегодня у него болит голова. Ему следует
принимать таблетки и оставаться в постели. Ему нельзя смотреть ТВ.

2. Почему Боб болен? Вчера было холодно и ветрено, а он не одел пальто.

Сегодня у него температура и кашель.

3. Не ешь кетчуп. У тебя болит живот. Детям следует есть здоровую


4. Мэри не любит молочные продукты (dairy products). Но молочные

продукты очень хороши для зубов. Если (If) Мэри хочет иметь белые
зубы и красивую улыбку (smile), ей следует есть молочные продукты
каждый день.

Lesson 1

178. Прочитай.
next to (рядом), next to my house, next to my school, next to my desk,
next to the circus, next to the cinema. What is there next to your house? -
There is a small garden next to my house. What is there next to your
school? - There is a stadium next to my school.
opposite (напротив), opposite the house, opposite the hospital, opposite
the hotel. My room is opposite my parents’ bedroom. My school is opposite
my house.
between (между), between the chairs, between my parents, between
Minsk and London. The table is between the chairs. I like to sit between
my parents when we watch TV. There are about (около) 2000 km between
Minsk and London.
behind (сзади, за), behind the house, behind the door, behind the forest,
behind the river. What is there behind the circus? - There is a park behind the
circus. What is there behind the forest? - There is a lake behind the forest.
front (передний), in front of (перед), in front of the house, in front of
the museum, in front of the window. What is there in front of the teacher’s
table? - There is a board in front of it.
get (добираться), to get -got, get to the hospital, get to the bookshop,
get to the bus stop, get to the post-office (почта). How can I get to the
supermarket? - Go straight ahead and then turn right. We can get to the
Circus bv bus (на автобусе). It’s not far away (недалеко).
179. Вставь предлоги. Смотри на карту (the map).

a hospital
the church the post-office

a museum
a bookshop
a swimming-pool a school
» lx «X Ж I* A Л
1 a library
iiica ъге I
1 a bank

1. The bookshop is____________________ the church and the post-office.
2. The hospital is_____________________ the museum.
3. The bank is_______________________ the school.
4. The museum is____________________ the theatre.
5. The swimming pool is______________ the school.
180. Раскрой скобки. Укажи время. Подчеркни слова-подсказки.
1. The Queen__________________________ (to live) in the Palace. ____
2. The children____________________ (to play) in Gorky Park now.____
3. His parents____________ (to visit) the British Museum in 2008. _ __
4. They___________________(to see) the monument two years ago. .... ....
5. Look! Little Pam_______________________ (to cross) the street. ____
6. The London Eye_________ (to be) the largest wheel in the world. ____
7. The tourists_____________ (to go) to Pobeda Square yesterday. ____
181. Выбери правильный вариант.
1. There are some / anv / a / an rides in Gorky Park.
2. Can you see some / anv / a / an woman on the bridge?
3. Are there many / much places (мест) to visit in London?
4. The Circus in Minsk was built on / at / in 1959.
5. When Billy goes to / in / at school he usually cross / crosses / crossed
the street.
6. People build / are building / built the London Eye in 2000.
7. Where is Helen? - She visits / is visiting / visited the British Museum.
8. My friends often feed / feeds / are feeding squirrels (белки) in the park.
9. Do / Does / Are your friends live in the centre of Minsk?
10. Do / Does / Did Alice visit this museum last month?
11. She don’t / doesn’t / didn’t go to the bookshop last week.
12. People don’t / doesn’t / didn’t ride bikes at the supermarkets.
182. Напиши предложения в нужном времени.
1. Mary (to go) along Nemiga Street.
a) (yesterday) _______________________________________________
b) (now)____________________________________________________
c) (often) ___________________________________________________
2. They (not to buy) vegetables.
a) (every day)_______________________________________________
b) (last morning)________________________________ __________
c) (at the moment)____________________________________________
3. Kevin (to ride) a horse in the park?
a) (a week ago)_______________________________________________
b) (now)____________________________________________________
c) (usually)_________________________________________________
183. Поставь специальные вопросы.
1. They get to the post-office by bus. (How..?)

2. Alex goes past the park every morning. (When..?)

3. The boy crossed the street with his parents. (Who... with?)

4. The church is opposite the hospital. (Where..?)

5. You can see a bus stop near the theatre. (What..?)

6. There is a bookshop behind the museum. (What..?)

7. There are twenty-three buses at the bus station. (How many..?)

8. Mr. Bell goes to the bank by bus because it’s far away. (Why..?)

9. We can see a library next to Mayflower School. (Where..?)

10. Pavel sent a letter to his parents yesterday. (When..?)

184. Раскрой скобки, употребляя нужные степени сравнения прилага­

1. This church is__________________________ (beautiful) in our town.
2.1 think Minsk is a_____________________________ (beautiful) city.
3. What is________________________________ (long) river in Belarus?
4. Kupala Street is______________________ (quiet) than Kolas Street.
5. It is____________________________ (good) town in the world.
6. The roads in this city are very___________________________ (good).
7. The main square is_____________________________ (big) of all.
8. What is_________________________ (big): Brest or Vitebsk?
9.1 think action films are__________________________ (boring) of all.
10. Grodno is an______________________ (old) city.
11. Buses are________________________ (slow) than planes.
12. Soligorsk is a_____________________ (modern - современный) city.
185. Ответь на вопросы.
1. What is there next to your house?

2. What is the most famous park in Minsk?

3. What street is the longest in your city (town)?

4. What is the oldest church in Minsk?

5. How do you usually get to school: by bus or on foot (пешком)?

186. Вставь предлоги to, in, of, at.

1.. Polly lives_____ Minsk.
2. Her house is next_____ the cinema.
3. There is a big tree____ the centre_______ this square.
4. Anna lives______ 17, Pushkin Street, Flat 41.
5. What is there_____ front_____ the theatre?
6. Can you tell me the way______ the nearest library?
7. There are two museums______ Karl Marks Street.
8. Minsk was founded_____ 1067.
9. There are a lot_____ interesting places_____ Minsk.
10. He turns left______ the traffic lights.
187. Переведи.
1. Его бабушка гуляет в парке Победы сейчас.

2. Их учительница посетила Лондон в 2005.

3. Тим живёт недалеко от площади Якуба Коласа.

4. Эти дети ездили в Троицкое Предместье на прошлой неделе.

5. В этот момент Анна стоит перед памятником Франциску Скорины.

6. Наш автобус находится за Британским музеем.

188. Исправь ошибки.
1. Не think Polotsk is the best town in Belarus.
2. Mike crossing the street at the moment.
3. Minsk is a more beautiful city.
4. There aren’t some interesting places in our country.
5. How much cinemas are there in Mogilev?
Lesson 2
189. Прочитай и выполни работу по тексту.
Му name is Dave. I live in England, in a small house far from the town
centre. Our town is small but there is a theatre, a museum and a lot of other
(других) interesting places.
Our house is in the old part (части) of the town. The streets are very
quiet and beautiful with their flowers and trees. You can see an old church
opposite my house. It was built in the 12th century (век). There is a little
garden in front of the church.
When you cross the bridge you can see the new part of our town. The
streets are noisy and modern in this part. There are a lot of cinemas and
shops. My favourite place in the town is a park. There isn’t a big wheel or a
merry-go-round but there is a nice zoo here.
Выбери правильный вариант.
1. Dave live__________________ .
a) in the centre of the town b) far from the centre
2. There are__________________ in his town.
a) some interesting places b) no interesting places
3. Dave’s house is________________ .
a) in the new part of the town b) in the old part of the town
4. In the park there is______________ .
a) a merry-go-round b) a nice zoo
5. There is____________________ in front of the church.
a) a little garden b) an amusement park
190. Ответь True / False по тексту 189.
1. Dave’s house is not big.___________
2. The town isn’t green and beautiful.___________
3. There is a new part and an old part in the town___________
4. The streets in the new part of the town are noisy.__________
5. The shops and cinemas are in the old part.____________
6. Dave likes the town park very much.____________
7. There is a museum opposite Dave’s house.__________
8. You can’t see trees or flowers in the town.___________
191. Ответь на вопросы по тексту 189.
1. Where does Dave live?

2. What can you see opposite Dave’s house?

3. What is Dave’s favourite place in the town?

4. What is there in the park?

5. What part of Dave’s town do you like? Why?

Модальный глагол
must Pupils must be at school at eight o’clock in обязанность
the morning.
Ученики должны быть в школе в 8 утра.
mustn’t You mustn’t speak with your friend at the категориче­
lesson. ский запрет
Ты не должен разговаривать с другом на

The verb must must not = mustn’t

Утверждение Вопрос Отрицание

I must do it Must I do it? I mustn’t do it
We must do it Must we do it? We mustn’t do it
You must do it Must you do it? You mustn’t do it
They must do it Must they do it? They mustn’t do it
He must do it Must he do it? He mustn’t do it
She must do it Must she do it? She mustn’t do it
It must do it Must it do it? It mustn’t do it

после must частица не употребляется

192. Вставь частицу tp, где необходимо.

1. Bob can’t____ swim well.
2.1 want______ go over the bridge.
3. You mustn’t____ watch TV at night.
4. We should_____ eat healthy food.
5. How do I get____ the Circus? - You should_____ turn right at the traf­
fic lights.
6. Little Andrew enjoys_____ watching cartoons. He must_____ go to the
cinema with his parents.
7. Helen doesn’t like_____ speak English because she can’t_____ speak
English well.
8. Her granny likes_____ going along the river.
193. Вставь must или mustn’t.
1. Children______________ help their grandparents.
2. We_______________ be late for school.
3. People______________ make fire in the woods, when it’s hot.
4. Pupils____________ do their homework well.
5. You_______________ cross the road when the traffic lights are red.
6. Children___________________ watch TV at night.
7. We________________ eat some fruit and vegetables every day.
8. You_____________ be polite (вежливый).
9. Pupils_____________ wear jeans at school.
194. Напиши отрицания.
1. Mary must stay at home.
Mary_______________ ____________ at home.
2. We can go straight ahead.
We______________________________ straight ahead.
3. Tom could visit the bank.
Tom______________________________ the bank.
4. The traffic lights are green.
The traffic lights_________________ green.
5. Children must play football on the road (дорога).
Children__________________ football on the road.
6. His friends go to the nearest bus stop.
His friends_________________ to the nearest bus stop.
7. They should drink cold milk.
They_________________________ cold milk.
8. You must feed your dog in the bathroom.
You_______________________your dog in the bathroom.
195. Поставь общие вопросы.
1. Nick must help us.

2. They can see an old church.

3. Helen’s brother could go over the bridge.

4. English pupils must wear uniforms (форму).

5. Andrew goes past the park every day.

6. There is a library next to our school.

7. We should brush our teeth in the morning.


8. Little children must cross the street with their parents.

196. Поставь специальные вопросы к подчёркнутым словам.

1. David must help us.

2. Peter must go to school on Friday.

3. Kevin must tidy his room.

4. Helen must go there with her mum.

5. Mr Brown must go to work on Monday.

6. Dan must stay at home because he is ill.

197. Раскрой скобки. Укажи время.

1. Mrs. Red___________________________ (to walk) next to Independent
Square at this moment.____
2. Their granny_____________ (not to live) in the capital of Belarus.____
3. My parents________________________ (to visit) the Opera and Ballet
House yesterday.____
4. The children____________________ (to play) in Gorky Park now.____
5. Many years ago people______________________________ (not to build)
Troitskoye Suburb in the centre of Minsk.____
6. War veterans_____________________________ (not to go ) to Pobeda
Square on the 8th of March.____
7. Listen! Our train___________________________ (not to come) to the
central Railway Station.____
8. His American friends_________________________ (not to take) photos
next to Minsk Hotel in 1986.____
9. This monument______________ (not to be) in front of the Circus.____
198. Переведи.
1. Вы должны переходить улицу, когда светофор зелёный.

2. Ученики не должны бегать в школе.

3. Ему следует перейти мост и повернуть налево.

4. Как мне добраться до библиотеки? - Идите прямо, мимо автобусной

остановки. Библиотека около супермаркета.

199. Исправь ошибки.

1. Do they must go to school?
2. Alex is seventeen; he mustn’t to drive a car.
3. Mary goes along of the street every day.
4.1 don’t must wear a uniform at school.
5. Are there some rides in Gorky Park?

Lesson 3

200. Прочитай и ответь на вопросы.

Nick lives in Brighton. Brighton is a small town in the south of England.
It is very clean (чистый}. There are a lot of parks and gardens in it.
Nick’s house is not far from the town centre. There is a church opposite
the house. St. Paul’s church is very old. It was built in 1828. Many tourists
visit the church every year.
There is a museum, a theatre and some cinemas in the town. Nick often
goes there with his brother. They like to watch comedies and action films.
But the boys don’t like going to the theatre. They think it is boring. Some­
times Nick goes to the library. His favourite books are fairv-tales (сказки}.
Nick loves his town and thinks it is the best town in the world.
1. Does Nick live in Great Britain?_______________________________
2. Is Brighton a big city? ______________________________________
3. Are there any cinemas in Brighton?____________________________
4. Do Nick and his brother like theatre? __________________________
5. When was the church built?__________________________________
6. Who does Nick go to the cinema with?__________________________
7. What films do the boys like? _________________________________
8. What books does Nick like to read? ____________________________
201. Вставь частицу to, где необходимо.
1. Little Ann can’t____ speak well.
2.1 want______ pick flowers in the forest.
3. You mustn’t____ go for a walk at night.
4. We can____ get to school on foot (пешком).
5. Sally likes_____ visit this supermarket but she can’t______ go there
every day.
202. Вставь must или mustn’t.
1. We_______________ go to school five days a week.
2. Children______________ help their parents.
3. People_________________ break trees.
4. Boys and girls__________ tidy their rooms.
5.1 _____________ be at school at 8 o’clock in the morning.
6. You_______________ cross the road when the traffic lights are green.
7. Little children__________________ go for a walk at night.
8. We________________ eat healthy food.
9. You__________________ be noisy at school.
203. Вставь нужную форму глагола to be (is / are I was I were).
1. The Tower of London_____________ built in 1066.
2. Tom’s parents__________ in Britain now.
3. The library________ opposite the park some years ago.
4. The children________ in the post office yesterday.
5. The tourists_________ at the museum at the moment.
6. Mary and Jane________ born in 2000.
7. Her friend__________ in a hospital last week.
8. Look! The policeman_________ next to the Central Railway Station.
9. Where is his sister? - She________ at the supermarket.
10. There________ some people on the bridge 10 minutes ago.
204. Выбери правильный вариант.
1. You must / mustn’t do your homework well.
2. Do you want to / want go there? - No, I don’t / am not. But I must to /
must go there.
3. Peter is short / shorter / the shortest pupil in his class.
4. Romantic films are the most / more boring than adventure films.
5. There was / were a nice church in the city.
6. The book-shop is next / behind to my house.
7. Queen Elizabeth is / are / was / were born on April 21st.
8. Go straight ahead / across and turn left.
9. Bob mustn’t to play / plav / plays football on the road.
10. Tortoises are more slow / slower than rabbits.
11. This house is high / higher / the highest in the city.
12. Which is high / higher / the highest: the library or the railway station?
205. Раскрой скобки. Укажи время.
1. People________________________(to build) St. Paul’s church in 1828.
2. The guards (гвардейцы) of the Palace_______ (to wear) red uniforms.
3. Mrs. Bell____________________________ (to walk) in Gorky Park now.
4. The ravens____________________ (not to live) in the British Museum.
5. We_____________________________ (not to see) squirrels last winter.
6. The tourists______________________ (not to watch) bronze lions now.
206. Поставь специальные вопросы.
1. There is a pet shop next to the theatre. (What..?)

2. There are thirteen libraries in the city. (How many..?)

3. Linda stayed in bed because she had a temperature. (Why..?)

4. Pupils must go to school. (Where..?)

5. Alex found a chocolate egg yesterday. (Who..?)

6. Nick lives near Pobeda Park. (Where..?)

7. He visited Britain in 1997. (When..?)

8. Fred is eating crisps. (What..?)

9. They saw twelve buses at the bus station. (How many..?)

10. The guards wear red uniforms. (What colour..?)

11. The tourists are visiting the palace. (Who..?)

207. Составь предложения из слов.

1. in, granny, born, Linda’s, 1958, was
2. must, the, be, at, quiet, you, library
3. the, street, you, at, cross, traffic, must, the, lights
4. do, to, I, how, the, get, Circus?
5. pet shop, is, a, the, behind, there, cinema
208. Переведи.
1. Напротив книжного магазина есть светофор? - Да, есть.

2. Вы не должны играть в футбол на дороге.

3. Библиотека находится позади музея

4. Рядом с твоей школой есть бассейн?

5. Идите мимо супермаркета и поверните направо.


6. Дети не должны водить машины.

209. Исправь ошибки.

1. There is a museum next to Pobeda Square?
2. The library is next the supermarket.
3. Minsk is the oldest than Soligorsk.
4. The bookshop is opposite of the gift shop.
5. You don’t must feed animals at the zoo.

Lesson 1
210. Прочитай.
town (город), a town - towns, an old town, a new town, a noisy town, in
town, out of town. There are a lot of small towns in Belarus. My grandpar­
ents don’t live in town, they live in the country. My cousins always spend
weekends out of town.
village (деревня), a village - villages, a small village, a quiet village, in
a village. Do you live in a town or in a village? There is a church in the vil­
lage. There is a forest behind the village.
modern (современный), a modern town, a modern house, a modern car.
Do you live in a modern house? - No, I don’t. My house is old but very nice.
My granny always wears modern trousers and shoes.
clean (чистый), dirty (грязный), a clean street, a dirty street, a clean
room, a dirty room. Minsk is a clean city. Simon’s room is dirty; he must
tidy it.
to clean (убирать), to clean - cleaned, to clean the room, to clean the
street. Pupils should clean their classrooms. The boys cleaned their boots
211. Напиши пропущенные степени сравнения прилагательных.
2. - cleaner -
3. dirty - —
4. — - the noisiest
5. healthy -___________________ -_____________________
6. _______________ - more boring -______________________
7. — - the most modern
8. expensive - —

9. good - —

0. - worse -
212. Выбери правильный вариант.
1. This is big / bigger / the biggest park in our city.
2. Reading is good / better / the best than watching TV.
3. The Dnepr is long / longer / the longest river in Belarus.
4. Vegetables are healthy / healthier/ the healthiest than crisps.
5. This is fast / faster / the fastest car in the world.
6. This house is very modern / more modern / the most modern.
7. Where is near / nearer / the nearest post office?
8. Which is old / older / the oldest: the Central Railway Station or the Na­
tional Library in Minsk?
9. Which is beautiful / more beautiful / the most beautiful theatre in

Множественное число имён существительных

По общему правилу

+s согласная + о + es
a cat -cats a potato - potatoes I a zoo - zoos I
a pig ~ pigs a tomato - tomatoes 1 a piano - pianos!
! a photo - photos!
x / ch / sh / s / ss + es
a fox - foxes a bus - buses
a church - churches a dress - dresses
------------------------ -— ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — ■————-—

согласная + у —*• i + es f (e) —»v + es

a city - cities a wife -wives a scarf - scarves
a puppy - puppies a wolf - wolves a leaf - leaves


Меняют гласную в середине

--------------------------------------------------------------- —.—.--------------_| I
a man - men a foot - feet
a woman - women a teeth - teeth
a sportsman - sportsmen a geese - geese
a snowman - snowmen
a businessman - businessmen
Меняется всё слово
a mouse - mice, a child - children
Одна форма слова для ед. и мн. числа
a sheep - sheep, a deer - deer, a fish - fish

Не имеют множественного числа - it

Неисчисляемые существительные
water, tea, milk, etc.
news, work, hair, weather, furniture, money

He имеют единственного числа

trousers, shorts, clothes, people, police

213. Напиши слова во множественном или в единственном числе.

Model, a horse - horses
1. a potato - 9. - monkeys
2. a baby - 10. - dresses
3. a fox - 11. - sandwiches
4. a child - 12. - countries
5. a deer - 13. - geese
6.a foot - 14. - teeth
7. a mouse — 15. - sheep
8. a woman - 16. - men
214. Выбери правильный вариант.
1. This / These woman have / has got a son.
2. Foxes live / lives in holes (норы).
3. There is / are / was some sheep opposite the house.
4. A sheep eat / eats grass.
5. There were many children / childrens / childs at school.
6. Her tooth / teeth are white.
7. The baby has only one tooth / teeth.
8. David broke his left foot / feet.
9. There aren’t a / an / some / any seeds for hens.
10. This businessman work / works in an office.
11. Mice don’t / doesn’t drink mineral water.
12. My mother’s hair is / are dark.
215. Раскрой скобки.
1. These women________________(to go) over the bridge at the moment.
2. Her child_______________________ (not to drink) milk every day.
3. Mice______ (to like) cheese but my mouse____________ (not to like) it.
4. The children___________________________ (to clean) their toys now.
5. A sheep___________________(to have) many teeth.
6. Sheep_______________________ (not to eat) fish.
7. Look! There_______ (to be) some sportsmen in front of the sports club.
8. That man_____________________ (to drive) his car to the farm now.
216. Напиши предложения во множественном числе.
Model. That goose is big.
Those geese are big.
1. That woman is cleaning the room now.
2. This tooth is white.

3. A mouse eats bread.

4. There was a snowman in the park.

5. The man has got a cow and a sheep.

217. Поставь глаголы в нужную форму.

1. - When__________ you_______________ (come) home the day before
yesterday? - It__________ (be) 11 o’clock in the evening. I_____________
(go) to the disco.
2. Listen! My sister_________________ (sing) her new song. It is beautiful.
3. The bus usually_________________ (leave) at 10 o’clock.
4. __________ your parents often______________ (watch) horror films?
5. __________ you________________ (buy) a ticket for a bus last week?
6. Mary_________ (not to do) her homework yesterday. She_____ (be) ill.
7. My mum_____________________ (not to have) sandwiches for break­
fast. She usually________ (have) porridge and she always___________
(drink) coffee.
8. ________ the children____________ (watch) a quiz show at the moment?
9. My dad__________________ (not / can) swim when he was seven.
218. Поставь специальные вопросы.
1. Mr Red broke his leg two weeks ago. (What..?)

2. There are thirty-three eggs in the Hen House. (How many..?)

3. The rooster pecked all the seeds because it was hungry. (Why..?)

4. Fred has a house in the country. (Where..?)

5. The man stole a rabbit in the Touch-Barn yesterday. (When..?)

6. The farmer bought black hens. (What colour..?)

7. They must write well. (How..?)

8. My sister was ten yesterday. (How old..?)

219. Переведи.
1. Наш город тихий и чистый.

2. Овцы моей бабушки едят траву и хлеб.

3. Прошлое лето Сэм провёл в деревне. Он кормил животных каждый

день. Он ездил верхом на лошади. Это было здорово!

4. Эта улица грязнее, чем та площадь.

220. Исправь ошибки.

1. The streets in our city are quieter.
2. The women milking cows now.
3. His little brother has got only one teeth.
4. Did they fed the geese yesterday evening?
5. There were some child in the room.

Lesson 2
221. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.
Nick lives and works in the forest - he is a forester. He has got a small
house. There is a garden near the house. Beautiful flowers grow in the garden.
Many birds and animals live in the forest. Nick likes to watch them. He
knows a lot of things about animals: where they live in winter and in sum­
mer, what they eat, what they like to do, how they teach their children and
play with them.
Sometimes Nick helps birds or animals. In winter he usually feeds them.
It was very cold last winter. One morning Nick found a little hare near
his house. The hare couldn’t jump because he was ill and hungry. So Nick
took it into the house. He fed the hare and looked after it (ухаживал за
ним). The hare ate carrots and seeds. Soon it wasn’t afraid of (не боялся)
Nick and they became good friends. But in spring the hare ran to the forest.
Nick was very sorry.
Дай краткий ответ.
1. Has Nick got a big house?_____________________________________
2. Do flowers grow in his garden? ________________________________
3. Does Nick like animals? ______________________________________
4. Does he wash them in winter?__________________________________
5. Did Nick find a bear near the house? ____________________________
6. Did Nick take the hare to the vet? ______________________________
7. Was the hare big?____________________________________________
8. Were they good friends? _____________________________________
222. Ответь на специальные вопросы по тексту 221.
1. Where does Nick live?

2. What is his job?

3. What does Nick like?

4. How was the weather last winter?

5. What animal did Nick find near the house?

6. How did he help the hare?

7. When did the hare run to the forest?

223. Переведи прилагательные.

1. This building is___________________________ (самое современное).
2. Sweets and ice-cream is______________ (вредная для здоровья) food.
3. The town is________________________ (тише) than the city.
4. These children are____________________________ (самые шумные).
5. This film was______________________(интереснее) than the cartoon.
6. Minsk is not a___________________ (грязный) town.
7. Our car is_______________________ (быстрее) than their car.
8. What is_________________________ (самый медленный) transport?
224. Выбери правильный вариант.
1. Do we have much / many lessons every week?
2. Their mother always make / is making / makes dinner at half past five.
3. Our school is modern / more modern / the most modern than my cous­
in’s one.
4. Pupils read and write in / to / at school.
5. John didn’t opened / doesn’t opened / didn’t open the door yesterday.
6. The girl don’t go / doesn’t go / doesn’t goes to the sea in winter.
7. The elephant has got the big / bigger / biggest ears.
8. Are there much / a / some / anv geese on the farm?
9. On a / On the / On / In Sunday we often go to the park.
10. There is / There are / There was some children in the gym.
225. Раскрой скобки. Укажи время.
1. The men______________________ (to drive) the tractors now. _____
2. Last summer we______________________ (to visit) the farm. _____
3. It___________ (to be) always very interesting in the country. _____
4. Look! The lamb_________________________ (to drink) water. _____
5. We________________________ (to have) 5 lessons every day. _____
6. It often_________________ _____________(rain) last autumn. _____
7. His dogs often______________________________ (steal) meat. _____
8. Maggie__________________________ (think) she is beautiful.______
9. His sister ___ ______________ (not to like) watching cartoons._____
10. Dave______________________ (not to ride) a horse last week. _____
11. Helen and Linda__________________ (not to write) a test now. _____
12. The cows______________________________ (not to eat) bones. _____
13. Kevin’s brother____________ (not to be) at school yesterday. ______
14. Mary_____________________ (not / must) play in the lessons. _____
15. Fish_____________________________________ (not / can) fly. ____
226. Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. Fred goes to the farm.

2. Kevin is driving a bus.

3. Yesterday they fed lambs.

4. Dan must stay at home because it’s very cold.

5. The thief stole five rabbits.

6. They are wearing black shoes.

7. The pupils read every day.

8. Tom found a pebble 2 days ago.

9. There are three bears in the cage (клетка).

227. Ответь на вопросы.

1. What did he break? (some trees)

•2. What is she eating? (a cake)

3. What do they drink in the morning? (cocoa)

4. What has Mary got? (three sheep)

5. What do the boys like? (driving a car)

228. Вставь артикли a (an) или the. если нужно.

1. My hamster eats only_____ grass,______ vegetables and_____ bread.
2. What is_____ cleverest animal?
3. _____ elephant lives in_____ hot countries.
4. _____ rabbit doesn’t eat meat.
5. _____ sheep eats______ grass.
6. _____ dolphin is_____ very clever animal.
7. There are____ lot of_____ leaves under the tree.
8. That is_____ funniest animal at_____ zoo.
229. Переведи.
1. Нам следует кормить птиц зимой.

2. Фермер нашёл маленького ягнёнка позади своего дома.

3. Посмотри! Цыплята бегут. И петух бежит за ними.

4. Тебе нравится смотреть программы о природе?

5. Эти женщины пришли на ферму без четверти пять утра.

230. Исправь ошибки.

1. Do you like the piglets? Can you bottle-feed they?
2. The Hen House is next the garden.
3. There isn’t some grass in the cage.
4. This house is more modern in our town.
5. The men wants to be a farmer.

Lesson 3

231. Прочитай текст и ответь на вопросы.

That morning Peter and his parents got up at half past five. They wanted
to go to the country to visit their friends who have a farm.
They travelled from London bv train (на поезде). Farmer Mike met them
at the railway station with his car.
Farmer Mike was glad (был pad) to see Peter and his parents. He showed
them large fields of wheat (пшеница) and potatoes. In a large vegetable
garden the farmer grew carrots, onions (лик) and beans (фасоль). The visi­
tors saw the cows, the pigs and the sheep. “I breed (развожу) cows mostly (в
основном) for milk, pigs for bacon, sheep for meat and wool (шерсть)" -
said the farmer.
The farmer had a tractor. Peter wanted to drive it very much.
The farmer’s wife Marta looked after (ухаживает) the hens, the ducks
and the geese. She fed them and collected eggs. She sometimes milked the
In the garden there were a lot of apple-trees, pear-trees (груши), plum
trees (сливы) and cherry-trees (вишни). Peter and his parents picked a lot
of ripe (спелые) fruit and took it home.
1. Why did Peter and his parents get up early (рано)?

2. Do their friends live in the town or in the country?

3. How did Peter’s family travel (путешествовали, ехали) to the country?

4. Who came to meet them at the railway station in a car?

5. What did farmer Mike grow in his fields?

6. What animals does the farmer breed?

7. What does the farmer breed animals for?

8. Who fed the hens and collected eggs?

9. What frujt trees were there in the garden?

10. What did Peter’s family take home?

232. Запиши нужные степени сравнения прилагательных.

1. Africa is______________________ (hot) continent in the world.
2. Which food is______________________ (healthy): porridge or crisps?
3. Winter is______________________ (cold) season of the year. I like it.
4.1 think romantic films are________________ (boring) than cartoons.
5. Andy is_________________________ (good) friend of all.
6. Parrots are_______________________ (noisy) pets.
7. The weather is Britain is________________ (warm) than in Belarus.
8. It was_______________________ (bad) day in mv life (в моей жизни}.
9. What is__________ (interesting) for you: the circus or the museum?
10. Lions are______________________ (angry) than foxes.
11. Snake’s tails are_____________________ (long) than cat’s tails.
12. Mike is a________________________ (bad) pupil.
13. Which is___________________________ (modern) theatre in Minsk?
14. This street is very___________________ (dirty).
233. Выбери правильный вариант.
1. There was / were some horses on the farm.
2. Is / are there a cup of cocoa on the table?
3. Mineral water isn’t / aren’t sweet.
4. How many / much chickens are there in the Hen House?
5. There wasn’t many / much meat in the fridge.
6. Can you see many / much flowers in the garden?
7. Did you watch a ! an ! some / any cartoons yesterday?
8. There were a ! an ! some / any ornaments in the box.
9. Can you see a ! an ! some / any monster under the tree?
10. Mum bought a t an ! some / any milk and a ! an ! some / any box of sweets.
11. There wasn’t a / an ! some / any cornflakes in the kitchen.
12. His birthday was in ! at! on the 20th in ! at! of July.
13. What do you usually do in ! at! on quarter past 3?
14. It’s often cold in ! at ! on winter.
15. We don’t go in ! to ! on school in ! at ! on Sunday.
16. We don’t watch TV in ! at ! on night.
234. Составь предложения из слов.
1. are, animals, on, there, the, domestic, a lot of, farm
2. in, many, did, flowers, how, pick, the field, Ann?
3. healthier, in, the country, than, is, in, the food, the city
4. at, the man, a tractor, isn’t, the moment, driving
5. the, grow, does, many, farmer, vegetables?
235. Выбери правильный вариант. Подчеркни слова-подсказки. Обо­
значь время.
1. The children is / are / was / were at the museum now. ______________
2. Mary have / has / eyes and small ears. ___________________
3. Last week we go / are going I went to Gorky Park._________________
4. His Granny cooks / is cooking / cooked dinner at the moment._______
5. Kate usually play I plays / is playing on the swings. _______________
6.1 don't / am not / didn’t swimming now. _______________ __________
7. His parents don’t watch / aren’t watching / didn’t watch TV yesterday.__
8. They don’t eat / aren’t eating I didn’t eat sweets every day. ________
9. Look! David doesn’t ride / isn’t riding / didn’t ride a bike.__________
236. Открой скобки. Подчеркни слова-подсказки. Обозначь время.
1. Look! Alice__ ___________________ _________ (to pick) flowers.___
2. In the woods Alex___ (not to see) many mushrooms last Saturday. __
3. ____ the children_______ (to go) swimming and fishing every day? __
4. Steve and Alf____________ (to visit) their granny in the country two
days ago.___
5. Rob____________________ (not to listen) to the bird’s song now. __
6. _____________ Ann and Kate________________ (to buy) any food for
a picnic yesterday?___
7. _______ the boys____________________ (to break) the chairs now? __
8. Polly____________________ (not to pay) 7£ for berries yesterday. __
9. ________ Ann’s granny___________________ (to take) her to the sea­
side every year?____
10. Last Sunday his granddad_______ (to can) go fishing to the lake.___
237. TEST
I. Определи глагольное время.
1. They skate in the park._________________________________________
2. The man made a fire. _________ ________________________________
3. The children are playing on the slides.__________________________
4. Did your friend ride a horse? ____________________________________
5. We were in the country.________________________________________
6. Does he want to become a vet?___________________________________
7. Tom came home at 7.__________________________________________
11. Открой скобки, поставив глаголы в нужном времени.
8. Look! Pam___________________________________ (to write) a test.
9. My dad____________________ ____ (to think) about it yesterday.
10. _______ the boys_______________ (to go) swimming every day?
11. Nick___________ (not to say) “good bye!” to his granny last Sunday.
III. Поставь общий вопрос и отрицание.
12. His parents went to the seaside last summer.
(?)_________________________________ to the seaside last summer?
(-)__________________________________ to the seaside last summer.
13. Tim swims every evening.
(?)__________________________________________ every evening?
(-)___________________________________________ every evening.
14. The man is paying for a new car now.
(?)_______________________________________ for a new car now?
(-)_______________________________________ for a new car now.
15. Her auntie bought a new flat.
(?)____________________________________________ a new flat?
(-)____________________________________________ a new flat.
IV. Поставь вопросы.
16. My brother saw a bear in the woods last spring.
(Общий. Когда? Где? Что?)

238. Переведи.
1. Этот фермер выращивает много картофеля.

2. Его сестра не собрала много яиц в курятнике вчера.

3. Где твой друг провёл летние каникулы? - На ферме своего дяди.

4. Том не украл этот велосипед, а получил его в подарок.

5. В данный момент наш дедушка спит под яблоней. Он устал.

239. Исправь ошибки.

1. There aren’t any sheeps on the farm.
2. The women likes to milk her cow.
3. The farmer’s house is behind of the field.
4. What can you to do on the farm?
5. Tina’s cat steals some fish yesterday.

Lesson 1
240. Прочитай.
a desert (пустыня), desert - deserts, a hot desert, the Sahara desert,
a dry (сухая) desert, a small desert, a large desert. What do you know
(знаете) about deserts? Where is the biggest desert in the world? What
plants can grow in a desert? A cactus can grow in a desert. What animals
can live in a desert? A camel (верблюд) can live in a desert.
a mountain (гора), a mountain - mountains, a big mountain, a high
(высокая) mountain, a low (низкая) mountain, the top (вершина) of the
mountain. You can ski in the mountains in summer. Are there any plants
(растения) on the top of the mountain? Is there any snow on the top of the
jungle (джунгли), jungle - jungles, large jungles, green jungles, dark
jungles. What do you know about jungles? What’s the weather like in jun­
gles? It’s hot and wet (влажная, мокрая). What animals live in jungles? Do
people live in jungles?
a sea (море), a sea - seas, an ocean (океан), an ocean - oceans, a deep
(глубокое) sea, a blue ocean, the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, the Red Sea, the
Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean. There are five seas in
the Indian Ocean. How many seas are there in the Pacific Ocean? - There
are nine.
241. Ответь True или False.
1. The jungles cover a small part of the world._______________________
2. Thousands animals and birds live in the jungles.___________________
3. The weather is usually dry in the jungles. ________________________
4. The tops of the mountains are rarely covered in snow. ______________
5. Plants can grow on the tops of the mountains._____________________
6. There are mountains on every continent._________________________
7. There are two seasons in the grasslands. _______________________ '
8. The oceans cover quarter of the world.____________________________
242. Закончи предложения.
1. The driest places in the world are________________________________
2. The biggest desert is___________________________________________
3. There are two seasons in_______________________________________
4. They are ____________________________________________________
5. In the grasslands there aren’t ____ _____________________________
6. Strange fish and animals live_____________________________
7. Different seaweeds look like______________________________
8. The weather is hot and wet in the__________________________

243. Раскрой скобки. Укажи время.

1. Mountains__________________________ (to be) usually high.
2. Oceans_________________________________ (not to be) dry.
3. They_________________________ (to want) to see grasslands.
4; His uncle________________________ (not to like) deep rivers.
5. Mowgli_______________________ (to hide) in the jungle now.
6. The man________________ (not to climb) the mountains now.
7. Bob____________________ (to see) Australia on TV yesterday.
8. These boys_____________ (not to come) to Europe a week ago.
9. Camels_____________________ (not to live) in the mountains.
10. They_______ (not / can) see dolphins in the sea last summer.
11. People often_________________ (to keep) animals at home.
244. Вставь is / are / was / were / do / does / did / have / has.
1. Where________ he go last summer?
2. What________ they doing at the moment?
3. How many Valentine’s cards__________ you got?
4. When_______ they in London?
5. What language_______ people speak in Australia?
6. Where_______ Mary live?
7. When________ Steve born?
8. Why_________ Maggie crying now?
9. How many lessons________ you have last week?
10. What pet________ Ted got?
245. Напиши вопросительные предложения.
1. You (to like) whales?

2. Where he (to go) yesterday?

3. What they (to do) now?

4. What your pet (to eat)?

5. Koalas (can) run?

246. Ответь на вопросы.
1. Where do kangaroos live?

2. What do rhinos eat?

3. What can eagles do?

4. What animals are angry?

5. What colour are cheetahs?

6. Are lizards beautiful?

7. Do people keep pandas at home?

8. How many teeth has a shark got?

247. Употреби прилагательные в нужной форме.

1. Africa is______________________________________ (hot) continent.
2. South America is____________________ (warm) than North America.
3. Our country is_________________________________ (beautiful) of all.
4. What is_____________________________ (big) continent in the world?
5. In summer the days are_____________________ (long) than in winter.
6. What is______________________ (interesting): travelling or reading?
7. It is_____________________________ (cold) in Antarctica than in Asia.
8. What are the__________________________ (fast) animals in Australia?
248. Раскрой скобки. Укажи время.
1. Deserts________________ (to be) the driest places in the world. ____
2. Different seaweeds_________________________ (to live) in the oceans
many years ago.____
3. Salty sea_______________ (to cover) more than half of the world.___
4. The weather is wet now. Helen___________________________ (to wear)
her new raincoat.____
5. These plants________________________________ (not to grow) high
up in the mountains.____
6. The weather__________________ (not to be) dry in the jungles. ____
7. Big animals__________________ (not to live) in the grasslands. ____
8. Little Tom_______ (not to swim) in this deep lake last summer. ____
9. Last month we_____ (to be) at the zoo and______(to see) eagles.____
10. What are you doing? -1_________________ (to watch) cartoons. ___
11. Cats_______ (not to eat) tomatoes but my cat_________(to do).
12. My parents_________________________ (to buy) a puppy now.
249. Переведи.
1. Носороги умеют плавать хорошо.

2. Где находится самая высокая гора в мире?

3. В Беларуси нет засушливых пустынь.

4. ' Полярный медведь ест мясо и рыбу.

5. Тысячи разных животных и птиц живут в джунглях.

250. Исправь ошибки.

1. Antarctica is the colder continent.
2. A kangaroo live in Australia.
3. A ostrich has big eggs.
4. Panda are nice animals.
5. What animals can you saw in grasslands?

Lesson 2
Наречия могут образовываться от прилагательных.
Прилагательное (Какой?) Наречие + iy (Как? Когда? Где?)
плохой bad badly плохо
красивый beautiful beautifully красиво
осторожный careful carefully осторожно
аккуратный аккуратно
внимательный внимательно
заботливый заботливо
добрый kind kindly по-доброму
громкий loud loudly громко
милый nice nicely мило
быстрый quick quickly быстро
тихий quiet quietly тихо
спокойный спокойно
грустный sad sadly грустно
медленный slow slowly медленно
обычный usual usually обычно
чудесный wonderful wonderfully чудесно

Прилагательное заканчивается Наречие заканчивается
на -у на -у —>i + ly
злой angry angrily ЗЛО
лёгкий easy easily легко
счастливый happy happily счастливо
шумный noisy noisily шумно
1 непослушный naughty naughtily непослушно
хороший good well хорошо
быстрый fast fast быстро J

251. Найди и обведи наречия:

angry, kindly, interesting, well, badly, noisy, loud, happily, boring, an­
grily, quickly, quiet, slow, wonderfully, slowly, healthy, fast, happy,
easy, quietly, wonderful
252. Напиши рядом с прилагательным соответствующее наречие.
1. kind - ____________ 4. naughty -________ 7. fast - _________
2. careful - __________ 5. happy -__________ 8. good -_________
3. quiet- ___________ 6. angry-__________ 9. bad -__________
253. Выбери правильный вариант.
1. My brother is a good / well student. He studies good / well.
2. Nina can’t swim quick / quickly. She is a slow / slowly swimmer.
3. These children are noisy / noisily and cry loud / loudly.
4. David is a bad / badly runner. He runs bad / badly.
5. Can you dance beautiful / beautifully?
6. My mum speaks quiet / quietly.
7. This lion is very angry / angrily.
8. Our country is wonderful / wonderfully,
254. Переведи наречия.
1. Maggie reads______________________________ (медленно)
2. We ride bikes______________________________ (плохо).
3. Cheetahs run_____________________________ (быстро).
4. Koalas climb______________________________ (хорошо).
5. His brother cries___________________________ (громко).
6. Liz sang_________________________________ (прекрасно).
7. My parents speak__________________________ (тихо).
8. They listen to the teacher____________________ (внимательно).
255. Выбери правильный вариант.
1. David is a good / well pupil. He writes good / well.
2. Whales are quick / quickly swimmers. They swim quick I quickly.
3. Tortoises walk slow / slowly. They are very slow / slowly animals.
4. Our family is happy / happily. We live happy I happily.
5. Molly is a beautiful / beautifully girl. She dresses beautiful / beautifully.
6. Monkeys are noisy / noisily. They cry noisy / noisily.
7. Steven is a very careful / carefully driver. He always drives careful /
8. We like him because he is so kind / kindly.
9. Ann decorated her room. Now it is wonderful / wonderfully.
10. My father is a bad / badly cook. He cooks bad / badly.
256. Закончи предложения наречиями.
1. Barbara is a good driver. She drives____________________________ .
2. Betty is a bad singer. She sings _________________ ______________ .
3. We can’t hear Bob because he speaks very_______________________ .
4. Our flat is beautiful. Helen decorated it ________________________ .
5. Sue is always loud. She speaks very____________________________ .
6. You are so slow! You are running______________________________ .
257. Напиши пропущенные формы глаголов. Смотри таблицу «Irregu­
lar verbs» на с. 156.
1. find - 5. steal - 9. sleep -
2. - ate 6. -flew 10. - were
3. - went 7.can - 11. - did
4. break - 8.think - 12. pav-
258. Выбери правильный вариант. Подчеркни слова-подсказки. Обо­
значь время.
1. They are eating / eat / ate bananas every day. ____________________
2. He usually feed / feeds/ is feeding his dog. _______________________
3. My granny buys / is buying / bought tomatoes yesterday. __________
4. Mike do / does / is doing / did his homework now. ________________
5. My sister writes / wrote / is writing a letter last week._____________
6. The boys play / played / are playing football now. _________________
7. We often have / has / are having / had dinner at school. ___________
8. At the moment Ted sings / is singing / sang happily.______________
259. Раскрой скобки. Укажи время.
1. Linda usually______________(to speak) quietly but now she________
(to cry) loudly. She________________ (not / can) find her doll. _________
2. There_____ (to be) a lot of healthy food in the fridge an hour ago. ___
3. The weather____________________(to be) usually warm here.________
4. Yesterday David_________ (to visit) his new friend Bob. David______
(to find) Bob’s house easily.____
5. Tanya______________ (to know) English badly and always___________
(to speak) slowly.____
6. Nina’s sister________________ (not to brush) her hair yesterday._____
7. This little child____________________(not to watch) TV at night._____
8. Look! Jerry______________________________(not to swim) fast.____
260. Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам. (How..?)
1. Tim is singing badly.

2. Kevin drives cars fast.

3. Kevin can swim well.

4. Mary went slowly.

5. They could ride bikes quickly.

6. You must cross the street carefully.

7. They are speaking angrily.

8. We sing this song beautifully.

261. Переведи.
1. Черепахи ходят медленно.

2. Гепарды бегают быстро.

3. Анна хорошая певица. Она поёт хорошо.

4. Эти дети непослушные. Они кричат громко.

5. Лиза красивая девочка. Она танцует красиво.

262. Исправь ошибки.

1. Не went back quick.
2. Bill is a good football player. He plays football good.
3. Does your mother cooks nicely?
4. The pupil is happy yesterday.
5. A panda run slowly.

Lesson 3
263. Прочитай и выполни задание по тексту.
.Do you know what animal is the biggest in the world? It is a blue whale.
A blue whale is so long that five elephants in a row (в ряд) could stand on
its back.
Whales look like (похожи) big fish. But they are not fish. They are mam­
mals (млекопитающие) - whale babies eat their mother’s milk. Whales
live in the ocean and spend all the time in the water. They can swim and
dive (нырять) very well. But they need air (нужен воздух).
Do all big whales eat big fish? No, blue whales eat plankton - the small­
est things in the ocean. Some of the whales eat fish and crabs.
Many years ago there were a lot of blue whales in the seas. But people
hunted them for many years. Now there aren’t many whales on our planet.
Ответь True или False.
1. Blue whales are the biggest animals in the world. __________________
2. A blue whale is bigger than an elephant. _________________________
3. Whales are fish._____________________________________________
4. Whale babies eat fish and plankton._____________________________
5. Whales spend all the time in the water.__________________________
6. They don’t need (не нуждаются) air.___________________________
7. Now there are a lot of blue whales in the world.____________________
264. Ответь на вопросы.
1. Where do whales live?

2. Are whales fish?

3. What do whale babies eat?

4. What can whales do?

5. Did people hunt whales?

6. Are there many whales in the world now?

265. Дополни предложения.
1. Camels live in
2. The fastest animals are______________________________________ .
3. Dolphins are _________________________________________ animals.
4. Whales are the ____________________________ animals in the world.
5. Sharks eat__________________________________________________ .
6. Pandas _______________________________________ meat and fish.
7. ____________________________________________ live in Antarctica.
8. ____________________________________________ is a slow animal.
9. _______________________________________ are bigger than koalas.
10. Rhinoscan________________________________________________ .
11. Eagles can fly _____ _________________________________________ .

266. Выбери правильный вариант.

1. There are some / any / a / an dolphins at this zoo.
2. They is / are / was / were in the village a month ago.
3. Where do / does / did you live last year?
4. Koalas are slow / slowly animals.
5. Sharks swim quick / quickly. They live / lives in the water.
6. A polar bear don’t / doesn’t eat grass.
7. Naroch is big / bigger / the biggest lake in our country.
8. Cheetahs are fast / faster / the fastest than lions.

Future Simple
(Будущее простое)
1 Слова-подсказки
tomorrow завтра
next week (month, year) на следующей неделе (месяце, году)
next Monday (evening, lesson) в следующий понедельник (вечер,
in a day (week, month, year) через день (неделю, месяц, год)


I will go to the circus tomorrow. Я пойду в цирк завтра.

Shall we visit our grannv next Мы навестим нашу бабушку в
Sunday? следующее воскресенье?
Thev won’t eat the Dizza in a dav. Они не будут есть эту пиццу
через день.

Future Simple
Утверждение Вопрос Отрицание
(will not = won’t
shall not = shan’t)
I will (shall) go. Will (Shall) I go? I won’t (shan’t) go.
We will (shall) go. Will (Shall) we go? We won’t (shan’t) go.
You will go. Will you go? You won’t go.
He will go. Will he go? He won’t go.
She will go. Will she go? She won’t go.
It will go. Will it go? It won’t go.
They will go. Will they go? They won’t go.

Полная форма Сокращённая форма

I will (shall) go. I’ll go.
We will (shall) go. We’ll go.
You will go. You’ll go.
He will go. He’ll go.
She will go. She’ll go.
1 Tt will go. It’ll go.
| They will go. They’ll go.

267. Напиши.
a) краткую форму глагола в Future Simple.
1. Не will walk - Не__________ 2. They will watch - They_________
3.1 shall swim -1_____________
b) полную форму глагола в Future Simple.
4. She’ll teach - She__________ 5. We’ll read - We________________
6. You’ll know - You__________
268. Найди предложения в Future Simple. Подчеркни слово-подсказку.
1. Mr. Brown will go to the seaside next Tuesday.
2. Tomorrow we will watch TV at night.
3. Yesterday he took photos in the park.
4. They won’t draw in an hour.
5. Mike rides a bike every evening.
269. Напиши глаголы в Future Simple.
Model. Mary will watch (to watch) a nature programme in ten minutes.
1. The pupils____________________ (to write) a test next English lesson.
2. Tomorrow Ted___________________ (to read) this book in the library.
3. His friends________________________ (to learn) English in a year.
4. The lion____________________ _ (to jump) in a second.
5. My uncle_____________________ (to buy) a new car next week.
270. Поставь вопросы в Future Simple.
Model. Will her brother find chocolate eggs? (to find)
1. _________ they________________ to the theatre next Sunday? (to go)
2. _________ she_____________________ badminton tomorrow? (to play)
3. _________ your mother________________ this horror film? (to watch)
4. _________ Andy____________________ him with Maths? (to help)
5. _________ Sam’s aunt________________ dinner in an hour? (to cook)
271. Поставь общие вопросы.
Model. His granny will collect eggs tomorrow morning.
Will his granny collect eggs tomorrow morning?
1. Mr. Green will watch the news at 8 o’clock.

2. The boys will swim in the Black Sea next summer.

3. She will be at school in a week.

4. Andrew’s uncle will send a card him tomorrow.

5. We will decorate a Christmas tree with tinsel next year.

272. Напиши отрицания в Future Simple.

Model. You will see a shark in the Black Sea.
You won’t see a shark in the Black Sea.
1. Molly________________________ (not to watch) this film in a day.
2. She________________________ (not to visit) her granny next Monday.
3. They__________________________ (not to play) tennis tomorrow.
4. An eagle_______________________ (not to eat) these seeds.
5. A lizard________________________ (not to drink) milk.
273. Напиши отрицания.
Model. A shark will swim in a deep river.
A shark won’t swim in a deep river.
1. We will go there by bus.
We_____________________________ there by bus.
2. Alex will sing the song at a concert.
Alex________________________ the song at a concert.
3. My friends will read the newspaper.
My friends______________________ the newspaper.
4. Her children will eat unhealthy food.
Her children_____________________ unhealthy food.
5. They will visit London next year.
They___________________________ London next year.
274. Поставь глаголы в Present Simple (Indefinite), Present Continuous,
Future Simple или в Past Simple.
1. Tom_____________________________ apples every day. (to eat)____
2. Tom___________________________ bananas yesterday, (to eat) ____
3. Tom_________________________________ sweets now. (to eat) ____
4. Tom_____________________________ pizza tomorrow, (to eat) ____
5. His parents______________ dinner at home yesterday, (to have)____
6. His parents__________________________ supper now. (to have)____
7. His parents______________ breakfast every morning, (to have)____
8. His parents_______________ breakfast next morning, (to have)____
9. Her sister__________________________ to London now. (to fly) ____
10. Her sister_____________________ to Africa every year, (to fly)____
11. Her sister_____________________ to Moscow in a week, (to fly)____
12. Her sister__________________ to Australia last month, (to fly) ____
275. Вставь нужную форму глагола to be (am, is, are, was, were, will).
Укажи время.
1. _______________ he at school today?_____________________________
2. With whom_____________ you there yesterday? ___________________
3. Why_____________ he fly to London tomorrow? __________________
4. Where____________you traveling at the moment? ________________
5.1______________ eleven years old. ______________________________
6. ________________ you go to Japan next year? _____________________
7. Bob_____________in America three years ago. ____________________
8. What__________________ Kate eating now? ______________________
276. Поставь специальные вопросы к подчёркнутым словам.
1. They usually stay with their relatives.

2. Tom bought the tickets at the railway station.

3. This girl goes to Canada alone (одна).

4. We can get to Moscow bv train.

5. They must buy some medicine.

6. She could visit Brest.

7. Ann was in hospital because she was ill.

8. His brother will drive a car in a year,

277. Переведи.
1. Я думаю, мы пригласим его на вечеринку в следующий четверг.

2. Его двоюродный брат поедет в Лондон в следующем месяце.

3. Как я могу добраться до супермаркета? - Перейдите через мост и

идите прямо.

4. Город более шумный, чем деревня.

5. У Нелли насморк. Ей следует закапать капли и остаться дома.

6. Ты пойдёшь в музей? - Нет. Я не могу. Я обязан помочь своей сестре.

278. Исправь ошибки.

1. Henry will helps his friend tomorrow.
2. She shall do housework in the evening.
3. Your little sister will go to bed in an hour?
4. They will speak English bad, they are bad pupils.
5. We willn’t invite her to the party.

Lesson 1
279. Прочитай.
travel (путешествовать), travel - travelled, to travel by car, to travel
to America, to travel with parents. Did you travel about (no) our country
last summer? - Yes, I did. I saw a lot of interesting places (мест} in Bela­
rus. How did you travel? -1 travelled by car.
train (поезд), a train — trains, to go by train, to travel by train, to get by
train, on the train. I like travelling by train very much. On the train you
can look through (через) the window. It’s fun!
plane (самолёт), a plane - planes, to go by plane, to travel by plane, to
get by plane, on the plane. Were there many people on the plane? - Yes,
there were. They went to London from Minsk and Brest. On the plane I usu­
ally look at the clouds. I will get to Moscow by plane in an hour.
helicopter (вертолёт), a helicopter - helicopters, to go by helicopter, to
travel by helicopter, to get by helicopter. Travelling by helicopter is very
expensive. People seldom travel by helicopter.
ship (корабль), a ship - ships, a large ship, to travel by ship, on a ship, on
board the ship. There were many ships in the port. Will you travel by ship
next summer?
boat (лодка), a boat - boats, a small boat, to go by boat, to get by boat.
His father often goes fishing; he has got a boat. Would you like to travel by
ticket (билет), a ticket - tickets, to buy tickets, a ticket to London, a
ticket for a London train. Did you buy a ticket to Italy? - Yes, I did. I bought
a ticket for a plane.
comfortable (удобный), a comfortable armchair, comfortable shoes, a
comfortable flat. My new boots are very comfortable. I think travelling by
train is comfortable. Cars are more comfortable than motorbikes. Planes are
the most comfortable way of travelling. My uncle likes travelling by motor­
bike, but I think it’s an uncomfortable (неудобный) way of travelling.
280. Напиши пропущенные степени сравнения прилагательных.
1. cheap -______________ -_________________
2. _____________ - faster -_________________
3. boring -______________ -__________________
4. _____________ -______________ - the healthiest
5. modern -__________________ -_____________________
6. ______________ - more comfortable -___________________
7. _____________ -___________________ - the most interesting
8. expensive -______________ -___________________________
9. good -_____________________ -_____________________
10.______________ - worse -___________________
281. Выбери правильный вариант.
1. Our city is beautiful J more beautiful / the most beautiful in the world.
2. Helicopters are expensive / more expensive / the most expensive way
of travelling.
3. What is high / higher / the highest mountain in Asia?
4. Nick thinks travelling by train is comfortable / more comfortable / the
most comfortable than travelling by bus.
5. Koalas are quiet /quieter / the quietest animals in Australia.
6. Monkeys are noisv / noisier / the noisiest than camels.
7. Travelling is an interesting / more interesting / the most interesting
8. Deserts are dry / drier / the driest places in the world.
9. A continent is big / bigger / the biggest than an island.
10. What is hot / hotter / the hottest season in a year?
282. Напиши соответствующее предложение в Future Simple.
Model. Alex is happy.
I think Alex will be happu.
1. Bob is at school.
1 think Bob _________________________________________________
2. My parents are at home.
I think my parents ___________________________________________
3.1 am tired.
I think I ___________________________________________________
4. Ted’s dog is hungry.
I think Ted's dog_____________________________________________
5. It is cold.
I think it ___________________________________________________
6. They are ill.
I think they_______________________________________________ _
283. Вставь нужную форму глагола to be (am. is, are, was, were, will be).
1. There____________ a lot of people in the library yesterday.
2. Look! There____________ a man and a woman in the garden.
3.1 think, I_____________ at home tomorrow.
4. My flat is large. There_______ four rooms in it.
5.1 ___________ afraid of spiders.
6. Jack_________ at the circus the day before yesterday.
284. Раскрой скобки. Подчеркни слова-подсказки. Укажи время.
1. Му cousin___________________ (to be) a teacher in two years. ____
2. Billy______________________(to watch) Russian cartoon now.____
3. His brother_____________________(to learn) French in a year.____
4. My uncle__________________ (to fly) to Italy two months ago._____
5. Pavel_________________________ (to hear) English every day.____
6. Mrs. Bell__________________ (to watch) British comedy now. ____
7. Sam_______________________(to leave) the USA last autumn.____
8. The Japanese flag___________________ (to be) red and white. ____
9. His sister_______________________(to be) in Spain in a week. ____
10. Mr. Brown_________________ (to be) in China three days ago. ____
285. Напиши ответы на вопросы.
А. 1. What’s your name? (Susan)

2. Where are you from? (the United Kingdom)

3. Where is your country? (Europe)

4. What is the capital (столица) of your country? (London)

5. What language do you speak? (English)

6. What’s the weather like in your country? (warm and rainy)

7. What is your favourite food? (fish and chips)

В. 1. What’s your name? (Bern)

2. Where are you from? (Germany)

3. What is the capital (столица) of your country? (Berlin)

4. Where is your country? (Europe)

5. What language do you speak? (German)

6. What’s the weather like in your country? (warm and dry)

7. What is your favourite food? (sausages)

286. Раскрой скобки. Укажи время.
1. People____________________________ (not to speak) Russian in the
United States of America.____
2. Nick_________________ (to visit) Italy last yea rand________________
(to eat) pasta and pizza there.____
3. The boys__________ (to be) in Egypt now. They____________ (to ride)
camels through the desert at the moment.____
4. _________ you________ (to visit) Brazilian carnival next year?____
5. _______ (to be) the weather usually rainy in the United Kingdom?____
6. Jane and her family always______________ (to leave) Canada at their
7. ________ you______________ (to fly) to Germany 2 weeks ago?____
8. ________ you__________________ (to watch ) Indian film now?____
9. She______________ (not to spend) time in Belarus next summer.____
10. Kate________ (to be) in Japan last month and_________(to wear) ki­
mono there.____
11. This pupil______________ (to know) a lot about lakes in Russia.____
12. Nick__________ (not to hear) about Mexico when he was a child.____
13. He____________________ (not to drive) to France at the moment.____
14. Mike and Kate____________________ (to see) Spain in a day._________
287. Поставь специальные вопросы к подчёркнутым словам.
1. People speak Spanish in Spain and in Mexico.

2. Ann is writing a letter to her British friend now.

3. The Browns flew to Egypt two years ago.

4. His uncle will learn German because he wants to visit Berlin.

5. These girls were afraid of mice.

6. The Italian flag is green, white and yellow.

7. The thief could steal eight flags in the History Museum.

8. This sportsman will play in the Brazilian football team in a year.

9. The children are speaking Japanese with the tourists.

10. His cousin left the United Kingdom last Sunday.

288. Переведи.
1. Я думаю, мы поедем на море (на морское побережье) на самолёте сле­
дующим летом.

2. Как бы тебе хотелось попутешествовать?

3. Самолёты - самый быстрый и удобный способ путешествовать.

4. Почему бы не поехать в Берлин на автобусе? - Я думаю, это неудоб­

ный способ путешествовать.

5. Завтра я напишу письмо своему другу в Канаде. Он будет рад (glad)

получить его.

289. Исправь ошибки.

1. Who does live in Italy?
2. There will a lot of people in the bus tomorrow.
3. Will be there a new hospital in the town?
4. Next year she will ten.
5. Bikes are the most cheapest way of travelling.

Lesson 2
290. Вставь подходящие слова и прочитай текст.

clouds juice expensive cold plane parents

cartoon watched swim

Last summer Tim spent his holidays in the Crimea (Крым). He travelled
with his____________ . Tim’s father bought tickets. On the 15th of June
they left Minsk and went to Yalta (Ялта) by plane. The plane was TU-134.
It was a big comfortable___________ .
First Tim was afraid (боялся): he didn’t fly by plane before. But then he
liked the plane. The boy looked at the___________ and read comic books.
After that he___________ video. There was a funny______________
there. Then the hostess (стюардесса) gave Tim some_____________ and
cakes. It was tasty.
In Yalta Tim’s family stayed at the hotel. The hotel wasn’t___________ .
But it was very comfortable and clean. The sea was next to the hotel and
Tim could_______________ every day. Tim’s mum didn’t swim in the sea.
She said the water was very_______________ . But she swam in the swim­
ming pool every evening.
So, the trip was very pleasant (приятный) and all the family liked it.
Ответь на вопросы.
1. Where did Tim spend holidays last summer?
2. Who did he travel with?
3. Who bought the tickets?
4. How did they get there?
5. Was the plane uncomfortable?
6. What did Tim do on the plane?
7. Where did Tim’s family stay in Yalta?
8. Was the hotel clean or dirty?
9. Did Tim’s mum swim in the sea? Why?
10. Did the family like the trip?
291. Измени глагол в скобках по временам. Добавь слова-подсказки.
Model. Nick (to listen) to loud music.
Present Simple. Nick listens to loud music every day.
Past Simple. Nick listened to loud music last week.
Future Simple. Nick will listen to loud music tomorrow.
Present Continuous. Nick is listening to loud music at the moment.
a) Liz (to decorate) her room.
Present Simple.

Past Simple.

Future Simple.

Present Continuous.

b) Carol (not to write) letters.

Present Simple.

Past Simple.

Future Simple.

Present Continuous.

c) Ann (to buy) tickets for a train?
Present Simple.

Past Simple.

Future Simple.

Present Continuous.

292. Раскрой скобки.

1. Nick_______________ (run) well. He_______________________ (run)
at the moment. Tomorrow he_________________________ (run) too.
2. Where____________ (be) he now? - He_________________ (be) at the
stadium. He_______________________________(play) football with his
friends. They usually_______________________ (play) in the morning.
3. Bob______________ (live) in Moscow. He________________________
(live) in India four years ago.
4. What are you__________________ (do)? -1_______________________
(read). I_____________________ (read) every evening.
5. What_________ they_____________ (do) now? - They_____________
(work) in the garden. They always______________________ (work) in the
afternoon. Yesterday they______________________ (work) too.
6. Ann usually_________________ (buy) clothes in this shop. But at the
moment she__________________________ (buy) presents for her mum.
7. This man is a writer. He_________________ (write) books. He thinks
he_______________________ (write) his best book next year.
8. Lena is a very good girl. She always____________________ (help) her
mum. Now they_________________________ (cook) dinner together.
Yesterday morning they__________________ (not to wash) the floor.
They______________ (do) it tomorrow.
293. Поставь вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. Sue should take some pills.

2. He was in the church yesterday.

3. He must help his granny.

4. Maggie found seven shells.

5. Nick has a sore throat because he ate too much ice-cream.

6. Koalas walk slowly.

7. Sam went past the park.

8. They are swimming across the river.

9. We are afraid of mice.

10. The boys have earache.

11. Those people live on the island.

be going to (do)
собираться делать (что-либо)
I am going to the seaside.
Я собираюсь на морское побережье.
Are they going to watch TV?
Они собираются смотреть телевизор?
We aren’t going to stay in a tent.
Мы не собираемся останавливаться в палатке.

Утверждение Вопрос Отрицание

I am going to read Am I going to read? I am not going to read
Не is going to read Is he going to read? He isn’t going to read
She is going to read Is she going to read? She isn’t going to read
It is going to read Is it going to read? It isn’t going to read
You are going to read Are you going You aren’t going
to read? to read
We are going to read Are we going to We aren’t going
read? to read
They are going Are they going They aren’t going
to read to read? to read

294. Вставь am /is / are going to и переведи предложения.
1. The children___________________________ have holidays in summer.
2. Helen______________________________ visit her Granny on Sunday.
3. They__________________________________ invite guests tomorrow.
4. Who____________________________________ cook a birthday cake?
5. Uncle Grundy________________________ stay in a comfortable hotel.
6. It____ ___________ ___________________________ rain next week.
7.1____________________________________ travel to Italy by bicycle.
8. You_______________________________________ swim in the ocean.
295. Напиши отрицания.
1. His little sister is going to listen to loud music.

2. These animals are going to live at the zoo.

3. The friends are going to leave their bags at home.

4. Kevin is going to throw litter out of the window.

296. Дополни общие вопросы и дай краткие ответы.

1. _______ Jim going to do crosswords? - Yes,______________________
2. _______ the women going to buy food? -Yes,_____________________
3. _______ Maggie going to write a diary? - Yes, ____________________
4. _______ you going to travel by helicopter? - Yes, ___ _____________
5. _______ Alice going to build sandcastles? - No, ___________________
6. _______ this man going to make a fire? - No, _ ___________________
7. _______ your parents going to watch a quiz show? — No, ___________
8. _______ her cousin going to buy a new flat? - No, _________________
297. Поставь специальные вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. Helen is going to eat some cornflakes.

2. They are going to spend their holidays in Germany.

3. Mike is going to take pills because he has a headache.

4. These boys are going to play basketball.

5. Kevin is going to find chocolate eggs.

6. We are going to buy trainers.

298. Выбери правильный вариант.
1. Look! Не is swimming bad / worse / badly.
2. Bob likes loud / loudly music. He always sings loud / loudly.
3. Billy speaks German bad I worse / the worst than French.
4. What a strong / stronger I the strongest sportsman!
5. What is cheap I cheaper / the cheapest way of travelling?
6. We travel / travelled / are going to travel to France next week.
7.1 ate too many I much / any honey.
8. How many / much / some people are there at the bus station?
9. There is / are / was some women in the bank.
10. There aren’t a / an / some / any lights on the Christmas tree.
11. Did you buy a / an / some / any bread for dinner?
12.1 went to the library and took a / an / some / any newspapers there.
299. Переведи.
1. Куда ты собираешься следующим летом?

2. Как вы путешествовали в прошлом году? - Мы летали на самолёте в

Италию и ездили на поезде в Москву.

3. Где останавливался мистер Браун? Где он оставлял свой багаж (lug­


4. Ему не следует выбрасывать этот билет.

5. Дети могут смотреть видео, слушать музыку или разгадывать кросс­

ворды в самолёте.

300. Исправь ошибки.

1. There aren’t some buses at the bus stop.
2. Who are going to visit us? - Tom’s parents.
3. When are you going to go to Minsk?
4. My friend drive a car two weeks ago.
5. Hens fly bad.
Lesson 3
301. Раскрой скобки и прочитай текст.
Last year Andrew_____________________ (to visit) his cousin Saman­
tha. Samantha lives in America, in New-York. So Andrew’s trip_____ (to
be) very long. First he_____________ (to buy) tickets for a Moscow train.
He_____________________ (to leave) home in the evening,____________
(to take) a bus and________________ (to come) to the Railway Station.
Then’he____________ (to go) to Moscow by train. In the morning Andrew
______________(to be) in Moscow. After that he______________ (to go)
to the bus station and________________ (to travel) by bus to the airport.
Then Andrew________________ (to fly) by plane.
Samantha and her parents__________________ (to drive) a car to the
airport. They____________________ (to see) Andrew there. The children
________________ (to be) happy.
Andrew________ (to spend) two months in America. One day Saman­
tha’s parents________________ (to take) the both children to the Sea port
and they all_____________ (to swim) by ship. It__________ (to be) cool!
302. Выбери нужный глагол.
1. Did / Was / Were the children in Spain last August?
2. Are / Is / Was Kevin riding a camel now?
3. Do / Does / Did Nick visit his grandparents every Sunday?
4. Do / Does / Did Japanese people speak English?
5. Is / Are / Am you from Egypt?
6. How many languages do / does / are you speak?
7. Listen! Is / Are / Am David speaking French?
8. Why is / are / am you at home now, Mary?
9. Where do / does / did / will Helen go next week?
10. How often do / does / did / will Carol invite relatives?
11. Who do / does / did / will they spend next weekend with?
12. What colour uniforms do / does / did / will the pupils wear?
13. How many bags do / does / did I will the thief steal 10 minutes ago?
14. Where do / does / did / will she celebrate her next birthday?
15. Why is / are / was / were Jim at the airport last night?
303. Раскрой скобки. Укажи время.
1.1 think it____________________ (to be) cold and rainy tomorrow.____
2. Listen! The child__________________________________ (to cry)! ____
3. The monkey___________________ (to steal) some toys yesterday.____
4. Look! There____________________ (to be) some mice in the room!____
5. We_________ (not to be) in the capital of Great Britain last year. ____
6. People__________________ (not to celebrate) Easter in autumn.____
7. This businessman_______________ (not to work) at the moment.____
8. Jerry isn’t healthy, is back_______________________ (to hurt).____
9. Children_________________ (not/ must) go for a walk at night. ____
10.1________________ (not / can) play with you yesterday evening. ____
304. Дополни диалоги.
1. - __________________________________________________________ ?
- It’s 7 o’clock.
2.~ __________________________________________________________ ?
- We travelled by hot-air balloon yesterday.
3. - __________________________________________________________ ?
- There were twelve ships in the port.
4. - __________________________________________________________ ?
- I’ll go to London by plane tomorrow
5. - __________________________________________________________ ?
- It’s hot and wet in Egypt.
6. - __________________________________________________________ ?
- We went to Australia last year.
7. -__________________________________________________________ ?
- No, I was not. I wasn’t at the museum.
8. -__________________________________________________________ ?
- They will celebrate Valentine’s Day tomorrow.
305. Раскрой скобки. Укажи время.
1. Molly often______________________ fruit for dinner, (to buy) ____
2. They_________________________________ apples now. (to eat)____
3. We________________________ his new song in a week (to hear)____
4. Mike_________________________ a letter yesterday, (to write)____
5. Tom________________________________ a book now. (to read) ____
6. We_______________________ to Kiev two days ago. (to travel) ____
7. He___________________________bears next Monday, (to feed) ____
8. Look! Kate_______________________________ milk, (to drink) ____
9. His sister always_________________ morning exercises, (to do) ____
10. His parents___________________ him a dog last week, (to give)_____
11. They___________________ two dictations tomorrow, (to write) ____
12. Polly________________________ a hamster last year, (to keep) ____
13. We___________________________Minsk in a month, (to leave) ____
14. The people___________ this old church last century, (to build) ____
15. English children_______ chocolate eggs every Easter, (to find) ____
16. Tom___________________ to the museum every month, (to go) ____
17. Dolly___________________ see this monument last week, (can) ____
18. The boy_____________________ the tower next Friday, (to see) ____
306. Поставь специальные вопросы.
1. Bob will visit India next week. (When?)

2. His parents saw the Pyramids in Egypt. (Where?)

3. Sally could ride a bicycle very fast. (How?)

4. They were in Australia with their cousin. (Who...with?)

5. Alice wears red skirts. (What colour?)

6. Nick brought ten oranges. (How many?)

7. She watched a quiz show yesterday. (What?)

8. The boys are listening to music. (Who?)

9. We like reading poems. (Who?)

10. Steve and Maggie have got a magic pearl. (Who?)

307. Вставь нужный предлог (to, in, on, at, of, for).
1. There are a lot_____ people_______the airport today.
2. I’d like to travel_____ plane and look_____ _ the clouds.
3. Russia is the largest country_____ the world.
4. ______ summer they usually go_____ the USA.
5. ______ Sunday we often get up_____ ten o’clock_____ the morning.
6. _____ 2008 her parents lived______France.
7. Were you_____ the garage (гараж)?
8. When will you go_____ the bus station?
9. Children mustn’t walk_____ night.
10. She will travel______ Gomel_________ ship.
11. They will have holidays______ July.
12. We had English______ Tuesday morning.
13.1 bought some presents______ Maggie.
14.1 will send the card_____ the twentieth_______July.
15. My mother’s birthday is_______ June 22nd.
308. Вставь подходящее по смыслу слово в правильной форме.
1. There_________ any milk in the glass.
2. They will go to London__________ week.
3. Yesterday we__________ to the zoo.
4. How____________ lessons do you have every day?
5. Now the children_____________________ the test.
6. There___________ a lot of people in the airport yesterday.
7. Some days ago we________________a new car.
8. Every day she________________a bicycle in the park.
9. How__________ water do you drink every day?
10. Now she______________________ the crosswords.
309. Переведи.
1. Где твой друг провёл прошлые летние каникулы?

2. Его родители собираются из Бреста в Берлин на поезде.

3. Когда вы отправляетесь? - Без четверти восемь.

4. Мне бы хотелось путешествовать на машине. Это самый интересный

способ путешествовать, потому что вы можете остановиться в любом

5. Я думаю, я буду собирать ягоды и грибы в лесу следующим летом.

310. Найди по 2 ошибки в каждом предложении.

1. There aren’t some interestingest books in the library. (2)
2. Who have dinner in home? (2)
3. What are they do at these moment? (2)
4. My parents are going in playing tennis. (2)
5. Lizards run quick? (2)
6. What colour did Mary wore dress yesterday? (2)

UNIT 1. In summer
Lesson 1
2.1. am / was; 2. is / was; 3. are / were; 4. is / was; 5. are / were; 6. are /
were; 7. is / was; 8. are / were; 9. is / was
3. 2. were; 3. was; 4. was; 5. were; 6. were; 7. was; 8. were; 9. was
4. 2. were; 3. was; 4. were; 5. was; 6. were; 7. were; 8. was; 9. were
5. 2. was / Was I; 3. were / Were you; 4. was / Was Tanya; 5. was / Was the
second lesson; 6. were / Were his parents; 7. was / Was it; 8. Was / Was he;
9. were / Were we
6. 2. were / weren’t; 3. was / wasn’t; 4. were / weren’t; 5. was / wasn’t;
6. were I weren’t; 7. were / weren’t; 8. was I wasn’t
7. 2. Were / I wasn’t; 3. Was I he was; 4. Were / they weren’t; 5. Were /
they were; 6. Was / he (she) was; 7. Was / he wasn’t; 8. Was / it wasn’t;
9. Was / it was.
8. 2. were / You weren’t / Were you; 3. was / The pupil wasn’t / Was the
pupil; 4. were / They weren’t / Were they; 5. Was / Your friend wasn’t /
Was your friend
9. 3. This year / are / Pr. S. 4. Last year / were / Past S. 5. Yesterday morn­
ing / was I Past S. 6. Last week / were / Past S. 7. Today / am / Pr. S.
8. Last January / were / Past S. 9. This month / is / Pr. S. 10. Last Wednes­
day / were / Past. S. 11. Yesterday / was / Past S. 12. today / are / Pr. S.
13. yesterday evening / were / Past S. 14. This spring / is / Pr. S.
10. 2. now / is / Pr. S. 3. now / aren’t / Pr. S. 4. last Friday / was / Past S.
5. yesterday / wasn’t / Past S. 6. today / are / Pr. S. 7. today / isn’t / Pr. S.
8. Yesterday / weren’t / Past S. 9. yesterday? / Were / Past S. 10. today? I
Is / Pr. S.
11. a) 1. F; 2. F; 3. T; 4. F; 5. F; 6. T; 7. T; 8. F; 9. T; 10. F; c) 1. Yes, it is.
2. No, it wasn’t. 3. No, they weren’t. 4. Yes, they were. 5. They are at the
party. 6. He is at home.
12.2. Are there I How many candles are there on the cake? 3. Are the boys
writing / Where are the boys writing cards? 4. Is Molly wearing / What
is Molly wearing now? 5. Does Mary get / When does Mary get flowers?
6. Was Mary’s brother / When was Mary’s brother at home? 7. Were they I
Where were they in July?
13.2. our; 3.her; 4. their; 5. his; 6. your
14.2. Is Sally ten? No, she isn’t. 3. Were the boys tired? Yes, they were.
4. Are their parents sad? No, they aren’t. 5. Can we read well? Yes, we can.
6. Do the pupils like writing tests? No, they don’t. 7. Does autumn come
after summer? Yes, it does. 8. Does March come after May? No, it doesn’t.
15.2. How old are the boys today? 3. When wasTomatthe library? 4. Where
were the children last lesson? 5. How was Jerry tired last Monday? 6. Why
were you happy? 7. Who is in the classroom now?
16.1. His parents were abroad last year. 2. My grandfather (grandad)
wasn’t at work yesterday. He was at home. 3. Tom and Ann were at sum­
mer camp two months ago. 4.1 was eight on the twelfth of March. 5. These
children weren’t in town a week ago. 6. Her friend was at the seaside last
month. 7. It was cold yesterday.
17.1. was —> were; 2. is —♦ was; 3. My friendls 5 4. Were vou happy at sum­
mer camp? 5. like —* likes

Lesson 2
19.1. There is; 2. There is; 3. There are; 4. There is; 5. There are; 6. There
were; 7. There was; 8. There were; 9. There were; 10. There was.
20.1. Are there many swings near the house? 2. Was there any milk in the
glass? 3. There weren’t any mushrooms for soup. 4. There isn’t an apple for
21.1. visited; 2. liked; 3. watched; 4. walked; 5. danced; 6. listened; 7. play­
ed; 8. enjoyed; 9. helped.
22.1. cooked; 2. jumped; 3. skied; 4. looked; 5. thanked; 6. danced; 7. clos­
ed; 8. invited; 9. skated; 10. loved
closed cooked a
skied looked skated
loved thanked wanted
listened jumped
24.1. play / played; 2. help / helped; 3. works / worked; 4. want / wanted;
5. picks / picked; 6. listen / listened
25.1. helped / yesterday; 2. listened / last lesson; 3. cooked / yesterday
evening; 4. skated last winter; 5. watched / last Sunday; 6. visited / last
week; 7. walked yesterday morning; 8. lived / two years ago
26. 2. Did our family watch; 3. Did Lisa and Ann cook; 4. Did Dave brush;
5. Did she pick; 6. Did her brother skate; 7. Did you want; 8. Did he wash;
9. Did she live; 10. Did Nan play
27. b) 1. Did the pupils jump well in the gym last P.E. lesson? 2. Where
did the pupils jump well last P.E. lesson? 3. When did the pupils jump
well in the gym? 4. How did the pupils jump in the gym last P.E. lesson?
с) 1*. Did Liz play with her brother in the garden yesterday? 2. Who did Liz
play in the garden with? 3. Where did Liz play with her brother yesterday?
4. When did Liz play with her brother in the garden?
28. 2. didn’t close; 3. didn’t play; 4. didn’t watch; 5. didn’t live; 6. didn’t
like; 7. didn’t invite; 8. didn’t open
29. 2. Did he listen / He didn’t listen; 3. Did you enjoy I You didn’t enjoy;
4. Did our cousin watch I Our cousin didn’t watch; 5. Did the boy play / The
boy didn’t play; 6. Did we cook I We didn’t cook; 7. Did dinosaurs live /
Dinosaurs didn’t live; 8. Did Mary dance / Mary didn’t dance; 9. Did the
pupils count / The pupils didn’t count
30.1. Last spring my sister picked flowers in the garden. 2. There are a lot
of mushrooms and berries in the woods. 3. There were five little lemons in
the box. 4. There weren’t any apple trees in the park. 5. Do you like to walk
in the forest?
31.1. Did -♦ Was; 2. were —> was; 3. was —> were; 4. cooked cook;
5. Do —► Did

Lesson 3
33. had I enjoyed / visited / was / helped / cooked / had / ate / was / went /
saw / lived / ran / were / went / took / watched / invited / danced / lis­
tened / went / got / played / had / liked / were
34. a) loved; b) had; c) ate; d) brushed; e) ran; f) jumped; g) saw; h) took;
i) got; j) walked; k) went; 1) wanted
35. 3. didn’t see; 4. didn’t watch; 5. wasn’t; 6. didn’t eat; 7. didn’t invite
36. 2. Did they eat; 3. Did Mary see; 4. Did Fred get; 5. Did he have; 6. Did
Mum take; 7. Was Carol; 8. Were the girls
37.1. Did Ann eat sweets in the canteen yesterday? 2. When did Ann eat
sweets in the canteen? 3. Where did Ann eat sweets yesterday? 4. What did
Ann eat in the canteen yesterday?
38. a) was / were; b) wore; c) helped; d) made; e) saw; f) looked; g) ate; h)
drank; i) went; j) washed; k) got up; 1) lived
39.1. The pupils visited the Art museum last week. 2. Their friends went
to summer camp in August. 3. Last summer Mike’s cousins picked berries
in the country. 4. My aunt’s husband didn’t eat mushrooms when he was a
little boy. 5. Did you ride a bike a week ago?
40.1. - / - / a; 2. the; 3. - / a / the; 4. the / the; 5. the
41.1. ride a bike; 2. Did —* Were; 3. Were —> Was; 4. watched —* watch;
5. Were Did

UNIT 2. Day out

Lesson 1
43. 2. go / every Sunday / Pr. S. 3. lived I two years ago / Past S. 4. Every
day / runs / Pr. S. 5. went / last week / Past S. 6. roller-skate / this spring /
Pr. S. 7. always / gets / Pr. S. 8. saw / yesterday / PastS. 9. usually / picks /
Pr. S. 10. wore I three days ago / Past S.
44. 2. Did the boy run / The boy didn’t run; 3. Did Steve’s mother listen /
Steve’s mother didn’t listen; 4. Did his brother eat / His brother didn’t eat;
5. Did our granny visit / Our granny didn’t visit; 6. Did Pavel get / Pavel
didn’t get; 7. Did Mike take / Mike didn’t take; 8. Did the children watch /
The children didn’t watch; 9. Did Willy see / Willy didn’t see; 10. Did her
parents go / Her parents didn’t go.
45.1. Did Tom live in London? - No, he didn’t. 2. Did Ann eat sweets? -
Yes, she did. 3. Did the man drive his car? - Yes, he did. 4. Did the boys
play tennis? - No, they didn’t. 5. Was Liz at the theatre? - Yes, she was.
6. Did his friends go for a picnic? - No, they didn’t.
Правильные глаголы Неправильные глаголы
help - helped say - said
watch - watched see - saw
skate - skated wear - wore
pick - picked eat - ate
invite - invited drink - drank
cook - cooked make* made
dance - danced give -gave
listen - listened become - became
hunt - hunted can - could
enjoy - enjoyed think - thought
47.1. Is there a river in Minsk? 2. My friends and I like to go for a picnic
in summer. 3. Yesterday Mike’s uncle went fishing. 4. Look! Liz is picking
flowers near the lake. 5. Their parents didn’t go to the forest last autumn.
6. Our grandad is going to pick mushrooms tomorrow.
48.1. for; 2. to; 3. on; 4. in; 5. -; 6. In / at
49.1. go —> goes; 2. picks —* picked; 3. went —» go >; 4. took —♦ take;
5. were —► was

Lesson 2
51.1. Did cave people wear / Cave people didn’t wear; 2. Did the children
walk / The children didn’t walk; 3. Did the woman give / The woman didn’t
give; 4. Did the baby become / The baby didn’t become; 5. Did Alex say /
Alex didn’t say; 6. Did his grandfather hunt / His grandfather didn’t hunt;
7. Did Mr. Brown come / Mr. Brown didn’t come; 8. Did Jane drink / Jane
didn’t drink; 9. Did Mary think / Mary didn’t think.
52.1. With whom; 2. Why; 3. What; 4. Where: 5. When; 6. What colour;
7. Who; 8. How
53.3. Does Liz go for a picnic every month? When does Liz go for a picnic?
4. Did Ann run with his brother yesterday? Who did Ann run with? 5. Is
my sister picking flowers now? What is'my sister picking now? 6. Was his
friend at summer camp last month? Where was his friend last month? 7. Do
her uncles hunt every summer? Who hunts every summer? 8. Were there
three berries in the basket? How many berries were there in the basket?
9. Did Mr Brown go fishing to the lake? Who went fishing to the lake?
54. a) Does Kate pick flowers in summer? When does Kate pick flowers?
What does Kate pick in summer? b) Did he go to the lake with his friend?
Where did he go with his friend? Who did he go to the lake with*! c) Are they
listening to the birds in the forest? Where are they listening to the birds?
Who is listening to the birds in the forest? d) Are there three houses near
the river? How many houses are there near the river?
55. a) Was Maggie at the museum last week? Where was Maggie last week?
When was Maggie at the museum? Why was Maggie at the museum last
week? b) Did they give Bob nice presents yesterday? When did they give
Bob nice presents? Whom did they give nice presents yesterday? What did
they give Bob yesterday? What presents did they give Bob yesterday?
56.1. Did Tom go hunting a bear last spring? 2. Why did the dog become a
domestic animal? 3. Who was in the forest yesterday? - They were. 4. What
was there near the river? 5. Where did wild animals live?
57.1. Markos; 2. Mark__ and Frank’s; 3.cousin!s; 4. sisters!; 5. aunt_____
and unclels
58.1. did give —♦ gave; 2. were —► was; 3. Why did his brother come;
4. lived —> live; 5. the weather

Lesson 3
60. a) play; b) go; c) ride; d) buy; e) pay; f) play; g) ride; h) play; i) go; j) buy;
k) ride; 1) go
61.2. watched / yesterday I Past S. 3. are drinking / now / Pr. Cont. 4. is
buying / at the moment / Pr. Cont. 5. go / every day / Pr. S. 6. lived / last
year / Past S. 7. sometimes / wear / Pr. S. 8. paid / two days ago / Past S.
9. often I thinks / Pr. S. 10. Last Sunday / rode / Past S.
62.1. a) rides / every day / Pr. S. b) is riding / now I Pr. Cont. c) rode /
yesterday / Past S. 2. a) usually / go / Pr. S. b) went / last Friday / Past S.
c) are going I at the moment / Pr. Cont. 3. a) often / buys / Pr. S. b) is buy­
ing / now / Pr. Cont. c) bought / last week / Past S. 4. a) Now / am playing /
Pr. Cont. b) played / 2 days ago / Past S. c) sometimes / play I Pr. S.
63.2. Did Alex and Tom visit / What did Alex and Tom visit? 3. Did the
girls want / How did the girls want to go on the rides? 4. Did he see / How
many ponies did he see at the circus? 5. Did Liz and Ann go / Where did Liz
and Ann go on the big wheel? 6. Did you (I) eat ice-cream / Where did you
(I) eat ice-cream? 7. Did Alf play / When did Alf play on the seesaw? 8. Did
the boys like / How did the boys like the rides? 9. Did the granny take the
children / Whom did the granny take to the zoo?
64.1. to; 2. at; 3. at; 4. on; 5. on; 6. in; 7. to; 8. at; 9. in; 10. to; 11. in;
12. at
65.1. Was Liz / When was Liz in the amusement park? 2. Did the children
like / What did the children like (to do)? 3. Did her cousin go / Where did
her cousin go on the merry-go-round yesterday? 4. Did the boys run / How
did the boys run to the slides? 5. Did Mary take / Whom did Mary take to
play on the swings? 6. Did Alice and Dave play / When did Alice and Dave
play on the seesaw? 7. Do the girls enjoy I How do the girls enjoy playing
on the swings? 8. Does Lily play / Who does Lily play on the seesaw with?
66.1. Did Mr. Bell have breakfast at the cafe? Where did Mr. Bell have
breakfast? 2. Did Jessica ride a pony yesterday? When did Jessica ride a
pony? 3. Did Alex and Simon buy gifts at the gift shop? What Did Alex and
Simon buy at the gift shop? 4. Did the boy ride a pony very fast? How did
the boy ride a pony? 5. Does his sister drink apple juice at the cafe? What
does his sister drink at the cafe? 6. Do we always come to the amusement
park in spring? When do we always come to the amusement park? 7. Was
Julia in the park last Thursday? Where was Julia last Thursday?
67.1.1 went on the big wheel with my friends a week ago. 2. Did you buy
any presents (gifts) yesterday? - Yes, I did. I bought them at the gift shop.
3. How many days did Tom’s parents spend in the country? 4.1 didn’t help
my mum yesterday. I was in the amusement park. 5. My grandfather didn’t
like dancing when he was young.
68.1. on —» at; 2. at —> on; 3. Does -»Did; 4. is —► are; 5. bought -» buy

UNIT 3. Do you like TV?

Lesson 1
70.1. My; 2. Our; 3. Its; 4. Her; 5. Their; 6. Your; 7. His
71.1. He likes them. 2. She hates it. 3. She is reading him ... 4. They / it;
5. He (She) gave her... 6. We ... 7.... us? 8. He buys them... 9. She ...
72.1. them; 2. him; 3. it; 4. me; 5. it; 6. us; 7. her; 8. you
73.1. spent / Past S. 2. takes / Pr. S. 3. were / Past S. 4. are building / Pr.
Cont. 5. stay / Pr. S. 6. writes / Pr. S. 7. read / Past S. 8. is teaching / Pr.
74. 2. bought / last week / Past S. / didn’t buy. 3. are swimming / now /
Pr. Cont. I aren’t swimming. 4. often / go / Pr. S. I don’t go. 5. is reading /
now / Pr. Cont. / isn’t reading. 6. Last month / paid / Past S. / didn’t pay
75.1. doesn’t help / every day / Pr. S. 2. didn’t eat / yesterday / Past S.
3. aren’t drinking / now / Pr. Cont. 4. isn’t buying / at the moment / Pr.
Cont. 5. don’t go / every Monday / Pr. S. 6. didn’t come / last Sunday / Past
S. 7. don’t wear / Pr. S. 8. didn’t pay / two days ago / Past S. 9. doesn’t of­
ten think / Pr. S. 10. Last Sunday / didn’t ride / Past S.
76.1. a) doesn’t ride / every day / Pr. S. b) isn’t riding / now / Pr. Cont.
c) didn’t ride I yesterday / Past S. 2. a) usually / don’t play / Pr. S. b) didn’t
play / last Friday / Past S. c) aren’t playing / at the moment / Pr. Cont.
3. a) often / doesn’t buy I Pr. S. b) isn’t buying / now / Pr. Cont. c) didn’t
buy / last week / Past S. 4. a) Now / am not running / Pr. Cont. b) didn’t
run / 2 days ago / Past S. c) don’t run / every P.E. lesson / Pr. S.
77. a) Did the boys go to the amusement park? Where did the boys go to?
b) Did my friend play on the swings yesterday? When did my friend play on
the swings? c) Were my parents in the gift shop? Why were my parents in
the gift shop?
78.1. Ann likes comedies but Bob hates them. 2. Your dad watches the
news every evening. Do you like to watch it? 3. Alex’s favourite sports pro­
gramme is on at six o’clock. 4. Who did his sister go to the cinema with?
5. Our brother couldn’t answer the quiz show’s questions.
79.1. them —»it; 2. she —> her; 3. we —♦ us; 4. doesn’t —> isn’t; 5. Did the
boys go to the gym yesterday?
Lesson 2
81.1.1 like comedies / action films / ... 2.1 often watch music / sports / ... /
programmes. 3. My favourite programme is on at... o’clock. 4. Yesterday I
watched a ... film. 5.1 went to the cinema a week ago. 6.1 went to the cin­
ema with my friends.
83.1. past; 2. to; 3. past; 4. to; 5. past; 6. past; 7. to; 8. past; 9. to
84.1. to; 2. past; 3. past; 4. to; 5. past; 6. to; 7. past; 8. to; 9. past
85. 2.12.45; 3. 3.05; 4. 2.15; 5. 3.50; 6.10.30; 7. 9. 20; 8.11.35; 9. 2.30;
10. 5.45; 11. 11. 30
86.1. bought / yesterday / Past S. 2. is reading / now I Pr. Cont. 3. goes /
every week / Pr. S. 4. wrote / Past S. 5. often / learn / Pr. S. 6. At this mo-,
ment / is watching / Pr. Cont. 7. buys / every morning / Pr. Cont. 8. knew /
last lesson / Past S.
87.1. are watching / now / Pr. Cont. 2. watches / every Sunday I Pr. S.
3. watched / yesterday / Past S. 4. rarely / reads / Pr. S. 5. read / last
week / Past S. 6. is reading / now / Pr. Cont. 7. played / ten minutes ago /
Past S. 8. never / play / Pr. S. 9. Look! is playing / Pr. Cont. 10. some­
times / learns / Pr. S. 11. At the moment / is learning / Pr. Cont. 12. Last
month / learnt / Past S.
88. a) Does Tom visit his friend at summer camp? Why does Tom visit his
friend at summer camp? b) Did Linda buy flowers? What did Linda buy?
c) Do the girls go to the seaside every summer? Where do the girls go every
summer? d) Was Jim in the country last week? When was Jim in the coun­
try? e) Are they making a fire near the lake? Where are they making a fire?
89.1. This comedy is on at half past six. 2. Did you watch a horror film at
quarter to twelve yesterday? 3. Our favourite nature programme is on at
quarter past two on Sunday. 4.1 think this adventure film is interesting
and exciting. 5. Look! Maggie is crying! - She is watching a touching ro­
mantic film.
90.1. are —»• is; 2. of —> to (past); 3. he —» him; 4. read ■?+ reading;
5. watched —»watch

Lesson 3
91.1. became; 2. spent; 3. rode; 4. played; 5. went; 6. swam; 7. went;
8. picked; 9. skated; 10. skied; 11. read; 12. drew; 13. had; 14. wanted;
15. came; 16. said; 17. said; 18. thought; 19. wore; 20. took; 21. went;4
22. saw; 23. bought; 24. drank; 25. ate; 26. came; 27. began; 28. wasn’t;
29. wasn’t; 30. was; 31. were; 32. was; 33. watched
92.1. Alex and Kate became friends three years ago. 2. They rode bikes,
played on the swings, swam in the river, skated and skied together. 3. They
picked mushrooms and berries in the wood. 4. Alex wanted to watch an ac­
tion film at the cinema. 5. No, she didn’t. 6. She thought about a new ro­
mantic film. 7. Yes, there were. 8. The children drank juice at the cinema.
9. They ate ice-cream at the cinema. 10. It was a new comedy on that day.
11. Yes, it was.
93.1. could / last winter / Past S. 2. are going / now / Pr. Cont. 3. swam /
last summer / Past S. 4. often / walks / Pr. S. 5. Look! / is running / Pr.
Cont. 6. go / everv July / Pr. S. 7. lived / two years ago / Past S.
95.1. read / last summer / Past S. 2. always / goes / Pr. S. 3. are swim­
ming / now / Pr. Cont. 4. liked / when they were young / Past S. 5. did /
yesterday / Past S. 6. sometimes / go / Pr. S. 7. visited / last week / Past S.
8. Look! / is drinking / Pr. Cont. 9. usually / wears / Pr. S. 10. Yesterday /
paid / Past S.
96.1. Does Mr. Grey walk / Mr. Grey doesn’t walk; 2. Is his son swimming /
His son isn’t swimming; 3. Did the dog become / The dog didn’t become;
4. Are there / There aren’t.
98.1. We often watch TV in the evening. 2.1 saw a funny comedy yester­
day. 3. My dad always watches the news at six o’clock. 4. Boys never watch
romantic films. 5. Do you usually watch sports programmes with your dad?
6. Their teacher sometimes watches quiz shows.
99. a) Did Kate see a fox in the woods? When did Kate see a fox in the woods?
What did Kate see in the woods? b) Did he go to the lake with his friend?
Where did he go with his friend? Who did he go to the lake with? c) Were
they in the country last month? When were they in the country? Where
were they last month? d) Is my little brother watching a cartoon in the liv­
ing-room now? What is my little brother watching in the living-room now?
Where is my little brother watching a cartoon now? e) Are there many ques­
tions in the quiz show? How many questions are there in the quiz show?
Where are there many questions?
100.1. He likes them. 2. She doesn’t like it. 3. They didn’t see her. 4. We
read them. 5. Can they find him? 6. It caught them.
101.1. twenty-five past six; 2. quarter to five; 3. quarter past ten; 4. half
past eight; 5. ten past eleven; 6. half past five
102.1. My mum hates horror films and never watches them. 2. Liz’s aunt
seldom reads newspapers but she always watches the six o’clock news.
3. Walt Disney drew a funny mouse in 1928. 4. There were many children
at the cinema. 5. Is he going to watch a quiz show at half past twelve?
103.1. Andy rarely watches horror films. 2. films —> film; 3.)^ 4. The par-
rot is blue. 5. Her favourite music programme is on at five to three.
UNIT 4. Special Dags
Lesson 1
105.1. У нас выходной день первого мая. 2. Рождество двадцать пятого
декабря. 3. У нас праздник третьего июля. 4. Новый год первого января.
5. День Св. Валентина четырнадцатого февраля. 6. День Победы девято­
го мая. 7. День женщин восьмого марта. 8. День рождения их учитель­
ницы двадцать восьмого декабря. 9. Хэллуин тридцать первого октября.
107.1. of; 2. on I of; 3. on / of; 4. on / of; 5. of; 6. in; 7. on; 8. in; 9. on / of
108. a) the twelfth of October; b) the twenty-first of March; c) the fifteenth
of July; d) the thirtieth of January; e) the twenty-third of February
109. a) the first of May; b) the twenty-second of April; c) the thirtieth of
November; d) the fifteenth of June; e) the third of August.
110; 1. was born; 2. were born; 3. was born; 4. were born; 5. were born;
6. was born; 7. was born; 8. were born; 9. was born
111. 2. plays / is playing / played; 3. takes / is taking / took; 4. .write / are
writing / wrote; 5. eats / is eating / ate; 6. drink / are drinking / drank;
7. builds / is building / built; 8. catch / are catching / caught; 9. rides / is
riding / rode; 10. swim / are swimming / swam.
112.1. Pr. S. 2. Pr. Cont. 3. PastS. 4. Pr. Cont. 5. Pr. S. 6. PastS. 7. Pr. S.
8. Pr. Cont. 9. Past S.
113.1. wrote / two years ago / Past S. 2. enjoy / every summer / Pr. S.
3. wanted / last vear / Past S. 4. Look! / is going / Pr. Cont. 5. goes / every
morning / Pr. S. 6. watched / in 2012 / Past S. 7. always / watch / Pr. S.
8. At the moment / is giving / Pr. Cont.
114.1. Children like summer holidays. 2. Did Tom get a card from his aunt
yesterday? 3. Now Ann and Pam are decorating their room with flowers.
4. People paint eggs in bright colours at Easter. 5. My brother invited all
his friends and all our relatives to his birthday party.
115. 1. at -* on; 2. he —> him; 3. was —* were; 4. painted -♦ paint; 5. At the
moment Liz is.decorating her room with candles.

Lesson 2
116.1. watch; 2. like making a cake; 3. likes singing carols; 4. likes send­
ing cards; 5. like painting eggs; 6. likes watching a parade; 7. like inviting
our relatives; 8. likes playing jokes on his friends; 9. like decorating their
117.1. likes speaking; 2. like watching; 3. doesn’t like painting; 4. don’t
like washing; 5. like playing; 6. like tidying; 7. likes singing; 8. don’t like
cooking; 9. doesn’t like sending.
118.1. Does Nick like decorating a Christmas tree? Yes, he does. 2. Do
Mike’s grandparents like inviting their friends? No, they don’t. 3. Does
Willy’s father like hiding chocolate eggs for him? Yes, he does. 4. Do girls
like watching a parade? No, they don’t.
119. 2. Easter; 3. Christmas; 4. Halloween; 5. Victory Day; 6. Valentine’s
120.1.1 like playing jokes on my friends. 2. Tom’s brother likes getting
presents. 3. His sister likes singing and dancing. 4. Mary doesn’t like help­
ing her mum. 5. Do the pupils like writing tests?
121.1. went / last Sunday / Past S. 2. are picking / now / Pr. Cont. 3. en­
joy / every vear / Pr. S. 4. Look! I is hiding / Pr. Cont. 5. got / last week /
Past S. 6. rarely / decorates / Pr. S. 7. Look! I are giving / Pr. Cont. 8. in­
vited / vesterdav evening / Past S. 9. are packing / at the moment / Pr.
122.1. isn’t picking ; 2. doesn’t live; 3. didn’t visit; 4. doesn’t go; 5. didn’t
pay; 6. weren’t; 7. hasn’t got; 8. can’t; 9. aren’t skiing; 10. don’t take
123.1. didn’t see / vesterdav morning / Past S. 2. don’t watch / every dav /
Pr. S. 3. aren’t picking / at the moment / Pr. Cont. 4. wasn’t / last Hallow­
een / Past S. 5. Look! I isn’t making / Pr. Cont. 6. doesn’t like / at Easter /
Pr. S. 7. aren’t writing / now / Pr. Cont. 8. Liz was in the country. / didn’t
ride / Past S.
124.1. did; 2. are; 3. have; 4. were; 5. do; 6. does; 7. was; 8. is; 9. were;
10. has
125.1. What do you (I) decorate every year? 2. How many presents did his
brother get last New Year’s Day? 3. How are the children decorating their
flat at the moment? 4. Whose friends played jokes on the 1st of April?
5. Where do we celebrate Victory Day? 6. Who is painting eggs now?
7. Who does Tom like watching parades on TV with? 8. When did Nancy
wear a funny costume? 9. Why do you (I) like holidays?
126.1. in; 2. on / of; 3. at; 4. to I on; 5. at / in; 6. in; 7. on / of; 8. at / -
127.1. invite —► inviting; 2.1 am watching my favourite music programme
now. 3. of —> with; 4. At the moment Liz’s aunts are making a birthday
cake for her. 5. like —> likes
Lesson 3
129.1. celebrate; 2. celebrated; 3. celebrates // 1. isn’t making; 2. doesn’t
make; 3. didn’t make // 1. Do / invite; 2. Did / invite; 3. Is / inviting.
130.1. Were; 2.1s; 3.Does; 4. Do; 5. Are; 6. do; 7.1s; 8. are; 9. did;
10. does; 11. did; 12. do; 13. did; 14. is; 15. did; 16. was
131.1. Whom does Nick want to invite? 2. Who could play jokes on their
parents? 3. What does she like watching? 4. How many Christmas cards did
Bob get last year? 5. What colour flags were there in the streets? 6. When
does Anna decorate her house? 7. What do people celebrate in April?
8. What are they hanging now? 9. Why did Betty take her coat?
132.1. celebrate; 2. buy; 3. decorate; 4. hang; 5. sing; 6. have; 7. doesn’t
celebrate; 8. celebrates; 9. wrote; 10. sent; 11. decorated; 12. bought;
13. hung; 14. made; 15. cooked; 16. went; 17. is;s18. are having; 19. are
eating; 20. are drinking; 21. are
133.1. Yes, they do. 2. No, they don’t. 3. No, he doesn’t. 4. Yes, he did.
5. No, it isn’t. 6. Yes, they are.
134.1. Peter celebrates Christmas. 2. He wrote cards last week. 3. Peter
bought some crackers. 4. Peter hung his stocking by the fireplace. 5. Pe­
ter’s mum cooked Christmas dinner. 6. It’s quarter to eight. 7. Peter’s
family is at the table. 8. They are drinking juice and lemonade.
135.1. at; 2. to / at; 3. to / at; 4. to / on / of; 5. on / of; 6. in; 7. on; 8. in;
9. in; 10. at / in; 11. on; 12. to / in; 13. on; 14. on; 15. on
136.1. Belarusian people seldom (rarely) celebrate Halloween. 2. We al­
ways celebrate the New Year with our relatives. 3. Did you watch fireworks
yesterday? 4. Look! Mary is painting the second egg. It’s nice! 5. English
children hang their Christmas stockings by the fireplace.
137.1. sent —> send; 2. at —* on; 3. in -* on; 4. a angel —* an angel; 5. Are —»Is

UNIT 5. Be healthy!
Lesson 1

138. A. a) some; b) an; c) some; d) some; e) a; f) some; g) a; h) some; i) a;

j) some; к) a; 1) a; m) some; n) some; o) some; В. 1. some / a; 2. some;
3. some / a; 4. a / some; 5. some; 6. an / some
139 1. There is; 2. There is; 3. There are; 4. There are; 5. There is; 6. There
were; 7. There was; 8. There was; 9. There were; 10. There was
140. 2. is; Is there any soup in the plate? 3. are; Are there any sausages in
the fridge? 4. is; Is there any bread on the table? 5. are; Are there any rolls
in the box? 6. is; Is there any sugar in the cupboard? 8. was; Was there any
juice in the glass? 9. was; Was there any coffee in the cup? 10. were; Were
there any bottles in the kitchen? 11. was; Was there any pasta in the bag?
12. were; Were there any vegetables in the shop?
141.1. There isn’t any cereal on the plate. There is no cereal on the plate.
2. There aren’t any biscuits in the box. There are no biscuits in the box.
3. There wasn’t any rice in the cupboard. There was no rice in the cupboard.
4. There weren’t any rolls in the bag. There were no rolls in the bag. 5. There
. isn’t any pasta on the plate. There is no pasta on the plate. 6. There aren’t
any vegetables in the bag. There are no vegetables in the bag. 7. There
wasn’t any sugar in the tea. There was no sugar in the tea. 8. There weren’t
any crisps in the box. There were no crisps in the box.
142.1. has I is having; 2. is cooking / cooks / cooked; 3. doesn’t eat / ate /
was; 4. is drinking / likes; 5. aren’t eating / don’t eat
143.1. any; 2. any; 3. an; 4. some; 5. weren’t; 6. Was; 7. any; 8. no
144.1. some; 2. some; 3. any; 4. any; 5. any; 6. some; 7. any; 8. some;
9.some; 10. any; 11. some; 12. any
145.1. Did his father drink any coffee yesterday morning? 2. Is there any
pasta on the plate? 3. Does Nick buy any sweets every Sunday? 4. Did her
children eat any sandwiches yesterday evening? 5. Was there any soup for
lunch? 6. Did his cousins drink any tea yesterday morning? 7. Do Liz’s par­
ents buy any cornflakes every Monday? 8. Were there any ornaments on
the Christmas tree? 9. Are there any eggs in the fridge?
146. 1. We didn’t buy any fruit last week. 2. There weren’t any cups of
juice on the table. There were no cups of juice on the table. 3. My granny
doesn’t drink any tea in the afternoon. 4. There isn’t any milk in the glass.
There is no milk in the glass. 5. They didn’t buy any vegetables last Fri­
day. 6. Her children don’t drink any tea every morning. 7. There wasn’t
any honey in the jar. There was no honey in the jar. 8. There aren’t any
stockings by the fireplace. There are no stockings by the fireplace. 9. Her
sons didn’t eat any biscuits yesterday evening.
147.1. There was some butter in the fridge. 2. There aren’t any sweets in
the cupboard. 3. Is there any warm milk in the cup? 4. Yesterday our moth­
er bought some vegetables and fruit. 5. Tim usually eats some porridge for
148.1. bought —» buys; 2. were —* was; 3. some —> any; 4. There isn’t any
milk in the bottle. / There is no milk in the bottle. 5. any —> some

Lesson 2
150. beautiful / eyes / nose / mouth / long / arm / left / fingers / right /
feet / ten / foot / best
151.1. Betsy’s hair is blond. 2. Betsy’s eyes are blue. 3. Yes, it is. 4.1 have
got two hands. 5. My friend has got ten toes. 6. No, they aren’t (Yes, they
are). 7. My hair is short (long). 8.1 write with my right (left) hand.
153.1. hurt; 2. hurt; 3. hurts; 4. hurt; 5. hurt; 6. hurts; 7. hurts; 8. hurt
154.1. had; 2. has got; 3. have got; 4. have; 5. have; 6. has got; 7. had;
8. have
155. (Kate’s illness.) didn’t go / had / took / was / drank I got / stayed I
drank / took / didn’t want / was / couldn’t / visited / gave / told / went /
said / could / was / liked
156.1. No, she didn’t. 2. Yes, she did. 3. Yes, it was. 4. No, she couldn’t.
5. Yes, they did.
157.1. Kate had a headache on Monday. 2. Kate was happy on Friday be­
cause she could go to school. 3. Kate’s friends visited her on Wednesday.
4. They gave Kate a new book. 5. The girl went to the doctor on Friday.
158.1. shouldn’t; 2. should; 3. should; 4. should; 5. shouldn’t; 6. should;
7. shouldn’t; 8. should
159.1. warm milk; 2. headache; 3. eyes; 4. toothache; 5. pills; 6. doctor;
7. a runny nose; 8. a stomach-ache
160.1. usually / tidy / Pr. S. 2. drank / vesterdav I Past S. 3. has I eyi
erv week / Pr. S. 4. was / last Friday / Past S. 5. rarely / watch / Pr. S.
6. doesn’t / on Sundays / Pr. S. 7. didn’t I vesterdav / Past S. 8. isn’t / at
the moment / Pr. Cont. 9. don’t / Pr. S.
161.1. hasn’t got; 2. doesn’t have; 3. haven’t got; 4. don’t have; 5. doesn’t
hurt; 6. isn’t; 7. didn’t take any; 8. shouldn’t
162.1. When were the boys ill? 2. Who was in the hospital yesterday?
3. What did Nick eat? 4. Why is Mary wearing a warm scarf? 5. How many
apples have they got? 6. Where should Ann go? 7. How often should you
wash your hair? 8. When did Mike’s leg hurt?
163.1. any; 2. any; 3. an; 4. some; 5. any; 6. no; 7. any; 8. any
164.1. What’s the matter? 2.1 have got a headache. 3. My neck hurts.
4. You should take nose drops. 5. Yesterday Tom had a cough and he stayed
in bed.
165.1. don’t should —> shouldn’t; 2. hurts —» hurt; 3. Should we brush
teeth in the afternoon? 4. was —> were; 5. has —»have

Lesson 3
166.1. How much; 2. How many; 3. How much; 4. How much; 5. How
many; 6. How much; 7. How many; 8. How much
167.1. are; 2. was; 3.1s; 4. much; 5. many; 6. any; 7. some; 8. much;
9. much; 10. many; 11. any; 12. an; 13. some; 14. any
168.1. There isn’t much tea in the cup. 2. There weren’t many eggs in
the fridge. 3. Billy didn’t drink much orange juice. 4. You shouldn’t eat
many sweets. 5. There aren’t many cups in the cupboard. 6. Betty didn’t
eat much honey yesterday. 7. We shouldn’t drink much cold milk. 8. There
wasn’t much coffee in the pot.
169.1. are / usually / Pr. S. 2. were / yesterday / PastS. 3. isn’t / now / Pr.
5. 4. often I hurts / Pr. S. 5. don’t like / Pr. S. 6. isn’t washing / now / Pr.
Copt. 7. didn’t wash I yesterday / Past S. 8. doesn’t work / on Sundays /
Pr. S. 9. took / last week / Past S.
170.1. Do the children take vitamins? 2. Does Paul eat healthy food?
3. Was Ted ill last week? 4. Has Kelly got a headache? 5. Is there any soup
in the plate? 6. Did they go to the hospital yesterday? 7. Is his cousin hav­
ing breakfast now? 8. Should we read books every day?
171.1. How many tomatoes did she eat? 2. How much mineral water does
Helen buy? 3. How many pebbles did Maggie find? 4. How many cucumbers
are there in the fridge? 5. How much coffee was there in the cup? 6. How
many sisters has Daniel got? 7. How many birds can Fred see?
172.1. Does Kate’s neck hurt? What’s the matter? 2. Can they do exercises
at school? Where can they do exercises? 3. Did they stay at home? 4. Does
she take pills? 5. Who is he playing with? 6. Did she buy healthy food?
What did she buy? 7. Do they like comedies? What do they like?
174.1. Jessica and Monica weren’t friends. They were sisters. 2. Jessica
didn’t get up at ten o’clock. She got up at half past six. 3. Jessica doesn’t go
to the swimming pool on Wednesday and Thursday. She goes to the swim­
ming pool on Saturdays and Sundays. 4. Monica didn’t eat healthy food.
She ate cakes, chocolate sweets and crisps. 5. Monica didn’t like sports. She
liked watching TV and playing computer games. 6. One day Monica didn’t
become strong. One day Monica became ill.
175.1. Monica got up at ten or eleven o’clock. 2. Jessica ate healthy food:
fruit, vegetables, fish and cottage cheese. 3. Monica liked watching TV.
4. Yes, she did. 5. No, she wasn’t.
176. You should get up at seven o’clock / do morning exercises / eat healthy
food. You shouldn’t watch TV at night / play computer games all day long /
eat crisps and drink much lemonade.
177.1. Yesterday Sam watched TV at night. Today he has got a headache.
He should take pills and stay in bed. He shouldn’t watch TV. 2. Why is Bob
ill? Yesterday it was cold and windy but he didn’t wear (put on) a coat. To­
day he has got a temperature and a cough. 3. Don’t eat ketchup. You have
got a stomach-ache. Children should eat healthy food. 4. Mary doesn’t like
dairy products. But dairy products are very good for her teeth. If Mary
wants to have white teeth and a nice smile she should eat dairy products
every day.

UNIT 6. In the city

Lesson 1
179.1. between; 2. behind; 3. in front of; 4. opposite; 5. next to
180.1. lives / Pr. S. 2. are playing / now / Pr. Cont. 3. visited / in 2008 /
Past S. 4. saw / two years ago / Past S. 5. Look! is crossing / Pr. Cont. 6. is /
Pr. S. 7. went / yesterday / Past S.
181.1. some; 2. a; 3. many; 4. in; 5. to / crosses; 6. built; 7. is visiting;
8. feed; 9. Do; 10. Did; 11. didn’t; 12. don’t
182.1. a) Mary went along Nemiga Street yesterday, b) Mary is going along
Nemiga Street now. c) Mary often goes along Nemiga Street. 2. a) They
don’t buy vegetables every day. b) They didn’t buv vegetables last morning.
c) They are buying vegetables at the moment. 3. a) Did Kevin ride a horse
in the park a week ago? b) Is Kevin riding a horse in the park now? c) Does
Kevin usually ride a horse in the park?
183.1. How do they get to the post-office? 2. When does Alex go past the
park? 3. Who did the boy cross the street with? 4. Where is the church?
5. What can you can see near the theatre? 6. What is there behind the mu­
seum? 7. How many buses are there at the bus station? 8. Why does Mr.
Bell go to the bank by bus? 9. Where can we see a library? 10. When did
Pavel send a letter to his parents?
184.1. the most beautiful; 2. beautiful; 3. the longest; 4. quieter; 5. the
best; 6. good; 7. the biggest; 8. bigger; 9. the most boring; 10. old;
11. slower; 12. modern
185.1. There is a park / a supermarket /.../next to my house. 2. Gorky Park
(Chelyuskintsev Park) is the most famous park in Minsk. 3._____________
Street is the longest in my city (town). 4. St. Peter and Paul’s Cathedral is
the oldest church in Minsk. 5.1 usually get to school by bus / on foot.
186.1. in; 2. to; 3. in I of; 4. at; 5. in / of; 6. to; 7. in; 8. in; 9. of / in; 10. at
187.1. His granny is walking in Pobeda Park now. 2. Their teacher visited
London in 2005. 3. Tim lives not far from Yakub Kolas Square. 4. These
children went to the Troitskoye Suburb last week. 5. At the moment Anna
is standing in front of Francisk Skorina monument. 6. Our bus is behind
the British Museum.
188.1. think —> thinks; 2. Mike is crossing the street at the moment.
3. m^e; 4. aren’t —» are или some —»any; 5. much —» many

Lesson 2
189.1. b) 2. a) 3. b)4.b)5.a)
190.1. T; 2. F; 3. T; 4. T; 5. F; 6. T; 7. F; 8. F
191.1. Dave lives in England. 2. You can see an old church opposite Dave’s
house. 3. Dave’s favourite place in the town is a park. 4. There is a zoo in
the park. 5.1 like the old part of Dave’s town because it’s quiet and beauti­
ful. I like the new part of Dave’s town because it’s modern.
192.1. -; 2. to; 3. -; 4. -; 5. to / -; 6. - / -; 7. to / -; 8. -
193.1. must; 2. mustn’t; 3. mustn’t; 4. must; 5. mustn’t; 6. mustn’t; 7. must;
8. must; 9. mustn’t
194.1. mustn’t stay; 2. can’t go; 3. couldn’t visit; 4. aren’t; 5. mustn’t
play; 6. don’t go; 7. shouldn’t drink; 8. mustn’t feed
195.1. Must Nick help us? 2. Can they see an old church? 3. Could Helen’s
brother go over the bridge? 4. Must English pupils wear uniforms? 5. Does
Andrew go past the park every day? 6. Is there a library next to our school?
7. Should we brush our teeth in the morning? 8. Must little children cross
the street with their parents?
196.1. Whom must David help? 2. When must Peter go to school? 3. What
must Kevin tidy? 4. Who must Helen go there with? 5. Where must Mr
Brown go on Monday? 6. Why must Dan stay at home?
197.1. is walking / at this moment / Pr. Cont. 2. doesn’t live / Pr. S. 3. vis­
ited / yesterday / Past S. 4. are playing / now / Pr. Cont. 5. Many years
ago I didn’t build I Past S. 6. don’t go / On the 8th of March I Pr. S. 7. Lis­
ten! I isn’t coming / Pr. Cont. 8. didn’t take / in 1986 / Past S. 9. isn’t /
Pr. S.
198.1. You must cross the street when the traffic lights are green. 2. Pu­
pils mustn’t run at school. 3. He should go over the bridge and turn left.
4. How do I get to the library? - Go straight ahead past the bus stop. The
library is next to the supermarket.
199.1. Must they go to school? 2. 3. 4.1 mustn’t wear a uniform at
school. 5. some —* any

Lesson 3
200.1. Yes, he does. 2. No, it isn’t. 3. Yes, there are. 4. No, they don’t.
5. It was built in 1828. 6. Nick goes to the cinema with his brother. 7. The
boys like comedies and action films. 8. Nick likes to read fairy-tales.
201.1. 2. to; 3. 4. -; 5. to / -
202.1. must; 2. must; 3. mustn’t; 4. must; 5. must; 6. must; 7. mustn’t;
8. must; 9. mustn’t
203.1. was; 2. are; 3. was; 4. were; 5. are; 6. were; 7. was; 8. is; 9. is;
10. were
204.1. must; 2. want to / don’t / must; 3. the shortest; 4. more; 5. was;
6. next; 7. was; 8. ahead; 9. play; 10. slower; 11. the highest; 12. higher
205. 1. built / in 1828 / Past S. 2. wear I Pr. S. 3. is walking / now / Pr.
Cont. 4. don’t live / Pr. S. 5. didn’t see / last winter / Past S. 6. aren’t
watching / now / Pr. Cont.
206.1. What is there next to the theatre? 2. How many libraries are there
in the city? 3. Why did Linda stay in bed? 4. Where must pupils go? 5. Who
found a chocolate egg yesterday? 6. Where does Nick live? 7. When did he
visit Britain? 8. What is Fred eating? 9. How many buses did they see at
the bus station? 10. What colour uniforms do the guards wear? 11. Who is
visiting the palace?
207.1. Linda’s granny was born in 1958. 2. You must be quiet at the li­
brary. 3. You must cross the street at the traffic lights. 4. How do I get to
the Circus? 5. There is a pet shop behind the cinema.
208.1. Are there any traffic lights opposite the bookshop? - Yes, there are.
2. You mustn’t play football on the road. 3. The library is behind the mu­
seum. 4. Is there a swimming pool next to your school? 5. Go past the su­
permarket and turn right. 6. Children mustn’t drive cars.
209.1. Is there a museum next to Pobeda Square? 2. The library is next to
the supermarket. 3. the oldest —> older; 4.)ф 5. You mustn’t feed animals at
the zoo.

UNIT 7. On the farm

Lesson 1
211.1. old - older - the oldest; 2. clean - cleaner - the cleanest; 3. dirty -
dirtier - the dirtiest; 4. noisy - nosier - the noisiest; 5. healthy - healthi­
er - the healthiest; 6. boring - more boring - the most boring; 7. modern -
more modern - the most modern; 8. expensive - more expensive - the most
expensive; 9. good - better - the best; 10. bad - worse - the worst
212.1. the biggest; 2. better; 3. the longest; 4. healthier; 5. the fastest;
6. modern; 7. the nearest; 8. older; 9. the most beautiful
213.1. potatoes; 2. babies; 3. foxes; 4. children; 5. deer; 6. feet; 7. mice;
8. women; 9. a monkey; 10. a dress; 11. a sandwich; 12. a country; 13. a
goose; 14. a tooth; 15. a sheep; 16. a man
214.1. This / has; 2. live; 3. are; 4. eats; 5. children; 6. teeth; 7. tooth;
8. foot; 9. any; 10. works; 11. don’t; 12. is
215.1. are going; 2. doesn’t drink; 8. like / doesn’t like; 4. are cleaning;
5. has; 6. don’t eat; 7. are; 8. is driving
216.1. Those women are cleaning the room now. 2. These teeth are white.
3. Mice eat bread. 4. There were snowmen in the park. 5. The men have got
some cows and some sheep.
217.1. did / come / was / went; 2. is singing; 3. leaves; 4. Do / watch;
5. Did / buy; 6. didn’t do / was; 7. doesn’t have / has / drinks; 8. Are /
watching; 9. couldn’t
218. 1. What did Mr Red break two weeks ago? 2. How many eggs are there
in the Hen House? 3. Why did the rooster peck all the seeds? 4. Where does
Fred have a house? 5. When did the man steal a rabbit in the Touch-Barn?
6. What colour hens did the farmer buy? 7. How must they write? 8. How
old was my (your) sister yesterday?
219.1. Our town is quiet and clean. 2. My granny’s sheep eat grass and
bread. 3. Last summer Sam spent in the country. He fed animals every day.
He rode a horse. It was cool! 4. This street is dirtier than that square.
220.1. quieter —> quiet; 2. The women are milking cows now. 3. teeth —»
tooth; 4. fed —> feed; 5. child —♦children

Lesson 2
221.1. No, he hasn’t. 2. Yes, they do. 3. Yes, he does. 4. No, he doesn’t.
5. No, he didn’t. 6. No, he didn’t. 7. No, it wasn’t. 8. Yes, they were.
222.1. Nick lives in a small house in the forest. 2. He is a forester. 3. Nick
likes birds and animals. 4. It was very cold last winter. 5. Nick found a lit­
tle hare near his house. 6. Nick took the hare into the house and fed it.
7. The hare ran to the forest in spring.
223.1. the most modern; 2. unhealthy; 3. quieter; 4. the noisiest; 5. more
interesting; 6. dirty; 7. faster; 8. the slowest
224.1. many; 2. makes; 3. more modern; 4. at; 5. didn’t open; 6. doesn’t
go; 7. biggest; 8. any; 9. On; 10. There are
225.1. are driving / now / Pr. Cont. 2. Last summer / visited / Past S.
3. is / always / Pr. S. 4. Look! I is drinking I Pr. Cont. 5. have / every day /
Pr. S. 6. rained / last autumn / Past S. 7. often / steal / Pr. S. 8. thinks /
Pr. S. 9. doesn’t like / Pr. S. 10. didn’t ride / last week / Past S. 11. aren’t
writing / now / Pr. Cont. 12. don’t eat / Pr. S. 13. wasn’t / yesterday / Past
5. 14. mustn’t / Pr. S. 15. can’t / Pr. S.
226.1. Where does Fred go? 2. What is Kevin driving? 3. When did they
feed lambs? 4. Why must Dan stay at home? 5. How many rabbits did the
thief steal? 6. What colour shoes are they wearing? 7. When do the pupils
read? 8. What did Tom find 2 days ago? 9. How many bears are there in the
227.1. He broke some trees. 2. She is eating a cake. 3. They drink cocoa in
the morning. 4. Mary has got three sheep. 5. The boys like driving a car.
228.1. 2. the; 3. The I 4. The; 5. The / -; 6. The / a; 7. a / -;
8. the / the
229.1. We should feed birds in winter. 2. The farmer found a little lamb
behind his house. 3. Look! The chickens are running. And the rooster is
running after them. 4. Do you like watching nature programmes? 5. These
women came to the farm at quarter to five in the morning.
230.1. they —»them; 2. The Hen House is next to the garden. 3. some —*■
any; 4. more —> the most; 5. men —> man

Lesson 3
231.1. Peter and his parents got up early because they wanted to visit their
friends. 2. Their friends live in the country. 3. They travelled from London
by train, then by car. 4. Farmer Mike came to meet them at the railway sta­
tion in a car. 5. Farmer Mike grew wheat and potatoes in his fields. 6. The
farmer breeds cows, pigs and sheep. 7. He breeds cows for milk, pigs for ba­
con, sheep for meat and wool. 8. The farmer’s wife Marta fed the hens and
collected eggs. 9. There were a lot of apple-trees, pear-trees, plum trees and
cherry-trees in the garden. 10. Peter’s family took a lot of ripe fruit home.
232.1. the hottest; 2. healthier; 3. the coldest; 4. more boring; 5. the best;
6. noisy(the noisiest); 7. warmer; 8. the worst; 9. more interesting; 10. an­
grier; 11. longer; 12. bad; 13. the most modern; 14. dirty
233.1. were; 2. Is; 3. isn’t; 4. many; 5. much; 6. many; 7. any; 8. some;
9. a; 10. some / a; 11. any; 12. on / of; 13. at; 14. in; 15. to / on; 16. at
234.1. There are a lot of domestic animals on the farm. 2. How many flow­
ers did Ann pick in the field? 3. The food in the country is healthier than
in the city. 4. The man isn’t driving a tractor at the moment. 5. Does the
farmer grow many vegetables?
235.1. are / now / Pr. S. 2. has / Pr. S. 3. Last week / went / Past S. 4. is
cooking / at the moment / Pr. Cont. 5. usually / plays / Pr. S. 6. am not /
now / Pr. Cont. 7. didn’t watch / yesterday / Past S. 8. don’t eat / every
day / Pr. S. 9. Look! / isn’t riding I Pr. Cont.
236.1. Look! I is picking / Pr. Cont. 2. didn’t see / last Saturday / Past
S. 3. Do / go / every dav / Pr. S. 4. visited I two davs ago / Past S. 5. isn’t
listening I now / Pr. Cont. 6. Did / buy / yesterday / Past S. 7. Are / break­
ing / now I Pr. Cont. 8. didn’t pay / yesterday / Past S. 9. Does / take /
every vear / Pr. S. 10. Last Sunday / could / Past S.
237.1. 1. Pr. S. 2. Past S. 3. Pr. Cont. 4. Past S. 5.'Past S. 6. Pr. S. 7. Past
S. II. 8. is writing; 9. thought; 10. Do I go; 11. didn’t say. III. 12. Did his
parents go / His parents didn’t go; 13. Does Tim swim / Tim doesn’t swim;
14. Is the man paying / The man isn’t paying; 15. Did her auntie buy /
Her auntie didn’t buy. IV. 16. Did my brother see a bear in the woods last
spring? When did my brother see a bear in the woods? Where did my broth­
er see a bear last spring? What did my brother see in the woods last spring?
238.1. The farmer grows a lot of potatoes. 2. His sister didn’t collect many
eggs in the hen-house yesterday. 3. Where did your friend spend summer
holidays? - On his uncle’s farm. 4. Tom didn’t steal this bike, he got it as
a present. 5. At the moment our grandad is sleeping under the apple-tree.
He is tired.
239.1. sheepg —> sheep; 2. women —* woman; 3. of; 4. to; 5. steals —»• stole

UNIT 8. Our wonderful world

Lesson 1
241.1. T; 2. T; 3. F; 4. F; 5. F; 6. T; 7. T; 8. F
242.1. deserts; 2. the Sahara; 3. grasslands; 4. a wet season and a dry sea­
son; 5. many trees; 6. deep in the water; 7. beautiful gardens; 8. jungles
243.1. are / Pr. S. 2. aren’t / Pr. S. 3. want / Pr. S. 4. doesn’t like / Pr. S.
5. is hiding/Pr. Cont. 6. isn’t climbing / Pr. Cont. 7. saw / PastS. 8. didn’t
come / Past S. 9. don’t live / Pr. S. 10. couldn’t / Past S. 11. keep / Pr. S.
244 1. did; 2. are; 3. have; 4. were; 5. do; 6. does; 7. was; 8. is; 9. do; 10. has
245.1. Do you like whales? 2. Where did he go yesterday? 3. What are they
doing now? 4. What does your pet eat? 5. Can koalas run?
246.1. Kangaroos live in Australia. 2. Rhinos eat grass. 3. Eagles can fly
fast. 4. Tigers and cheetahs are angry. 5. Cheetahs are yellow and black.
6. No, they aren’t. 7. No, they don’t. 8. A shark has got many (hundreds)
247.1. the hottest; 2. warmer; 3. the most beautiful; 4. the biggest;
5. longer; 6. more interesting; 7. colder; 8. fastest
248.1. are / Pr. S. 2. lived / Past S. 3. covers / Pr. S. 4. is wearing I Pr.
Cont. 5. don’t grow / Pr. S. 6. isn’t / Pr. S. 7. don’t live / Pr. S. 8. didn’t
swim / Past S. 9. were / saw / Past S. 10. am watching / Pr. Cont. 11. don’t
eat / does / Pr. S. 12. are buying / Pr. Cont.
249.1. Rhinos can swim well. 2. Where is the highest mountain in the
world? 3. There aren’t any dry deserts in Belarus. 4. Polar bear eats meat
and fish. 5. Thousands of different animals and birds live in jungles.
250.1. colder —> coldest; 2. live —> lives; 3. A —► An; 4. Panda —♦ Pandas;
5. saw —>see

Lesson 2
251. kindly, well, badly, happily, angrily, quickly, wonderfully, slowly,
fast, quietly
252.1. kindly; 2. carefully; 3. quietly; 4. naughtily; 5. happily; 6. angrily;
7. fast; 8. well; 9. badly
253.1. good / well; 2. quickly / slow; 3. noisy / loudly; 4. bad / badly;
5. beautifully; 6. quietly; 7. angry; 8. wonderful
254.1. slowly; 2. badly; 3. fast; 4. well; 5. loudly; 6. beautifully; 7. quiet­
ly; 8. carefully
255.1. good I well; 2. quick / quickly; 3. slowly / slow; 4. happy I happily;
5. beautiful / beautifully; 6. noisy / noisily; 7. careful I carefully; 8. kind;
9. wonderful; 10. bad / badly
256.1. well; 2. badly; 3. quietly; 4. beautifully; 5. loudly; 6. slowly
258.1. eat / every day / Pr. S. 2. usually / feeds / Pr. S. 3. bought / yester­
day / PastS. 4. is doing / now / Pr. Cont. 5. wrote / last week / PastS. 6. are
playing / now / Pr. Cont. 7. often / have / Pr. S. 8. At the moment / is sing­
ing / Pr. Cont.
259.1. speaks (Pr. S.) / is crying (Pr. Cont.) / can’t (Pr. S). 2. was / Past S.
3. is / Pr. S. 4. visited / found / Past S. 5. knows / speaks / Pr. S. 6. didn’t
brush / Past S. 7. doesn’t watch / Pr. S. 8. isn’t swimming / Pr. Cont.
260.1. How is Tim singing? 2. How does Kevin drive cars? 3. How can
Kevin swim? 4. How did Mary go? 5. How could they ride bikes? 6. How
must you cross the street? 7. How are they speaking? 8. How do we sing
this song?
261.1. Tortoises walk slowly. 2. Cheetahs run fast. 3. Ann is a good singer.
She sings well. 4. These children are naughty. They cry loudly. 5. Liz is a
beautiful girl. She dances beautifully.
262.1. quick -* quickly; 2. He plays football well. 3. cooks —► cook; 4. is —>
was; 5. run —> runs

Lesson 3
263.1. T; 2. T; 3. F; 4. F; 5. T; 6. F; 7. F
264.1. Whales live in the ocean. 2. No, they aren’t. 3. Whale babies eat
their mother’s milk. 4. Whales can swim and dive very well. 5. Yes, they
did. 6. No, there aren’t.
265.1. deserts; 2. cheetahs; 3. clever; 4. biggest; 5. small fish; 6. don’t eat;
7. Penguins; 8. A sloth; 9. Kangaroos; 10. swim well; 11. fast
266.1. some; 2. were; 3. did; 4. slow; 5. quickly / live; 6. doesn’t; 7. the
biggest; 8. faster
267. a) 1. He’ll walk. 2. They’ll watch. 3. I’ll swim, b) 4. She will teach.
5. We will read. 6. You will know.
268.1. next Tuesday: 2. Tomorrow: 4. in an hour
269.1. will write; 2. will read; 3. will learn; 4. will jump; 5. will buy
270.1. Will / go; 2. Will / play; 3. Will / watch; 4. Will / help; 5. Will /
271.1. Will Mr. Green watch the news at 8 o’clock? 2. Will the boys swim
in the Black Sea next summer? 3. Will she be at school in a week? 4. Will
Andrew’s uncle send a card him tomorrow? 5. Will we decorate a Christmas
tree with tinsel next year?
272.1. won’t watch; 2. won’t visit; 3. won’t play; 4. won’t eat; 5. won’t
273.1. won’t go; 2. won’t sing; 3. won’t read; 4. won’t eat; 5. won’t visit
274.1. eats / Pr. S. 2. ate / Past S. 3. is eating / Pr. Cont. 4. will eat / F. S.
5. had I Past S. 6. are having / Pr. Cont. 7. have / Pr. S. 8. will have / F. S.
9. is flying / Pr. Cont. 10. flies I Pr. S. 11. will fly /F. S.; 12. flew / PastS.
275.1. is /Pr.S.; 2. were/PastS.; 3. will /F. S.; 4. are /Pr.Cont.; 5. am/
Pr. S.; 6. Will IF. S.; 7. was / Past S.; 8. is / Pr. Cont.
276.1. Where do they usually stay? 2. Where did Tom buy the tickets?
3. Who goes to Canada alone? 4. How can we get to Moscow? 5. What must
they buy? 6. What could she visit? 7. Why was Ann in hospital? 8. When
will his brother drive a car?
277.1.1 think we will invite him to the party next Thursday. 2 .His cousin
will go to London next month. 3. How can I get to the supermarket? - Go
over the bridge and go straight ahead. 4. The city is noisier than the coun­
try. 5. Nelly has got a runny nose. She should take nose drops and stay at
home. 6. Will you go to the museum? - No, I won’t. I can’t. I must help my
278.1. helps —» help; 2. shall —► will; 3. Will your little sister go to bed in
an hour? 4.They will speak English badly, they are bad pupils. 5. willn’t —*

UNIT 9. Travelling
Lesson 1
280.1. cheap- cheaper - the cheapest; 2. fast - faster - the fastest; 3. bor­
ing - more boring - the most boring; 4. healthy - healthier - the healthi­
est; 5. modern - more modern - the most modern; 6. comfortable - more
comfortable - the most comfortable; 7. interesting - more interesting -
the most interesting; 8. expensive - more expensive - the most expensive;
9. good - better - the best; 10. bad - worse - the worst
281. 1. the most beautiful; 2. the most expensive; 3. the highest; 4. more
comfortable; 5. the quietest; 6. noisier; 7. interesting; 8. the driest; 9. big­
ger; 10. the hottest
282.1. will be at school. 2. will be at home. 3. will be tired. 4. will be hun­
gry. 5. will be cold. 6. will be ill.
283.1. were; 2. is; 3. will be; 4. are; 5. am; 6. was
284.1. will be / in two years / F. S. 2. is watching / now / Pr. Cont. 3. will
learn / in a year / F. S. 4. flew I two months ago / Past S. 5. hears / every
day / Pr. S. 6. is watching I now / Pr. Cont. 7. left J last autumn / Past S.
8. is / Pr. S. 9. will be / in a week / F. S. 10. was / three days ago / Past S.
285. A. 1. My name is Susan. 2.1 am from the United Kingdom. 3. My coun­
try is in Europe. 4. London is the capital of my country. 5.1 speak English.
6. The weather is warm and rainy in my country. 7. My favourite food is
fish and chips. В. 1. My name is Bern. 2.1 am from Germany. 3. Berlin is
the capital of my country. 4. My country is in Europe. 5.1 speak German.
6. The weather is warm and dry in my country. 7. My favourite food is sau­
286.1. don’t speak / Pr. S. 2. visited I ate / Past S. 3. are / are riding / Pr.
Cont. 4. Will I visit / F. S. 5. Is / Pr. S. 6. leave / Pr. S. 7. Did / fly / Past
S; 8. Are / watching / Pr. Cont. 9. won’t spend IF. S. 10. was / wore / Past
S. 11. knows / Pr. S. 12. didn’t hear / Past S. 13. isn’t driving / Pr. Cont.
14. will see / F. S.
287.1. Where do people speak Spanish? 2. What is Ann writing now?
3. When did the Browns fly to Egypt? 4. Why will his uncle learn Ger­
man? 5. What were these girls afraid of? 6. What colour is the Italian flag?
7. How many flags could the thief steal in the History Museum? 8. Where
will this sportsman play in a year? 9. Who are the children speaking Japa­
nese with? 10. When did his cousin leave the United Kingdom?
288.1.1 think we will go to the seaside by plane next summer. 2. How would
you like to travel? 3. Planes are the fastest and the most comfortable way of
travelling. 4. Why not go to Berlin by bus? -1 think it’s an uncomfortable
way of travelling. 5. Tomorrow I will write a letter to my friend in Canada.
He will be glad to get it.
289.1. does live —> lives; 2. There will be a lot of people in the bus tomor­
row. 3. Will there be a new hospital in the town? 4. Next year she will he
ten. 5. rri^t

Lesson 2
290. parents / plane / clouds / watched / cartoon / juice / expensive /
swim / cold
291. a) Present Simple. Liz decorates her room every New Year’s Day. Past
Simple. Liz decorated her room last Christmas Day. Future Simple. Liz will
decorate her room next Halloween. Present Continuous. Liz is decorating
her room now. b) Present Simple. Carol doesn’t write letters every week.
Past Simple. Carol didn’t write letters last month. Future Simple. Carol.
won’t write letters next Sunday. Present Continuous. Carol isn’t writing
letters at the moment, c) Present Simple. Does Ann buy tickets for a train
every month? Past Simple. Did Ann buy tickets for a train yesterday? Fu­
ture Simple. Will Ann buy tickets for a train tomorrow? Present Continu­
ous. Is Ann buying tickets for a train now?

292.1. runs I is running / will run; 2. is / is / is playing / play; 3. lives /

lived; 4. doing / am reading / read; 5. are / doing / are working / work /
worked; 6. buys / is buying; 7. writes / will write; 8. helps / are cooking /
didn’t wash / will do
293.1. What should Sue take? 2. Where was he yesterday? 3. Whom must
he help? 4. How many shells did Maggie find? 5. Why does Nick have a sore
throat? 6. What do koalas do slowly? 7. How did Sam go? 8. Where are they
swimming? 9. What are we afraid of? 10. Who has earache? 11. Who lives
on the island?
294.1. are going to; 2. is going to; 3. are going to; 4. is going to; 5. is going
to; 6. is going to; 7. am going to; 8. are going to
295.1. His little sister isn’t going to listen to loud music. 2. These animals
aren’t going to live at the zoo. 3. The friends aren’t going to leave their
bags at home. 4. Kevin isn’t going to throw litter out of the window.
296.1. Is / he is; 2. Are / they are; 3. Is / she is; 4. Are / I am; 5. Is / she
isn’t; 6. Is / he isn’t; 7. Are / they aren’t; 8. Is / he (she) isn’t.
297.1. What is Helen going to eat? 2. Where are they going to spend
their holidays? 3. Why is Mike going to take pills? 4. What game are
these boys going to play? 5. What is Kevin going to do? 6. Who is going to
buy trainers?
298.1. badly; 2. loud / loudly; 3. worse; 4. strong; 5. the cheapest; 6. are
going to travel; 7. much; 8. many; 9. are; 10. any; 11. any; 12. some
299.1. Where are you going next summer? 2. How did you travel last
year? - We flew to Italy by plane and went to Moscow by train. 3. Where
did Mr. Brown stay? Where did he leave his luggage? 4. He shouldn’t throw
the ticket. 5. Children can watch a video, listen to music or do crosswords
in a plane.
300.1. some —»• any; 2. Who is... 3. t^o; 4. drive —»drove; 5. bad —► badly
Lesson 3
301. visited / was / bought / left / took / came / went / was / went / trav­
elled / flew / drove / saw / were / spent I took / swam / was
302.1. Were; 2.1s; 3. Does; 4. Do; 5. Are; 6. do; 7.1s; 8. are; 9. will;
10. does; 11. will; 12. do; 13. did; 14. will; 15. was
303.1. will be / F. S. 2. is crying / Pr. Cont. 3. stole / Past S. 4. arc / Pr. S.
5. weren’t / Past S. 6. don’t celebrate / Pr. S. 7. isn’t working / Pr. Cont.
8. hurts I Pr. S. 9. mustn’t / Pr. S. 10. couldn’t / Past S.
304. 1. What time is it? 2. How did you travel yesterday? 3. Howmanyships
were there in the port? 4. How will you go to London tomorrow? 5. What’s
the weather like in Egypt? 6. When did you go to'Australia? 7. Were you at 8. What will they celebrate tomorrow?
305.1. buys / Pr. S. 2. are eating / Pr. Cont. 3. will hear / F. S. 4. wrote /
Past S. 5. is reading / Pr. Cont. 6. travelled / Past S. 7. will feed / F. S. 8. is
drinking / Pr. Cont. 9. does / Pr. S. 10. gave / Past S. 11. will write / F. S.
12. kept / Past S. 13. will leave / F. S. 14. built / Past S. 15. find I Pr. S.
16. goes / Pr. S. 17. could / Past S. 18. will see / F. S.
306.1. When will Bob visit India? 2. Where did his parents see the Pyr­
amids? 3. How could Sally ride a bicycle? 4. Who were they in Australia
with? 5. What colour skirts does Alice wear? 6.-How many oranges did
Nick bring? 7. What did she watch yesterday? 8. Who is listening to mu­
sic? 9. Who likes reading poems? 10. Who has got a magic pearl?
307.1. of / at; 2. by / at; 3. in; 4. In / to; 5. On / at / in; 6. In I in; 7. in;
8. to; 9. at; 10. to / by; 11. in; 12. on; 13. for; 14. on / of; 15. on
308.1. isn’t (wasn’t); 2. next; 3. went; 4. many; 5. are writing; 6. were;
7. bought; 8. rides; 9. much; 10. is doing
309.1. Where did your friend spend his last summer holidays? 2. His
parents are going from Brest to Berlin by train. 3. When are you leaving? -
At quarter to eight. 4. I’d like to travel by car. It’s the most interesting way
of travelling because you can stop at any place. 5.1 think I will pick berries
and mushrooms in the woods next summer.
310.1. There aren’t any interestingCsCbooks in the library. 2. Who has
dinner at home? 3. What are they doing at this moment? 4. My parents are
going to playing tennis. 5. Do lizards run quickly? 6. What colour dress did
Mary wear yesterday?

№ Infinitive Past Simple Перевод

1 be быть
(am - is - are) was - were
2 become became становиться
3 break broke ломать, разбивать
4 build built строить
5 buy bought покупать
6 can could мочь, уметь
7 catch caught ловить
8 come came приходить
9 do did делать
10 drink drank пить
И drive drove водить (машину)
12 eat ate есть, кушать
13 fall fell падать
14 feed fed кормить
15 find found находить
16 fly flew летать
17 get up got up вставать
18 get got получать
19 give gave давать
20 go went идти, ехать
21 hang hung вешать
22 have - has had иметь
23 hear heard слышать
24 hide hid прятать(ся)
25 hurt hurt болеть, причинять боль
26 keep kept хранить
27 know knew знать
28 learn learnt учить, узнавать
29 leave left покидать, уезжать
30 make made делать

31 pay paid платить
32 put put класть
33 read read читать
34 ride rode кататься
35 run ran бегать
36 say said сказать
37 see saw видеть
38 send sent посылать
39 sing sang петь
40 sleep slept спать
41 spend spent проводить (время)
’42 steal stole красть
43 swim swam плавать
44 take took брать
45 teach taught учить
46 tell told говорить
47 think thought думать
48 throw threw бросать
49 wear wore носить
50 write wrote писать

UNIT 1. IN SUMMER................................... 5
Lesson 1.......................................................................................... 5
Lesson 2.......................................................................................... 12
Lesson 3.......................................................................................... 19
UNIT 2. DAY OUT................................................................................ 23
Lesson 1.......................................................................................... 23
Lesson 2....................................................................................... 26
Lesson 3.......................................................................................... 30
UNIT 3. DO YOU LIKE TV?........................... 35
Lesson 1.......................................................................................... 35
Lesson 2.......................................................................................... 40
Lesson 3.......................................................................................... 43
UNIT 4. SPECIAL DAYS............................. \..................................... 48
Lesson 1.......................................................................................... 48
Lesson 2.......................................................................................... 51
Lesson 3.......................................................................................... 55
UNIT 5. BE HEALTHY!........................................................................ 60
Lesson 1.......................................................................................... 60
Lesson 2.......................................................................................... 65
Lesson 3.......................................................................................... 71
UNIT 6. IN THE CITY.......................................................................... 76
Lesson 1.......................................................................................... 76
Lesson 2...................... 80
Lesson 3.......................................................................................... 84
UNIT 7. ON THE FARM...................................................................... 88
Lesson 1.......................................................................................... 88
Lesson 2.......................................................................................... 92
Lesson 3.......................................................................................... 96
UNIT 8. OUR WONDERFUL WORLD................................................. 100
Lesson 1............................................................................................ 100
Lesson 2............................................................................................ 103
Lesson 3............................................................................................ 107
UNIT 9. TRAVELLING......................................................................... 113
Lesson 1............................................................................................ 113
Lesson 2............................................................................................ 117
Lesson 3............................................................................................ 123
КЛЮЧИ......................................................................................................... 127
UNIT 1. In summer............................................................................... 127
UNIT 2. Day out...................................................................................... 130
UNIT 3. Do you like TV?...................................................................... 133
UNIT 4. Special Days............................................................................. 137
UNIT 5. Be healthy!............................................................................... 139
UNIT 6. In the city................................................................................. 143
UNIT 6. On the farm............................................................................. 146
UNIT 8. Our wonderful world.............................................................. 149
UNIT 9. Travelling............................................................................... 152

Irregular Verbs (Неправильные глаголы).............................................. 156

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