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In A Nutshell

Activity 3

3. The Copernican Revolution, Darwinian Revolution, and Freeudian Revolution are three
common intellectual revolutionizing theories. These three paradigm-shifting hypotheses are only
a few of the countless scientific concepts that have shaped and reshaped cultures and beliefs. The
changes they caused in the scientific community's and the general public's viewpoints and
perceptions are proof of science and technology's ties to mankind.

4. People, technology, science, economics, culture, and even the way people think have all altered
as a result of the Information Age. The Internet is, without a doubt, the most well-known invention
of the Information Age. The Internet revolutionized the way people conduct business. In
conclusion, the Information Age is the world that we are living today. From the Stone Age through
the Industrial Revolution, every age has led to the world we know today. We would not be where
we are now if it weren't for the information, knowledge, and discoveries of the past. Our present
is molded by our history, and our future will be shaped by our past.

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