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 the main subject of a talk, book, film, song, etc.


• expresses personal thoughts and feelings

Language Features

1. Imperative

The form of a verb which is usually used for giving orders .

In the phrase ‘Leave him alone!’, the verb ‘leave’ is imperative.

2. Statement

Something that someone says or writes officially, or an action done to express an opinion.

3. Conjunction

words, such as ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘while’, or ‘although’, that connects words, phrases, and clauses
in a sentence

4. Pronoun

are important in establising point of view. Certain creative decisions need to be made by the

 Relating the song in thefirst person uses, I,me ,we

 Having the singger address the song to second person uses you

 Relating a song about something or someone else (third person)

 uses he, him,she,her it, they, them

5. Figurative (majas)

 Is a broad category that includes figures of speech as well as sound devices and

 A. Sound devices : sound devices areresources used to convey and reinforce the
meaning or experince of poetry through the skillful uses of sound
1. Alliteration : a literary device in which a series of wordd begin with the same
consonant sound. The repition of sound in the beginnin.g of two or more words.

Example: There is nothing death in the desert during the day.

2. Assonance: the repetion of vowel sounds in nearby words.

Example : I must confess that in my quest

3. Onomatopoeia: a word that phonetically mimics or resembles the sound of the thing it
describes. ( menirukan sesuatu bunyi suara)

Example : I like that boom boom pow

Types of Imagery

1. Visual: appeals to our sense of sight(menarik bagi indera penglihatan kita)

The crimson apple glistened in her hand.(Apel merah berkilauan di tangannya.)

2. Auditory: appeals to our sense of sound

The roaring thunder frightened the little boy.

3. Olfactory: appeals to our sense of smell

The athlete’s sweaty gym clothes left a musty odor in the laundry room.

4. Gustatory: appeals to our sense of taste

The warm, salty broth soothed her sore throat as she ate the soup.

5. Tactile: appeals to our sense of touch

Prickly cactus posed as an obstacle to the men as hiked.

Figurative (majas)

Figure of speech is where a word or words are used to create an effect, often where they do
not have their original or literal meaning. It is is used to heighten orincrease the state that
they are describing.
Types of Figurative Language

1. Simile

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things and uses the words “like”
or “as” and they are commonly used in everyday communication. ...

(Simile adalah majas yang membandingkan dua hal yang berbeda dan menggunakan kata-
kata "seperti" atau "sebagai" dan mereka umum digunakan dalam komunikasi sehari-hari.)


 The boy was as brave as a lion in the jungle.

 The assistant was as busy as a bee when she was preparing the podium for the
presidential address.

 The new teacher is as tall as a giraffe.

 The new neighbor is as curious as a cat; nothing escapes her attention.

2. Metaphor

A metaphor is a statement that compares two things that are not alike. (Metafora adalah
pernyataan yang membandingkan dua hal yang tidak sama.)


 The warrior has a heart of stone.

 Love is a battlefield.

 Baby, you are my sunshine.

3. Hyperbole

is an exaggeration that is created to emphasize a point or bring out Hyperbole is an

exaggeration that is created to emphasize a point or bring out a sense of humor.
(Hiperbola adalah kata-kata yang dilebih-lebihkan yang dibuat untuk menekankan suatu hal
atau memunculkan rasa humor.)

examples of hyperbole:

 I have told you a million times to wash the dishes.

 You are so slender that the wind can carry you away.

 The afternoon is so bright that the sun would wear sunglasses.


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