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English III



presented by

Liliana Lizeth Olaya Sierra

Andrés Felipe Avila Buitrago

Santiago Alexis Diaz Fonseca

Angie Stefany Amaya Molina

Alexi Marelby López Acevedo




How has resilience been experienced in times of pandemic?

The onset of the pandemic brought with it psychosocial, economic, and personal problems.
The arrival of this new virus affected people's daily lives. COVID-19 forced the world's
population to abide by the prevention alternatives imposed by governments, one of which
was mandatory quarantine.

The social impact of the pandemic led international governments to implement containment
to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, and no sector was prepared to deal with this
situation. In Colombia, the problems were increasing due to the country's health and
economic crisis. Builes (2020) points out that:

"The effects of the mandatory preventive confinement and the state of emergency measures
declared on March 17 until August 31 have affected the health of democracy and the
economic fragility of Colombia. (Builes, 2020)".

In Colombia, the pandemic affected the population to a great extent, putting, at first sight,
the social and economic precariousness of millions of Colombians. According to the
Portfolio (2020) "Colombia is giving a lot harder to people with lower incomes, to people
who live from day to day in informality, to independent workers".

Corruption on the part of state entities, mayors, and governors has a great responsibility for
the economic crisis in Colombia. The portfolio (2020) indicates that "we are seeing three
effects: the first has to do with bad practices in purchases with prices of products
overvalued by up to 10 times, uncontrolled contracting processes, lack of information from
governments, etc." and furthermore adds that "there are irregularities in the governments'
social packages for low-income groups, which are not reaching them.

This shows that Colombia is an unequal country, but its inhabitants have tried to cope with
this situation, to adapt to the changes, to adapt to the new rules. A clear example is the
educational institutions that had to modify their curricula to continue classes virtually and
thus avoid the academic loss of students. Many others have accepted the situation and did
not rule out the idea of starting over.

COVID-19 has affected different areas: education, economy, health sector, among others.
In the education sector, there was a decrease in academic loss, since due to confinement
families are more united, support each other and spend more time on activities together.

There are also alarming figures due to the suspension of classes since it is very difficult to
access student camp areas, academic resources, and the lack of communication that can
lead to slow and insignificant learning. To overcome this crisis, teachers have had to adopt
new methodologies and carry out different activities so that all students can have the right
to a complete and easily accessible education.

From the professional field in safety and health at work seeks to care for employees and
manage the dangers of a company in the quest to minimize the impact and welfare of life.
These not only focus on physical health but also on mental health in the workplace, which
is why it even gives scope to the implements of work, labor, social responsibility, and
constant verification that everything is in order.

Human beings must be trained as responsible, caring people, working in a community with
responsibility, and adapting to the environment that surrounds them.

In effect, the pandemic has been a situation that intensifies many problems, economic,
labor, social, and coexistence in the family nucleus. The current situation in Colombia
presents complex situations that discourage people from marked by poverty, corruption,
inequality, and war. That is why we must try to manage the situation by supporting each
other, taking care of each other, and encouraging spaces for dialogue that allow for better
communication. In our condition as social beings, it is fundamental to relate to our
environment, the transformation and exchange of ideas thus becomes the basis of life,
social and collective development that can achieve the union of a people that is willing to
move forward and face this pandemic.


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