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The book of Doctor Horvath gave us a new path about wisdom.

And how this wisdom should

exist rather than just talking if we want to help others learn. I believe that the job of every author,
publisher, and professional is to influence others.

This influence is vital since our learning suddenly shifted into an online setting. The fact of the
lack of knowledge in recognizing and exploiting the learning process, this influence can turn into

His work highlights that every influence must be in good standing. Otherwise, the intended
message is unheard, vague, and unretained by others. There was a presence of science in his
work, which made it unique.

The author gives his insight, using a series of principles on how people learn. He emphasized
that research-based principles can make a more positive impact than the conventional way of

There are three principles highlighted in his book: Spoken Word and Written Text do not
Mix, We Don’t Think About Things we Remember; We Remember Things We Think About,
and Context, Context, Context.

Here’s a brief overview of 3 learning principles explored within the book.

 Spoken Word and Written Text do not Mix

Here’s a simple experiment.

Pop on a nearby television or radio and tune it to a ‘talking-heads’ show.  The content doesn’t
matter, so long as the program features spoken word.

Your job is to try to listen to and understand the people speaking on that program whilst, at the
same time, trying to read and understand this article.

Chances are you’ll quickly realize that it’s impossible to simultaneously read whilst listening to
someone speak. Perhaps you find yourself jumping back and forth between listening and reading,
but this only leads to deeper confusion.

Unfortunately, within the brain, silent reading is processed nearly identically to vocal oration. As
such, there simply is not enough neural real-estate within the brain to process both speech and
reading at the same time: it’s one or the other.

This means that if you ever deliver a presentation while standing in front of a text-heavy
PowerPoint slide, if you ever try to discuss details as someone peruses a contract, or if you try to
orally guide someone through a densely written passage – you are asking the impossible. These
common practices all greatly impair learning and will only serve to diminish your impact.
Now, about trying to listen to someone speak while writing…

 We Don’t Think About Things we Remember; We Remember Things we Think About

When it comes to forming deep, lasting memories, most people focus energy in the wrong spot.

For instance, it’s commonly argued that people only remember things that are highly
emotional. However, if this were true, then why is it so easy to remember radio jingles from your
childhood? I’m guessing these songs aren’t deeply personal to you – yet there they are just the

Similarly, it’s commonly argued that repetition is the key to forming deep memories. However, if
that were the case, why is it so easy to remember your first kiss (which only happened once), yet
so difficult to remember math equations you practiced hundreds of times in grade school?

It turns out, the secret to forming deep memories is not about how information goes in – it’s about
how information comes out. The more you actively recall a memory (regardless of how emotional
or repetitive), the stronger and more easily accessible that memory becomes.

This is why I can remember Game of Thrones so well. I may have only watched the show once,
but I’ve thought about, talked about, and debated about it hundreds of times – my memory
becoming deeper with each recall. This is also why I can’t remember the periodic table. Although
I memorized it for several exams throughout my school career, once the exams were complete, I
never again recalled any of these ideas.

With regards to influence, this highlights the importance of shifting focus

from input to output. Sure, it’s important to develop and present material in a way that grabs and
holds attention – but beyond this, we must consider how to ensure others personally and actively
recall said material. This is why interactivity, guided discussion, review, and questioning are
some of the most powerful tools in our influence arsenal.

 Context, Context, Context

Deeply embedded within your memory for every piece of information you’ve ever learned is the
context within which you learned it. Your memory for this article will not simply consist of the
words you’re reading now – it will also consist of any smells, sounds, tastes, emotions, or
sensations entering your brain right now.

Importantly, all of these contextual features (both external and internal) will play an important
role in how (and if) you access this information in the future. For instance, if you’re reading this
while relaxed by the pool, it will be much easier to access this material in the future when you’re
relaxed by the pool (as opposed to stressed in a crowded office).
Once we recognize the important role of context in learning, we can better guide our influence to
resonate with varied outcomes. Sometimes we want to pass along information that is highly
specific to a single circumstance. In this instance, we need to embed as many relevant contextual
features into the learning as is possible. However, sometimes we want to pass along information
we hope is more general and applicable across many circumstances. In this instance, we need to
mix and vary the learning as much as possible to eliminate contextual interference.

Where and how we learn is just as important as what we learn.

Overall, the book provides the beautiful use of science for better learning. Adapting the author's
work connotes an improvement in our education.
It is more of an understanding. Hence, students can appreciate every topic, even the slightest
detail. They will come to a more reasonable comprehension of the learning process and leverage
knowledge to better impact and inspire others.

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