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Use of cin and cout, conditional statements

1. Program of addition or subtraction of two numbers

2. Print the ASCII value of a character
3. Write a program to convert degree Fahrenheit into degree Celsius.
4. Write a program to check whether a number entered is a even number or
odd number using switch case statement.
5. Write a program to read month of the year as an integer and print the month
name using switch case statement.
6. .Program to find largest or smallest of three or to print the second largest
7. .Program for Mini calculator (using switch case)

Use of loops , for , while , do while

1. Write a program to print first 10 natural numbers using while loop, for loop and
do while loop.

2. Write a program to calculate the sum of first 10 natural number using while
loop, for loop do while loop.

3. Write a program to find the reverse of a number.

4. Write a program to check whether a number is palindrome or not.

5. Write a program to check whether a three digit number is a Armstrong number

or not.

6. Write a program to print the numbers from m to n range.

7.write a program to calculate factorial of a number.

8.Write a program to check whether a number is prime or not.

9.Write a program to calculate the sum of digits of a number.

10.Write a program to print first 10 Fibonacci numbers using while loop.

11.Write a program to accept a number as integer and print the number of digits in
that number.

12. Write a program to print all the numbers between 1 and 100 that are divisible
by 2 as well as 3.

13.Write a program to print the sum of all the odd numbers from 1 and 100.

14.Write a program to find sum of n numbers using arrays assume that array
contain max 20 elements.

15. Write a program to find largest of n numbers using arrays.

16.write a program to find position of largest element in an array.

17. N numbers of elements are entered from the keyboard into an array. The
number to be searched is entered through the keyboard by the user. Write a
program to find if the number to be searched is present in the array.

18.N numbers are entered from the keyboard into an array. Write a program to find
out how many of them are positive, how many are negative, how many are even
and how many odd using malloc function

19. Write a program to read and display a 2 Dimensional array of 3*3 size.

20.Write a program to print transpose of a 2 dimensional array of 3*3 size.

21.Write a program to add two matrices/ to add the elements of the matrices of m
by n size.

22.Write a program to calculate the sum of diagonal element of a matrix of m by n


23.Write a program to calculate the product of two matrices of m by n size.

24. Write a program to calculate the length of a string without using any inbuilt

25. Write a program to print reverse of a string without using any inbuilt function.

26. Write a program to check whether a string is palindrome or not.

27. Write a program to count number of vowels in a string.

28. Write a program to count number of tabs in a string.

29. Write a program to count number of new lines in a string.

30. Write a program to count number of digits in a string.

31. Write a program to convert all the lower characters of a string to upper case
without using any inbuilt function.

31. Write a program to convert all the upper characters of a string to lower case
without using any inbuilt function.

32. Write a program to search a particular number from an array of 10 integers

using linear search.

33. Write a program to search a particular character from a string using linear
34. Write a program to implement void pointer.

35. Write a program to implement call by value and call by address concept.

36. Write a program to copy one text file into another.

37. Write a program to append one text file into another.

38. Write a program to count number of vowels from a text file.

39 All the programs given in the note book and related programs should be

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