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Good Morning honorable Judges,

We are team Analysis Aces.

I think we all will agree to the fact that It is always a bliss to travel with families and friends. Late
night and long distances adds to the thrill.
But there are times when this thrill turns into a tragedy for the family.

A study by the World Bank reveals that, In the last decade, road accidents caused
death for 13 lakh people, and another 50 lakh people got injured in the country.

India accounts for around 4.5 lakh road accidents every year, and witnesses around 53
road accidents killing one person every 4 minutes.

And We are trying to solve this issue of Drowsy Driving.

When you google safety tips for driving at night, there is tons of data available for example -
drive slowly, listen to music, regular car maintenance, efficient headlights etc.

But, We present to you a stylish solution: BLISS WATCHES, Stay fit and Drive safely.

Here is a small video for you all to have a basic understanding of what our product is all about.

We hope you enjoyed it!

Now let us take you through some features and explain how this product works.

This watch comes with an app which will be made available on play store and app store, all you
need to do is connect with the app.
Before jumping onto the USP, let's see what other features this watch carries for us. So, unlike
any other smart watch you get a sports mode, bluetooth connectivity, heart rate monitoring, you
can check the oxygen level, etc.

The USP of the product is the auto detection driving mode. The driver can either manually
switch on the driving mode or use the accelerometer in the watch. The Accelerometer will make
it possible for us to detect the speed of the car. As soon as the speed reaches above 30 kmph,
a notification will appear with an option of switching on the driving mode as a reminder. When
you drive for long hours, or are tired driving late at night or even in daylight, one starts feeling
drowsy and sleepy.
During this time, biological changes occur in our body, the heart rate starts to fall and reaches
nearly 60 beats per minute from an average rate of 72-75 bpm, indicating resting mode, also
melatonin, a hormone which is directly associated with the sleep and wake cycle increases 10
fold when we are about to sleep or at night. Our watch detects this increase in melatonin with a
special sensor called GSR i.e. Galvanic Skin response sensor and Heart rate sensor. As soon
as these two are detected simultaneously, the watch will start vibrating. It will vibrate thrice and
help the person to stay awake. Just in case the driver is not alerted, the watch, linked with the
phone, will help in sending a message to 3 of his emergency contacts asking them to call back
urgently. We have also taken care of unprecedented times, so if we push the home button thrice
the SOS will be sent to the police, ambulance along with your location.

Since we as a team believe in sustainability, we have tried to work upon the same by introducing
India’s first watch with straps that are made up of bamboo fabric, the most eco-friendly fabric on
earth and apparently India is one of the largest producers of this fabric. It has antibacterial
properties. It has a moisture wicking property i.e. it absorbs sweat easily. Plus, it is gaining
popularity in the fashion industry. We have also included biodegradable packaging for this
product which is being promoted by the government and public as well.

Now coming on to the target market, Here we have tried to calculate the addressable market for
our watch which is a huge no. 25 crore. Since it is a smart watch which has basic features but
with an addition of driving mode and is available for Rs. 3500, the target audience includes
middle income segment and a small percent of upper class as well. Then we further tried to
funnel it down on the basis of age group. At last we took only the urban population and landed
up with 25 cr. as our market. Now this market is occupied by a no. of competitors such as Noise,
Boat and approximately 23% of the market is segmented.

Comparison With Big players

As we have talked about the market share now let’s talk about who are our direct competitors
and where do we stand against them. We are comparing our products with the Boat Xplorer and
Noise colorfit 2 on the basis of our price range. This comparison chart defines where we are
positioned now apart from that this highlights our differentiating factor or the USP of our product.

Features- Bamboo, Driving and SOS

We have seen on the basis on this survey that (sample size=62):

-We have around 16% of the market that we can still capture, since they belong to the category
wherein they are thinking of buying a smartwatch.
- Feature
- Primary - Price, Call Notification and Battery
- Secondory - Fitness and health tracker
-Around 32% of the population again can be captured with our brand and we can even convert
the users of realme and fireboltt since they have a miniscule share in the smartwatch market.
-another beneficial aspect is that around 55% of the people agreed/ may think of paying extra
for the driving mode feature.
Now let us understand how we will penetrate this market.
1. Since the target market is between the age group of 15 to 60 years. We will be
focussing on influencer marketing pertaining to the tech field. For this also, we
will approach only micro (10k to 50k followers) and mid tier influencers with 50k
to 5 lakh followers.
2. Next is Youtube marketing through Trueview ads. Now there are two types of
trueview ad options available. What we are planning is to stream true views. This
is a cost effective method. Viewers will have an option to skip the ad after 5 sec.
We will only pay when the viewer watches the ad for at least 30 seconds or till
the end or redirects themselves to the product, whichever happens first.
3. Another marketing channel would be establishing a network with the riders club.
So, we talked with Harley owners group, India’s best bike riders group and they
very well appreciated the idea of driving mode and were more than happy to use
it since it was concerned with safety.
4. Most important marketing strategy would be to position the product effectively. In
our campaigns we will be talking about Sustainability and market the brand as
eco - friendly from product to the packaging. Then, aiming at solving a societal
problem, portraying an image of healthy and safety driven culture.
5. Moreover, since we as consumers love personalisation, especially the younger
generation. We will be curating straps that are customisable, for eg - one can get
their initials or signatures or dates etc. embroidered or printed. We can have
different colors and prints available.
6. Last but not least will be collaborating with the Government of India. Now,
recently, the government has extended their support to provide subsidies for
wearable devices and the industry leaders of wearables have proposed for 7-8%
of subsidy.
7. Since this is a societal problem and nothing like our product has been introduced
in the market, collaboration will the government can help us reach lower strata of
the society eg. - truck and bus drivers. A study conducted in 2020 by SaveLIFE
Foundation and Mahindra revealed that truck drivers in India drive 12 hours a
day covering around 417 km, with almost 50% of them admitting that they feel
sleepy or tired while driving. This huge problem can be addressed too. For
reaching out to them we will run campaign along with the ministry of roads,
transport and highway #savdhanisesurakhatak. This strategy will help us in
Future expansion plans.
8. For now we will be collaborating with the automobile dealers and our potential
customers will be TATA Motors & Kia. why tata because that is the company that
cares for people’s security and their cars speak for it. Kia because they are trying
to penetrate the market, so this watch can be given as an accessory to the
customer. Apart from them we can sponsor the college fest and corporate events
which can give us a direct marketing footfall of hundreds and thousands who are
also our potential customers or target audience. Now Devika will explain to you
the possible turnouts from this marketing strategy.

Computation of numbers:

Future Plan:

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