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Activity 2

Historical Antecedents in the Development of

Science and Technology

After gathering all the concepts through brainstorming, illustrate the

development of a specific product that we are using today through a graphic

Graphic Organizer

Question to Answer:
1. What can be the reason(s) in the development of such products made by the
different inventors?

Setting-up telephones in different era to centralize the “network” within a smaller to

bigger geographical area. This system allowed other individual lines to be connected
with each other through a central station. In addition, providing an important device for
facilitating human communication. No longer did people need to be co-located beside
each other to be able to converse. Through the telephone, people could have equally
meaningful conversations at a distance, all the while preserving reciprocity.

2. What can be the effect of scientific and technological developments in the society
and the environment?

Everything depends on the purpose, intention that we use our development with.
At the moment our scientific, technological development is used as everything else,
with our inherently self-serving, self-justifying, subjective and exploitative attitude,
intention. As a result whatever we develop we turn it into excessive, selfish profit,
weapons or both. As a result our sciences, technology affect both Human society and
the Natural environment negatively, causing only harm in the long term.
If we learn how to use everything with “Nature-like", mutually responsible,
mutually complementing intentions, for positive, constructive common goals that are
equally beneficial for all, then with our know-how we could turn Earth into a real-life.

3. In the future, what is the product you want to develop? Draw/illustrate. Why?

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