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10)How has the definition of beauty changed overtime?

In societies all over the world, beauty standards have often been connected

with class and wealth. Throughout most of history so we have been

considered the ideal. Until a couple 100 years ago most people perform

physical labor and ate only what they needed to survive so they were pretty

thin and muscular.

In this society, this was read and hear a woman was, the more beautiful

she was considered. Full figure was evidence of fertility but more

importantly, it was evidence of wealth. Beauty standards are so all service

in movies, TV, magazines and advertising that we take them as given. And

lord surfers go through the word assuming that beautiful means what our

culture says it does colin smooth, symmetrical, clean, delicate and young.

When you realize that the word beautiful has meant hundreds of different

things throughout the course of history comma it becomes a whole lot

easier to see those standards not as some all-powerful truth comma but as

just one more idea of what beauty can be. And we realize lies that beauty is

a subject you think that there are lots and lots of ways to define it it makes

room for us to see beauty in diversity; to realize there are just as many

ways to be beautiful as there are women in the world.

A high forehead blonde hair, pale skin and long neck were all

characteristics that were ideal for women to have. Women would go as far

as plucking their hairline to achieve their high hairline. Beauty is visually

pleasing and can satisfy the other sensors as well, but it cannot be fully

defined through Omni the senses. It wasn't from the sole; It is an epitome of

Syrian emotion. Is imperative so the mentality of society maintains as if the

world would transform to be completely dark without it.

The nature of beauty is one of the most earring and controversial themes in

western philosophy and with the nature of art one of the two fundamental

issues in philosophical aesthetics. Beauty has steadily been counted

among the ultimate values with goodness truth and justice.

Thus, beauty is a quality present in a thing or person that gives intense

pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind whether arising from sensory

manifestations, a meaningful design or pattern or something else.

______THE END______


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