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Week 6 Organizational Types


At the end of the module, you are expected to:

1. understand how and why organizational techniques help writers and readers stay focused;
2. assess how and when to use a chronological order to organize an essay; and
3. recognize how and when to use order of importance to organize an essay.


Guess the meanings of the underlined words using context clues found in the passages from
the reading.

1. Inevitable circumstances have made me realize that sometimes, the path I have laid out for
myself is not the one meant for me.
MEANING: _____________________________________________________________

2. My mom couldn't take her medicines because of allergic reactions so her condition
MEANING: _____________________________________________________________

3. Think about your most painful experience – maybe you also lost a parent, or your parents
separated, or your boyfriend/girlfriend cheated on you, or you are suffering from depression
and self-doubt, or maybe your long-time crush in college turned out to be gay. At one point,
agony wounded and left us with scars.
MEANING: _____________________________________________________________

4. Time has healed my wounds and I used my scars to help other people heal by letting them
know that they are not alone. I moved on from my hatred and tread the path of “greatness” by
becoming a better person.
MEANING: _____________________________________________________________
5. We should not unnecessarily compare ourselves with other people because our mazes have
been designed to make us the better version of ourselves.
MEANING: _____________________________________________________________

6. We will bloom at our own time, at our own pace. We will become great and we can start it
today by believing that we can be.
MEANING: _____________________________________________________________

7. Be brave, be great, and be good. We do not know what we will encounter with each new turn,
but we should not be afraid to take the next step, because we are not alone. Our journey in
college has been fortified by the constant encouragement and support from the people
surrounding us.
MEANING: _____________________________________________________________

8. The future is uncertain but when we are on the brink of giving up, we should always
remember that those who fall down the hardest are also the ones who bounce back the
MEANING: _____________________________________________________________

Read “Be brave, be good, and be great: A valedictory address” by Syrine Podadera
available on this link:

COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS (Formative Assessment 5-Part

1 (20 percent)
Note: This is to be submitted with part 2 in one document
only. Write each of your answer after every question.

1. Who is the author of the address and on what occasion was it delivered?
2. According to the author, what three things made life bearable?
3. What did the author mean by “success…is like an iceberg?”
4. Why does the author compare life to a maze?
5. Do you agree with this statement by the author: “the scars we got from our bittersweet
experiences have the power to heal ourselves and other people?” Why or why not?
6. Relate an experience (yours or others’) that demonstrates the message of this statement:
“those who fall down the hardest are also the ones who bounce back the highest.


Paragraphs are organized by arranging the sentences in a particular sequence. The three most common
ways to organize details in paragraphs are: chronological order, spatial order, and climactic order.

Sentences in paragraphs may be arranged in chronological order. The details of an event may be put in
the same order that they happened. Chronological order or time order is very useful in telling stories, explaining
how something happens, or describing how to do or make something. Transitional devices can show how the
details are sequenced in a paragraph. Below is a list of the most common transitional devices used for
chronological order.

Chronological Order Transitional Device

now then before after soon

next one day meanwhile first second

suddenly last finally in a few days the next day

Look at these two related paragraphs from the valedictory address. They are examples of paragraphs
using a chronological order. The transitional devices are highlighted for you.

I have always known what I wanted in life. But inevitable

circumstances have made me realize that sometimes, the path I have laid out
for myself is not the one meant for me. I was 14 when my mother was
diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, a progressive disorder of the nervous
system. My mom couldn't take her medicines because of allergic reactions so
her condition aggravated.
When I was in high school, I assisted her in every bath, I spoon fed her
and I also learned how to insert a catheter. At 16, I was already brushing my
mom’s teeth. A week after my 18th birthday, she passed away. On that day, I
didn't just lose my mother, I also lost my purpose. But life is quite ironic
because during the darkest times of our lives we have the biggest chance of
seeing the light. I realized that we would never be strong if we're always happy
and successful. Sometimes, our most painful experience will turn out to be our
life's biggest lesson.

Some paragraphs can be organized by spatial order. Spatial order or space order descriptions follow a
pattern of direction in going from one place to another. This pattern may be from left to right or up to down. It
may be near too far, east to west, or turning around in a circle. Descriptions of places, settings, buildings, and
groups of people usually follow a spatial order. The most common transitional devices used for spatial order are
as follows:

Spatial Order Transitional Devices

near far in front behind beneath
above below under over next to
alongside left right inside outside

Here is an example of a paragraph from the reading, using a spatial order. The transitional devices are
highlighted for you.

But success is not always what it seems. It is like an iceberg. What we
see on the outside is just the summit. Oftentimes, we are blinded by awards
and recognitions and we fail to see its biggest and most important part. But if
we look closely, underneath the fame and glory are the hardships, struggles,
and failures, and we will realize the climb to the summit of success is never

Paragraphs may also be arranged by climactic order or order of importance. The details or events are
organized from the least important and to the most important. The importance of such details escalates as the
paragraph progresses. Climactic order is often used to provide reasons that support an idea and to describe a
sequence of events. The most commonly used transitional devices for climactic order are shown below.

Climactic Order Transitional Devices

first to start in the first place
least important unimportant most important
next major greatest
most ______er ______est

Here is an example of a paragraph from the article, using a climactic order. The sentences are organized
in chronological order, but the details are also arranged from the least important to the most important. The
transitional devices are highlighted for you.

When I was in high school, I assisted her in every bath, I spoon fed her
and I also learned how to insert a catheter. At 16, I was already brushing my
mom’s teeth. A week after my 18th birthday, she passed away. On that day, I
didn't just lose my mother, I also lost my purpose. But life is quite ironic
because during the darkest times of our lives we have the biggest chance of
seeing the light. I realized that we would never be strong if we're always happy
and successful. Sometimes, our most painful experience will turn out to be our
life's biggest lesson.

SKILL PRACTICE 1 (This is not a formative assessment, you

do not need to submit this.)

Read the following paragraphs carefully. Identify the order used in each paragraph. Then
underline the transitional devices that help in the organization.

1. The adoption of Christianity as the state religion of the Roman Empire drove an
expansion of the provision of care. The First Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. urged the
Church to provide for the poor, sick, widows, and strangers; it ordered the
construction of a hospital in every cathedral town. Among the earliest were those
built by the physician Saint Sampson in Constantinople and by Basil, bishop of
Caesarea. The latter was attached to a monastery and provided lodgings for poor
and travelers, as well as treatment for the sick and infirm. There was a separate
section for lepers. – Wikipedia

Order: ___________________________________

2. Smallpox (also known by the Latin names Variola or Variola vera) is a contagious
disease unique to humans. Smallpox is caused by either of two virus variants named
Variola major and Variola minor. The deadlier form, V. major, has a mortality rate of
30–35%, while V. minor causes a milder form of disease called alastrim and kills 1%
of its victims. Long-term side-effects for survivors include the characteristic skin
scars. Occasional side effects include blindness due to corneal ulcerations and
infertility in male survivors. Smallpox killed an estimated 60 million Europeans,
including five reigning European monarchs, in the 18th century alone. Up to 30% of
those infected, including 80% of the children under 5 years of age, died from the
disease, and one third of the survivors became blind. To this day, smallpox is the
only human infectious disease to have been completely eradicated from nature. –
Stew Write

Order: ___________________________________

3. The hospital is near my house; I usually take the bus for 10 minutes to go the
hospital every morning. This is the main reason why I chose to work here at first. The
traffic is very terrible in Taipei, so I don’t want to waste too much time on the road!
For all residents, this hospital is located in the center of the city. People can easily
take the rapid transit system to our hospital. They don’t worry about traffic delaying
their time. The second reason why I chose this hospital is the same as the reason
other people like our hospital. It doesn’t look like a hospital; maybe you can say it is
like a hotel. The chief of our hospital wants patients staying here to feel like they are
living in their homes. Outdoors they designed a beautiful garden and exercise park;
everyone can go to there to relax themselves. – Joleen Chin

Order: ___________________________________

4. Before the 1960s, funeral home personnel were a major source of care given the
sick and injured with the first ambulances doubling as hearses. Only a small number
of ambulance services existed; and of these, only a few employed properly trained
attendants. With the resurgence of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation in the 1950s and
discovery of closed-chest cardiac massage in the 1960s, cardiopulmonary

resuscitation (CPR) became available to professionals and lay persons.
Consequently, public interest grew in the ambulance industry, and more people
looked toward a career in the EMS profession. – Encyclopedia of Death and Dying

Order: ___________________________________

5. Constant exposure to fumes which contain carbon monoxide can cause nasal allergy,
sore eyes, weakness of the heart, bronchial disease and premature aging of the skin.
They also aggravate respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and
emphysema. Furthermore, the inhalation of toxic air pollutants, especially carbon
monoxides in high concentrations, paralyzes the nervous system and prolonged
exposure can cause death.

Order: ___________________________________

SKILL PRACTICE 2 (This is not a formative assessment, you

do not need to submit this)

Choose two topics from the list below, then write a short paragraph (8-10 sentences) using
the most appropriate organizational type.

1. a character from a book, movie, or television program

2. a particular room in your house or school
3. your first time away from home
4. your first day at the university
5. your bucket list
6. your most prized possessions

FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 5- Part 2 (80 percent)

Deadline for submission: March 1, 2022 until 5 P.M.
Note: This is to be submitted with part 1 in one document

Write a four paragraph personal essay using the most appropriate organizational type. Incorporate
appropriate transitional words in your writing. You can choose one from the list of topics below or you
can think of your own.

1. A book that changed your life

2. If your pet could talk
3. An accident that changed everything

Formative Assessment 5 Rubric:

Category Exemplary Accomplished Developing Poor Score

Organizational Effectively utilized Utilized an Limited use and Unable to identify

Types the organizational organizational type understanding of and apply patterns
type that supports that supports the the organizational of organization
30% the writing with writing with specific types
specific details for details for
elaboration elaboration

6-5 3-4 2 0-1 6

Content Uses specific and Uses some specific Has a few details - lacks details or
relevant details and detail to support repeats details, or examples or
25% examples that make their writing or lists them without presents irrelevant
sense and support topic. really showing information.
their topic. understanding.
Writes 3-4 Writes a paragraph
Writes 3-4 paragraphs Writes 2 paragraphs

5 3-4 2 1 5
Transitional student student student does not student does not
devices appropriately and appropriately appropriately use transition
effectively incorporates incorporate words/uses them
25% incorporates transition words transition incorrectly
transition words throughout most of words throughout
throughout the the paper entire
paper paper/does not
enough transition

5 3-4 2 1 5
Mechanics, Virtually free from Occasional minor Some significant Errors distract the
Grammar, and mechanical, errors do not errors are present, reader, to the
Proofing: grammatical, distract the reader; but the overall extent the meaning
punctuation, and the majority of meaning is clear; is unclear; the
20% spelling errors; All assignment about half of the assignment
of the assignment requirements were assignment requirements were
requirements were met requirements were not met
met met

4 3 2 1 4
Rubric is adapted from: Rcampus. (n.d).

Rubric for Patterns of Organization

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